June 18, 2022

CorkyHalrfond, Lillianne, Kenny
MacCord, Rispin, Books
MikeJade, Erik, SD, Agamemnon
JonGwyn, Rennala, Vic
AndieAngel, Hachi, Mei
NPC'sBen, Tao, Lyle, Harmon

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 4 thru 947 / 5 / 4

Clean up business….

SD met up with Raifer to discuss the troubles out west and hopefully devise some plan to deal with the White Ninja. He filled Raifer in on all the information he gathered from his discussion with Masako via Talking Crystal and t he latest info he had regarding the all out battle in Unundu. They agreed they needed more first hand information before making a move. So they waited for word from Books the group had arrived in Sudalon with the assumption they would be able to provide that critical info.

The party in Gulfmoor made their way to Sudalon. It took 5 days of easy travel as they avoided any trouble, Upon arriving Books made for his local guild asking to have a message sent to SD informing him they had arrived. While they waited for contact Myla and Books stopped in to sell the gems and jewelry they had acquired during their trip fetching a far better price than originally expected. The cash was divided amongst the party.

SD received word during his daily open court session and immediately ended it and looked for a way to get to Sudalon. Going to Wizards Guild he hoped someone would be able to teleport him there. Luckily, there was a wizard that had good knowledge of the city and agreed to the service. BAMF! They were in the Shattered Moon bar in Sudalon. A quick discussion with the barkeep and SD contacted the town crier and contracted his service to announce that Books should meet him at that bar. The wizard agreed to wait for SD there in case he was needed. Later that evening Books heard the message and met SD at the bar. Not wanting to stay in that public location they made for Cade’s bar, the Axe and Dagger. A small but vital group sat at a back table to exchange information. SD, Books, Mei, Vic, Kenny, Agamemnon and Tao joined in…

The only good bug is a dead bug!

Harmon stood there shouting, pleading for help. Giant bugs had invaded and were destroying the town and killing people. As quickly as they could everyone gathered up their equipment and raced out to help. Hachi and Gwyn were in the stable area in the middle of their morning prayers wrapping them up as quickly as they could as Erik slept in the back of the wagon. He would rouse from the sounds a few moments later and rush to the fray. Hachi concluded hers in a more official manner and Gwyn chose to cut hers short and run for the battle.

Out the door of the Inn they raced. They spotted six Ankhegs tearing up the area, Angel spotted one looming over a Halfling that was prone on the ground in front of it. Rispin took the first shot, loosing a Magic Missile as Lillianne fired he first bow shot knocking one to the ground and Angel issued her aid with a Blessing that affected everyone except those coming from the stable area. With the battle started and the bugs still at a distance, Cord, Jade and Lillianne fired off long range shots to soften up a few of the bugs. Lillianne continued her pinpoint shots crippling another as Cord dropped the first of the bugs they could see. The group coming from the stables were making their way to the group and Gwyn cast a Bless to cover these party members.

The attacks drove two of the ankhegs underground. There was now no way to know where they were going as they burrowed. And burst forth they did from right next to the groups of the party. But the surprise maneuver did not throw any from their feet. After a number of attacks, Halrfond dispatched the second with a flurry of darts while Hachi had bad luck firing her bow, injuring herself with a pulled muscle. But Ben received worse as he was bitten by the bug he charged up on. Luckily, Jade finished off the third creature leaving only 3 they could see. But these attacks drove two more underground leaving only one they could see. Rispin went after what she could see, firing off another Magic Missile. Jade tried a long bow shot at it but missed it and hit Ben, who fell from the damage.

The bugs burst forth again, this time Halrfond was not as fortunate and was knocked to the ground. Surprising everyone, Halrfond Dimension Door’d away from the melee. Erik was bitten and Cord killed the fourth with another bow shot. Rispin tried an Aganaver’s Scorcher but it failed as Gwyn and Angel, who had both moved to Ben, cast Healing spells to revive him. They gave further aid helping wipe off the digestive acids from Ben’s body. Cord shot, finishing off the fifth.

The last bug emerged near Jade, knocking her down. Renala fired to hit this fresh bug as the bug bit down hard on Jade knocking her back down. Rispin was successful this time with an Aganaver’s Scorcher on this bug as Renala scored the last hit on the sixth leaving the immediate area clear giving Angel timt to finish the healing of Ben. But Cord heard more cries off in the distance. He raced to the top of the hill to find the source as Erik followed in support. They heard cries of danger from across the vale and saw more bugs ravaging another hobbit home. Calling out to the group about the trouble, they all raced up and over the hill, Halrfond began singing a bardic tune to bolster the group with a Charm intended to calm the bugs. It had no effect but was well worth the try.

The party crossed the vale quickly and closed in on the Halfling home being ravaged by the bugs. Upon reaching the now devastated front door Angel shouted in trying to reach the family and have them come out but was answered by a perfectly rude response from within. It was clear the family inside would not try to race past the bugs destroying their home. So Angel took a new tack and began banging her shield in time with Halrfond’s song, hoping to draw them out. Erik was the first in, spotting one large bug racing through the home.

Cord began the battle with a first bow shot. He followed up with a critical hit, dropping the bug. The second bug in the home responded by charging but was intercepted by Lillianne, who skewered the creature thru the head. Hachi hit the third and last with a critical hit in its fore leg. But that bug bit down on their favorite target again, Ben, who once again fell. Cord, moved around the home, finding a good angle to shoot at this last one and slaying it with one last shot. With none remaining Angel once again healed Ben.

The area cleared of danger, they returned to the Inn to make sure it was secure. Further concern was voiced regarding Lyle and scouts were sent to ensure he was safe as well. He was found to be in his usual excited state and fortunately well. With the area now secure the party decided to stay another night, rest, recover and then move on. They tried to pay for their lodging but Harmon would have none of it.

A Bug Hunt

Written & Composed by Halrfond Veoknottr

T'was an early morning wake up call shouted throughout the inn.
Harmon was yelling that Ankhegs had appeared and were killing his crops & kin!
Warriors awakened from a restful slumber.
Wouldn't you know there's always one that sleeps soundly as a piece of lumber...
Swords and bows were quickly brandished.
All ran outside before the village was finished!

Six Ankhegs were about tearing into flesh and crops.
All moved to action before another garden or Halfling was lost.
Two were quickly dispatched with precision and skill.
Three dug into the ground, one remained and continued to kill.
A lesson was taught to the young cavalier by her Elven bond,
"Make sure of your threat and beyond!"

Insert an excerpt from the Simple Minds song, 'Alive & Kicking':
"What you gonna do when an errant arrow comes for you?
What you gonna do when things go wrong?
What you gonna do when that arrow lights you up?
What you gonna do when it knocks you down?
What's it gonna take to take to keep your map making dreams alive?
Who's gonna help to make your dream survive?
Ben's alive and kicking, thanks to Gwyn and Angel. Gwyn and Angel.
They bot healed him, healed him. Ben's alive and kicking!

Continue back to the gibberish...
Three came up and three went down. Their blood-soaked carcasses soaked the ground.
Over the next rise, Cord heard screams of terror from another hobbits mound.
They rushed down towards the ongoing fracas.
Saving the defenseless Halflings was the focus.
A melodic beat was started by Angel and Halrfond.
But, the bugs could not be swayed by the cleric and bard.
Without much tempting, the heroes answered the call.
Three more of the Ankhegs would soon fall (including Ben again...).

The dead disposed and the wounded were healed.
To the inn they all returned for a well deserved meal.
And as I sit upon a grassy hill top and survey the Halfling mounds.
All I can think is that, "I can see clearly now, the bugs are gone.
I can see all obstacles in the way.
It's going to be a bright, bright, star lit night!"
Song: "I can see clearly" by Jimmy Cliff

Next time ...

On the lone prairie….

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net