February 16, 2019

I guess we made them mad...

MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik, Kozmo
DebbieBernice, Ollie, Ilykia
AndieMyla, Addie
FelixGaran, Alydra, Snow
NPC'sNewberry, Curly, Klepto

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 4 / 29 thru 947 / 4 / 30

Business of the day….

In Midway, Kozmo decided to attempt to try a Find Familiar. The date was 947/4/29. He gathered up his materials and went to the Egyptian Church to perform the spell. He sat there for almost 24 hours before he was overwhelmed by a vision. His eyes were closed but he could see he was flying. The vision overwhelmed him and he fell over from his kneeling position. He saw Midway from the air. He could make out the Church where he was and he could ‘talk’ with whatever was flying. ‘It’ said it could not find a way in to where Kozmo was. So he asked it to fly over Midway and find the Gold Dragon Alchemy shop from the air. He found it and swooped in and the flying creature grabbed the shop sign with its talons. The flew away in to the air back to the church. Kozmo opened his eyes and went to the door directing the creature to enter there. When it arrived Kozmo found he had gathered a Psuedo-Dragon for a familiar. Her name was Klepto.

I guess we made them mad…

The party completed a full refresher of their spells and continued on their 11th day out. The day passed quietly as Myla tried to chat up the prisoner Newberry. He did not have much to offer but was polite and cooperative. Day 12 would go much differently.

They began the usual march but it was not long until the first attack came. Ilykia was out front scanning the way but did not see the pit before her. She fell through a dead fall in to a pit, impaling on several spikes set at the bottom. She was not dead but was severely wounded. As the lead folks moved to assist her and Addie pulled her rope from her pack and uncoiled it down to her, a sound was heard from in the mountain side. Tyrade recognized it as a Porcupine firing and shouted “Arrows!” as a warning to everyone. The volley rained down striking a number of party members and also critically hitting their uncooperative prisoner. Seeing this, Yosh laughed out loud at him.

Hearing the sound in the mountainside, Grogg and Blargg charged towards a path that led up. Tyrade moved to Yosh, handed him the reins to his horse asking him to hold it and raced to follow the dwarves. By now Addie had let enough rope down to where Ilykia could grab it. She was skewered by several spikes and her left arm was pinned on one under her body as she lay on her side. Grabbing the rope with one arm she tried to loop it under and around and then tie a makeshift knot. It was not an easy task but her escape artist skills allowed her to complete it after a short time.

The threats were swift to arrive and the next was presented with the sound of a rumbling that some folks recognized as an animal stampede. Ollie, Agamemnon and Alydra spotted the herd of bulls charging out of an opening in the hills with two riders at the rear pressing them on. Alydra took a long distance shot at one of the riders and scored a hit on him. But still they pressed forward. Bernice stepped forward and cast an Entangle at the leading edge of the beasts catching several in the area of effect. Some tried to follow through the area and others redirected around those that had stopped dead in front of them blocking the way. Spotting an opportunity, Myla used an Improved Phantasmal Force at the spread out leading edge imitating the Entangle capturing about one third of the remaining beasts. But some still charged on.

The dwarves charged up the path eventually coming to an especially steep area where Grogg, leading the way, was caught by surprise by a hidden attacker. Nestled in a nook along the path he struck as Grogg raced up the path. His attacks cut in to Grogg fiercely. Grogg and the hidden assailant then exchanged a set of attack. Blargg tried to move in to help but fell up the incline at the feet of the attack who seized the opportunity and slammed his sword in to the prone Blargg. Tyrade, just arriving at the encounter, cast a Slow spell on the enemy.

Yosh, holding his horse and Tyrade’s, moved to the wagon and tied both horsed to the post mounted on the wagon side. He turned and charged towards the on rushing bulls, stepping to the path of several. The charged and struck him with glancing blows. Yosh struck back with much more ferocity. Agamemnon, just a few steps away from Yosh, was also charged by the bulls and he was hit much harder by the bulls. His retaliation was not at the bulls, but at the rider urging them on. He reached out with a Flame Strike spell, hitting the horse and rider.

Ilykia was now tied off and pulled to the surface by Addie, Books and Curly. Books cast a Cure Light to stabilize her. Just in time as they spotted the bulls rushing in around them. The bulls charged in striking several group members. But Alydra was focused on the riders and fired at her target again, hitting a second time. Her luck ran out as she was critically struck by a bull in her right leg, forcing her to the ground. On the other side of the wagon Andrya had her spear set against the charge, pointing out directing between Yosh and Tyrade’s horses. Her spear found a target as a bull charged in and pierced it deeply. Unfortunately, two bulls attacked Tyrade’s horse and drove it to the ground with heavy damage. With Ilykia now out of the pit, Addie raced over to heal the fallen horse with Cure Light spells.

More bulls raced through the ranks of the party. Several scored hits on members including Garan, struck by 2 at the same time. But as the bulls moved through, one rider turned his horse to race away. As he did he pulled a red sash from his saddle and waved it in the air. It was then a second volley of arrows was loosed in to the area.

As the arrows fell, Grogg, Blargg and Tyrade cornered and killed their concealed and slowed attacker. Grogg took a few moments to search the body, taking a few items from the corpse. They looked down on the party and saw they were trying to move out. So they charged back down the hill to rejoin them.

A voice was heard from in the mountain area. “Leave the wagon!”. Ruurik, riding shotgun on the wagon, turned shouting back to the rear “Cut the prisoners loose!” At that time Kenny spurred on the horses getting the wagon moving. The two prisoners were pulled along. Newberry was on his feet and ran along but the uncooperative one was on the ground and was dragged by the wagon. Yosh ran forward, catching up to the wagon and slashed at the ropes tying them to the wagon cutting them both loose. Kenny drove the wagon forward trying to turn it to avoid the pit just in front of them. What he forgot about were the two horses tied to the side of the wagon. He did not allow enough room for them to avoid the pit. They tried to pull back, balking at the hole but their reins held fast, dragging them in to the pit. Both horses realizing they were unable to stop stepped forwards and down in to the hole as their binding finally gave way. Both were wounded but not killed as they fell in. Kenny brought the wagon to a halt.

The next words they heard from the mountain side were “Bring up the reinforcements!”

Next time ...

Who did we piss off?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net