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Local AD&D Rule Changes and Additions

Topic Description
Movement and Combat Describes how far a figure can move and actions allowed
Strength Rolls for Healing Describes the rule for rolling overnight, restful sleep recovery rolls and results
Alternate Experience Point System General XP awards for standard actions, rolls and saving throws
Healing Prayers Die roll result rules for rolling a healing parayer
Multiple Damage and Critical Hits Rules defining Critical Hits, their location and how an attack can generate double or triple damage
Pole Weapons and Charge Attacks Rules specifying mechanics supporting the use of Pole Weapons and charge attacks
Defending Rules defining the effects of a figure forfeiting and attack and acting only defensively
Hand to Hand Combat Rules Rules specifying entering Hand to Hand combat, Pummeling damage and Pinning rules
Super Stats for All Classes Expanded rules defining stats for all classes where the figures primary stat has a value of 18, similar to the Fighter class 'Super Strength'
Non-Combat Talents Generic non-combat proficiencies and 'free' skills based on PC Class
Poisons Base rules for poison, classification, damage, effect, saving throws and cost
Martial Arts Adapted from Oriental Adventures, includes local customizations
Complete Equipment List Updated 8/2022 - Contains stats for all equipment including description of all new authorized equipment not in traditional 1st Ed books
Skills and Feats Updated 12/2023 - Complete list of Talents available for use and their descriptions
Links below are for WORD format documents
Player info Updated 8/2022 - Complete tables for Armour, Weapons, Equipment, Packs, Multi Class character Gen die rolls and other rules included on this page
New Equipment Updated 8/2022 - Contains description of all new authorized equipment not in traditional 1st Ed books
Skills and Feats Updated 12/2023 - Complete list of Talents available for use and their descriptions
Martial Arts Updated 8/2022 - Adapted from Oriental Adventures, includes local customizations
Customized PC Sheet Updated 10/2016 - A new customized PC sheet tweaked to include local rule features

This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net