March 23, 2019

I guess we made them mad...

MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik, Kozmo
DebbieBernice, Ollie, Ilykia
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
FelixGaran, Alydra, Snow

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 4 / 30 thru 947 / 5 / 15

Business of the day….

No new business to report

A deal at any price…

The order was given to bring up reinforcements. Chaos erupted amongst the party. But through the cacophony a voice was heard. Myla shouted “Everyone stop! Send someone down to talk!” And to the amazement of everyone, that’s exactly what happened. Kenny pulled the wagon just a little further away from the pit and stopped it there. Everyone else stopped their running and slowly grouped back up around the wagon and horses. Addie pulled out a rope, tied it around her waist, handed the end to Agamemnon and Curly and instructed them to lower her in to the pit carefully. In the pit she worked to free the horses from the spikes that had impaled their bodies while the parlay progressed above her.

It was then they saw a huge humanoid carrying an enormous club emerge from the mountain rocks stepping in front of them to block their way. The voice from up the rocks announced he would come down to talk, and he did. Alone. He stepped forward and met with Myla who was backed up by Books. The man stated his price. The wagon. If they gave that up everyone could go on their way without any further conflict. Myla asked if they could help them pull the horses from the pit as her condition. He agreed. He did require the group unhitch the horses before any help was rendered. The party took this opportunity to perform some healing actions but they were still in rough shape. They were a tad reluctant and not trusting the man’s words but eventually they consented. True to his word, help was given. He waved the giant forward and 3 other smaller ones joined it. They lumbered to the pit, reached down and lifted the two horses to safety and then lumbered away back to their original position. The deal completed, the party gathered up everything they had, healed the horses as best they could to enable them to travle and set out again on foot heading directly to the city of Mulrein.

They walked the remainder of the day and camped. Healing spells were cast and depleted but still there were a few party members with wounds that would not be healed until the next day. The traveled on. Days 13, 14, 15 and 16 passed without incident. They entered the forest where Mulrein was and arrived at the city among the trees. It was a city populated mostly with Humans, Elves and Half-Elves. There were some Halflings and a few Dwarves among the small population. The first order of business was to find a place to buy a few more pack animals since they would not have the benefit of a wagon. Books was able to negotiate the purchase of 2 draft horses and a significant number of saddle bags. Then off to find a place to crash for the evening.

Blargg and Grogg went off to find the long missing crossbow for Blargg. Little did anyone know that while he WANTED one, he didn’t know how to USE one. But buy one he did, regardless. The weaponsmith was even kind enough to show him how to use it as he managed to pry more gold from them for a few over priced bolts. Then off to find Books to help them read a scroll they had found. Which contained writing neither could read. It was a letter taken from a kill victim from one of the fights with the brigands in the mountains to a man named Lovarco from Zisko instructing him to get the wagon at any cost. Then they were off to buy some Elk jerky. As a group they asked around about what they might find further west as they headed for Far Shore. One guard at the edge of town told them of the lake country they would run into and to beware of trolls in that area.

The party set out and headed further west. Day 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 passed as they traversed through the remainder of the forest, out in to the open plain and then eventually in to the lake area. The lakes filled the path ahead. The decision was made to take the path between the bodies of water rather than the much longer trip around them all. During the early morning hours after day 23 they were set upon. Perched between two lakes for the night, Books on watch spotted unusual ripples in the water nearby. Looking closer he saw 5 or 6 heads rising from the water approaching their near shore line. With that he let loose a yell for everyone to wake up.

The heads in the water became 6 trolls as they trampled from the water up the shore. Andrya charged with her spear, skewering one that also struck back at her. Snow fired her bow but also dropped it. Books cast a Bless to help the group. The trolls moved in, creating a little blocking line as two of them moved to the horses. They grabbed the stake and rope holding the nearest one, pulled it from the ground and began leading it away. The trolls forming the blocking wall traded heavy blows, Olli took serious damage, the dwarves and Andrya formed a Phalanx line trying to stop the trolls from taking the horse.

Yosh charged in to attack the second troll taking the horse and exchanged shots. Unfortunately the troll scored a critical hit to Yosh’s weapon arm causing him to drop his weapon. The first bright spot came as Ruurik droped the first troll. Alydra took a dangerous shot over Ruurik and dropped the troll holding the horse’s rope. Tyrade finally brought out the fire casting an Aganaver’s Scorcher at one troll. This action drew the attention of all the remaining trolls. And to prevent them from being able to run Addie cast an Entangle at their feet and behind them. The spell wrapped up two of the remaining trolls but only slowed the other two.

Ruurik and Blargg continued to attack at the two downed trolls not wanting them to regenerate and return to the battle. Agamemnon unleashed a Flame Strike at one and the rope that held the horse burned from its hand finally releasing the animal. The horse leapt away to escape the situation, racing almost directly towards Addie who jumped in to catch and calm it. Yosh pulled a healing potion from his pack and downed it to fix his arm. With their situation now looking dire, the two trolls still able to move turned and raced back in to the lake. The battle pretty much concluded Garan pulled out oil flasks he had and doused them on the trolls as he could. Blargg pulled a fire brand from the camp fire and the trolls still on land were set to fire.

Day 24 began with healing and then off to the west again. Far Shore was not that distant now. Days 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 passed quietly as they approached the civilization. The path they trod became a thinner walking area as the area to each side of the path was sunken from the road and flooded as some type of farm. Day 30 they ran in to several guards that approached and spoke a different language they did not understand. But Books spoke to them in common and one of the guards understood him. These guards had a different general physical appearance and spoke in an odd accent. They were given information about the town ahead and instructed to be careful of their words while in their towns. On they walked and found Far Shore. The buildings were different from most they had seen before. The town was not rigidly laid out in blocks but more organically arranged, buildings having been built where they seemed logical or natural. As they made their way through the town they signs had a different language printed on them. Books used a Read Languages spell to translate. They went looking for an Inn. What they found was a fight in the middle of the road.

Ahead of them they spotted two young men standing over and trying to beat a young woman on the ground. As they attacked she fended them off from her prone position. Indecision help them out of the fray until Garan stepped forward casting Hold Person on one of the men, freezing him in place. With that, the other man drew a bladed weapon. Now involved, Books cast Hold Person on the other. The raced forward to help the woman. They tied up the two men to keep them from being a problem once the spells wore off. Agamemnon extended his hand to help her up. She introduced herself as Mei. Looking down she cast a Knot spell on the ropes holding one of the men and then punched him. They heatedly argued in that other language until eventually Mei put her foot on the man’s throat to stop him from talking. They knocked out both men and Mei led the group on a winding route through town to find an Inn where they could stay. They checked in for the night.

Next time ...

A brave new world

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /