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Ah, life's little pleasures. How to poison and what to make it cost. There are always evil things, people and cities wherein a player character can find poison. So, if it's available, what does it do and how much should it cost? I have never been a believer in the "Save or Die" poison roll except in extraordinary situations. I have always thought that the world is dangerous enough and that experienced characters would be more likely to shrug off a poisons' effect that starting ones. So, I decided to assign damage values to differing levels of poison and based on that, establish a price range. Killing poison was made particularly expensive.

Now that a system was in place, what about the different possibilities for poison (sleep, paralyzation, gas, water soluable, etc). Each needed a value assigned to it based on what kind of effect on game balance it would have. Hence, those items that tilt power cost more. Those poisons that are innately more effective (a harder saving throw) are also more expensive.

Type Available Damages*1 Base Cost
AA 1-3 1-4 1-5 50
A 1-6 1-8 1-10 100
B 2-12 2-16 3-18 2-20 250
C 3-24 4-24 3-30 5-30 1,000
D 4-32 6-36 4-40 5-40 2,500
E 7-42 6-48 8-48 5-50 7,500
F 9-54 7-56 3-60 6-60 13,000
G 8-64 11-66 7-70 20,000
H 12-72 13-78 8-80 10-80 30,000
I 14-84 11-88 9-90 15-90 40,000
J 12-96 16-96 5-100 10-100 50,000
X 10 pts/round until Death 75,000
XX Instant Death 100,000
S Sleep 100 *2

Available Form

Save Modifier:
All Poisons start as Save vs Poison at +2
Per -1 to save roll +10% to cost (ie. straight save roll = +20%)
Per +1 to save roll -10% to cost (max +5 = -30%)


  1. Base cost listed is for last damage listed for poison type. Each column backwards is available at a 5% (cumulative) discount from the base price (max discount - 15%).
  2. Sleep poison is created with an intended victim level. The base price is calculated as 100 tGP times the intended victim level (ie. 5th level = 500 GP). Any victim above the intended level gains a +1 to the save per level of difference.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net