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Character Non-Combat Talents

If you're like me, the secondary skill table just isn't full enough to suit my game. More secondary skills (TALENTS) adds another dimension to characters and the game as a whole. I offer the option to my players to select talents in lieu of more weapon proficiency. Some skills are more demanding than others, and some build on others. I grant each character a starting number of "talent points" based on their intelligence and after that, they can use gained weapon proficiencies for talents insted of weapons. Who ever said that a character couldn't be spending their time learning to read instead of how to swing a mace.

There is one monkey wrench. Some classes demand the knowledge of certain skills (a Magic-User must know how to read, etc.). The Free Talents table describes what talents are a given for each class. The free talents are given to characters of that class "at no cost".

1 Point Talents

Ancient History Animal Husbandry Architect Armourer
Artist Astronomy*1 Bartender Boating
Bowyer Brawling Brewer Butcher
Caligraphy Carpenter Cooking Dancing
Ettiquette Farmer First Aid Fisher (net)
Fisher (line) Fletcher Forester Furrier
Gambling Gardener Geographer Horsemanship
Landscaping Literacy Long Disatnce Signaling Map Making
Mason Masseur Mathemetician Miner
Navigator Potter Sailor Sculptor
Shipwright Snare Building Swimming Survival
Tailor Tanner Teamster Torturer
Trader Trapper Vitner Weaver
*1 - character must possess Mathemetician to learn this skill

2 Point Talents

Jeweler Mechanician
Quick Draw (on 1 specific weapon type)
Signaling Sound Imitation

Note: Quick Draw is the ability to draw the given weapon type (ie, Mace, Morningstar, etc,) and use it in the same melee round it was drawn.

3 Point Talents



Class Talents
Anti-Paladin Ride
Archer Fletcher, Bowyer
Archer/Ranger Fletcher, Bowyer, Wilderness Lore
Assassin Disguise
Bandit Quick Draw (1 slot)
Barbarian Wilderness Lore
Bard (new) Literacy
Cavalier Ride, Diplomacy
Druid Handle Animal, Wilderness Lore
Duelist 2 Weapon Fighting (if DEX 17+)
Escrima Improved Unarmed Strike
Greater Mage Literacy
Illusionist Literacy
Incantatrix Literacy
Magic-User Literacy
Mariner Swim
Monk Improved Unarmed Strike
Oracle Literacy
Paladin Ride
Ranger Wilderness Lore, Profession (Trapper)
Scribe Literacy
Smith Bowyer, Fletcher, Profession (Armorer)
All others get NO free bonus talents
Any talent inherent to the class is understood to be known (ie. Rangers know Tracking, but would not have the Literacy skill able to cast spells. Study time is still required to attain the skill.)
Studying takes 1 game year regardless of point cost
Points are available from 2 sources. 1 point per 5 intelligence points of the character (fractions are dropped), or a character may use weapon proficiencies on a 1 for 1 point basis.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net