October 21, 2017

So much to do, so little time to get it done…

MikePatrick, SD, Eric, Agamemnon, Blargg, Oscar
CorkyKenny, Marci, Grogg
MacRuurik, Cord, Jack, Rispin
DebbieJimmi, Ilykia, Ollie, Bru
AndieDiana, Myla, Adie
CodisKale, Taern, Rylei
FelixVallan, Talon

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 11 / 1 thru 945 / 11 / 8

Papers & Paychecks

There was business to be attended. Ruurik handled having gems gathered in booty appraised. He cashed them out and spread the gold around the party. The next stop was to deliver the Midway Brewery Ale to McClintock’s Ale and Pub house in Intercity 6. This stop brought a proposal for a regular delivery of the brew. Ruurik gathered the offer and agreed to bring it back to the Midway Brewery for their decision. The next step was a replacement cover for the cargo wagon and Myla stepped up to the plate to negotiate a decent price on a flame retardant cover. It was also decided to hang a banner off the wagon advertising the services of S3, a decision that gathered more than a few odd comments from the population. The final bit a planned business was the marketing of the Battaglia wine they carried and this was Jimmi’s turn. Not accustomed to such negotiations he was very careful to follow his instincts as he offered the variety of vintages to some higher class and quality establishments. The wines were generally received well, each establishment liking a different combination of the wines. When they were done with this tour they had a good 10 to 15 leads for distributing their wine. The business concluded, they decided to see if there were any opportunities for a return cargo and found a family looking for transport to midway. The lower class family, with five children between 3 and 9, and barely anything to their name, offered 100 gold for the trip. An offer they accepted.

Big Happenings

Back in Midway there was big news. The Intercontinental Bazaar had finally made its way to Midway. The caravan of 15 wagons pulled in and made their way to the Travelers Free Zone and set up shop in a semi circle around the zone. Having spoken with the folks from the Bazaar before, Cade made his way to them and spoke with the folks running the wagons. He gathered up the map he commissioned having done detailing the north western most portion of the continent. An area that has been wondered about for some time. The details showed why there had been so little contact. A large and extensive marsh and swamp area surrounds two major rivers that essentially separate that area from the rest of the continent. Cade shared the map with SD, who offered him a decent price for a copy of the map. Cade also discussed the strange ‘squid head’ coins he had and asked if anyone from the caravan knew what they were. His inquiry was met with uneasiness and avoidance. They knew and were able to tell him they were symbols for the unholiest of evil and chaotic ones and to please remove it form their presence.

Jack took the new ‘specially marked’ flamberge sword to the Norse church to ask if they knew anything about it. He found Agamemnon there to speak with. When he handed the sword to Agamemnon to inspect, the sword briefly flamed up along the blade but then doused. Agamemnon was sure the symbols were for Thor and Odin and the magic imbued on the blade was of divine nature. But further, he mumbled about a chosen one and how perhaps he had spoken the truth. He summoned a newcomer to the church, Eric, to come and inspect the sword. When Eric gripped the hilt he felt a surge of power as the blade burst in to flames and continued to flick up and down. As he handed the blade back to Jack the flames immediately extinguished. Eric then went in to an explanation of his dreams that he believed were sent to him by Thor. He was tasked to become what Thor called an ‘Elemental Warrior’. His ‘responsibility’ would be to face creatures of Ice using whatever flaming sources he could find, including a sword just such as this. As difficult to follow as this story was, Jack took back the sword and needed to discuss a fair compensation with the remainder of the party for turning the blade over to the warrior. So he returned and gathered up the group.

On the way back Jack received word from Vora regarding the two pieces of magical armor he brought to have repaired. Both the Leather and shield were both +2 and worth a small fortune each. Discussions would need to be had over who would want to lay claim to them and perhaps more critically, how they could compensate the group for their share. This discussion was tabled for later settlement dependant on how many folks wanted each piece. The sword was the more important point. After more consultation it was discovered the sword was nothing special weapon wise for any but the ‘chosen one’. It was not of particularly expert craftsmanship and it exhibited none of the magical properties Jack had witnessed. An idea was floated to ask for healing services from the church in exchange for the weapon. When Jack returned with the sword the church members were more than willing to make such an agreement and a deal was struck (One cure each member of the party could make use of and one Resurrection requestable once amongst all of the group) . A marked coin was given for each member of the party and the details laid out as the sword was handed over to the church members.

On the Road Again

Back in the Intercities, the return run of the first S3 trip began. The original group joined by Patrik, Talon and Vallan and the family of 7 they were transporting. The first few days were quiet and uneventful as they avoided the area they had run in to the odd plant creatures on the way in. On the fourth day as they were within reach of Midway a strange group of creatures were spotted over a rise ahead who quickly disappeared behind that rise. Cord led their caravan off a short way to the right to hopefully veer around them and move on. But as they crossed the ridge ahead they found a pack of these creatures huddled down just under their line of sight until they crested the rise. Surprised by this Cord reacted quickly to turn the wagon but the horses moved forward more quickly approaching the pack faster. With that, the pack of creatures burst in to action and moved in to attack.

The party readied for whatever they could. Myla turned to tend to the children of their riders to keep them safe. The riders on horseback charged forward. Lady Kale moved to flank the cargo wagon as extra protection for their charges. Cord tied off the reins of the wagon to allow himself to act. Diana quietly spoke a silent prayer to Sif, her god. And the prayer was answered with a Bless.

The two dozen or so creatures, odd mixes of human, dwarf, ogre, goblin, gnoll, and several other races as identifiable by their features, moved quickly and with great dexterity as they set upon the lead wagon and the group. The horse pulling the first wagon was in the most danger as they tore in to it. The tema members in the security wagon began jumping off the back to get out to be able to fend off the attack. Thos that had bows at the ready began firing. Vallan, Talon, Ilykia, Patrick and Cord all lossed their arrows. Marci, on horseback, charged forward to slash through one on the edge of the pack. As Jack pulled the cargo wagon away from the fray.

The melee ensued, bow shots flying in and about. The creatures using this claws and club like fists to inflict some very serious damage. They started by pounding the horse, then Ilykia and eventually Diana took two hits simultaneously. It appeared as thought she would fall but amazingly she did not, almost looking like she was pulled up by some unseen force. Patrick was dropping the smaller ones with each shot he fired and Marci continued her ride by charges with great success until she was engaged by two of the larger, leader types of the pack. Those leaders began walloping heavy blows on her forcing her to dismount to face them.

Finally all the creatures had moved in and were involved in the battle. The horse was knocked off its feet and close to death. The group was thinning the numbers, bodies of the smaller creatures beginning to litter the field. Patrick, Cord, Marci, Vallan and Talon all had kills to their credit. And the ground tropps were just beginning to make an impact, Ruurik leading the way with his axe. While in the cargo wagon Myla had her hands full keeping the smaller children from leaping out for whatever purpose other than being children.

But now that they were fully engage and the larger creatures were involved, Marci, Ruurik and Patrick were taking a few clobbering blows from them. Patrick was forced to issue forth a closing fire and change weapons as he was approached by 3 at once. Vallan picked off another that was attacking Diana, who was then able to slice through the last one on here, cutting it down, gaining some space, allowing her to disengage from the battle before taking a potentially killing blow. Cord continued firing at the creatures surrounding the horse, dropping more until there was only one left. That last one changed targets and leapt from the ground up on to the buckboard to attack Cord. The two wrestled each other until Cord was able to grapple and toss the thing from the wagon seat where it was then felled by a bow shot from Talon.

By now Kenny had parked the second wagon and leapt from the seat, positioning himself to start firing arrows in to the fray. The balance had turned as the pack of smaller ones was whittled down leaving only the larger creatures. Ruurik did his fair share of damage, Marci and Patrick had taken their fair share and dealt damage back. Taern, Kale and Kenny were able to get involved and deal damage. Finally Ruurik dropped the first of the bigger ones. Patrick, Taern and Kale surrounded the second, who struck a critical hit on Patrick, dropping him to one knee. Taern was able to deal a killing blow leaving only one. The last fought on for a bit but was finally finished off by Ruurik.

Healing was spread around, Kenny tending to the horse as well. The party gathered up what they could and set back out knowing they could reach Midway that night. Not pushing the horses and moving at a calm pace they safely made the city after dark.

Next time ...

Money, Magic and Missions… where to first…?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net