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Movement and Combat Restrictions

Wagon and Mounted figure rules added 9/2022

If, like me, you use miniatures to define the physical layout of each fight, you have found that the case rules leave much to be desired in the way a definition. I developed the below table to assist in layoing groud rules as to what could be done "if you moved THAT far". Please note that I allow my players to "throw a battle axe". I needed to make a rule as to what effect it has and how to do it. If they want to disarm themselves willingly, who am I to argue. Also, you may notice the weapon called a "Kapar". This is a weapon I created based on the thrown hand blade used in the Beastmaster movie.

Phase 1:

Movement Characters can move up to their maximum allowed to their race/class with considerations to their encumbereance with the following restrictions:

Length of Move Actions Allowed
Full None
Half Draw Weapon, throw battle axe (required), Attack with a melee weapon, Dodge (decreases AC by 2 - missiles only)
3 Hexes Throw Kapar, Change Weapon
2 hexes Fire Bow, Throw Weapon, Cast Spell, Defend (decreases AC by 2 per attack surrendered - engage attacks only)
Stand Up Can move up to 2 hexex, no other action allowed

Phase 2:


Combat is broken down into the following 3 steps for determining attack order:

  1. Weapon Speed
  2. Dexterity *1
  3. Die Roll


Wagon and Mounted figure movement rules

Increase Speed 6” or less No roll
Stop Moving less that 25% full speed No roll
Moving less than 50% full speed Ride roll
Moving more than 50% full speed Ride roll, -1 per mvt inch above 50%
Any speed but taking 2 rounds No roll
Change Direction One hex facing No roll
Per additional hex facing Ride roll, -3 per facing
Any directional change 1 hex in line following turn
Attack, melee Target not mounted +2 to hit, -2 to AC
Attack, ranged Any target No bonuses Longbows prohibited
Change Movement Instruction Both hands used for combat (Missile attack, 2 handed melee, 1 handed melee and shield) Special. Penalty to Ride roll dependent severity of change action
While riding a non-war horse Additional -10 to Ride
Using Riders Shield All Ride rolls at -2
Mount / Dismount ½ Move, treat same as drawing a weapon
Cast a Spell No Movement Ride roll
Ride by Attack 6 or more Ride roll
Trample Attack 6 or more Ride roll, Mount trained for attack
Increase Speed 3 or less No roll
Up to 6 Driver roll -2 per hex above 3
Stop Moving greater than 50% over 3 rounds Driver roll
Moving greater than 3 Driver roll -1 per hex above 3
Turn 1 hex facing Driver roll
More than 1 hex facing -5 per additional facing
Move Required Greater than 50% speed 4 hexes in line
Greater than 3 3 hexes in line
3 or less 2 hexes in line

Horsemanship / Ride / Driver movement rules




Spell Casting from Horseback

Spell Cast Result
Spell failure Occurs on a roll of 2 or less
Spell reroll Occurs on a roll of 5 or less
Spell success Occurs on a roll of 6 or higher
  • Somatic roll adjustment alters the Spell failure number by the modification listed.
  • Re-Rolls are always made versus the base number (5 or less results in failure)

i.e. Caster attempting the 1st level spell Comprehend Languages (V,S,M) from horseback with the Ride skill. The spell has TWO Components so the caster first makes a Dex roll at -3 (-2 plus an additional -1 for the second component). Next the caster rolls for the spell. The initial roll is at -4 (-3 base plus additional -1 for first level spell). The caster must roll 10 or higher for success. A roll of 6 or less is immediate failure. A roll of 7 – 9 requires a re-roll. The re-roll uses the same mods and would succeed on a 10 or higher and fail on a 9 or less.

The same caster with the Expert Ride skill would still require the Dex roll to get the components and then have an initial spell roll of -1 (only the level mod). Success would occur on 7 or higher. 3 or less is immediate failure. 4-6 would require a re-roll

Standard Spell Casting die roll
1-2 10%
3-5 15%
6-20 75%

Re-Roll Chance of Failure
  • >Re-roll odds are 25% of 15% (die roll of 3 – 5) increasing base roll by 3.75%
  • Failure = 10% + (25% of 15%) = 13.75%
Adjustment Fail Conitions Chance of Failure
-1 15% + re-roll 18.75%
-2 20% + re-roll 23.75%
-3 25% + re-roll 28.75%
-4 30% + re-roll 33.75%
-5 35% + re-roll 38.75%
-6 40% + re-roll 43.75%
-7 45% + re-roll 48.75%
-8 50% + re-roll 53.75%
-9 55% + re-roll 58.75%
-10 60 % + + re-roll 63.75%

Horseback Ride By Attack

Condition To Hit Ride Mod Damage Mod
Target on ground +2
Move 6 to 9 hexes - -3 +d3
Move 10-12 -1 -4 +d4
Move 13-15 -3 -6 +d6
Move 16+ -5 -8 +d8

Trample Attack

Target Not Prone Modidfiers
Horse move Ride Mod To Hit Damage Mod
6+ - - +d6
10+ -2 -3 +d8
16+ -4 -5 +d10
  • Damage as per horse
  • Target save vs. Petrification or knocked to the ground
  • Save negates additional damage
  • If attack fails or save is made the target may attempt an attack, if able (-4 to hit)
Target Prone Modidfiers
6+ - +4 +d4
10+ -1 +3 +d6
16+ -2 +2 +d8
  • Damage as per horse
  • Save vs. Petrification for ½ damage

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net