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Multiple Damage and Critical Hits

Every DM has come up with some variation of this list. Most are usually a little too complex or a tad violent. I believe this list gives the right amount of both with its' simplicity. The first table gives a system to generate a hit that causes double or triple damage (especially good hits to simulate a heroic attack). The second table gives a simple breakdown of critical hits (only used on a natural roll of 20).

Multiple Damage Requires Rolls

Unadjusted Roll Adjusted Roll Multiple
17-18 25-29 2X
19-20*1 30+ 3X
*1 - a natural roll of 20 results in maximum possible damage and a critical hit (see next table)

Critical Hit Rolls

Rolled % Effect
01-69 Nowhere Special Table roll, roll d20, d6 for result
70 - 00 Primary Critical Hit Table

Critical Fumble Table

Weapon Used Die Roll
Melee d8, d6
Ranged d20

Legacy Critical Hit Table

Rolled % Effect
01-65 None
66-75 Right Leg Incapacitated *1
76-85 Left Leg Incapacitated*1
86-91 Weapon Arm Hit, weapon dropped*2
92-97 Sheild Arm Hit, shield dropped*1
98-00 Victim Decapitated, instant death
*1 - victim is -2 to hit until attended to medically
*2 - victim is -4 to hit until attended to medically

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /