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Hand to Hand Combat

How I hate the tables in the DMG that relate to Hand to Hand combat. I decided there had to be a simpler way to enter hand to hand, pummel and pin. These are the tables I devised to simplify the process. Where shown, the first numbers are percentages and those in parenthesis are d20 rolls (for whatever mood I happen to be in that game session).

Entering H-T-H

01-10 (1-2) Fails to enter HTH, Victim may take 1 free attack
11-25 (3-5) Fails to enter HTH, Attacker loses round
26-55 (6-11) In HTH, Victim may draw a new weapon, no attacks this round
56-90 (12-18) In HTH, Victim may not draw a new weapon, no attacks this round
91-00 (19-20) In HTH, Victim may not draw a new weapon, Attacker gets full attack round
+10% (2) Entering from behind
+5% (1) per Dexterity point in favor of Attacker
-5% (1) per Dexterity point in favor of Defender
+10% (2) Character has Brawling Talent
+20% (4) if victim can not leave hex (ie. against a wall)
Victim may ignore if more that 2X size of attacker


I view pummeling as a "non-lethal" form of beating someone up. Therefore, all damage caused is treated as "fatigue" or non-permanent. The damage will restore itself given a short period of time, but is sufficient to incapacitate a figure in large enough amounts. The damage is applied against the targets Constitution and not their Hit Points.

01-10 (1-2) 1 point (attacker takes damage)
11-25 (3-5) NO Damage
26-50 (6-10) 1 point (victim takes damage)
51-65 (11-13) 2 points
66-75 (14-15) 3 points
76-80 (16) 4 points
81-85 (17) 5 points
86-90 (18) 6 points
91-95 (19) 1/2 unadjusted Constitution or 7 (whichever is higher)
95+ (20+) Knockout, Victim at 0 Constitution
5 XP per Con point damage sustained
1 XP per Con point damage inflicted
1/2 normal Kill HD XP
+5% (1) per Strength point in favor of attacker
+25% (5) Attacker is a MONK
+5% (1) Victim is held
+10% (2) Victim has 1 arm pinned
+25% (5) Victim is pinned
+10% (2) Character has Brawling Talent
+20% (4) Attacking with a blunt weapon


01-50 (1-10) Not Held
51-75 (11-15) Held, Victim has both arms free
76-90 (16-18) Held, Victim has 1 arm free (50/50 chance per arm)
91-00 (19-20) Victim is pinned
101+ (21+) No Contest, Pinned
+10% (2) per Strength point in favor of Attacker
-10% (2) per Strength point in favor of Defender
+10% (2) Character has Brawling Talent
+10% (2) per additional attacker
+25% (5) if 1 arm already pinned

Breaking a Pin

Break Pin : Strength roll - % roll (d20), larger difference winning (tie goes to holder)
-10% (2) if 1 arm pinned
-25% (5) if both arms pinned
-10% (2) per additional attacker

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net