June 23, 2018

Nothing so precious as a child…

MikeSD, Agamemnon
CorkyFurion, Indigo, Jerri
MacCade, Books, Tyrade, Kozmo
DebbieBernice, Jimmi
AndieMyla, Addie
CodisLady Kale
NPC'sBertha, Cassidy, All Interviewees, Angela Whitcomb, Rollin Hand

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 1 / 12 thru 947 / 1 / 13

Business of the day….

Revenue was assessed for GDA, S3 and Midway. Even in what has been difficult times these ventures all had a reasonable few months. Wizards that have spell royalties were also able to collect on that income. Kozmo visited his church to discuss spell research and found he needed to come up with a new approach as the church had no facility available to test and work out these new offensive prayers. So he turned to SD who is in the works to perhaps build a new wing of his Church of Thoth for this follower of goddess Isis so his research can continue.

Who wants a job?

Cade held interviews for the Tavern manager position he has available for the Axe & Dagger. Five applicants made the final cut and all were questioned. More on this as Cade prepares follow up issues or perhaps even hires one.

SD also held an interview session following the written applications of 4 candidates for his Research Mage. He took a slightly different approach and asked for assistance from a number of others in Midway with whom he has travelled or worked with in the past to gain a more wide ranging perspective on the applicants. Indigo, Lady Kale, Kozmo, Jimmi, Valyn and Myla all assisted the interview process. A VERY wide variety of personalities walked through the door from outright rude and obnoxious to shy and curious to meticulous and competent. In the end, SD has extended an offer to Angela Whitcomb, a 472 year old Elf.

What came after

The attacks in Midway caused a tremendous ruckus. The explosions were heard all about town by anyone awake and even shook many sleeping. Books ran over to his church to see if the Halfling temple needed any assistance. He found the facility damaged by some of the flying debris but nothing so serious as to cause anyone harm. Knowing that he headed over to find Rollin Hand to ask if he had any idea of what was going on. Rollin was completely in the dark on this one. Striking out there he headed to see SD to bring the details to him regarding the fire and the earth elemental.

At the Wander Inn, Furion and Tyrade were trying to figure out what to do with this white pajama clad victim of the incident. Furion recognized the garb and brought it to his brothers attention what this guy most likely was. With this knowledge, they rifled through his clothes and stood guard waiting for more help. It was agreed Furion should go back in to the hotel and go through some of the rooms looking for anything suspicious. He focused on the three rooms that were locked. He obtained the key to the rooms from Bertha, proprietor of the Wander Inn, and went about his business. One room was empty, a second had a few belongings and a map of Midway spread out on the desk but nothing else of note. The third room appeared to be occupied by adventurers. There he found a few potion vials but nothing else that would draw questions.

SD, Books, Addie, Lady Kale, Valyn and Bernice all arrived on the scene to help about the same time. SD directed the town guards to interview the victims rescued from the hotel to see if they could shed any light on the event. Addie had a better idea. She cast the spell Tracking to see if she could follow the trail of the dead White Ninja. It took two attempts for the spell to work properly but when it did the trail of this person was as clear as day for her. It detailed the trail through the Wander Inn showing this individual was most likely responsible for setting the fire and accosting Bertha, tying her up and hiding her in the storage room. But from there the trail left the hotel and led directly back to the orphanage. There they sought out Jimmi and Jerri. They let the search party in to the orphanage where the trail led directly to one of the rooms and one specific bed. From there the trail grew dim. The two Halflings checked their registers and found the child was named Jeff Hoaks and brought in by some woman named Oskutis.

Worried there were more secret agents in their care they called all the children down to the mess hall. Jerri prepared snacks and drinks while SD performed a magic show to keep them entertained. Some children were reluctant to join but all were cajoled except for one girl who claimed she did not feel well. This prompted Jerri to inquire if she was menstruating…. Uhh… yeah… he did ask… a 9 year old girl… And then he asked Lady Kale to lay hands on her to make her feel better but to also use her ability to Detect Evil to see if she was a problem. Once healed the child was significantly better, eager to join the other children and showed no revelation of being evil to Lady Kale.

With everyone on the mess hall watching the show Books used a Detect Magic on the kids and spotted one child with an aura signifying there was some magic at play. The child’s name was Cassidy and they brought her out of the mess hall and in to the temporary holding room where they spoke with her and cast a few additional spells to see if they could determine what magic was at play. Addie attempted a Know Alignment and received a Lawful Good indication but she was able to discern there was some obscuring magic in play too. Books tried a Dispel Magic on the child but there was no effect. A follow up Detect Magic also failed. This brought in SD with the idea to use the spell Sphere of Eyes. Once cast and the magical orbs began to surround everyone in the room, including Cassidy, the child disappeared. SD believed the action to be a Teleport. Cassidy was gone. While it was still active they brought the spell in to the mess hall to see if there were any other hidden agents but there were none to be found. The spell did not catch all of the children as Jerri had taken them all on a potty break and some were late coming back in before the spell expired but they were satisfied there were no other hidden agents.

The Orphanage investigation complete they headed back to the Wander Inn to find Agamemnon had arrived from his church with a Speak With Dead spell prepared to use on the deceased White Ninja. They had 4 questions but none of the answers proved useful. SD made a mental note to speak with Rollin Hand and ask him to find out who “Oskutis” was and any info on the attacks he could provide.

As this continued Furion went back in to the hotel to investigate some more. The map he had found in the one room had caught the attention of everyone. Bertha was able to show them the register. The name in the book was Valleri O…. where the last name was written so poorly it was illegible. They went up to the room and took the map. SD could identify the map as accurate and expertly made but outdated. Most likely about a year old. Casting a Detect Invisibility on the map revealed several markings on it. The first were circles around The Wander Inn and Emkar’s Potion Shop with a line drawn connecting the two. The second was a circle around the orphanage with a superscript type notation of the number 2. The last was a notation at the top of the map that read “1 of 5”.

A full blown search of the room was then commenced. Everything was tossed and dug into but they found nothing of note. Books did a full find traps and hidden doors scan but came up empty. Addie thought to see if there mice in the hotel that might be able to fill in some blanks. She used her spell Animal to bring the mice to her. 21 showed up and they were able to tell her the person from the room hid some things in the box. The box the led her to was the clothing wardrobe in the room. In the wardrobe they found a small collection of garments ranging from very expensive high end wizard clothing all the way to grungy peasant clothes. They rifled through them but found nothing. They looked closer in the cabinet and finally uncovered a small box hidden in the nook of the cabinet. Removing the box carefully, looking for traps and finally opening it they found it to be separated in two sections. One was completely empty and the other was filled with a thick jelly like substance they could not identify. After a long discussion it was determined that Books would take this material to John Z to have him try to identify what it was.

Their attention then turned to the clothes which they found to also be magical. Bernice was talked in to trying them on. They found the better clothes made the wearer look significantly better and the grungier clothes significantly worse. Maybe most interesting is the everyday citizen clothing altered the appearance of the wearer in a way that made them unrecognizable as who they were. A long discussion ensued regarding impounding the material in the room. SD eventually won out that the material should stay in the room and wait for the owner to claim it. But not to just give it away, town guards and Wizards from the Guild would stand watch over it waiting.

The group dispersed to help where they could and then head back to their homes. Books made a point to head over to Rollin Hand again.

Next time ...

Trips to be made and Are we under attack…?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net