Septmeber 8, 2018

Questions, answers and more questions

MikeSD, John Z, Jade, Agamemnon
MacTyrade, Kozmo, Cade
NPC'sElena, Tollemay, Angela, McCallum

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 1 / 19 thru 947 / 1 / 22

Business of the day….

Cade has begun to look for potential opening dates for his bar the Axe & Dagger back in Sudalon.

Kozmo has begun the prayer research phase for the spell Flame Hand (1/21/947).

SD has commissioned Angela to begin research for the spell Improved Armor II (1/21/947)

Questions, answers and more questions

The unconscious prisoner had been bound and taken to the police station in Midway. Once there SD called for a few people to be brought there. A cleric with the spell Speak with Dead, preferably Agamemnon , A wizard from the guild with the Freshen cantrip, Jade Simballa and the dead body of the Ninja they had previously interrogated. But as SD was still transformed to look like Tyrade the guards did not believe him or follow his instructions.

SD made his way back to his private grounds. Fortunately the passwords there were unique and acknowledged by these guards. He had Elena attempt to remove the magic that transformed him but she was unsuccessful. Eventually, he dug out the gem that he had used before and after a few tries figured out how to allow it to undo the spell. Now himself again he returned to the police station.

He arrived back, his orders now followed, and awaited the gathering of those he requested. The last brought was the body which had to be exhumed. It was placed in the prison cell area in front of the now conscious prisoner. The Freshen cantrip and then Speak with Dead spell were cast on the body and the questions posed as the prisoner watched. But the answers were not as revealing as SD hoped. They were unable to ascertain the home base or any higher ups of the White Ninja organization. Worse yet, the prisoner seemed disinterested in the process. The only answer of any interest was about what was the goal of the Ninja. Power, money and influence.

With no real progress, the prisoner, McCallum, offered some answers. He stood and stepped carefully to the cell bars, several folks gathered around to hear what he had to say. SD, Agamemnon, Jade, Tyrade and Furion leaned in. As he reached the cell bars he stretched his arms to the sides and exploded. His chest burst open spewing forth a cloud of spores that filled the room. SD, Jade and Tyrade dropped to the ground no longer breathing. Agamemnon, unaffected by the blast, shouted instructions for Healers to be brought quickly as he reached down and dragged Jade from the area. Fortunately the Healers building was right next door. Furion, who had been standing behind SD, dragged his body out of the cloud and outside the station. Once Jade was out, Agamemnon went back in to retrieve Tyrade.

Addie inspected the spore material more closely. She covered her mouth and nose with a rag and scooped up some of what had hit the ground with her hand. She was unaffected by it but could see some of the material moving. She requested a vial from the Guild Wizard and gathered up a decent sample of it and wiped it from her hand. She could see the sample in the vial squirming. She capped it and moved to Jade to check her out. Jade was not breathing but Addie was able to find a carotid pulse and let the others know they were still alive. Agamemnon tried to tend to Jade with a Neutralize Poison, which had no effect. He followed with a Cure Disease which did the trick. Jade began breathing again as she spit out wads of the dead material. Having worked, Agamemnon directed the other healers just arriving on the scene how to treat the victims.

Now cured, Tyrade used Fire Finger to burn the residue material from his body and clothes and discovered that it could be destroyed using fire. Using a Create Water, Agamemnon and the other healers washed off the others who were within the blast radius. This had the curious effect of causing the spore to grow quickly in the wet, damp area. Addie, who could not identify what the spore was, used the spell Edible Plant and revealed the material was poisonous. After a lot of discussion regarding what to do with the material SD first used a Fireball and then with the Guild wizard used Aganaver’s Scorcher to burn and destroy what was still there.

The spore handled the group went to the remaining husk of the prisoner McCallum. His chest was splayed open and charred. But the cavity showed no sign of internal organs leading SD to surmise it might be a Simulacrum. Addie was inspecting other parts of the body and determined it was not typical flesh. Once SD spoke his suspicions aloud the mouth of the body moved and spoke saying “They would all be working for us soon.” The entire body then turned to ash. This turn of events led to a lot of discussion regarding the next steps.

Addie took her sample to the Gold Dragon Alchemy shop where she hoped they might be able to identify it. Kozmo, John Z and even Tollemay could not identify it, although he did offer gold to buy it. Her next move was to find a botanist. With a little luck she bumped in to Nizolecky who was in town and he inspected it but was also unable to identify it. He did offer the opinion that this material was not native to their continent and appeared to behave like an invasive species. Similar opinions and results were provided by Dante Phibes and Horton. With no final answers SD used the Capture Image spell to get very close up images of the material. Then they destroyed it over the objections of Addie who preferred to keep it and perhaps try to find an antidote to the effects of the spore.

Next time ...

Trouble is a-brewin’ so tell all your friends…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /