April 30, 2022

CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik
MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
JonVictor, Crush
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
NPC'sCurly, Tao, Myla's Mom

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 6 / 4 thru 947 / 6 / 9

Rowing for our dinner….

They rushed through town headed for the docks hoping to jump on a boat and make their escape. They weaved through the multiple territories marked by different colored banners. They expected to be stopped or harassed but the interruptions never happened. People they passed on the streets stood and watched as they raced past. As they finally arrived at the docks they found three piers, Mei directed them to the one marked by the colors of Masako’s family. They quickly walked over to that pier but were now stopped by a guard wielding a naginata. The guard denied their entry to the pier, doubting their story about being sent there by Masako herself. Mei tried to explain in as much detail as she could but the guard was not swayed and continued to refuse them.

The party now had to step aside, walk over to a few benches nearby and wait. Queue the awkward waiting room music as they sat impatiently. Their wait was not very long as an ambassador representing Masako’s clan, wearing robes indicating he was a member of the highest inner circle, came running towards the docks, huffing, puffing and in obvious distress from the effort. He spoke a few words to the guard who had trouble keeping his jaw from hitting the dock. Immediately he began shouting orders at the dock workers and a few choice words across to another pier that got the attention of the hands there as they came rushing over to help. The dock hands furiously scrambled to prepare a longboat for them to use, gathering up a navigator, helmsman and 4 oarsmen to provide help. But as they made preparations to leave some of the group could hear the sounds of battle off in the distance from the edge of the city. Ruurik was even able to spot flames arising in the area.

The boat was prepped and they party moved in to man the oars. The navigator paired them up to balance the crew and off they went. It took some time to wend their way out of the port, learning how to follow his directions, but they were finally able to make it out to open water. Facing the city as they rowed most of the group saw the signs of battle in the distance, even spotting what looked like flaming ammunition. What direction it was going was not clear, but it was there and they knew Hashimoto had siege equipment.

They rowed and rowed. Books cast Prayer to help but Vic struggled and suffered a blow from his oar to the face. The clerics around him tried to heal but had trouble as they rowed, eventually Kenny worked his way near Vic to provide aid. They travelled as best they could for the entire day before beaching the boat so they could rest. Several of the group were suffering signs of exhaustion and were spared from taking a watch. An uneventful evening passed and off they went again. The navigator told them it would be 4 or 5 days to get to Gulfmoor. So they settled in to a more comfortable pace hoping to allow the ersatz sailors to manage their strength.

Somewhere around midday Ruurik, Blargg and Addie spotted something odd off the side of the boat moving in the water and spoke up so all could hear. The navigator stood up on a rung and peered out. After getting the view he called out “Eels on the port side!” Crush could only respond… “What’s a port and what’s an eel?” The eels slithered their way towards the boat just under the surface of the water. The boatsmen readied weapons and manned oars to keep them clear. Agamemnon cast a Bless, Books a Prayer and Kenny a Spiritual Whip while Curly and Ruurik fired their dokyu’s at the beasts. The snakes swam in and slithered up on to the boat, engaging those near the rails, one biting at Books while Addie tried a Thorn Throw that failed and Kenny fumbled dropping his bow, fortunately inside the boat.

Agamemnon struck with his Spiritual Hammer, Kenny with his Spiritual Whip and the snakes began to drop. Yosh was bitten twice taking significant damage but continuing his attack. First with his 13 foot long spear and then his axe. Addie opted for a different path. First she cast Speak with Animals and then attempted to use Animal Defiance but the snakes were not affected by it. She shifted to use Animal Control with a simple instruction… “Leave”. This appeared to be successful until Books stabbed one causing that one to decide to stay and continue they battle while the last one slinked off the side of the boat back in to the water. Andrya dealt the final blow to that snake ending the conflict.

The remaining days at sea were uneventful allowing the boat to arrive at the hidden cove of Gulfmoor. There they met up with the ship first sent ahead with the horses and carts. Mei relayed the events happening in Unundu with the clan members waiting in Gulfmoor. It only took a few moments for them to all decide to take the ship back and they would leave the next morning.

Now ashore they neded lodging for the night and to make plans to head home. Most of the party wanted to visit an armorer to hopefully clean their armor of the sea salts. The dwarves had the idea to get a nice bath and massage. They talked most of the party in to the bath, at least. Myla went ahead and found her way to her home, inviting the group back for a meal when they had finished their baths. She worked with her mother to prepare a fine home cooked meal. When the group arrived at Myla’s family home she gave them a stern warning before allowing them in, instructing them to be nice and compliment the meal even if they did not like it. The warning came with a threat they all decided was real. Fortunately, the meal was wonderful and several requested seconds. Then came the rhubarb pie that made the evening. As a thanks, the dwarves went off to a local shop and bought a thank you gift for mom. A mithril ewer with the etched flower scrollwork and gemstones for the flowers. She teared up and thanked them all profusely.

The evening ended with them back at a local inn for a good night’s rest before heading home.

Next time ...

Eastward, Ho!

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net