August 20, 2022

CorkyHalrfond, Lillianne, Grogg
MacCord, Rispin, Books
MikeJade, Erik, SD, Blargg
JonGwyn, Rennala, Vic
AndieAngel, Hachi, Addie
NPC'sBen, Lyle, Harmon

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 4 thru 947 / 5 / 11

Clean up business….

The Sudalon contingent met up with SD who had Teleported in to discuss their next steps. It quickly became apparent it was critical to get a group back to Unundu as quickly as possible in as stealthy a manner as possible. They needed to know if the city and its people survived. News that there was an Emperor of the land was a bit of a shock and his role in governing the land was clarified. In the end, a small team was settled to take on the task of going back, making contact, and starting the diplomatic fires. Grogg, Blargg, Books, Vic and Addie would head out as soon as they could. SD would return to Midway, accompanied by Tyrade, gather up his gifts for Masako and return. The remainder of the group would catch on with a caravan heading east and make their way back to Midway.

There’s no place like Englehome

The bugs were gone and the kingdom had been made safe. Harmon and the other local Halflings wanted to show their appreciation. The party was invited to stay around, assist in the clean up of the damage caused and then celebrate. The group gladly gave of their time patching places that were destroyed, relaying farm land areas that had been disrupted and generally fixing whatever was broken. Halrfond even used a Fertility spell to help Lyle’s crops.

As they moved about doing the work they could see Halflings emerging from everywhere, scurrying about preparing for the celebration. Quick as an eye could blink there was a picnic area set up comprised of rows of tables and benches, gathering circles of chairs and a fire pit brought to life with meat cooking for the feast. Even Harmon had the Inn ready for the feast, pulling a lever in his lobby that released banners and other adornments along the front of the building. The inhabitants all came to the party in nicer attire and the group decided it better to clean up after their work and make themselves ‘presentable’. The effort was worth their time. The food was mouth wateringly delicious, the alcohol flowed endlessly and the Halflings of Englehome demonstrated just how good they were at a celebration. The party lasted in to the wee hours of the morning with the Halflings staying until the last of the traveling party turned in.

They woke in fits and starts the next day. Hachi was first up, but then she was first to bed. The remainder arose little by little, shaking off the effects of the night. Harmon had coffee and breakfast foods ready for consumption. And somewhere around the crack of noon they were able to get back on the road, leaving behind a place that will stay in their hearts forever.

They consulted their crude map and decided to head south and then east, trying to stay clear of the area known as ‘The Spirits of the Past’. Hachi led the way, having come from this area she was the most familiar. She would also be able to identify friendly tribal members should they encounter any. Halrfond broke out his lute and played to keep spirits up and help speed them along. They moved at a quick pace making it south, turning east and heading up in to the Risen Plains. 5 days passed without incident before they saw anything of any significance.

Ahead of them a cloud of dust started to rise. Hachi could tell it was Buffalo charging in their direction. With enough time she angled their group away from the line they were on. As the small herd neared, riders were spotted at the rear. She recognized the colors as those of her own Seneca. The small herd of about 15 or 20 charged by, two riders on horseback, bows firing at the beasts in the rear as they hunted. The riders made no changes to their path and kept after the herd as they passed the group and went off in to the distance.

Given the had came from the direction they were travelling Hachi used their tracks as a guide and followed alongside them. Early in their travel the next day there were fires spotted ahead. Hachi led them in cautiously until she could identify the tribal colors as her own. At that point she broke out her horn and blew a greeting call, which was answered. She led the group near the small camp ground and greeted the leader, who waited to respond until Hachi introduced herself. With the ‘proper respect’ given he introduced himself as Amani, leader of the hunting party. They exchanged pleasantries and Amani shared the location of the main tribe, in the North East of the plains. As they mingled with the party a number of discussions led to sharing of the methods of finding water on the plains. A skill the Seneca hunters considered the most important knowledge to have.

The interaction between the groups was cordial and welcoming. They had a mid day meal together. Knowledge, including no information regarding the whereabouts of the Blackfoot tribe, was shared and experiences and some gifts were traded. A spear with tribal colors were given for the party to represent from the wagon in exchange for a Giant Eagle feather and a spool of earthsilk rope. Arrows and quivers were traded, both users marveling at the craftsmanship in the production. And with the good spirits and gifts exchanged they moved on.

They made good progress, not encountering anything that would slow them down. But on the seventh night out from Englehome an ambush headed for them. Scavenger dire wolves roaming the plain crept upon the sleeping travelers. Halrfond was on watch and was the first to spot something amiss. He let out as loud of a whistle as he could hoping to rouse the party. The noise was good enough to accomplish this for a few. And those few jumped in to action, while some moved to wake those still down. Rispin got to Ben, Gwyn got Erik and Lilliane roused Jade. Meanwhile the beasts had set upon them. Cord scored first blood with a bow shot. Halrfond tried to tie down a few of them with an Entangle, but while they were slowed they did not stop. Angel issued forth a Bless, catching the entire party except for Halrfond and Rennala, who were just outside the radius of her spell.

The battle was now begun. Four Dire Wolves raced in to engage. Gwyn used a Spiritual Whip to strike one. Rispin fired off a Magic Missile. But Jade was bitten critically and disabled briefly as Halrfond’s attempt at a Faerie Fire failed, and Ben was bitten by another wolf as Cord was stunned by a wolf’s attack on him. And at that moment Gwyn called out a warning to Hachi. Rispin responded with an Aganaver’s Scorcher at the larger beast. Bow strings sang out shots from everywhere and Erik scored the first kill.

Rennala then called out a warning to Cord there was another huge beast approaching from the flank but it went for Rispin instead. Rispin sidestepped to include this creature in the flame streak from his spell. Jade attempted to put the big one to sleep but the casting failed as the creature scored a bite on Rispin. Her Scorcher flame finished off the first big beast and completed its burn on the huge one. And with that, their luck became more than a little mixed. Halrfond peppered one with his darts, dropping it. Jade tried to evoke a Shield spell to replace her other defenses but it failed. Rispin tried to use another Aganaver’s Scorcher, but it too failed. Lillianne hewed in to one, cutting it down at the knee, crippled. The beast was finished off by Halrfond. The battle ended as Rennala scored the kill shot on the big one and Angel, after being bitten hard, dispatched the last.

The battle now concluded, the healing began. They did not have enough magic to restore the party to full health but now they had time.

And now.... another Halrfond original bardic tale.....


Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

There was a clean-up of sorts to help the Halfling occupants of our new friends in Englehome.
The chitinous killers had done a fair amount of damage to the of these carefree Halflings.
Hobbit homes & harvests needed some attending to after a voracious battle ensued.

Before we knew it was over and the work done & the tempo stable, our gracious hosts rolled out chairs & tables.
Most of all, with the pull of a lever more decorations appeared. How very clever! The party had begun!
The Hobbits changed and came dressed in their best, ready to party & as it turned out the outlasted the rest!

Food & spirits flowed through the evening & into the early morning,
A good time was had by all surely, nothing was boring!
When the sun rose the next day, some awoke early some, still in the hay.
Coffee & cakes were serves that next morning, getting on the road, the group was yearning.

Gathering their gear we hit the road at last,
reaching the haunted area called, "The Spirits of the Past."
Caution was used, some say delicate, by random chance, we had encountered some Seneca.
Amani was the leader of the hunting party.
They were searching the plains for buffalo who were certainly tasty & hearty!
They shared a meal & stories with both groups gathered around, the Seneca's shared how to find water on the ground.
Gifts were exchanged & good-bye's said, we were back on the trail curious of what layed ahead.

Two more days passed without incident, we deserved a rest, that was evident.
Camp was assembled & the watches were set, those not on duty, the Sandman they met.
The night was quiet, as none would complain then, luck had run out & came the scavengers of the plains.
An alarm was raised a call to arms was issued, a heated battle soon ensued.
At first there were three, then there was five, with sword and fire, none of them were to survive.

Next time ...

Tribal warfare?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /