May 19, 2019

All aboard…

MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon, MacGuyver
CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik, Kozmo
DebbieBernice, Ollie, Ilykia
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
Felix (in absentia)Garan, Alydra, Snow
NPC'sCurly, Saburo, Chao Lun

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 15 thru 947 / 5 / 16

Business of the day….

Kozmo approached the staff at Wheel Fix Your Wagon. He wanted to speak with them about having a custom wagon built. MacGuyver stepped forward to collect all the specifics so he could begin the design. Kozmo gave them a deposit as a down payment and the process begun. The budget is somewhere between 1000 and 2000 gold for the finished product.

All aboard…

The party boarded the ship captained by Chao Lun and they shoved off. On the docks Mei could make out Saburo and a few others watching dressed in bulky clothing to obviously hide their ninja garb as they sailed off. Not pleased with their presence, Mei flipped them off. In reaction, Saburo appeared to give orders to his compatriots who ran hurriedly off.

Chao Lun told them the trip could be from 10 to 14 days, They would cross the inland sea and then down the river to Okinoto. The first three days were quiet but highlighted by some stronger than usual winds and Chao Lun did his best to make use of the extra push. During the third day a strong wave was spotted approaching the ship. The wave was moving faster and across the motion of the sea. Tyrade let the captain know about it and Chao was not happy. One look and he identified it as most likely an Afnac. A huge fish that is known to attack ships creating a whirlpool that drags then down to the bottom. Tyrade called out for all to shoo it. Addie tried her best using her Druid skills to cause the creature to turn away but she was unsuccessful.

The fish, in excess of 50 feet long, rushed at the ship and veered in to an arc around it. As Ilikya and Tyrade fired bow shots that struck but were not as effective as thought to be, Andrya rushed down below deck to call for help. And help came rushing for the deck. Kenny made use of his Faith Arrows to strike at it and this arrow found the mark as intended, the magic helping to secure a full hit. Books cast Bless to help the party as Grogg made for the rail, grabbed hold of a secure line and looped his arm through to keep from going overboard.

Kenny followed up with a Spiritual Whip and Bernice fired her sling. The best attack yet went to Tyrade who loosed a Lightning Strike. The bolt hit the fish hard with full force. Her tried again but the second attempt failed. Blargg finally had a chance to use his crossbow and his first shot in battle scored a hit. So excited was he that in his excitement he dropped the crossbow, falling down on to the main deck. Books and Kenny both cast attacks with Spiritual Hammer, striking the fish, while Ruurik, now on deck made use of his dokyu.

At this point the fish had been circling the boat several times and was beginning to create the whirlpool. Myla stepped forward casting Eyetrick which distracted the fish out of his path just enough to slow down the progress of the pool. Tyrade let loose a few Magic Missile spells, Andrya threw her spear it the fish as Agamemnon and Kenny cast a follow up Bless to help the entire party as the previous one wore off. And at that point Agamemnon cast a Flame Strike which burst through the water and scorched the fish. This last attack was enough to finally deter it from its attack. The huge fish swam off in to the deeper parts of the sea leaving the ship to continue on its way.

Day 4, 5 and 6 passed uneventfully and the ship made its way off the inland sea and in to the river portion of the trip. Day 7 was met with another attack from the marsh areas surrounding the river. Three huge constrictor type snakes surprised the crew as they came up and over the side rails of the ship. Tyrade was the first to react firing his bow as the snakes unleashed a surprise gaze attack that he, Yosh and Bernice were all able to shrug off.

Bernice used an Entangle hoping the water was not too deep and the plant life on the floor of the river could tie up the snake. Yosh hacked away with his axe but was bit and then engulfed by the snake pinning both his arms. Another snake tried the same attack on Bernice and one on Tyrade but both were able to repel those attacks. Books used a Spiritual Hammer to attack

Kenny dipped in to his arsenal and fired off more Faith Arrows and Tyrade hit back with his now drawn thin blade. A little bad luck struck as Ruurik fired his dokyu but it dropped and broke. Andrya was the first to finish off one of the snakes. Blargg and Tyrade were struck again by gaze attacks and both were unaffected. The second snake fell and shattered part of the rail as it fell overboard. The snake wrapped around Yosh took more damage and was killed but as it died it fell over the side of the ship taking Yosh with it. They hit the water and began sinking. Grogg shouted out “Man overboard!” as he and Addie pulled safety ropes from the rail. Tyrade reacted by casting Buoyancy on Yosh. Which as he struggled loose from the snake caused his body to float to the surface and bob up and down. As he came free he floated past the rope from Blargg but was able to reach Addie’s and Yosh was pulled back on the deck.

Tyrade used some repair materials and cast Mending to repair the damaged railing as the sailed on towards Okinoto. Day 8, 9 and 10 passed and they pulled in to dock. Arriving in Okinoto they found a much larger city with a natural harbor in the river and docks that stretched out in several piers. The party unloaded their supplies and horses, thanked Chao Lun and set out. They stopped first at an armorer shop to replace the lost items from the boat trip. There they found the strange arrows many had been endeavoring to create. Armor piercing, humming bulb and frog crotch arrows were all available and were purchased to replace stock. A few spears were bought and Ruurik found his broken dokyu would be far too expensive to fix but the ancient weaponsmith had a similar replacement available which he bought. After that, they stopped at a Component shop looking for spell components. Finally off to the outskirts of the city for lodging.

Next time ...

Okinoto and beyond…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /