February 19, 2022

CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik
MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
JonVictor, Crush
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
NPC'sCurly, Tao

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 6 / 2 thru 947 / 6 / 2

We had a ship waiting…..

NO one could believe what they were seeing. It HAD to be an illusion. Mei, Agamemnon and Addie each attempted to shake what they saw. Cade was convinced the cave opening was not real. But what they saw stayed exactly as it was. But Myla cast a Detect Magic and the cave opening lit up like crazy. Knowing there was magic there now the problem was deciding how to proceed.

Grogg stepped forward and walked in, he tried to speak but there was no sound and then stepped back out of the opening. Grogg and Blargg made the next step easy as they offered to enter the darkened cave mouth. Ropes were magically tied to them by Myla and Tyrade, anchored by Yosh and Crush. In they went to the dark zone. Not a sound could be heard. They tripped and fell once, standing as quickly as they could continue on. They cautiously advanced eventually bumping in to a wall. They each reached out to the side looking for an opening. Grogg gave a little tug towards his side and Blargg followed allowing both to step out of the magical darkness and in to the cave proper. Using their Continual Light coins to see they explored further in the cave corridor, turning a corner and moving on. That’s when they stopped moving, struck by a magical Hold Person trap.

Yosh and Crush had been paying out rope, new lengths tied on as needed, but now there was no steady tug. Not knowing what had happened they both gave a gentle pull on the rope to check for resistance and the presence of the two dwarves. They felt the weight and then a give and then resistance again. Without knowing it, they had pulled the two dwarves back causing both their magically held bodies to fall backwards, Grogg’s miner’s helm skittering back off his head. But this was a mystery to their side of the darkness. So it was decided that Mei and Books would try to follow them in to find out what had happened.

In they advanced using the ropes as a guide. Books fell once and jumped back to his feet. Carefully advancing they finally reached beyond the darkness to see the light form the two coins ahead around the corner. Reaching the corner they saw the two frozen dwarves lying on the ground. Books searched for some trap to no avail. He used a Dispel Magic freeing the two from their spell. The explained what happened. Blargg used a Detect Traps spell lighting up the area where the magical trap lay revealing it was still there. Using this as a guide Books was able to successfully disarm the trap, clearing the path.

Mei stepped forward and called out for Tao. But there was no response. Pressing on he found a larger chamber, personal effects strewn about the area as if it had been ransacked. Not thinking this was real further attempts to disbelieve were tried to no avail. They all proceeded to search the room for some sign or exit. Blargg and Grogg converged at one spot, both pointing to it as a secret door and sliding it open. While the others moved forward Books went back to gather up the remainder of the party, bringing everyone together inside the cave.

The dwarves pressed forward through the secret door when a few paces in a loud booming voice rang out warning them to come no further. Oddly, the voice spoken was heard in common by the party and in her native language by Mei. She recognized it as Tao’s voice. Books checked for traps. While he came up empty he was sure there was something there. Grogg and Mei also tried and come up with the same result leaving them to believe it must be some form of magical trap. Blargg tried a Dispel Magic but it failed. They decided to wait for him to renew the spell and try again. This time it triggered and successfully removed the trap. Blargg carefully stepped forward with nothing untoward occurring.

They crept forward to the corridor intersection, Books and Grogg pausing to listen. Ahead, down the left corridor, they could hear the sounds of clinking glass and a low voice. Mei called out to get the attention of the mystery person. Tao responded asking if it was Mei, confirming this was their goal. Having found him the group now began to attempt to convince him that he needed to leave with them. The talked about their stop at Unundu, their meeting with Masako and the approaching White Ninja that, they believed, knew where h was. Not completely convinced yet, an alarm sounded inside the cave. Tao confirmed this was his alert to notify him there were intruders. Now he was convinced to leave.

The group gathered inside, closing the secret door behind them in hopes of gaining a few extra priceless minutes, Addie and Curly using their skills to hide any trace of passing. Tao asked them to assist in carrying out some precious materials from his lab and dojo. Tao revealed he had two escape paths from the cave. One led down the shore letting out along the Cliffside. The second led up to the top of the cliffs and the plains above. They chose to head for the Cliffside exit hoping to be able to signal their ship to facilitate their escape.

Addie cast a Water Breathing on herself and jumped to the bottom of the grotto hoping to assist anyone that could not make the short swim. Tyrade cast Buoyancy on the party members in metal armor to help them get through. Books and Vic led the way, swimming out the passage first to scout. While Vic had some trouble, Books made it through swiftly. But when he emerged on the ocean side his attention was immediately caught by the burning ship. Their ship. And two others circling the burning, sinking ship that were assumedly manned by the White Ninja. This theory was supported by the sight of some 20 or 30 figures along the shore using battering ram siege equipment attempting to break the cliff wall to enter Tao’s lair. They quickly returned back in to the cave to let everyone know this escape route was no longer an option. They headed for the tunnel leading to the top side of the cliff. Tao reset the trap that had been disabled and off they ran.

Once out they began racing south east towards the river that leads out to the ocean hoping to find a boat available. They raced along at a good pace continuing in to the evening. The river was not too far off when Yosh spotted something moving ahead. They all stopped but could not see anything in the area below and ahead. Addie gave Crush a nice rock and suggested he give it a toss in to the darkness. As the rock traveled where they could not see they were able something white moving around. At that moment Crush was struck by a dart coated with poison. He ripped it out and threw it back.

Now able to see some of the figures approaching Addie used an Entangle, hoping to tie them down, catching one and slowing three more. Books used a Prayer for the entire group. Agamemnon was struck by a poison covered arrow. Myla used Eyetrick to distract one that was still moving ahead as several others moved in engaging the leading edge of the party. Two Ninja attacked Addie and Curly using a martial push attack, shoving them back a great distance. Both were fortunately able to keep their balance. Bow shots were traded, Yosh charged using his 12 foot spear and Crush engaged another.

Unseen by the group, another Ninja hit Agamemnon with a Hold Person, freezing the cleric. Books responded also using Hold Person to stop one. The Ninja engaged with Crush attempted to use a spinning kick but missed, losing his balance and Yosh was struck by the push attack, sending him back a good distance. Addie, spotting a few lined up, cast a Thorn Throw but it failed. A bit of good luck for the party occurred when the Ninja Wizard tried to loose some spell but nothing happened.

The encounter now turned badly for the Ninja. Two were held, three were slowed and Ruurik felled the first with a brutal battle axe hit. Tyrade scored a massive blow with a pin point arrow shot and Vic dropped another with his bow. Kenny completed the wave using a Hold Person, catching all those still moving except the wizard. And with these events, the wizard stepped back and disappeared.

Those still there were dispatched without mercy and the party moved on hoping to reach the river and find a boat.

Next time ...

On the run … again….

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net