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Fighters have always had a little edge in the rules for super strength. This was meant to give them a little edge over other classes since they have "abilities" and the fighter swings a sword just like he did at 1st level. I thought that since fighters can be "exceptional" in their base stat, why not other classes. The numbers detailed below strike a gradual increase from the base score of 18 to the stats listed for the qualities given for a score of 19. However, I imposed a restriction that a multi-classed figure who qualifies for more than one super stat MUST select which is the primary class. A super score would be available ONLY for the primary class stat.

Fighters - Strength Bonus

(see Players Handbook)
Strength 19 stats

Clerics - Wisdom Bonus

Character gains a resistance equal to the percent score versus the following spells: Fear, Charm, Hold, Command, Friends, Hypnotism, Forget, Scare.

Score 18/01 thru 18/00

Score 19

Magic-Users - Intelligence Bonus

Characters gain a resistance to spells equal to the percent score versus 1st level illusions and phantasms
Characters with a 19 Intelligence are 100% immune to 1st level illusions and phantasms

Score % to Learn Min/Max Add Lang
18/01-50 95% 10/22 +8
18/51-00 96% 11/22 +9
19 96% 11/No Limit +9

Thieves - Dexterity Bonus

Dexterity React AC PP OL F/RT MS HS
18/01-20 +4 -5 +11 +16 +6 +10 +10
18/21-40 +4 -5 +12 +17 +7 +11 +11
18/41-60 +4 -5 +13 +18 +8 +11 +11
18/61-80 +4 -5 +14 +19 +9 +12 +12
18/81-00 +4 -5 +15 +20 +10 +12 +12
19 +4 -5 +15 +20 +10 +12 +12


Score Tightrope Pole Vault Attack Evade Fall
18/01-20 15% 1/4' 3% 5% 5'
18/21-40 16% 1/2' 3% 6% 6'
18/41-60 17% 3/4' 3% 6% 7'
18/61-80 18% 3/4' 4% 7% 8'
18/81-00 19% 1' 4% 8% 9'
19 19% 1' 4% 8% 9'

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net