March 26, 2022

CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik
MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
JonVictor, Crush
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
NPC'sCurly, Tao, Masako

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 6 / 2 thru 947 / 6 / 4

General Business

Kozmo started putting together the crate of material he wants to send east, gathering up a list of what would be appropriate and in more rare supply in his old home, Egypt. He also made a list of items he wanted returned in exchange for his supplies. He stopped by the Egyptian church to find out ifd they would know of anything in specific that would be a good idea to share.

Random news…. Business profit / loss numbers to come, progress on Kozmo’s wagon and results of his research in to the new Clerical spell Firehand.

No, not that boat...

The bodies of the dead Ninja were searched. Aside from the money and several very expensive gems a few of the team, Books and Grogg, were burned by the poison laced in the areas holding the valuables. Agamemnon used a Detect Magic to see if the highly valuable gems were enchanted but they were not. The search complete the decision was made to put as much distance as possible between them and the battle site. The party regrouped and moved at a trot heading south keeping the river not too far away. They went for another few hours before crashing that night.

A quick overnight stop that provided little rest and off they went again once again moving at a quickened pace. After a few hours as they travelled along a ridge movement was spotted in the tall grass off to their left. The ridge was not that high up but the ground dropped off to the side and the grass was anywhere from one to four feet high. They could see the taller grass betraying the position of something but could not see what it was as the grass worked as a concealer. They stopped to prepare a response, fanning out, carefully scanning the area. After a suggestion, Crush threw one of his knives towards one suspicious location and Ruurik fired his new crossbow… which misfired the first shot…but the second went fine.

There was a brief pause, a little more rustling in the grass, and then the surprise as a gang of toads leaped from the grass attacking every target in range. They landed their attacks all accentuated by poison. The response was swift. Kenny cast a Bless but it misfired. Addie used a Pet cantrip to turn a toad friendly, changing it to a non-combatant. Books cast a Prayer that covered the entire party and everyone that could struck out at the creatures. Kenny’s first bow shot stunned his target while Addie used a Speak with Animals to find out the motivations of the toads and hopefully convince them to leave without any further violence. But the attacks were swift and several of the toads were killed in the first wave of attacks.

The toads responded, literally. They all began to croak. Addie, still under the effect of her spell, understood them to say “jump”. Crush tried to imitate their sound but missed in his attempt. Then they all did, surprising most of the group and attacking again as they landed. Several of the group were once again struck by the jump and poison attack. Vic took the worst of it as the venom caused overwhelming damage, dropping him. Agamemnon quickly rushed to his aid using a Cure Serious Wounds to revive him. The first spell brought him back to a state of unconsciousness but he was now once again breathing. A follow up cure revived him.

Kenny used a Faith Arrow to score a decisive blow and the battle had turned. Addie’s now pet friendly toad croaked a question to her… “Help?” Torn by this, Addie called out for the group to stop attacking and screeched out to the toads to stop. They listened, croaking back agreement as she instructed them to “go home”. With the party backing off the remaining toads all leaped for the tall grass and retreated. With the threat gone they moved on again as quickly as they could. When they stopped for the night as many cures as possible were used and a full night of rest was taken.

The next day they were off again heading south but shadowing the river still looking for a boat. Mid morning Tyrade spotted a sizable Junk heading down river. They hustled to the river bank planning to flag down the boat. Mei used a pole and a garment as a flag to successfully get their attention. She asked where the nearest dock was and the sailors indicated it was not far down river in the direction they were moving. With that information they continued on their way looking for the indicated dock. Later that day they came upon a crossroad and found one path lead to the dock. The group turned and headed towards the river. They found the dock.

Mei and Books went to speak with the lone dock hand they spotted to speak with him. They asked about boats and the possibility of catching one down river but the news was not good. The frequency of boats large enough to transport their group was not what they were hoping to hear. With this news Books gave the man a platinum piece and asked he forget they ever saw them. The party decided then it was probably smarter to head for Unundu in hopes of finding friendly faces and delivering news to Masako in person. Off they headed to the west at a quickened pace.

They had no travelled far when Kenny, who was occasionally looking back, spotted a large warship docking at the pier. The ship flew a white flag with some red symbol he could not make out. Mei knew it immediately as the flag of the Hashimoto clan… the White Ninja. Now it was imperative they moved fast. They upped their pace to what amounted to a jog for the heavily armored members, pressing the situation given the circumstances. And they only got worse as they were able to see a significant number of Ninja departing the ship on the dock.

The crossroad was about a mile or so from the dock and they used it to distract the ninja following. Myla used an Improved Phantasmal Force to depict the group breaking off and heading south rather than their intended path west. And with that they broke in to their jog. It would be several hours at his pace to get to Unundu but they had to try. After some time the pace proved too much for Andrya and Curly and they had to slow to a walking pace to allow them to recover. The pace was resumed after a bit but more of the team were unable to push at that rate and the pace was altered to keep moving but allow them to recover.

Their efforts were rewarded as they covered the distance from the river to the city of Unundu. They reached the farms in the outskirts warning people as they met them, finally encountering a patrol and passing along the info there was a sizable contingent of Ninja coming in their direction. Given that news one of the patrol headed off to notify the families and the other escorted the group to the central meeting building. It was not long before the first entourage arrived. A royal transport carrier came up the road quickly, jostling a little wildly. When it stopped, Masako herself stepped out. Seeing this Grogg greeted her with a bow and a “Bong”. Mei executed a formal submission bow. And then the events were communicated. During this, representatives of the other two families arrived to hear the story to their horror.

The decision was made to get the party out of town as quickly as possible on a boat they could use to get to Gulfmoor. The family representatives raced off to inform their leaders here was definitely trouble headed their way. The party gathered themselves and headed for the docks. But before they left Grogg, acting ambassador, gave Masako the gift of his Bloody Buffalo Head Helmet in thanks for her assistance.

Next time ...

Gulfmoor, finally…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /