April 27, 2019

I guess we made them mad...

MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik, Helena
DebbieBernice, Ollie, Ilykia
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
Felix (in absentia)Garan, Alydra, Snow
NPC'sCurly, Saburo, Chao Lun, Gunther

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 15 thru 947 / 5 / 16

Business of the day….

Helena Handbasket, in Midway, visited Gunther at his weapon shop. She brought some new conceptual drawings for a new crossbow design and asked if he could make what she wanted. He reviewed the design and said it looked difficult but he would try.

Maybe this place really isn’t a 4 star hotel…

The party settled in to the inn where they basically took the entire common room. Mei, not all that familiar with the group rented her own private room. Being after dinner time and not having yet eaten, a group of the party split off and went looking for food. They found a noodle bar not far from the inn and sat down for a delicious meal, although Agamemnon asked for a little spicier fare only to find what he thought was a little spicy was not what they thought. He did enjoy his meal but he needed a few extra mugs of water to wash down the meal.

Back at the inn those that stayed behind found comfy places and relaxed with some of their own rations. But their evening was soon disrupted. A few of the group heard rustling and bumping from below the floor just before three giant snakes popped up through the flooring from different spots around the room. They were giant constrictors and immediately one bit and started wrapping around and squeezing Grogg. The group moved to engage to fight off the invaders. Addie cast Barkskin for her own defense.

The dwarves, Grogg, Blargg and Ruurik were close together and began hacking at the snake trying to squeeze Grogg. Grogg tried to attack it but was unable to hold on to his weapon as his used it. It took a number of hacks and when Myla cast an Eyetrick on the creature to distract it Yosh charged in with his spear as Ruurik hacked and the beast fell. But something off happened during that exchange. Blargg fell over, paralyzed, although there was no apparent attack that struck him. Grogg was also struck with the sharp pain of a needle but he was otherwise unaffected.

Meanwhile, Ilikiya was dealing with another snake that managed to chomp down on her and begin coiling around. Addie charged in with her spear. She had not had the opportunity to attack with her new spear yet and when it found the mark she saw the blade of this weapon cut in more sharply than any blade she had ever seen. The weapon she used had a blade made from Arjaele and it tore through the creatures flesh. Bernice then let loose a Hold Animal on the snake and it froze, stopping the squeeze on Ilikiya. Ilikiya struck down at the frozen snake and slashed in to it. While this cut deeply it also broke the magical hold. Yosh had now just raced over to help and killed the second snake when Ilikiya fell over paralyzed just like Blargg, struck with some unknown attack.

With only one snake left Ruurik was battling it, hacking away. When Addie raced over with her spear she put the final blow to the beast finishing off the last creature. But the mystery remained where were these needle like attacks coming from that caused two group members to drop. Grogg and Yosh found actual needles that had been shot at them that were stuck through their armor and still embedded. Addie looked around but could not spot anything. Ruurik caught sight of a loose board in the ceiling. He called for Yosh and directed him to bang on a spot he pointed at. Using his axe Yosh shoved the end of the weapon at the location and the board flipped up and away exposing a dark space above from the 2nd floor. Addie jabbed at the opening but hit the ceiling board where her weapon stopped and made no impact whatsoever.

Grogg raced for the stairs to the second floor. Yosh and Ruurik followed. Addie grabbed Blarrg and dragged him out of the common room while Bernice did the same for Ilikiya. Myla took a different approach going right to the frightened desk clerk demanding their money back. As the three made it up the stairs they saw what could only be a figure dressed in White Ninja garb racing down the hallway towards the window at the far end. Following as best they could the Ninja hit the window at a dead run, bursting through the glass and out of the second floor in a dive. Grogg was first to the broken window spotting the Ninja on his feet on the ground running away and moved to maneuver out when Yosh grabbed him and pulled him back. Unable to catch up, Ruurik reversed direction and went down the stairs and out the front door of the inn hoping to catch the Ninja on the ground. Addie raced out the door after him. They spotted the Ninja as he raced down the street away from them and seeing they could not catch up they broke off the chase.

The Ninja ran down the street and passed the noodle bar where the others were eating. Several spotted him, making comments on their observation. Mei, disturbed by this casually tried to shrink away becoming as inconspicuous as possible. But Agamemnon noticed this and quietly asked a few questions confirming that Mei wanted nothing to do with those people.

On the second floor of the inn, Yosh pulled out a Continual Light coin as he and Grogg investigated the room the Ninja had apparently been in. It was the only room where the door was open. In the room they found only two items of note. First was a Blow Gun that Yosh took and second were two loose boards with knobs attached that could make the boards manipulable as secret slots through which someone could observe or in this case attack. One was in the floor, the other was on the wall looking in to the adjacent room. Ruurik questioned the clerk about the trap room but got no answers. All the clerk could say was those people have a full time rental of that room, he never said anything to anyone about their being there and had no other ideas what was happening.

The group that had gone out for dinner arrived back at the inn to find out what had happened. They also discovered the room adjacent to the Ninja room was the one Mei had rented. A brief conversation revealed that Mei could have been their target all along and the party was just a target of opportunity. Having received their money back they gathered up their belongings and left the inn. Knowing they needed to head for the docks to book passage across, Mei led them through town to an area near the docks where they could camp for the night. They set up standard watched for the night and Ended a very long day.

Early the next morning a local guard wandered by and informed them they should not be there and needed to clean up after themselves and should be gone before he returned in a couple of hours. The party woke everyone and gathered up their belongings, cleaning up after themselves and headed for the docks. Mei knew several of the ship captains and crew were connected with the Ninja and wanted to avoid them at all costs. She was lucky to find one reputable captain was still in port and ready to leave. Chao Lun was more than happy to have them aboard, collecting a transportation fee and informing them they would be his only passengers as he hauled cargo to Okinoto. But the fare did not include supplies so Mei led a small group off to a general store to get some. The trip would take about 8 days so they needed enough to last while on the water. She led them through town passing several other stores she identified as ‘connected’ to the Ninja, until they arrived at an ‘honorable’ establishment. The supplies were readily available and, for a price, the owner was willing to cart the horse supplies to the dock right away. The supplies obtained they set back on their way to the docks.

Mei had taken a winding path to the store and tried to take a different track back. But their fears were real when they discovered they had been followed. Ahead of them, a younger man jumped out to cut them off. Mei identified him as Saburo, someone she knew who was a gang type bully. Books tried a Hold Person on Saburo but it was ineffective. Saburo challenged her and the group saying he was there to take her back to Pao Lung. When she refused Saburo waved in his help. A sumo charged in from behind a nearby building and another White robed figure dropped from a nearby tree.

Mei struck the first blow attacking the sumo with martial skills. Books cast a Command spell at the Sumo but it too was ineffective as he reached out and grabbed Mei. Curly swooped in with his sword, cutting and deeply wounding the sumo. The other Ninja let fly three shuriken at Kenny, striking once, revealing the blades to be poisoned. Kenny fought back successfully at his assailant with a Hold Person, freezing the figure. Agamemnon, not fooling around, cast a Flame Strike at Saburo, stunning him. As soon as he gathered his wits, Saburo broke and ran screaming he was going to get more help. Seeing his ‘leader’ run away the sumo backed down, letting go of Mei and making a small respectful bow to her. They chose to let the two lackeys go and the sumo went over, picked up the other ninja and left.

The group made it back to the ship, the supply wagon had arrived and was loaded and they shoved off for Okinoto.

Next time ...

Sailing to the other side...

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net