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Alternate Experience Point System

I never much cared for the experience point system in the ADamp&D game. It always seemed a bit complicated with a different point value and hit point bonus for each creature. Also, the only one to get any experience was the guy who put the last point of damage on the creature (not very fair to the other 10 guys that put 70 points on a dragon only to see you rewarded for the last 3 or 4 points of damage). This system allows each player to track their own X.P. in a simple, action oriented fashion as well as leaving room for a DM to beef up the bonus for especially difficult kills. I normally use a standard of 20 points per HD and adjust the number based on how tough the opponent is.

Action XP Earned
Damage inflicted on opponent 2 per point inflicted
Damage sustained 10 per point sustained
Opponent Killed DM bonus*
Adjusted to 'party bonus' after encounter
Spell Cast Successfully 100 per spell level plusDM bonus for effectiveness
Attribute Roll SEE TABLE BELOW
Healing Prayer Normal Spell XP plus 2 per point healed


I like to make the characters' statistics meaningful. After all, the player spent time rolling them up and they form the basic definition for the character, why not p[ut them to use. When using them, I give X.P. for successful rolls as listed below. I also give X.P. for a figure who makes a save because of some magic or ability they might have. If they spent the time/points/slots/cash to have it, it should not be held against them in X.P.

Roll Adjustment XP Earned
Even or better 25
-1 or -2 50
-3 100
-4 150
-5 250
per additional -1 add 200

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net