November 10, 2018

Royalty has its privileges

MikeErik, Blargg
CorkyGrogg, Furion
MacCord, Rispin
DebbieBernice, Ollie
AndieAngel, Hachi
NPC'sLeonard, King Al-Alin, Sgt. Ionella

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 2 / 11 thru 947 / 2 / 28

Business of the day….

Nothng new to report

Royalty has its privileges

The party settled into Al-Alin. After passing through the mountain areas and then in to the kingdom proper they made their way in to town to find lodging for their stay. Blargg went immediately to the nearest pub restaurant he could find toting his giant eagle. He approached the proprietor and requested he cook the bird for his meal. A deal was struck and Blargg was instructed to return several hours later for his repast. On the house as long as the restaurant could sell what he did not eat to other customers. His meal arranged, he then visited his church and offered a sacrifice. His religious obligations handled he made his way to an armourer arranged for his armour to be cleaned and repaired. Then on to decent dwarven inn where he reserved a room for himself and his brother, complete with all accommodations, including a hot bath. Blargg wanted to look his best for his audience with his king.

Cord, Angel and Erik looked for the local Norse or church of Thor and found it quite easily. Their mission to understand their visions continued as they bought a large pig for sacrifice. They brought the animal to the church, performed the sacrifice and prayed. Cord was visited once again with a new vision of a bow in a cave on a snowy mountain guarded by what he believed was a Yeti.

Rooms arranged for the remainder of the group they were invited by Blargg to join in his feast. At the restaurant Rispin asked for the brothers to pose for her as she used as Capture Image spell to take two pictures of them… all cleaned up and presentable. She gave each of them one of the captured images.

The next day the party headed to the castle. A large stone wrought structure reaching over 100 feet in height, spreading out over the central location of the city. They got in line during the royal audience session. As they neared the front of the line Blargg began casting his planned Detect Charm spell but he had forgotten it was against the law to cast spells there. Guards came rushing from all around to stop him and the group was removed from the line and taken to a private interrogation area. Blargg was taken to a room alone and questioned. He spoke of their mission and who was in charge. The guards returned to the main group and pulled Cord out to question him. He confirmed the information, presented the scroll from SD and the box he brought as a present.

The guards were convinced and led the entire group to a secure and private meeting room where they waited for several hours as the king’s public audience was concluded. When he arrived Cord presented the scroll which gave details of the troubles SD has become aware are lurking, events that had occurred in Midway and the extensive intelligence he has gathered about the Drow kingdoms, their new religion, the vast number of eggs they were hatching, the city of Jesper and their leader, Teal. Then Cord presented the gift box containing the boysenberry pies. The King recognized them immediately as the box was opened as soon as he got a scent of the contents. He even asked if they were baked by Jerri. The king then shared the first pie with the party. He informed them there has been marauding activity on the roads between Al-Alin and the Elven Hills and offered an escort for a few days of their ride to hopefully get them past the more dangerous portion of their next leg of their trip.

They set out the next day along with four dwarven escort guards. The trail was relatively quiet. On the fourth day out they found what appeared to be the site of some battle. They spotted blood stains, general signs of a battle and tracks that led away south. But there were no artifacts to be found. On they traveled. The dwarven guards headed back home after that fourth day. The party picked up their pace now that there were no members walking and they made good time skirting though the hills. On the eight day their luck finally changed as Rispin and Leonard, riding at the rear, spotted a group of riders approaching from behind.

The figures were a good quarter or half mile away when they were spotted. Rispin used an Eagle Eyes spell to get a closer look and was able to identify 8 humanoid riders approaching quickly. Cord stopped the wagon and the group dismounted to prepare for the encounter. Blargg set out first with a Protection from Evil and, as the strangers charged in, a Bless. The on charging group came upon them quickly. Six riders across in front and two behind. They wore nondescript attire, masks that hid their faces, had no weapons drawn and no revealing details to give a hint as to their intent.

The onrushing group gave no hint of slowing and appeared to be intent on attacking. Furion responded first with a Magic Missile. Ollie, Hachi and Cord fired bow shots, Rispin, her sling and Bernice cast an Entangle at the center of their number to slow their approach. The center slowed but the others came on. The two figures to the rear altered their paths to avoid the Entangle. Rispin cast a Magic Missile as Ollie and Blargg fell to the ground, targets of a Sleep spell cast by one of the two figure at the rear. Furion, now engaged by one of the front line that had taken several of the ranged attacks cast a Snow Cone that dropped him from his horse. Knowing one of the figures was a Magic-User, Bernice targeted him for a Sling shot. The others front line attackers engaged as many as they could. Grogg was the first to see what weapons they used as one drew and threw a shuriken striking him. Poison on the weapon searing the wound causing more damage. Grogg responded with a sharp blow from his pick.

Angel and Leonard raced to the sleeping members to wake them. The second figure to the rear then loosed an Entangle of his own, capturing Cord and Erik. Hachi was caught as well but found a way to struggle free of the bonds. Cord was approached by one of the lead group who fired a shuriken that missed. He slashed back with his scimitar and killed it. Furion targeted his next attack, Aganaver’s Scorcher, at the magic user and scored a serious blow. The enemy wizard used the same attack on Furion. Then Rispin used the same spell on one of the front liners to good effect. The magic salvos finished as Furion responded with an Icy Missile that slayed the wizard. As he fell the front line riders and horses winked out of existence. Apparently they were some form of illusion.

The remaining enemy cast a spell that created a Flaming Sword. He tried to hit Grogg with it but missed. Realizing he was now alone the druid tried to retreat. Blargg commented again that he should have had his cross bow. The one he forgot to buy in Al-Alin. As the druid retreated Grogg scored a parting shot and Cord fired several bow shots that found their mark and finished him off. The enemies destroyed and only two figures left behind they searched the bodies though not as carefully as they should have. Blargg and Grogg found a pouch that exploded as they opened it. Cord carefully inspected the other and found White Ninja clothes under the generic riding attire. The only other item of note they found were one pouch on each of the dead containing 3 poison covered shuriken. The left the bodies and took the two horses.

They traveled on hitting no other trouble for a total of 10 days when Cord noticed the wagon was riding not quite right. He could not identify the issue but they slowed their pace to avoid any problems. On the 13th day they were approached by a small group of riders coming from the direction of the Elven Hills. They slowed and were met by a flaming arrow that hit the ground in front of them. Cord stopped the party and awaited the approach of this group. It came on in two groups. There were two at the front and six more that trailed a decent distance behind. They were easy to identify as Elves as they neared and they identified themselves as being from the Elven Hills. The leader was Sgt Ionella and as the suspicion levels dropped between the two groups and the mission relayed Ionella requested they be allowed to search the group before allowing them to continue on. Carefully and respectfully they allowed it to happen and the search was carried out. Convinced of their mission by the letter and official seal of SD the Elves prepared to escort the group in to the kingdom. They were somewhat worried by the brand on the horses identifying it as a mark of the White Ninja. Cord used their fire and a knife to sear out and obscure the brand.

They rode for another day and a half, a total of 15 days from Al-Alin, when they entered the Kingdom of the Elven Hills. Cord asked about where they could stay but Sgt Ionella escorted them to an Inn near the royal residence and informed them as diplomatic representatives they would be accommodated as such and all arrangements would be taken cared of for them. Boarded as such at an upper class Elven establishment, Rispin talked Blargg in to another bath, this time using some of the Elven fineries to infuse the bath water with salts. Suspicious of the odd ‘cooking water’ but willing to try, Blargg took another bath and was amazed at how good it made him feel.

Next time ...

Another royal audience… and where to next? East or west?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /