December 8, 2018

One Trip ends, another begins...

MikeErik, Blargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
CorkyRaifer, Grogg, Furion, Kenny, Andrya
MacCord, Rispin, Books, Tyrade, Ruurik
DebbieBernice, Ollie, Ilykia
AndieAngel, Hachi, Myla, Addie
FelixGaran, Alydra, Snow
CodisRylei, Taern (in absentia)
NPC'sLeonard, King Humboldt, Nizolecky, Sgt Ionella, Fesco, Curly

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 2 / 29 thru 947 / 4 / 26

Business of the day….

Nothng new to report

One Trip ends, another begins…

The group made themselves at home in the hotel the Elvish representatives placed them. Some folks had other business. Rispin took the bag they had found on the White Ninja to the local Wizard’s Guild to see if they could remove the trap on it and keep the contents safe. The wizard confirmed the bag was magical and was trapped but needed time to handle it properly. Rispin agreed to a potential price and left the bag for them to handle.

She then trod over to a local silver smith shop accompanied by Furion. The materials were wondrous and of the finest craftsmanship. The owner Nizolecky, however, was a bit of a curmudgeon. Rispin asked to see ant special equipment he may have and to her surprise he pulled out a special silver dagger that was obviously magical. A passing casual comment that Nizolecky took the wrong way made him raise the price of the item on the spot. After a little haggling a deal was made and others were brought back to this place to shop. However, Nizolecky had the dwarves, Blargg and Grogg accompanied by a guard to assure there were no ‘accidents’.

The next day the group was treated to a full breakfast and then escorted to a private audience with King Humboldt. Details of the messages from SD were relayed, the talking crystal delivered and details of the encounters with the new threat of the White Ninja shared. The king had concerns and asked that SD contact Oolm and possibly even Simballa.

The rest of the day was spent handling personal business, resting up and planning for the return trip. Rispin made her way back to the Wizards Guild. The bag had been handled, the magic trap removed and the contents within identified. The lone item in the bag was an opal. The Guild representative said it was a Crystal Ball. He provided an approximate value for it along with warnings about the element and the inherent danger it presented.

The party hit the road and travelled for 3 weeks returning to Midway. Upon returning details of their meeting with the kings were replayed to SD who was not in full panic mode over the idea of a mole in Midway. He gathered up the team that had been on the mission set up by the Wizards Guild and had them meet up there with the guild leader, MT. An agreement was made to attempt to lay a more targeted trap for the potential mole sending caravans carrying the crystal ball opal out as a red herring hoping one of the targets will reveal themselves by taking the bait. Meanwhile, SD would hold on to the gem in the bag of non-detection they had recovered at the orphanage.

With the mission of diplomacy completed several members completed training for new skills. Some had new materials completed by Vora and those Elven Thin Blades and Light Blades were picked up. Another check in with Jen Ling was made but found she was still having issues replicating the special manufacturing of the special arrows. When that was accomplished two new groups were formed. One to head north west and one to explore east. The party heading NW was the first to form up. Their goal was to head out, explore the new territory the Bazaar had provided a map describing and potentially establish new diplomatic and trade avenues.

The new party formed up and headed out (date of departure 947 / 4 / 19). It was a sizable group and it was decided they would take one wagon for supplies, some folks would ride their horses but most of the group would be on foot. They left Midway and headed north to loop around the mountainous base. On the third day out a few riders were spotted approaching directly towards them. They cautiously approached and found it was a group of 5 riders. They were well equipped and had the look of more well to do. The leader had a hand stitched and monogrammed saddle. The groups exchanged pleasantries as they passed and the man identified himself as Fesco, the owner of a Tavern / Inn in Intercity Town 6 looking for the owner of the Midway wine, hoping to import some for his establishment. The group gave him the info to find Jimi Fitumfatum. And on they each continued.

During the evening on the 6th day out the midnight watch heard some noises off to the mountain side of their camp. Myla and Ruurik stepped out towards the sound. Blargg, who had not heard it was signaled to wake the party. Ever so subtle, he yelled out a ‘Wake Up’ call. Myla and Ruurik slowly stepped forward, Myla calling out to whomever was there hoping to use her charms to entice them in to the open. No response was received and a few more faint noises were heard and a very sharp eye from a few noticed an odd shift in the infrared spectrum leading them to a particular area. Blargg pulled out his Continual Light coin hoping to use it to make it easier to find the potential spy.

As they continued to close in on the location of the noise a grenade lobbed in and exploded amidst Ruurik, Blargg and Myla. It blasted in a cloud of powder and smoke to no effect on the three. Whatever the poison was it was ineffective. Moving forward they found what appeared to be the spot from which they had been watched. The rangers confirmed there was one figure and it left in a hurry. The camp once again secure they rested the remainder of the night.

Day seven brought its own special treat. While riding along in the morning Andrya spotted a patch of ground where the earth was splitting in a wave like motion approaching. The group stopped to get a better look when a Bulette launched out of the ground at Grogg. It slashed with two heavy and sharp sets of claws, one striking. The group quickly sprung in to action to attack the creature. Ollie scored first blood with an arrow shot. Tyrade also drew blood as the creature attempted to bite Blarrg just narrowly scraping off his armor.

The group moved in to position to press the attack as Tyrade cast a Slow spell on the Bulette which also affected Curly who was in a bad position and caught in the area of effect. Now slowed the group moved quickly to strike. Andrya and Grogg scored blows causing the creature to dive back in to the ground. It tunneled around staying underground. The group was getting ready to leave it when it turned back towards them. Addie tried to use an Entangle under the ground to slow it even more. Grogg, Blargg and Addie tried to strike down in to the ground where it was attempting to hit it. But eventually it reemerged directly at Blargg striking with one claw. The group move in to action. Tyrade, Andrya, Addie and Yosh all hit with significant blows. The final strike was scored by Tyrade and the beast fell. The Druids were asked to remove as many of the hardened plates on the beasts back as possible and they were stored in the wagon.

Next time ...

On the road to a new land

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /