January 20, 2019

One Trip ends, another begins...

MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik
DebbieBernice, Ollie, Ilykia
AndieMyla, Addie
FelixGaran, Alydra, Snow
NPC'sNewberry, Zander Zisko, Curly

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 4 / 27 thru 947 / 4 / 29

Business of the day….

Nothng new to report

Night Ambush in the Hills…

Day 8 of the trip began as all the previous and passed quietly aside from some movement in the mountains to the flank of the party. Books spotted something and directed Ollie to pass word along up one side of the party while he handled the other. The brothers Grogg and Blargg were flanked off just a little far and Books slipped past them as he spoke to the remainder of the group. But the brothers were aware and began veering off on their own towards the rocks to investigate. Unfortunately they were stopped by Books and brought back in to the main party not wanting them to be split up. They couldn’t identify exactly what it was but they knew there was ‘something’ there. It followed them for two more days. While no other problems popped up there was the nagging reminder they were being watched and followed through days 8, 9 and 10.

When they stopped for the night on the 10th day it was agreed they were in a vulnerable location and expected to be attacked that night. The group set up more protection magic in preparation. Garan placed a Wyvern Watch on the wagon door, Books placed an Alarm on an area that looked particularly like a location where attackers would likely come out of the hills. And then they waited.

It wasn’t until just at daybreak when the attack came. Agamemnon and Books each heard some noise in the hills that sounded like people coming down through the passes. Books alerted the watch to wake up the party as calmly as they could. Agamemnon moved towards Yosh and Snow to Ruurik. Neither of these could be roused from their slumber. It was then the arrows began to fall. Books was the first hit, letting out a shout from the blow. Agamemnon pulled out his Continual Light coin, flashed it across the sleeping party members and shouted they were under attack.

Many of the group were awakened now as the second volley of arrows rained in. Alydra chose to fire in to the hills where she thought the attack originated and got blind lucky striking an unseen target. It was apparent the attackers could not be seen in the hills. The light was low and they were mingled in the hills but Books thought there might be magic helping. So he cast Dispel Magic in the area that looked like where they were but it had no visible effect. Kenny and Bernice both cast Bless to cover the entire party. It was then, arrows raining down, combat shouts heard and spells issue that Yosh finally woke up.

At that time the group finally saw a few attackers materialize out of the hills just up the rocky slope into view. The group loosed their first volley at what they could see and the melee members charged at them. That charge set off the Alarm spell that had been set. Now having a visible enemy Myla cast an Improved Phantasmal Force at the area sending the image of a multitude of arrows raining back down on their enemy. This spell had a noticeable effect on those they could see and the muffled sounds of those they could not let them know it was far more effective. Kenny cast a Light spell to illuminate an area further up the slope which revealed two more. Arrow volleys were fired back and forth striking many in the party but the first kill went to Tyrade.

Their attention primarily focused on the slopes it was Alydra that spotted two people trying to board the party wagon. She began firing arrows at them, calling out the alarm to the party. Attention now drawn to a more critical threat many of the group rushed to stop the thieves. Addie was first with an Entangle spell hoping to catch them. Her spell caught one of the two as the second was able to mount the buckboard. Her next move was to the horses using her Animal Command skills to speak with the beasts and command them “Don’t move”, and they obeyed. And Kenny cast a Hold Person on the thief in the wagon, stopping him cold.

The battle now changed, several of the archers in the hills killed by the melee members, the group could hear others in the hills retreating back up the slopes. Yosh attempted to follow them but had trouble with the steep and slippery rock face, falling just a few steps up the slope. Grogg and Blargg tried as well, also falling. Blargg stopped the attempt but Grogg was more stubborn trying again after getting back to his feet only to fall again, finally giving up the chase.

At the wagon, Kenny, Bernice, Alydra and Addie surrounded the wagon, horses and the two thieves. Kenny tried a Command Sleep on the thief held in the Entangle but that failed. Books used a Hold Person on him and that was successful. Both were taken, tied up and taken prisoner. Now awake and conscious, the group tried to talk to their captives. One was rather stubborn and one more than a little uneasy. They split them up with Yosh imposing himself as a threatening form to the stubborn prisoner. Meanwhile the more amenable captive was willing to talk. His name was Newberry. The group he was part of numbered in the hundreds were holed up in the mountain and led by Zander Zisko. He said the party would be out of range of their raiding parties in a few days. He also said they should not try to raid their base as it was pretty much a death trap to assail. Alydra put a small pouch with 20 gold in it in Newberry’s pocket for his cooperation.

The group decided to take time to rest up after the fight and refresh their spells. That task completed they set out again. The two captives were bound and tied to walk behind the wagon… which set off the Wyvern Watch… and the party moved on.

Next time ...

We have a prisoner, now what?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net