June 17, 2017

Just kill the damn things, and where's dinner?

MikeBlargg, Charles, SD (not in the party)
CorkyGrogg, Kenny
MacJack, Rispin
DebbieOllie, Bru
AndieMyla, Addie
CodisTaern, Rylei
FelixTalon, Vallan, Warrex (not in the party)
NPC'sTollemay, Vora, "Fire Blargg"

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 10 / 17 thru 945 / 10 / 19

The battle with the Ants raged on. Trying to get clear of the cave and flee to new ground the ants moved for the opening with the Queen pushing them forward. The largest guardian ant ignored those in combat with it to move and protect the Queen as it moved for the opening and engaged Vallan who had established an advantageous rear position on the Queen. The ants attacked but seemed to be more dangerous to themselves as they frantically tried to break free, harming themselves in the process.

Ben finished off the ant he had leapt on chomping down on the bug. Rylei used a Magic Missile on one of the soldier ants boxing in Taern causing an incapacitating wound in the bug. Kenny sliced in to another and Rispin fired sling shot damaging the Queen. Grogg, with position on the larger ant slammed a devastating blow slowing it significantly. But Charles was surrounded and unable to extricate himself taking bites from several ants. In a déjà vu moment Rylie cast another Magic Missile at the same any and caused another critical wound and Rispin struck the Queen with another sling bullet. And then Jack struck maybe the blow that changed the balance of the battle as he drove his sword in to the large guardian ant dropping it in to a lifeless hulk.

Now desperately trying to escape the Queen attempted to push through to the exit but was rebuffed by Charles. Rylie cast another Missile but this one fizzled as Taern was bitten by a soldier ant and was fortunately able to fight off the creatures’ poison. Charles, surrounded on all sides by ants small and large defended himself admirably and escaped a round unscathed. Ben jumped the Queen from the rear and bit in to her body and the Queen tied one more time and was able to push through Charles. But this move gave Charles a little room to maneuver as others attacked the moving ant. Grogg attacked and struck the Queen, Rispin fired a Magic Missile at it but the Queen continued to move.

The first member of the party to fall was Taern, bitten by a soldier ant with the poison bringing him to the ground. The second to go down was Charles, struck once critically by a worker ant, and then by the Queen with her poison bringing him down. Blargg was also hit but fought off the poison.

Battling on, Bru fired a devastating bow shot and Jack hit a soldier. Adie then turned the tide casting an Entangle and placing it perfectly to grasp all the ants in the area. The entangled Queen was then an easier target as Blargg sliced through killing it. With that blow the ants reacted oddly, some scurrying about and others turning to attack Blargg ignoring all else. The ants attacked as they moved in and one hard pincer bite felled the dwarf as the third and final party member to go down.

At this point the party quickly gained the advantage. Talon dropped one as it moved past him, Jack skewered a soldier ant and hit a second as it tried to flee. Ben hit a worker as did Bru with her bow and Rispin with her sling. Ollie killed yet another and Grogg finished off the last soldier ant.

With the battle finished Talon moved to Taern and used his Heal skills to stabilize him, Kenny reached Charles and cast Cure Light on him to resuscitate him and then did the same for Blargg. Being later in the day, needing to rest and recuperate they chose a spot outside the cave … and away from the flammable minerals it contained. Kenny and Adie ventured out to gather some fresh game for their dinner as the group set up a makeshift camp for the night.

The hunt was successful as they found a good sized elk. The beast, too big for them to carry, Adie cast a Pet spell on it, then placed a rope around its neck and they led it back to the camp. Seeing the creature coming towards their site Grogg and Blargg leapt to their feet in excitement and jumped to attack it. Grogg struck the creature but did not kill it causing the elk to spook and break away as quickly as it could. Unfortunately, Kenny was still holding the rope and it tangled up on his hand and arm as the creature bolted. They all moved with great haste to catch up to the beast to save both their dinner and the helpless Kenny who was now suffering a dislocated shoulder and more damage as he bounced along the ground. The dwarves were able to catch up to the wounded beast and finally bring it down, saving the day for everyone.

After the night of rest the group headed back through the cavern. Myla spotted some ore in the wall she could not reach but wanted to get. Unable to reach it she asked Taern for assistance and he gladly helped. He took two rather light swings which resulted in no effect. His third strike jarred loose a block of the mineral that Myla quickly scooped up with some difficulty. The rather small block was exceptionally heavy for its size. On they moved finding the other egg chambers. Jack coordinated the effort using the remaining oil casks setting them ablaze. The mission complete they made their way back to Midway.

Back in Midway Jack directed the party to wait at the Adventurers Guild as he spoke with SD to get their pay. Jack debriefed SD and shared the map made by Ben. Unsure if the mission was truly complete they went to visit the Galeb Duhr to find out if it was satisfied, which it was. Negotiations were conducted with the creature to organize a proper access to the lava area below without disturbing its home. The mission complete, the party was paid and all expenses reimbursed.

Myla returned to the shop to deliver the rock to Tollemay. He was ecstatic with the result and asked Myla to gather up a small group of people to return in to the cave in order to gather more of this and he paid her a handsome sum of 5 mithril pieces and offered her second level spell training for free.

A number of the team went in search of training including Charles and Jack. Warrex was also in need of training and would need to make his way back to his tribe in the north east corner of the continent. Cade reached out to the caravan squads and asked them to provide an maps of the north west area of the continent if they could and caught them just before leaving Sudalon for that exact area. Tyrade decided to head for the Elven Hills. Rispin went in search of a real job to put some money in her pocket and Rylei went to investigate the Wizard’s Guild and how he could join.

Next time ...

Where to now? Big? Little? Or a little of both?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net