August 5, 2017

Exploring the Depths

MikeBlargg, Oscar, SD (not in the party)
CorkyGrogg, Kenny
MacJack, Rispin
DebbieOllie, Bru
AndieMyla, Addie
CodisKale, Rylei
FelixTalon, Vallan

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 10 / 20 thru 945 / 10 / 23

Starting Business :

Yosh and Janet went to visit the store where had supplied his traps to be sold. The owner informed Yosh the traps were not selling well and they needed to be more in harmony with nature in the area they are in rather than where he came from. So Yosh took the comments and has gone back to the drawing board to make a better trap.

Furion sand Tyrade travelled to the Elven Hills in search of Elvish gear. They were very welcome and comfortable in this sprawling Elvish Kingdom and found a number places to purchase the gear they were shopping to find.

Patrick O’Furniture will be spending time with Jen Ling working on testing the new arrow heads. In particular the armor piercing style.

Myla attempted to run some alchemical tests on some slivers of the ‘new ore’ but they were unsuccessful. Oddly, the ore was undamaged by the tests she performed.

Exploring the Depths

Jack put his team together giving everyone time to gear up for the trip. They set off and re-entered the cavern / tunnel structure. This time the plan was to turn left at every intersection. The team was almost the same as the previous group with a few changes. Addie was kept near the front to scan for any new / odd / strange tracks but all she saw to begin with were their previous tracks and a few new ones made by ants.

They travelled down in to the depths and turned left as planned until they came upon a chamber. Entering they hugged the left wall as before and moved to map out the area. They were surprised as a wave of huge centipedes came pouring out of tiny crevices in the side wall swarming over the party. Every team member was crawled upon by the bugs and Grogg was the first to feel the sting. He was bitten and felled by the poison of the sting. He was followed quickly by Myla as well who was struck by two.

There were so many each team member had to be concerned with those crawling on themselves before aiding another party member. Kale was the first to squish one of the bugs followed by Addie and Rispin. Little by little they slowly beat down the small, easy to kill creatures that packed a big sting. Oscar selflessly ignored the bugs on him and moved to help Myla, casting a Cure on her to stabilize her and Blargg moved to cast a Cure on his brother to save him.

Just as the tide of the centipede wave was being overcome a much larger centipede emerged from the wall. This one was about 5 feet long. If paused for a moment and then charged in at the party. Rylei cast Magic Missile at it and Vallen hit it with an arrow shot as Ollie fumbled her shot. Everyone available focused their attacks on the large insect with Rispin eventually taking it down with a sling shot. The big bug down, the group finished off the last of the smaller ones and went about healing Myla and Grogg back to full health. Most of the party was lucky enough to escape damage, some shrugging off the bugs poison and all squishing the centipedes before they could inject their poison for effect.

With that encounter behind them the group rested for an hour or so to allow the spell casters to recharge their spells. While resting, Myla spotted more of that ore she has been looking for. It was a small piece embedded in the wall near where the bug came out. She asked Kale to help her chisel out the rock and she obliged. Some folks wanted to know what she was doing and she showed them the other side of the rock, not the special ore, saying she wanted it for her rock collection.

Rested, healed and recharged they pressed on. The chamber was self contained and there was no other way out. Backing out they came to the end of this tunnel where it was impassable and so they back tracked, marking this as a dead end. Back to the main passage and turning left at the next intersection they traversed a long passage that sloped down severely until it reached a larger and wider passageway where the temperature warmed as they went further in. They tried their infravision to see if there were any other details that could be seen but the only detail they found was the heat grew more intense further down the tunnel.

They continued deeper in, intent to stop when the heat was too great to bear but then the Paladin, Kale, alerted the party there was something evil in the area. She was able to focus in and sense the source was above them. Attaching one of the Continual Light coins to an arrow Ollie shot it at the ceiling to illuminate the area. When the arrow hit and stuck it revealed a number of bats about 2 plus feet in size. As the arrow struck disturbing the bats they sprung in to the air, spreading their wings and bursting in to flames. The flaming bats swooped down to attack.

As the bats flew in the arrows flew back striking several as they swooped and Ben wisely (odd to use that description for Ben) put the map securely away from the open flames. Jack struck, hit and felled to the ground one of the bats. Grogg was hit and discovered the bats attach and start draining blood on a hit. He now had one attached to his leg. Grogg tried to scrape it from his leg but dropped his pick.

Blargg then cast a Bless across the entire party but it could not help Ben who took a nasty attack from one of the bats. Rylei then stepped up in a big way casting a Sleep spell. The spell affected 6 of the bats, including those on Ben and Grogg. This gave Vallan, Bru and Blargg a chance to one shot skewer several. Ollie continued firing arrows hitting several as Oscar was struck and attached by another. Jack cut down the one he had felled to the ground as it attempted to recover and take flight. Rylei used a Magic Missile on one and Kale was able to strike and drop another and Ollie attacked the bat on Oscar and was able to hit it and kill it without inflicting too much damage to Oscar. Kenny and Bru finished off the last of the incapacitated ones and the swarm was over.

With the fight concluded the party took stock of their health and performed healing. The arrow above with the Light coin acted like a chandelier above them. It also revealed what looked like a chamber above them. Vallan and Grogg volunteered to scale the wall and traverse the 40 or so feet across the chamber ceiling to get to the chamber. It was a tricky climb and on several occasions Vallan slipped as made his way across the ceiling but the use of pitons and a safety rope kept him from falling the 80 feet to the ground. Once finally able to make it to the upper chamber Vallan looked around and was surprised to see a pile of Platinum coins. His first thoughts were to keep a bunch for himself but Grogg convinced him otherwise and the two swept out the money letting it fall to the floor where the party gathered it up. Later it was found to be 750 coins in all, enough to split it up 50 coins apiece.

Once again healed and rested they moved on and found this heat chamber impassable and with what they assumed to be a drop off well down the tunnel. They marked it as impassable and turned back. This time they made it to the original lava / heat fissure where they met “fire Blargg” but he was not here this time. They took notice of the area around the fissure this time, noting the odd almost forged looking flat platform around the fissure that looked to be comprised of rock or some type of ore. Then they moved off to the tunnel leading left away from the tunnels they knew to lead out of the underground passages.

This passage was more natural and less dug out but there were still ant tracks they could see. A ways down the tunnel Grogg slipped in to an opening he did not see but was caught by the quick action of those around him. The hole went down at a steep angle and was lined with very loose scree that prevented anyone from getting a foothold. Wanting to investigate Grogg offered to be lowered down to see what was there. Rope was tied around him, holding his light coin out to see his way, he gave them his safe word to let them know to pull back up. The word was “Elk”. Four members of the party, Blargg, Kale, Oscar and Bru, held the rope and slowly let him down. He was unable to hold his footing and immediately slipped to his rump. They were still able to let out rope for him to slide down further.

He made it about 30 feet down the hole. Out of the darkness beneath him a giant Ant Lion emerged racing up the passage. “ELK! ELK! ELK” was heard above and they frantically tried to pull him back up. The ant lion moved quickly up the passage and they tried pulling him out as fast as possible. The creature moved quicker and caught up to him when he was 15 feet from the top but the first attack from the creature missed giving them the opportunity to pull him up and out.

Seeing the thing Rylei cast Magic Missile, Kenny cast Spritual Whip and Grogg attacked at it with his Pick. But this only slowed the creature a bit. The four on the rope heaved up and Grogg made it just to the top of the shaft when the Ant Lion struck again, this time capturing Grogg in its mandibles, squeezing the dwarf. With Grogg in its grasp it attempted to retreat back down the hole but the rope team held fast preventing him from escaping. They now dug in trying to get a better leverage on the rope. Rispin used Magic Missile, Rylei used Icy Missile, Ollie and Bru fired bows and Jack struck down in to the hole all hitting the creature. Addie cast an Entangle in the hole around the Ant Lion. It did not stop it but it did slow it down. Still trying to get away with a meal the Ant Lion crunched on Grogg who now looked to be dead. Now frantic to stop the creature and save Grogg, Rylie and Rispin cast another Magic Missile and Jack struck one more blow killing the creature.

The creature now dead Blargg tried to reach down to heal Grogg but failed, Kenny’s heal worked. Unfortunately, Blargg slipped during his heal and fell in to the tunnel shouting “Elk!” as he slipped. He reached up and was able to grab on to one of the Ant Lion’s legs to stop his descent which was also slowed by the Entangle still affecting the area. Rylei rushed forward pulling out his spell books intending to use a Feather Fall if he could get there in time but he was late. The bug began to slip and Blargg went with it. The two slid down the tube. Blargg pulled out his light coin as he fell to light his way and quickly they hit bottom.

The bottom of the pit was unsurprisingly filled with bones and other detritus. Blargg looked around and found Grogg’s coin that had slid down. Poking around more he spotted something made of metal under the remains. Pulling it out he discovered a Flamberge sword with a Hammer and Lightning Bolt inscribed on the blade, an old shield made of wood and metal and a human sized set of leather armor. He also foung a block about 10 inches square of an odd mineral. It was very much like the ore Myla has been looking for. When he tried to lift it he found it to be incredibly heavy for its size.

The group tied together enough rope to let down to Blargg to hoist him out. Once out they cast heals as needed and took stock. The tunnel they were in ended about 150 feet further down where it became impassable. The tunnels now explored as requested they used a Tenser’s Floating Disc to carry out this block of ore and made their way back to the surface.

Their first stop was the Alchemy shop to hopefully figure out what this block was made of. Tollemay said he did not know what it was but was willing to buy it from them for 2000 gold. Not satisfied with his offer and what they believed to be his honesty they took the ore and left. This time taking it to SD who also had no idea what it was but knew a few people that might be able to figure it out. SD was also able to tell them the items were magical and the sword was some odd type of magic. He suggested they take it to a church of Thor or the Norse church as the symbols looked to be theirs.

So they left the block, weighing about 180 pounds, with him along with his new map made by Ben. Each member received their 100 gold pay from SD and 50 platinum pieces each they had found. And Jack would take the sword to the church.

Next time ...

S3, up and running and... what the heck is this stuff?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /