July 28, 2018

On the trail of a saboteur

MikeSD, John Z
CorkyJerri (in absentia)
MacTyrade, Kozmo
DebbieJimmi (in absentia)
NPC'sAngela, Elena, Timmy, Annalise, McCallum

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 1 / 14 thru 947 / 1 / 18

Business of the day….

SD hired his new research mage, Angela Whitcomb. But there were concerns about her history. The plan was to submit her to a battery of spells to detect any potential issues from her time as a captive of the Drow. Angela gladly consented. SD found the only result was the background residue magic an Elf has in their being as magical beings. He confirmed this by casting Detect Magic on his wife, Elena.

The next order of business was the time spent in prayed by Kozmo and SD regarding the potential expansion of the church of Thoth to include an area for spell research under the guidance of followers of Isis. Neither of the parties received any word or sign either way on this expansion and the plan was put on hold until some further sign was received.

Tracking down the perpetrator

Addie went to the orphanage to spend some time with the kids who were housed in the same rooms with the disguised White Ninja. Her intent was to help the kids and maybe find out some information about the Ninja. She found most of the kids to be rather bullyish and not much help except for the youngest and smallest of those in the room. Little 10 year old Timmy had watched and seen the Ninja do things including writing some letters. Addie spent some time with him and found he had seen him hide something in a secret place in the mattress where he slept. Searching in the place he reached in and found a letter. Addie knew not what was written on the folded letter because she was not literate but some of the kids could read it said ‘Intercity 11’.

Addie took the letter to SD who was holding court. He waved her to the front and accepted the letter from her. Casting a Detect Magic the letter revealed a strong glow. Knowing this, once the open court was done SD went with Tyrade and Addie back to the orphanage to do a little more searching. This time they made sure all the children and employees were present, including Jeri and Jimmi. SD cast another Sphere of Eyes. It showed no results indicating there were anything but the people they saw. As that went on Tyrade cast a Detect Invisible and searched the entire building for anything hiding and also came up empty. SD spoke with Jeri to find out about the children and if any had been adopted out since the incident and he said 2 new kids had arrived and 4 had been adopted. Plans were to be formed to investigate those 4 kids at a later time.

The next idea was Addie’s. She would cast a Reflecting Pool and try to find the Ninja they knew as Cassidy. She had a lot of trouble trying to get the spell to work and to find the woman. A third attempt was finally successful revealing her in a room at a desk or table, vellum in hand with some odd writing on it, other papers strewn about the table, various inks and some odd other components including a blob she could not identify. She was intently concentrating and working with the vellum in hand. She appeared to be a High Elf in the relative human age range of her mid 40’s wearing clothing similar to the garb of the White Ninja. She wore a gold ring with a significant ruby stone mounted. On the table next to her was a scepter made of ivory inlaid with many columns of runes inlaid with gold. She was a thin, attractive, with pale brunette hair and green eyes. As her time in the scrying device reached the end Addie let it drop, fortunate and glad she was not detected.

Tyrade and Addie went over to the Gold Dragon Alchemy shop to speak with John Z and Kozmo. They intent was to describe the items Addie saw to the wizards to see if they could identify them. Based on the descriptions they were pretty sure the ring was magical with most likely some sort of fire based magic properties. The scepter was considered a definite magic item with several properties based on the rune structure. It was not something they could identify from what are the known items so it was probably custom made and worth a significant amount of money. They figured the blob type thing was probably something like a liver from a large creature which would serve as a magical material component. This meshed with the idea that she was more than likely writing a scroll at the time.

Back to the letter, SD cast Detect Invisibility on it which revealed a rune on the back side. Getting a cleric to assist him he asked for a Find Traps spell which focused on the rune, not to any one’s surprise. To clear the letter he cast a successful Dispel Magic. Opening the letter it had writing he could not identify. Detect Illusion, Read Magic and Comprehend Languages were cast to read the letter and reveal anything hidden. The contents read revealed the next stage of their plans to attack Midway identifying the Stables and Front Guard House as targets. It had intelligence showing the names of people they would find there and typical schedules they followed.

Off to the orphanage again, this time to visit with the girls in the room where Cassidy stayed. As the only woman in their little team Addie went in to talk with the 10 to 14 year olds. Most of the girls would not say anything bad about her and seemed to be gushing with adoration. All except one younger girl who stayed in the back. Annalise was not a happy girl and did not like Cassidy at all. She did notice some things about her too. She spotted her with some bead and a stuffed horse. The Orphanage house keeper said she had cleaned up after Cassidy was gone and found nothing which led Tyrade to cast a Locate Object to see if it was still in the room. The spell quickly revealed the toy was in another girls storage drawer. Taking the horse they felt around and squeezed it until a small hard spot was found around the rear end of the toy. Lifting the tail they found a pouch opening where the ass would be. Tyrade reached in and pulled out a small river rock smooth sapphire gem. Well, he thought it was just some bead, but the others saw it as a valuable gem.

Casting a Detect Magic revealed it was magical. And so was the horse. An Identify revealed the stone was a Gem of Disguise. Finding an activation word inscribed on it SD used it to change his appearance to match Tyrade. But when he tried to dispel it the disguise did not undo itself leaving SD in a Tyrade disguise. The horse was uncovered as a Pouch of Obscurement. The team had no idea what now to do with these items

Addie returned to little Timmy to bring him a mouse to keep beginning her attempt to win over the child to her Druidic ways. Some of the other boys were not so welcoming as they tried to check the other belongings in the room. Addie attempted to intimidate them and Tyrade tried to cast an Enlarge on her, but that fizzled. The argument continued until Tyrade used a Sting cantrip which completely disrupted the actions of the rude kid. Addie helped Timmy set up his place to host his new mouse.

Off to the Wander Inn to check in on the guards watching the site. The main guard reported seeing someone coming to the hotel, looking around and leaving every so often. Knowing this, they set about to wait for him to return. And they did not have to wait long. The man came up the stairs to look at the area and SD took the time to cast a Curse of the Grinning Skull on him as he left. SD moved to follow him down the stairs. When he reached out to grab him the man spun, striking SD with an open hand blow that hit a lot harder than he expected. SD drew his sword as the man chopped at him again. SD struck back at him with a slash. Another open hand attack and SD was starting to really hurt from this encounter. His next sword slash included a Lightning Bolt evoked from the sword in concert with the attack.

The man used his next move to back away and loose a Shuriken attack. The poison catching SD but not affecting him. His next action was to use the TRUE NAME power of the sword. The man’s name was McCallum. At that he turned to run away and he moved fast out the door and up the street. Addie, waiting outside with Tyrade, let loose an Entangle hoping to slow him down. It did, but it did not stop him. Tyrade rushed on and SD charged out the door of the orphanage. Tyrade began firing bow shots, hitting the man as he ran. Addie took the chance to study the appearance of the man so she could potentially track him later. And a second bow shot caused the figure to stumble.

SD used his Change Self to become a hawk with the intention to follow after him and began to fly. Tyrade charged up behind the slowed figure catching him and attempting to tackle him. But the man rebuffed the attack and issued a blow that knocked him down. SD used the same thought and tried to fly in to the man but was likewise struck back and down. With that, the man fled, Addie getting her best look at him so far.

SD chhose another mode and changed to a giant spider, but realizing it was a bad choice swapped back to his human form. Tyrade shouted to the guards on the main gate for them to close the gates and loosed a Magic Missile, which struck and knocked down the man. The man was down but not dead. SD tried to cast a Wall of Force in his path but it failed. Addie cast Animal to call creatures nearby to help and a flock of various birds came to her call. Using a Speak with Animals she directed them to prevent the man from leaving town. The man crawled another step or two and fell as SD used a Dimension Door to blink in front of him. Tyrade retrieved shackles from the guard house at the gate and they used 3 sets on the man who was not dead but unconscious. Once shackled, Addie cast a heal on him to make sure he would make it to their holding cell at the guard house.

Next time ...

How do you solve the problem of a White Ninja…?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net