October 15, 2022

CorkyHalrfond, Lillianne
MacCord, Rispin
MikeJade, Erik
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 11 thru 947 / 5 / 16

Rumble on the road and under it

The day began with healing and recovery from the wounds inflicted by the wolf attack during the night. Back to full health the party set out later in the day than usual. Mounted up and off they went heading east towards the ravine that defines the boundary of the plains. Making good time across the open plain it wasn’t until late in the day Rennala, riding out front, felt a rumbling emanating from the ground. She called for a stop to figure out what was happening. With the group stopped most of the party could now not only feel the rumble but could also hear the sound as it approached. Scanning around the source of the problem was spotted, sort of. What looked to be a wide wave in the dirt was approaching quickly. Something was burrowing quickly just under the surface closing the distance more rapidly than would normally be expected.

Large dirt waves came towards the group, the rumbling getting louder. One wave went under the wagon and a second slicing through the group. The rumble caused Rennala’s horse to spook and it bolted taking her away from the sound. The horses hitched to the wagon reacted as well, trying to take off as well but were restrained to just a short jump. The jerking action caused Ben to fall off the back of the wagon. The wagon jerked again, now tilting forward as the ground gave way under the front left wheel. Rispin was thrown off balance a dropped in to the roiling earth as one of the creatures crested ground level. His horse, tethered to the back of the wagon was sucked in to one channel. Halrfond was thrown from the front seat towards the churning earth but used his ability to Dimension Door away from the trouble.

Halrfond reached in to the churning earth trying to pull Rispin out. He took hold of his arm but was unable to help him until Erik made his way to the site also adding his strength to the effort eventually freeing Rispin, who was slowly running out of breath. Gwyn and Jade raced to assist the troubled horse. It had fallen in the disturbed ground and was injured badly. It took all their combined efforts to keep the horse from panicking. With Rispin free all effort focused on his horse. Little by little they were able to help the horse out. Gwyn digging away to free the legs, Erik providing some extra lift under the horses belly and Jade calmly guiding the animal until its legs finally came free. With all the living creatures now free Cord guided the effort to extract the wagon from the earth. Balancing a few folks on the back of the wagon and digging out the wheel a bit it came free. They worked the ground to provide a more solid footing and then led carefully drove the wagon out of the troubled area only to find the wheel that had been buried was damaged, needing to be replaced. Fortunately, they had a spare. Cord changed out the wheel as the travelling day ended and the party set up camp for the night, seeing a cliff face off in the distance ahead to the east. Hachi confirmed the cliff face was a plateau on the far side of the ravine.

They continued travelling east for 5 days and then turned north keeping a distance from the ravine itself. Out front, Hachi spotted what looked like tracks from the Blackfoot tribe heading in the same direction. It looked to be a relatively small party by the tracks but still something to be aware of. After a day of travel the party camped in the area where Hachi’s tribe had recently settled and night fell. Evening during watch Halrfond caught sight of some flashing lights in the distance. Unsure what he saw, it could have been some kind of fire in the sky, dipping and diving. He sidled over to Rispin and nudged her awake. He calmly alerted the party to get people up as he kept focus on the horizon where he spotted the lights. As the entire party stirred the lights reappeared in a swarm, swooping up and towards them at high speed. The group stretched out and lined up to attack as the flying flames zoomed in at them. As they neared it became clear the individual flames were emanating from large bat like creatures flying at incredible speed. So fast the archers were only able to fire a couple of shots before the bats were upon them.

Gwyn cast a Bless, encompassing everyone. Rispin loosed a first Magic Missile and Jade successfully put one to Sleep. The large flame wing bats were now in their midst, clawing and biting. Rispin attacked with his Jo Stick, flames licking off the stick, and Gwyn was downed by a deep claw attack, but not out. Cord scored the first kill, slicing into a bat. Rispin fired a second Magic Missile as Halrfond unleashed a Psionic Blast causing one to drop, asleep as Rennala is clawed, bitten and downed and looked out.

The bats numbers were thinning out and the remaining creatures were wounded but they continued to press the attack. Countering, Lilliane killed one with a bow shot and Rispin continued to swing a big bat at the bats with his Jo. Halrfond continued to use his mental attacks and then switched to his darts. Erik and Rispin kept up the counter attack and finished off the last of the creatures. And with all the bats down Angel quickly turned her attention to Rennala, using multiple heal spells to resuscitate her.

Healing was done and the night outlasted. In the morning more healing was performed to restore the members to health, time was spent to regain the prayers and then they prepared to move on.

And now.... another Halrfond original bardic tale.....

High Plains Drifters

Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

Before we knew it, it was over and done.
Prayers & healing were said soon, the trip to Egypt had once again begun.
The skinning of the wolf pelts went very well.
More profits for us in a future trade or sale.

So, did you hear about the one about us crossing the plains?
Did you hear about the one about us trying to make a famous name?
Did you hear about the time we encountered a worm herd?
If you didn’t, let me tell you more about it in more than a few words.
(Five Finger Death Punch verse from, ‘Under & Over It’)

Nothing have I ever seen before.
Fast moving worms that burrow through the sand.
Moving with the speed & ease of a creature that was waterborne.
People had asked before, “Can you describe the ruckus?” This time I can, and more!
(Saliva verse from ‘Ladies & Gentlemen’)

They tore through our ranks like nobody's business.
Our people and their mounts were disrupted by their presence.
Me? I learned how to fly and I can only describe it as…

I believed I could fly.
I believed I soar through that open Dimension Door.
I was on the verge of being thrown to the ground.
I blinked my eyes and my feet were beneath me on solid ground.
I believed I could Fly-eye-eye and I did!
(I hated to use this felon but, the song seemed appropriate. R. Kelly- ‘I believe I could Fly’)

Way down in the valley tonight, there was an evil stirrin’ a fiery shadow with evil in its eye.
There’s an evil in the air & fire in the sky barely noticeable to the naked eye.
Like bats outta hell, one of us would be gone before the morning comes.
Soaring through the night time air, clawing & biting at us without a care.
Coming in strong & streaking through the night.
Like bats outta hell they put up one helluva fight!
(Meatloaf- ‘Bat Outta Hell’)

Next time ...

Threading the needle…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net