April 15, 2018

Trouble starts at home

MikeJade, Patrick, SD, Erik, Agamemnon, Yosh
CorkyGrogg, Raifer, Furion, Nord
MacCord, Books, Tyrade, Kozmo
Debbie (in absentia)Bernice
Andie (in absentia)Angel
Codis (in absentia)Kale
Felix(not present)
NPC'sJen Ling

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 1 / 12

Midway Business….

Cord visited with Jen Ling bringing his special Armor Piercing Arrows and the Humming Bulb flaming arrows. He struck a deal with her to reproduce them for sale and provide him partial profits and arrows at cost. His cut of the profits will be around 20 to 25%. He also sold some of the Humming Bulb arrows to Patrick and shared this profit with his recent group.

Kozmo finally completed research on his new spell Natural Armor. It took 10 months to complete but in the end he was successful. He took his spell to the Wizard’s Guild and registered it for sale.

Jade worked with her teacher to build her second level spell book.

Grogg visited SD and spoke with him about creating some special use Continual Light coins. One for his miner’s helmet and a few with a hole drilled in their middle to attach to a string for ‘distance lighting’. SD took him to the Wizard’s Guild and had the students practice on these coins.

Rispin approached Mornor at the Wizard’s Guild asking to begin learning the Greater Mage path. He was gladly accepted and began his studies.

Raifer brought together the S3 group on the recent trip to explain what he now knew. All from that mission were in attendance as he explained the Wizard’s Guild had used them to lay a trap to smoke out a mole. They were hoping to figure out where the problem was and how it connected to rumors they had about an imminent attack on Midway. Most of the group were NOT happy with this news. Cord summed it up that they were “set up, ambushed, maybe killed for a pack of nothing.” Agreements were made among those present to be involved when the ‘mission of retribution’ was put in place.

Cord then visited the Church of Thor to discuss the dreams he has been having. All the symbols and signs from his dream led him here. He was brought to Agamemnon to help understand them. It all made sense he was in the right place. Agamemnon brought him to Erik, who was staying at the church as well and had had similar dreams. Cord has become very interested in following Thor and began an “starters orientation” to the religion.

Fire, Earth and Trouble

It was a relatively quiet mid afternoon day. Folks were going about their business in town when it all went haywire. Two almost simultaneous events occurred. In the wood construction area of the town an explosion went off at the Wander Inn. While across the rock outcrop an earth quake of sorts started near Emkar’s Potion shop.

Agamemnon was on his way back to the Church near the Wander Inn when it happened. He raced to the site of the fire and smoke he saw nearby. As he saw the conflagration, hearing cries of help from inside, he cast Resist Fire on himself and raced in to the building. Opening the door he entered a smoke filled room but was able to spot someone lying on the floor and moved to help. Agamemnon lead the man out of the building where he collapsed. The man was still breathing but was coughing and wheezing. Before going back in Agamemnon cast a Cure Light on him, bringing him back to consciousness. He went back to provide more help. In the main area he pulled open the sash of a window allowing the smoke an avenue to escape, hopefully clearing the room. That done, he went in to the next room and found the stair case up. On the second floor he began checking doors and rooms. In the first room he opened he found a woman lying on the floor unconscious. He move to her and cast a Cure Light, reviving her. He had to pick her up to help her out. Moving as quickly as he could he brought her down the stairs, through the smoke towards the exit door.

Furion and Tyrade were just a little farther away but they also ran towards the incident. Tyrade rushed in and was also hit by the wall of smoke. Unable to see he felt around for people in need of help but bumped in to a wall. He turned along the wall in the opposite direction and made it to the door through which the smoke poured out. He kicked at the door, slipped and got his foot caught under it. Pulling his foot free, he quickly scrambled to his feet again kicking the door open and entering the burning room. Once in the room he spotted another person on the floor gasping for breath. He picked her up, although it took him two attempts to get a good grip. He quickly carried this victim out, placing her next to the one Agamemnon had brought out. He spun and went back in. Hunting around on the first floor he went to clear all the rooms he could get in to. He found the back room, opened the door and found an area that had almost no smoke. He looked in and saw nothing at first but he went in giving a better search of the area and found Bertha, the owner of the Wander Inn, lying on the floor, woozy, gagged and tied hands and feet. He cut her bonds, helping her to her feet. She was not able to stand on her own so he helped her out. They moved as quickly as possible when they bumped in to Agamemnon the victim he was assisting. They moved out of the building and cleared the area where he cast a Cure Light on Bertha to help her come around.

Outside, Furion moved to the area where the fire was burning most of the corner of the building. He cast a Snow Cone spell on the flames, dousing them for a moment before the fires raged back out of control. Seeing the spell having only minor effect he began calling out for help, alerting the area to the fire. Seeing the stables nearby he raced for the water troughs to begin bucketing water on the flames. He finally got the attention of people nearby as he threw buckets of water on the flames. With more folks on hand he organized a bucket brigade to fight the fire. With the line started he made his next move, casting Spider Climb and skittering up the outside wall to the third floor, entering through a large opening which was most likely the source of the explosion. As he entered he was able to spot a figure on the floor dressed all in white. The person was not moving and the odd angle the head was in made it obvious he was dead. Furion dragged the figure away from the flames and raced down the hall banging on doors trying to get everyone out. Opening those he could as he went. Finding no one else on the third floor he picked up the dead figure and made his way down stairs to leave. Escaping the burning building he carried the dead body to the area Tyrade and Agamemnon had brought all the survivors. It was now he saw the bucket brigade finally getting control of the fire.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town in the stone construction area a rumble of an earthquake was felt near Emkar’s.

Yosh and Nord were sitting at the bar at the Mountain Nook having a few drinks. They did not even notice the rumble, thinking it was one of them that had made the noise and shaking. It wasn’t until the saw many people out the window racing by the bar. Thinking maybe there was something going on they got up and raced out to see. Yosh was first and slammed straight into someone racing away as he opened the door of the bar to leave. Ignoring this, he and now also Nord ran towards the uproar. As he made it past the crowds he spotted an Earth Elemental among the rock outcrop tossing not so small boulders at the buildings. Both barbarians raced to engage the creature.

Books was nearby at the Halfling church and rushed out to see what was going on. He weaved in and out of the crowd of people racing away from the source, unable to see what exactly happened. It was then he saw Yosh moving in, giving him a place to look and he also spotted the Elemental. Yosh attacked with his battle axe, slashing the creature and Books cast a Bless to help the three face it. The creature swung back at Yosh scoring only a glancing blow as Yosh ripped at it again. Nord had worked his way behind the creature and poked at it with his spear. The weapon dug in but became embedded in the stony flesh. Books entered the fray using a Spiritual Hammer, striking it too.

The Elemental was now taking serious damage from the three and it seemed to decide to ignore them, being so large it was able to do so, and walked towards Emkar’s. The Barbarians followed. Nord had trouble making his way off the outcrop and was slowed. Yosh tried to keep up and Books continued his hammer attacks but the creature just kept moving and slipped through the wall of Emkar’s. It passed right through and disappeared from their sight. Yosh and Books ran for the door of the building as Nord was only able to slowly descend from the rocks.

Yosh opened the door to see the Elemental thrashing abouts, destroying all the materials and equipment in the Potion shop. He rushed in to attack the creature one more time, scoring another massive blow. Books and now Nord had finally made it to the door but did not go in. Books using a little discretion and Nord not all that upset about the creature destroying magic. But they did not anticipate the explosion that followed. The materials in the shop had finally mixed and reached a tipping point. They blew causing an explosion that virtually destroyed the building. The blast struck all three causing various levels of damage but not killing any of them. The Elemental was not so lucky as it was destroyed by the blast.

The smoke clearing, the debris having fallen, Yosh carefully stepped out of the rubble. He spotted a small corner of the building that had not been destroyed upon which sat 5 potion vials. He took them. Books offered to assist him with healing but he just walked on by. Nord was not so cavalier and gladly accepted the help.

Next time ...

OK, who brought the Elemental?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net