September 30, 2017

S3, The start of a new Venture

Mike(not present this session)
CorkyKenny, Marci
MacRuurik, Cord
DebbieJimmi, Ilykia
AndieDiana, Myla
CodisKale, Taern
Felix(not present this session)

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 10 / 23 thru 945 / 10 / 30

The mission started with Raifer organizing his new team for the first run. He placed Ruurik in charge and asked him to lead the caravan and report back his experience so they could better run this new caravan service. The next step was to look for additional cargo to transport on this trip to either defray the costs or maybe even make some money. So the word was passed for everyone to feel out the businesses in town to see if anyone had anything they would like taken to the Intercities in addition to the Battaglia wine made in Midway by SD’s winery managed by Jimmi.

The first takers were the dwarves running the Midway Brewery. They gladly paid 10 gold per keg for 10 kegs to be taken. Raifer was unsure if this was a good price but was willing to take the cargo. The next customer to step up was Assad of Assad’s . Raifer said for him to meet them at the S3 offices but Assad refused and demanded they meet him at his store. It was obvious from all the children running about the store, his concern over Bantu and Anusha (two of his children), his rather curt tone and penny pinching negotiation that he would not be a great customer. But he did have 10 rugs he wanted transported and was originally willing to pay 25 gold each. After some touchy negotiations and a demand for some security of the delivery a new deal was struck for 1500 gold and an additional delivery charge the end customer would have to pay the S3 team that they would return to Assad. The last taker was found by Kale.

The Wizard’s Guild wanted an “individual” transported to the Wizard’s Guild in Intercity Town 6. No questions. Required safety and security. No questions. And, oh yeah, please come in the dark of night. Kale was eager for the work because they offered 4000 gold, 2000 on pickup and another 2000 on delivery. Raifer was not thrilled about the details and went to question the shipping agent at the Guild. He assured them there was nothing shady about it, they were concerned about security. The individual would be in a 2 foot square box and the box would be Wizard Locked. He did warn them that if the box somehow was opened they should run. Quickly. Raifer was not thrilled by these details but consented to the task. The box was henceforth dubbed the “box of death”.

The day they were to leave they stopped at the Guild first, before dawn, to pick up the box of death. It was placed in the wagon gently by 4 wizards moving it by means of a Tenser’s Floating Disc. When it was placed in the wagon Kenny, driving the wagon, could clearly hear some grumbling and cursing emanating from the box. As they left town Kenny was sure to tellRuurik about what he had heard. Ruurik’s decision was to keep that information to themselves.

The first two days out were uneventful and quiet. But during the second night while on watch Cord and Marci heard some banging in the cargo wagon and went to investigate. They found the box had moved a bit and the chains used to secure it in place were loosened. They could hear talking, or rather cursing, from inside. Alarmed, they retightened the chains securing the box and shared this information with the rest of those on watch. The title “box of death” was now no longer a joke and word that there was speech coming from the box was now common knowledge. Jimmi and Myla, riding in the cargo wagon were now staying as far away from it as possible during the trip.

Day three was a different thing altogether. They set out and were making good time, expecting to make the Intercities by early the following afternoon. Along the way Marci spotted something odd and thought she saw a tree stump along the side of the road move. She called out to everyone “Get ready!”. Just then, a periscope like extension with a funnel at the end rose from three stumps around the wagons and they fired a spray at the wagons and team. The first hit Marci on her horse, the second hit Cord, the wagon he was driving and Ruurik and Taern in the wagon and the last hit just the cargo wagon. Marci and Cord were hit by an oily spray.

Cord and Kenny kicked the horses to move the wagons faster to get away from the trouble and the team opened fire at the odd stumps. Marci and Kale spurred their horses on as well. The first volleys missed as the wagons jerked about. The stumps then fired again, this time flame erupted from their funnels. The flame jet missed Marci and the security wagon but the cargo wagon was hit and burst in to flames. Jimmi and Myla jumped from the back of the wagon out on to the buckboard next to Kenny who called them up to take the reins of the wagon so he could do something else.

The caravan tried to speed up to move away but the creatures were surrounding them and two more showed themselves by moving in on them too. Kale rode her horse and engaged the most rear creature and stuck the first blow as Cord and the cargo wagon were blasted by fire again. Kenny was blasted by the fire but the flame missed Myla and Jimmi who appeared to have been protected by his body. The missile fire from the security wagon kept up and they began scoring more hits. Eventually the first creature near the cargo wagon was killed by a crossbow shot from Ruurik.

Kenny, having passed the reins over to the two diminutive team mates cast a Create Water over the burning area of the wagon effectively dousing most of the burning area. That feat accomplished he took back the reins sending the tow small ones back in to the wagon. Myla was successful but Jimmi was unable to manage the jump in back, nearly falling off the wagon. At that time Kale called out to the team “These things are leaking valuables!”. Just as the words came from her mouth she was struck by a nasty flame jet along her shield arm, which was incapacitated, causing her to drop it.

There were two of the creatures on either side of the merchandise wagon and they both fired flame at it causing more burning of the wagon, but still no merchandise had yet to be affected. Cord had maneuvered the security wagon ahead and turned it to broadside the creatures behind them. Ilykia, Ruurik, Taern and Diana furiously fired more missile shots and Jimmi used a Spiritual Hammer. A second and a third both fell from finishing shots fired by Ruurik and Ilykia. Three were down but two were still surrounding Kale.

Kale battled furiously but fumbled her sword and it also dropped to the ground. The two creatures fired at her, the flame jet missing but the oil spray hitting her. The two creatures were taking fire from the wagon but were still going after Kale. Marci charged over on her horse to help and began attacking. Kale was hit by another flame jet and this time she appeared to go limp. She did not fall from the horse as her saddle ties and stays kept her in the saddle. Kale’s outlook got worse as an entire volley from the wagon missed and Marci dropped her sword. Kale continued to burn and the creatures turned to attack Marci but their blasts missed. Marci grabbed for a waterskin on Kale’s belt and was able to snatch it and spray it on her to douse the flames and stop the burning. The wagon fire now zoned in and hit home killing both, the last one downed by a shot from Diana.

Cord urged on the horses to turn and move quickly over to Kale as both of the teams clerics were in his wagon. But the wagon got a little out of his control, bouncing through the rut tracks left by the creatures. Jimmi was once again almost thrown from the wagon. Myla now heard more screaming from the death box and could not hear what she thought was distinct “spell casting” type language from within. Fortunately there was no damage to the cargo and he worked the wagon over to where they could dismount and help Kale. Once she was brought down from the saddle the group was able to heal and revive Kale and then perform healing on the remainder of the team that had been hurt during the battle.

The remainder of the trip, through the third night and the fourth day were uneventful and they made it in to the Intercities. Town 6 was not on the outskirts but a few miles in and they made for that town without delay. They found the Wizard’s Guild there as a taller, gated building with no attendant. The called out to get someone’s attention and were answered by a magic mouth on the brick gate mounting. After a few quick words a small team emerged from the building coming forward to take the precious cargo. With the death box now out of their possession they quickly moved on to the rug drop off and were able to collect the unexpected delivery charge from the receiver.

Now with just the alcohol to handle they paused to catch their breath….

Next … When is a delivery not a delivery?

Next time ...

When is a delivery not a delivery?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /