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Skills And Feats

The release of the 3rd Edition of AD&D brought the implementation of Skills and Feats.  These are extra abilities that a character can possess.  Further ways of hand crafting a player character to fit what the player truly had in mind for the character.  It makes it more possible to shape a character to the real flavor rather than the locked caste character class definition. 

The list below breaks down those skills and feats applicable to a 1st edition AD&D game and their application under that system.  The attribute used for a skill is listed in parens next to the title.  If the skill or feat has any prerequisites, they are listed in italics under the title of the skill or feat.

Some abilities here mirror those defined to a specific character class.  Those items have been denoted with the class  and the specific attribute.

The original source for these items is the 3rd edition AD&D Players Handbook and Dungeon Masters Guide.  Others were drawn from other publications and have been denoted as follows :

S&F – Sword & Fist
S&S – Song & Silence
DoF – Defenders of the Faith
MoW – Masters of the Wild
T&B – Tome & Blood


Requirements are shown in italics below each item

Acrobatic (S&S) (Dex)

Excellent body awareness and coordination.  Jump and Tumble rolls are improved. Thieves taking this skill add 2 levels of proficiency per slot.
Equivalent : Thief/Acrobat – Jump, Tumble, Evade

Agile (Dex)

+2 on DEX and Escape Artist rolls

Agile Athlete (Dex)

Gain a further +2 to Climb checks and +10% to Jump distance

Alchemy (Int)

Ability to know and understand how ingredients mix together and what they combine to make and their effects.  You may make alchemical items, identify them and create antidotes.  Poisons are made by alchemists.  This affords the character the equal of 4th level as regards the Alchemist NPC.  Each additional slot used to buy this skill adds 1 level of proficiency. Magic-Users 11th level or better acquire this skill at a higher level than 4th and do not need this.

Alert (Int)

Bonus on all Listen and Spot rolls of +2.

Alluring (S&S) (Cha/Com as applicable)

Others have an inexplicable urge to believe every word.  Diplomacy is improved and any mind effecting spoken skills are improved or are more difficult to save against.

Animal Control (MoW) (Wis)
Animal Defiance
Speak With Animals
Animal Friendship

The ability to command or rebuke animals the way a cleric handles the Undead.  The power is limited by 2 x Level in HD.

Animal Defiance (MoW) (Wis)

Ability to drive off animals as a cleric can Undead.  The limit in HD is 3x Level in HD.

Animal Empathy (Cha)

Used to ‘communicate’ with animals on a simple level to stop a guard dog from barking, calm an animal from attacking while you retreat, etc.  This will also work on magical beasts but it is harder.

Appraise (Int)

Ability to asses the value of an object.  To know the ‘good stuff’ from the junk.  Other skills pertaining to the object assessed will increase accuracy of the appraisal.  The bonus is +4.

Athletic (S&S) (Dex/Str as applicable)

Physically adept at sport like activities.  Swim and climb rolls are improved.  Bonus is +20% to all applicable rolls.  This feat can only be taken 3 times.

Balance (Dex)

Ability to maintain balance on difficult surfaces (tightrope, thin ledge, slippery surface).  The bonus is +2.

Battle Hardened (save)
4th Level fighter or equivalent

+2 save vs. Fear and +1 to Initiative

Blind Fight (to hit, no roll req)

Ability to sense your opponents even when unable to see them.  Blind modifier is halved (-4 to hit) and figure is able to apply their dexterity bonuses for defensive adjustment.

Blindsight 5’ radius (S&F)

(to hit, no roll req)

Blind Fight

This feat eliminates the penalties associated with combat when blind if the target is within 5’.

Bluff (Cha)

Ability to lie and make people believe you.  Able to make the impossible or implausible seem possible.  The bonus is +4.  This is an opposed roll.

Bowyer (Int)

Ability to craft Bows of all types

Brutal Throw (no roll req)

Use STR rather than DEX for thrown weapon attacks for To Hit modifier. Removed STR modifier for damage.

Brachiation (MoW) (Dex)

Ability to swing through trees like a monkey.  Both hands must be free and encumberance can be no more than ‘Fairly’.

Brew Potion (skill improvement)
Or Magic-User level 11+

Knowledge of and the ability to create potions.  Further develops the Alchemist skill improving all potion related scores by 2 levels per slot.

Charlatan (S&S) (Int/Cha as applicable)

The character is adept at fooling people. Disguise and Bluff rolls are improved.  Bonus is +4.

Chink in the Armor (S&S) (to hit, no roll req)

By spending one round studying an opponent the character can gain a +4 to hit the target.  This applies only to actual Armor on the target (including natural), not shields or magical defenses.  This bonus lasts for the duration of the current combat.

Circle Kick (S&F) (to hit, no roll req)
Improved Unarmed Strike

May kick up to 3 targets with one kick at no penalty to hit.  All targets must be in range. Speed 2/3/4, Damage 2-5 + STR.

Cleave (to hit, no roll req)

Sweep capability for non-fighters.  Requires the use of an edged weapon.

Clever Wrestling (MoW)> (HTH, no roll req)
Improved Unarmed Strike

You have a much better chance of escaping a grapple or pin.  This will improve the chance of entering hand to hand and the attackers chance of getting 1 free round of attacks or allow him to leave a hand-to-hand combat without penalty.  The bonuses are negated if the other figure also has this ability.

Climb (Dex)

Adept at climbing using scaling equipment or by bare hand climbing.  The bonus is +4.  Equivalent : Thief - Climb Walls

Close Quarters Fighting (S&F) (HTH, no roll req)
Combat Reflexes

Ability to resist attempts to grapple or enter hand to hand.  Add +5 to save.

Cold Endurance (Con)

+2 to all cold saves, ability to exist comfortably in cold environs.

Combat Reflexes (to hit, no roll req)

Additional +2 to hit opponents disengaging.  Side hexes are also treated as front hexes for disengaging opportunities.

Cooperative Spell (T&B)

Spell casters can cast spells in conjunction.  Effect base is the highest level wizard and are improved by ½ level of lower casters.  If the spell has a saving throw, it is modified by –2 per additional caster

Dallah Thaun’s Luck (save)
CHA 13

Gain up to a +5 on one [1] saving throw once [x1]/day.  PC would be subject to a -2 to saves for the rest of that day

Dash (no roll req)

Add +2 to movement if wearing light or no armor

Deceitful (Wis)

+2 to Disguise, Forgery rolls

Decipher Script (Int)

Ability to decipher ancient runes to understand their meanings but not necessarily the exact words.  Read maps and understand the symbols, etc.  This functions as the equivalent of 4th level Thief skill Read Languages.  Additional slots used to buy this skill adds 1 level of proficiency.  Thieves taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.

Deflect Arrows (Dex)
Improved Unarmed Strike

You can deflect projectiles that would otherwise hit you.  Roll vs. Dexterity, -2 per each additional projectile.  Must have a free hand.

Deft Hands (Dex)

+2 to Sleight of Hand, Rope use.

Deft Opportunist (Dex)
Combat Reflexes

Gains an additional +2 bonus on Disengaging attacks (max cumulative bonus is +6)

Delay Spell (T&B) (Int)

The spell caster can cause the effects of a spell to delay from 1 to 5 rounds, or any part therein (segments).

Diligent (Int)

+2 to Appraise, any research based actions

Diplomacy (Politics) (Cha)

Knowledge of the formal rules of the ruling society.  Able to use the system and government to achieve one’s ends.  Able to interact in those ruling circles with confidence and knowledge of the ways.  Ability to talk to enemies and cohorts so as to be able to improve your situation.

Dirty Fighting (Brawling) (S&F) (HTH, no roll req)

Knowledge of hand to hand street or barroom fighting styles.  Gives +2 bonuses in hand to hand combat or when punching.

Disable Device (Int)

Ability to remove traps or arrange for a mechanical device to break.  As the thief skill Find/Remove Traps.  Each slot adds 1 level of proficiency.
Equivalent : Thief – Find Remove Traps

Disguise (Cha)

The ability to know how to change your appearance to mask others ability to recognize you.  Bonus is +5.  This is an opposed roll.

Dodge (no roll req)

You can designate one opponent in each round and receive an additional bonus of +1 AC against that enemy.

Double Specialization (no roll req)

Same as the ability as defined in Unearthed Arcana.  Available to characters of only fighter types and their sub classes who have achieved a minimum of 7th level in their fighter class. Weapons excluded from this talent : All Pole Arms, All 2 Handed Swords

Dual Strike (S&F) (to hit, no roll req)
Combat Reflexes

When attacking the same foe with another figure that has this feat, both attackers gain +4 to hit.

Eagle Claw (S&F) (Dex/Str)
Improved Unarmed Strike

You can use an unarmed hand attack to break an opponents weapon.  Save at –3.

Empower Turning (DoF) (Wis)

This increases the number of creatures turned.  The base die roll is for the affected creature is doubled (1d4 becomes 2d4).

Endurance (save)

Saving throw adjustment of +4 on tasks of physical exertion or exhaustion.

Escape Artist (Dex)

Ability to slip out of bonds, manacles, through tight spaces, etc.  Bonus is +4.

Expeditious Dodge (Dex)
DEX 13

Gain a further +1 to Dodge Bonus when the character moves at least half their movement allowance in a round

Expert Rider (Dex)

A higher level of riding ability, allows character to use Dexterity bonuses for attack and defense.

Rider may use any mounted attack form listed under the Ride skill from mount. Requires a RIDE check (no modifier).

Expert Swimmer (no roll req)

 +2" to the characters swim speed and increases the length of time the character can hold their breath by 2 rounds.

Expertise (no roll req)

You may use up to 5 points of your natural to hit bonus and add it to your AC during a combat round.  The to hit bonus used in this fashion is essentially traded from a plus to hit to your AC.  Natural is deemed to be bonuses that would be available to a character when empty handed.  Thus a +2 sword offers no bonus for this skill, but a Girdle of Giant Strength would.  Dexterity adjustments can be applied against missile weapon attacks if the character is performing a missile weapon attack.

Extra Slot (T&B) (no roll req)

Spell caster gains one extra spell at a specified level to cast.  It can not be of the highest spell level the wizard can cast and once selected, it is set at that level forever. A Greater Mage will permanently gain a number of spell level slot points equal to the spell level selected. This selection can not be changed once chosen but this talent can be taken multiple times.

Extra Turning (DoF) (Wis)

This increases the effective turning level of the character by 1 level on the turning table.  When the maximum turning limit is reached, this will increase the number of creatures turned by 1 extra die.

Eyes in the Back of Head (S&F) (Dex)
Combat Reflexes

Your standard side hexes are treated as front hexes and your rear hex is treated as a side for to hit bonuses during combat.  A character with this feat is entitled to a disengage attack against figures disengaging from a traditional side hex but are not able to perform a sweep attack through the traditional side hexes.

Feign Weakness (S&F) (Dex/Int)
Improved Unarmed Strike

Same as Monk skill.
Equivalent : Monk – Feign Weakness

Fist of Iron (S&F) (no roll req)
Improved Unarmed Strike

Extra damage from an unarmed attack.  Add 1d4 to damage rolled.

Fletcher (Int)

Ability to craft arrows of all types including bolts.

Fly By Attack (MoW) (Dex)
Ability to fly by any means

The figure can move in flight and attack as they pass.  Attacks are at +4 to hit and damage is increase by 25%.  The character is vulnerable to attack, but at –4 to hit.

Forgery (Int)

Ability to create fake documents.  Bonus is +5.  This is an opposed roll.

Gambling (Cha)

Knowledge of money games, how to play, bet and win money at them.  Bonus is +4.

Gather Info (Cha)

Ability to make contacts, ask questions and acquire information regarding any general topics and probe for more detailed information without arousing suspicion.

Gnome Foe Killer (no roll req)

Additional +1 Weapon Damage vs. Kobolds & Goblins

Great Fortitude (save)

+2 on all Magic, Petrification, Polymorph, Poison and Death Magic and Constitution based saving throws.

Handle Animal (Cha)

Knowledge of how to care for animals, proper treatment of them and the ability to train them to perform tasks.

Heal (Wis)

Knowledge of basic first aid that will enable the character to arrest further deterioration of a wounded figure, heal faster or treat diseases.  The character may also heal 1 point of damage.

Heat Endurance (save)

+2 to fire saves, ability to exist comfortably in hot environs.

Hear the Unseen (Int)
Listen Skill, Blind-Fighting

Pinpoint targets location using sound rather than sight.  Eliminates all penalties for blind fighting.

Hide (Dex)

Ability to blend in to any background to make detection more difficult.  As the thief skill Hide in Shadows.  Thieves taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.

Equivalent : Thief – Hide in Shadows

Hold the Line (S&F) (no roll req)
Combat Reflexes

You are able to defend yourself properly against a charge so that the charging attacker will attack at their standard weapon speed and damage multiplier rolls are standard.

Improved Cold Endurance (save)
Cold Endurance

Additional +3 (cumulative +5)

Improved Critical (no roll req)
8th Level, Specialization or
Weapon Accuracy or Weapon Technique

Improved roll applies ONLY to attacks with the weapon(s) to which the character has applied the prerequisite weapon skills.  This Feat is NOT applicable to missile weapons.

Rolls needed to achieve double damage with a specific weapon are reduced as follows :

Standard weapons
Unadjusted Minimum Roll16
2X damage22-26
3X damage27+
+20% on Critical hit location rolls

Pole weapons
Unadjusted Minimum Roll12
2X damage17-21
3X damage22+
+20% on Critical hit location rolls

Improved Heat Endurance (save)
Heat Endurance

Additional +3 (cumulative +5)

Improved Initiative (save)

+2 to initiative rolls.

Improved Sunder (S&F) (Dex/Str)

Increased ability to break opponents weapon with an attack.  Save at –6.

Improved Swim (MoW) (no roll req)

Ability to swim at ½ your land speed.  Characters with this ability can also swim normally in armor that is no more bulky than ‘Fairly’ and can stay afloat in ‘Bulky’ armor for a time in minutes equal to their strength score.

Improved Unarmed Strike (no roll req)

Your hands are considered a weapon for all combat situations.  You may disengage (at speed 1) and take attacks against a disengaging foe when unarmed.

Innuendo (Wis)

Ability to know how to give and receive messages while other conversations or events are occurring around you or during your conversation.

Insightful Reflexes (save)

Add INT modifier rather than DEX modifier to DEX/Reflex saves

Intimidate (Cha)

Ability to use your presence to force others to give in to your desires.

Intuit Direction (Wis)

Innate sense of direction.

Investigator (Int)

+2 on Search, Gather Info, etc.

Iron Will (Wis)

+2 on Wisdom saves

Jump (Str)

Increased distance and height for a jump.  Bonus to ability is a 20% greater ability.  This skill can be taken no more than 3 times.

Knockdown (S&F) (no roll req)

Whenever you inflict 10 or more points of damage, the target must roll a knockdown save vs. 50% hit number.

Knowledge (Int)

Ancient History, Astronomy, Boating, Geography, Mathematician, Navigation, Jeweler, Mechanician

Lightfeet (Dex)
Move Silently

Move quietly leaving behind few traces.  If you walk, you leave little to no trace of passing.  If movement is decreased, the character leaves less of a chance to leave discernable tracks to be tracked by another. 

Lightning Reflexes (save)

+2 on all Breath Weapon, Rod, Staff, Wand, area effect spells and dexterity based saving throws.

Listen (Wis)

Ability to hear better and more clearly.  Bonus is +2.

Literacy (Int)

Ability to read and write any language the character knows how to speak.

Long Distance Signaling (Wis)

Same as the Barbarian Skill
Equivalent : Barbarian – Long Distance Signaling

Mantis Leap (S&F) (Dex)

Flying Kick, damage is multiplied by 1.5.
Occurs at the end of Movement Phase, Target can cause a disengage attack if moving out of the attacked hex.
Damage 3-6 + STR.

Menacing Demeanor (Str/Cha)
 Orc/Half-Orc Blood

+4 on Intimidate checks

Mobility (Dex)

Attacking opponents do not get the standard +4 to hit when you disengage.

Moradin’s Smile (save)

+1 on all CHA checks, +2 vs. other Dwarves

Mountain Warrior (no roll req)
Dwarf or Gnome, Survival, Fighter 3rd or equivalent

Gain a +2 bonus on melee damage and ranged attacks with higher ground, negate opponents bonuses (of +2 or +4 for higher ground), and gain a +2 on Balance checks while on slopes.

Mountaineer (save)

+2 on all climb/survival.

Mounted Attack Specialist (Dex)
Expert Rider

All mounted attack forms require a Ride roll at +4
All engage mounted attacks gain +2 to hit.
Does not affect spell casting conditions.

Move Silently (Dex)

Same as the Thief skill.  Thieves taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.
Equivalent : Thief – Move Silently

Negotiator (Com)

+2 to Diplomacy and any bargaining.

Nimble Fingers (Dex)

+10% to Open Locks, Remove Traps.

Obscure Lore (S&S) (no roll req)


The Bard is more knowledgeable about the obscure and gains a bonus to rolls regarding such information.

Open Lock (Dex)

Same as the Thief skill.  Thieves taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.
Equivalent : Thief – Open Locks

Perform (Cha)

Some form of artistic performance skill (sing, act, dance, comedy, play an instrument, etc).

Persuasive (S&S) (Str/Cha/Com as applicable)

A very believable person that can talk people in to almost anything.  Bluff and Intimidate abilities are improved by this feat.  Bonus is +4.

Phalanx Fighting (no roll req)
Proficiency with shield
Proficiency with 1- handed weapons

Adds +1 to AC when using a heavy shield and a one-handed weapon.  When another character has this feat, the two can form a shield wall providing an extra +2 to both of their AC’s (+3 total bonus to AC) and gain a +1 bonus to reactionary saves (DEX/Reflex).  The pair must stay within 5’ of each other for the bonuses to work.  The MAX Bonus is a +3 no matter how many more than the two [2] people there are fighting

Pick Pocket (Dex)

Same as the Thief skill.  Thieves taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.
Equivalent : Thief – Pick Pockets

Piercing Sight (Wis)

+4 to Saves to disbelieve Illusions

Pin Shield (S&F) (to hit)

Ability to pin an opponents shield out of the way so as to render its AC bonus useless.  When using this feat, the character must roll a ‘to hit’ roll against the targets Dexterity minus the size of the shield (Small –2, Medium –4, Large –6), all normal to hit bonuses apply.  If unsuccessful, the characters’ standard attack suffers a –1 to hit penalty.  A successful pin removes the targets shield for the number of rounds by which the pin roll was successful.

Plant Control (MoW) (Wis)
Plant Defiance
Speak with Plants

The ability to command or rebuke plants the way a cleric handles the Undead.  The power is limited by 2 x Level in HD.

Plant Defiance (MoW) (Wis)

Ability to drive off plants as a cleric can Undead.  The limit in HD is 3x Level in HD.

Precise Shot (no roll req)

No penalty for shooting in to a melee.

Power Attack (no roll req)

Move attack ‘To Hit’ bonus to Damage, no ‘To Hit’ bonus for the specified attack.

Power Throw (no roll req)
Brutal Throw
Power attack

Power attack with thrown weapons.  Allows use of STR bonus for both To Hit and Damage modifiers.

Profession (Wis)

other Talents – Armourer, Artist, Bartender, Brewer, Butcher, Calligraphy, Carpenter, Cooking, Driver, Farmer, Fisher (net/line), Furrier, Gardener, Landscaping, Map Making, Mason, Masseur, Miner, Potter, Sailor, Sculptor, Shipwright, Tailor, Tanner, Teamster, Trader, Trapper, Vintner, Weaver

Prone Attack (S&F) (to hit)
Lightning Reflexes

May attack from a prone position.  To hit modifier is based on the size of the weapon.

Pyro (S&S) (Int/Dex)

The ability to start fires quickly and effectively.  Fires started by a Pyro will cause +1 damage per die and they will be harder to extinguish.

Quick Draw (no roll req)

Ability to draw a slung weapon and wield it in the same round.  Must be studied for each weapon it applies to.

Quick Reconnoiter (Int)
Spot or Listen

Reduces any penalties for a speedy check to a max of -1. Gain +1 to Initiative.

Quicker than the Eye (S&S) (Dex)

This is the ability to both move very quickly and employ misdirection to direct scrutiny.

Rapid Reload (S&F) (Dex)

Can load a crossbow at ½ the normal rate.  Can reload a Dokyu and fire in the same round.  May fire 2x per round with a light cross bow.

Rapid Swimmer (no roll req)
Expert Swimmer

Swim speed increased by 3" per round like expert swimmer.

Read Lips (Int)

Ability to watch someone talk and understand what is being said without hearing it.  You must understand the language being spoken.

Remain Conscious (S&F) (no roll req)

You will remain conscious when at 0 through –9 hit points able to perform one simple, non-strenuous action each round.

Resist Disease (MoW) (save)

The character gains a +4 to saving throws vs. disease.

Resist Poison (MoW) (save)

The character gains a +4 to saving throws vs. poison.

Ride (Horsemanship) (Dex)

Knowledge of a riding beast and the ability to ride skillfully.  Usually horses but it can be any ridable animal.

Required to perform an attack from a mount.
Character has the ability to attack from mount. Requires a RIDE check at -4. This includes a melee, missile, ride by and trample attacks.
Trample attacks are only available for horses trained by the rider in such a maneuver.
This does NOT apply to the use of a pole weapon (ie. Lance) when used in a charge

Run (no roll req)

Add +3 to your movement after all encumberance modifiers have been applied.

Sailor's Balance (Dex)

+5 to all DEX and any Acrobatics checks while on a ship.

Sculpt Spell (T&B) (Int)

The spell caster can shape the area of effect of a spell.  This also includes reducing the size if desired.

Sea Legs (Dex)

+2 to DEX checks, +1 Initiative while on a ship.

Search (Int)

More acute sense of looking for things (secret doors, hidden compartments, minute details).  Bonus is +2.

Self Sufficient (Con)

+2 on Survival rolls, +10% on daily healing rolls

Sense Motive (Wis)

Opposite skill of Bluff.  Bonus is +4.

Shadow (MoW) (Dex/Int)

The ability to follow someone or something without being detected.  This improves the characters ability to hide and spot and the targets ability to spot the figure.

Sharp Shooting (no roll req)
3rd level Fighter or Archer
Weapon Focus with the ranged weapon
or Weapons Specialization

Halves the penalty for shooting at a target with cover

Shield Expert (S&F) (no roll req)

Ability to attack with a shield while still using it as a defensive object (no AC penalty).

Signaling (Wis)

Same as the Barbarian skill.
Equivalent : Barbarian - Signaling

Skill Focus (no roll req)

Bonus of +4 on a specific skill.

Smatterings (Int)

Ability to make very basic communication in languages you are not proficient in. (i.e. Food, hungry, water) by using hand gestures and simple grunts

Snare Building (Int)

Same as the Barbarian skill.
Equivalent : Barbarian – Snare Building

Snatch Arrows (S&F) (Dex)
Improved Unarmed Strike
Deflect Arrows

Ability to grab incoming projectiles.  Roll is at –3 per each additional arrow.

Sound Imitation (Wis)

Same as the Barbarian skill.
Equivalent : Barbarian – Sound Imitation

Specialization (no roll req)

Same as the ability as defined in Unearthed Arcana.  Available to characters of only fighter types and their sub classes (Fighter, Ranger, Archer (melee only), Archer-Ranger (melee only), Berserker, Mariner, Sentinel) who have achieved a minimum of 4th level in their fighter class.

Spell Mastery (Int)

Reduces spell study time by 5% per point of INT above 8 to a max reduction of 50% at INT 18.

Spot (Wis)

Ability to more easily see things farther away or see things that are trying to hide.  Bonus is +2

Stealthy (Dex)

+10% on Hide in Shadows, Move Silently. Allows a non thief to attempt these actions as a 2nd level thief.

Sunder (Dex/Str)

Ability to know how to strike an opponent’s weapon to break it.  Save at –3.

Survival (Con)

Knowledge of how to survive in hostile environments.

Swim (Str)

Ability to swim proficiently.

Throw Anything (S&F) (no roll req)

Any item can be thrown so as to inflict damage.  Range is 1-2-3.  Damage is dependent on the object thrown.

Toothed Blow (no roll req)

No underwater penalty for unarmed fighting under water.

Torture (Int)

Knowledge of devices and their application to inflict torture to extract information or for amusement.

Track (as Ranger skill)

Same as the Ranger skill.  Rangers taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.
Equivalent : Ranger - Tracking

Trustworthy (S&S) (Cha/Com as applicable)

A character with this is viewed by others as a confidant, or someone they can talk to.  This improves the characters ability to Gather Information or employ Diplomacy.

Two Weapon Fighting (no roll req)
Dex 17, Fighter (or sub class) ONLY

This skill allows a figure to melee combat with two one handed weapons. The first attack is with the slowest weapon at its normal weapon speed. The second attack is performed at the speed of the first weapon plus the speed of the second. The first attack has no negative 'to hit' modifier, the second attack is at -2 'to hit'. Any modifiers ('to hit' and damage) the character has are applicable to both attacks as appropriate. 2 Weapons fighting does not improve the effects of defending. When taking this skill the figure must designate which two weapons are to be used when fighting using this skill. Multiple attacks per round are handled differently when using this skill as shown in the table below. Traditional additional attack rules are not applicable.

3/2 : Figure is entitled to one attack at end of round with their faster weapon in their 2 attack round.
2/1 : Figure is entitled to one attack at end of round with their faster weapon every round.
5/2 : Figure is entitled to one attack at end of round with their faster weapon in their 2 attack round. 
         Figure is entitled to an attack with both weapons at end of round in their 3 attack round.

Armor Penalties:
Non-Bulky - No Penalty
Farily - -2 to hit for all attacks
Bulky - -4 to hit for all attacks

Dexterity Penalties:
19 - No penalty
18+ - additional -1 to hit to all attacks
18 - additional -2 to hit for all attacks
17 - additional -3 to hit for all attacks

Tumble (Dex)

Same as the Thief-Acrobat skill.  Thieves taking this skill add 1 level of proficiency per slot.
Equivalent : Thief-Acrobat – Tumble / Evade

Urban Stealth (Dex)
Stealth ability

Gains or improves the ability to use Stealth in urban settings only.  Enables the character to perform Move Silently and Hide in Shadows as a 2nd level thief or adds 2 levels to the characters current level of ability. Can stack with Stealth.

Urban Tracking (Int) Gather Info or Trackingbr>

Allows someone already with the ability to track at 2 levels higher targets in an urban environment. 

Use Rope (Dex)

Knowledge of ropes, knots and bindings.  Also ability to make rope.

Weapon Finesse (no roll req)

You may use your dexterity bonus instead of your strength to hit bonus when attacking with a one handed weapon.

Weapon Focus (Accuracy) (no roll req)

This skill provides a +1 to hit with one specific weapon with which the character is proficient.  Skill is available to ALL classes.  A Fighter may not stack this skill on the same weapon with the Weapon Specialization ability.

Weapon Focus Greater (Accuracy)
(no roll req)
Weapon Focus (Accuracy)

This skill provides an additional +1 to hit for a total of +2 with one specific melee weapon with which the character is proficient.  Skill is available to ALL classes.  This Talent builds on the prerequisite and is the maximum benefit available to characters that qualify for this ability. Not available for pole weapons, missile weapons and two handed swords.

Weapon Focus (Technique) (no roll req)

This skill provides a +1 to damage with one specific weapon with which the character is proficient.  Skill is available to ALL classes.  A Fighter may not stack this skill on the same weapon with the Weapon Specialization ability.

Weapon Focus Greater (Technique)
(no roll req)
Weapon Focus (Technique)

This skill provides an additional +1 to damage for a total of +2 with one specific melee weapon with which the character is proficient.  Skill is available to ALL classes.  This Talent builds on the prerequisite and is the maximum benefit available to characters that qualify for this ability. Not available for pole weapons, missile weapons and two handed swords

Wilderness Lore (Forester) (Wis)

Ability to hunt wild game, navigate a forest or other wilderness area safely, recognize signs of wild animals.

Wingover (MoW) (Dex)>br> Ability to fly by any means

This improves the figures maneuverability class by 1 rank and allows one 180 degree turn in a turn without penalty.  Altitude can not be gained in a movement where this ability is employed.

Zen Archery (S&F)

Ability to use your intuition when using a ranged weapon.  Add WISDOM bonus to hit roll instead of Dexterity.

Free Skills / Feats

The following table lists those skills and feats a character is granted when created.  These cost the character no points to purchase as they are ‘intrinsic’ to the class and required for the character to function in that class.






Fletcher, Bowyer


Fletcher, Bowyer, Wilderness Lore


Wilderness Lore

Bard (New)





Ride, Diplomacy


2 Weapon Fighting (if DEX 17+)








Wilderness Lore, Profession (Trapper)




Fletcher, Bowyer, Profession (Armourer)





QuickDraw (1 slot)


Improved Unarmed Strike

Piao Shih










Handle Animal, Wilderness Lore






Improved Unarmed Strike

Monk (New)


Magic Users

Greater Mage











Point Calculation for Skills / Feats / Weapons

Step 1

All Characters get 1 ‘free point’

Step 2

(Wisdom + Intelligence) / 8 (truncate remainder)

Step 3

Weapon Skills (including those gained by level Advancement

Step 4

+1 point for every 5th level (6th, 11th, 16th…)

Add the values for each of these steps to get the characters points


Rules for Multi / Dual Classed Characters

Dual Classed :

Weapon talents are gained based on the highest PC class level. When changing to a second class no Talent Points / Weapon Proficiency Points are gained until the PC exceeds the previous class level

Multi-Classed :

Weapon Proficiency / Talent Points are gained according to the declared Primary class rules. This is the same class declared for the purposes of Super Stats.

Back to the Local Rules Index

This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net