January 21, 2023

CorkyHalrfond, Lillianne
MacCord, Rispin
MikeJade, Erik
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 16 thru 947 / 5 / 19

Descent into the Past

As the new day dawned it was clear a little extra healing was needed. Prayers were spent and the remaining wounds were healed. Followed by some extra time spent to recharge. With the medical issues handled, off the party went, heading North and East looking to travel the path between the chasm and the mountain. The traveling was easy and and good time as made. During the night watch as the group was settled in a faint low rumbling could be heard emanating from the chasm. What the sound could be was not yet clear. As the morning broke a small group wandered to the cliff edge to see if they could figure out where the sound was from but they were not able to determine anything more than the sound was most likely from in the chasm. So back they went and off again the party started.

They turned closer to the mountain side trying to keep as far away from the chasm as possible but the mountains slowly closed in on the gap. As they continued north Cord’s gaze drifted to the mountain peaks, remembering the vision and dreams he had. He looked for snow capped peaks that might match his dream. As his eyes fell upon a peak amid the range he drifted in to a trance. He saw a new vision that took him up to the peak showing him a stone house on a mountain ledge, light breaking through all the gaps of the structure. With the vision complete, he had to be startled awake to catch his attention back to the wagon which had drifted out of line and had gotten to where it was pushing the riders out of the way. The biggest problem for Cord and his vision was he saw no way to get to the structure. On they continued with Rennala and Lilli scouting around the ledge where they spied a path leading down in to the chasm. The path became their only way forward as the mountains did close in and meet the chasm leaving no path through the gap and around.

Camped for the night, they discussed how to proceed. The next day began with the decision to split up sending a scouting party down to see if there was a viable path down and through the chasm. Out ventured Cord, Rennala, Jade, Lilli and Ben. Out front and using his tracking Cord spotted some fresh tracks made by goats heading down the path. Encouraged by the presence of natural creatures they moved on, this segment of the descent was a gentle slope. Walking about 30 minutes or so they came to a landing where the path turned back on itself against the cliff wall. Continuing down this segment of the path was much more steep. So much so it was obvious the wagon would have trouble with this segment. The good news was the next landing area they encountered. This one was large enough to support a camp and still just above where the light faded in to darkness. Back up the path they went to gather up the remainder of the party and lead them down to this larger landing. Cord had some difficulties driving the wagon down but made it safely to the waypoint where they set up a camp.

A little scouting around in the dim light revealed the presence of some odd reptilian tracks originating from deeper down the chasm. The source of the tracks was not long to reveal itself as a swarm of small reptilian creatures came racing up the path. They were the size of small to mid size dogs and they ran as a pack. The first party members they engaged were Jade and Lilli, who were keeping an eye on the path. As they charged Jade and Rispin, who was just behind Jade, let fly a Sleep spells knocking out 8 of the creatures. Lilli was the first to be bit and Halrfold responded with a flurry of darts. Gwyn covered the group with a Bless as the engagement continued. There were now only 4 of the creatures left awake. Rispin came up empty with a Magic Missile, Halrfold killed the first with another flurry of darts and Lilli knocked down another with a sword strike. Rispin’s next Magic Missile found its mark as Jade was bitten. Cord finished off the last awake reptile with his scimitar. The others that were still asleep were easily dispatched. An examination identified the creatures as Euparkaria dinosaurs.

The next day the scouting team headed out again. This segment of the descent was somewhere between the slope of the first two. They were very soon in total darkness as the light could not reach where they were but it was only about 45 more minutes before they reached the floor of the chasm. Using their continual light coin flashlights they found their way down where they discovered a river. Lilli made the bold choice to test the water and found it to be cool, refreshing and as clear and pure as any water she had ever tasted. Guided by their lights they moved ahead along the path on floor of the chasm. Not too far ahead the chasm turned to the left and some form of light glowed around the corner. As they made the turn a huge waterfall was revealed. The fall started from an underground channel about four or five hundred feet below ground level. The water plummeted down the remaining four of five thousand feet to a large pool on the floor of the chasm. The light from above reflected everywhere off the water fall revealing the area as if in full daylight. Awed by the sight, Rennala named it Prism Falls.

They moved closer and found the path continued around along the cliff side but the pool flooded the area around the falls. A cave was found behind the falls from which some form of ambient light emanated and Cord spotted some odd rut type tracks around the fall pool but could not identify the type of creature that would create it. Now with a probable path available they headed back to the party to gather them up again. As they left the area they heard the loud screech of some creature that was enough to chill bones, and it spooked Rennala. Moving quickly they once again regrouped and brought the entire party forward. The scout team noticed the amount of light was not nearly as bright as before, most likely caused by the reduced amount of natural light that made it down in to the chasm.

A quick pace was made towards the path around the pool and to the cave. But as they made their way Gwyn and Halrfold spotted something moving in the water and in an instant a huge dinosaur creature emerged from the pool and chomped down on Halrfold, almost biting him in two. As the creature pulled back Halrfold slumped limply in to the seat of the wagon. Cord immediately tied off the reins of the wagon so he could attend to Halrfold. Rispin fired off a Magic Missile scoring the first hit on the dino.

Gwyn enchanted a Bless for the group as Jade and Lili began firing arrows. The second attack was directed at Erik but the bite was wide. As these attacks went on Cade pulled a vial of Healing potion and poured it down Halfold’s throat, reviving him in a shock, his only reaction was to flip himself in to the back of the wagon, hopefully out of the way of any other attacks. More bows shots hit the dino as the creature bit down again, this time catching Erik. Rispin followed with an Aganaver’s Scorcher which Jade tried to fire an arrow though, hoping to use the flame to accentuate her bow shot, but it only burned in to cinders. Erik replied with a critical slash across the creatures neck, blood gushing forth from the wound. The attacks finally had their effect and the Nothosauraus dinosaur retreated back in to the lake, out of reach.

With there now no threat the party quickly made their way around the lake and in to the glowing cave. This cave glowed in an unnatural manner, light emanating from the stone in the cave creating a soft, dispersed light that filled the cave. Wanting to get clear of the lake they moved in. Lilli noticed the smoothness of the cave itself. Rather a natural state at the top and becoming gradually very smooth as it proceeded towards the floor. The main tunnel had some side tunnels. Some the size of a foot or two in diameter, some large enough for a person to pass through, but none continued for any distance. So the main tunnel was followed. It eventually turned and began to ascend. After a bit of a climb the tunnel eventually split in to two almost equal sized passages. One headed north east and one north west.

And now.... another Halrfond original bardic tale.....

Cord (My Hero, My Savior)

Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

A lonely Bard gazes out from a wagon top
Staring out at the sun he just can't touch
Sitting next to his partner, always by his side
But he doesn't realize the upcoming damage so much

Cord had a vision which didn't help at all
'Cause he couldn't focus, it almost got us into serious trouble
So he goes out and he went out the best way he knows how
Finding a trail carved into stone, he went out ahead but, not alone

He went chasing paths through waterfalls
Stick to the paths and don't fall over the edge
Doing it your way has gotten us far
Just take your time and don't move so fast

It must have been cold on that bench seat
Seemed like days without sunshine on my face
You weren't content with me almost bit in half
You always sat a spot away from me and watched

So I was the one maimed and gory
While you were the one holding the reins
Quick thinking on your part, I had no worry
The elixir of healing coursing through my veins

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
And everything I would like to be
I can higher than an eagle
'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings

Songs were ripped (and butchered) from the lyrics of TLC's 'Waterfalls' & Bette Midlers 'Wind Beneath My Wings'

Next time ...

Which way the heart leads…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net