December 30, 2017

Reunited and it feels so good

MikeJade, Blargg, SD, Patrick, John Z, Agamemnon, Yosh
Corky(not present)
MacCord, Gil, Jack, Tyrade, Rispin
Debbie(not present)
AndieMyla (not present)
CodisKale, Taern
Felix(not present)
NPC'sLeonard Ulrich, Tollemay, Vora, Honus, Jen Ling

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 11 / 9 thru 945 / 12 / 5

First up… business around town….

Tyrade made a visit to Vora’s shop to discuss making a number of masterwork items. Elven Thin and Light Blades. His intent was to buy a number of them to provide weapons for himself and a few others. A deal was struck and paid for. Vora estimated the blades would take a few weeks each to make. Patrick made a deal for a new Balanced Thin Blade as well.

SD discussed the new forge with Vora and how things were going. Vora informed him that there were some occasional interruptions from creatures wandering around in the depths of the tunnels. SD offered to have 3 guards posted while work was being performed at the forge. They further discussed this new metal. Vora was on to a new idea that it may actually be an ore from an outer plane. One of the Hells to be exact, With the information that Tollemay was also looking in to this material Vora made it clear he wanted nothing to do with that gnome. Meanwhile, Vora asked if it would be possible to smelt off a piece of the block to perform appropriate tests to confirm his suspicions. SD and Jack, the owner of the block, agreed. They discussed what information they did have on the metal. Jack knew that Myla had gathered some and returned it to Tollemay, who was very interested in getting more of it. When Jack offered to sell it to him Tollemay offered a ridiculously low ball offer, which declined. A further discussion regarding the ore, its origin and who is currently interested in it will take place soon when all parties can be gathered together.

The travelling caravan was the next stop for many of the folks. The first stop was by John Z to the Alchemists wagon for some potential deals. He met Honus, a human in his 60’s who had a quick and nervous manner, a fast talker that repeated himself several times in conversation. John Z inquired about Troll blood for healing potion and Honus produced a special small cask containing 2 gallons of the material. John bought it all along with a few other items to supply the shop.

Agamemnon visited the tanner wagon to ask about the hide of a hell hound. The owner had one but not of the quality he desired. They discussed the possibility of a hunting party to gather more but proper arrangements were not possible. The wagon owner would try to put Agamemnon in touch with the hunter to strike a deal sometime in the future.

Rispin was able to find a masterwork Jo Stick, but only one. Yosh, unable to perfect his traps for the local fauna turned his attention to a special jewelry item he could bring back to his tribe. The jeweler had a wonderful necklace piece comprised of gold and inset with pearls of different colors. Black, white, opalescent and even blue. A potential deal is waiting dependent on a deal Yosh may try to work out with Raifer. Yosh also inquired about Kheotum’s ointment and was able to find a seller of the item but the price was again out of his current reach.

Patrick stopped off at Jen Ling’s to check in on the progress of the Armor Piercing arrows and found they were almost ready. They were still a bit off balance but otherwise working as expected. Jen anticipated she would have them ready soon.

New business for S3…

SD approached the S3 crew with a special one time mission. He wanted a team to go gather up his foster parents from the town Nard and bring back to Midway. A small team was put together and sent off on the mission. The crew would head south, gather the family, bring them back and document their trip and the travel time.

The trip was quiet for some time. 4 days to Daedelus, 3 more to Middletown. The trip to Middletown was a bit more interesting though. They were met but a wandering patrol / scouting party guarding the outskirts of the town. When interviewed by the patrol Kale mistakenly mentioned the name of her deity causing all around her to cringe. A lesson learned… The scouting party searched their wagons and interviewed the crew and provided them an entry pass to the town they should present when entering. They were also told of strange creatures wandering in to the area. Things never before seen in these parts that were aggressive and highly dangerous, thus the extended patrols. They traveled on to the gates of the town finding them extremely well guarded. Once they presented their pass they were allowed to enter and stay the night, moving on the next day towards Intertown.

Intertown was only a days travel and was diametrically opposite in their security from Middletown. But then again, there wasn’t much to guard. It was a ramshackle, run down, dingy, disorganized, hovel populated collection of buildings. They were told to visit Jeb’s store to purchase Wasteland crossing potions. It was difficult to identify what would be a ‘store’ from the buildings there but they did eventually find his place and went in. The general store had a number of items on the shelves but most looked old and dust covered. The store was as run down as the rest of the town. Jeb, a balding, rotund, middle aged human was sitting behind his desk, his chair leaning back on the hind legs propped against the wall. They asked about the potion and negotiated a fair price. Jeb went to a dingy cabinet, opening the doors. Inside was a pristine, well kept closet wherein his potions resided. He poured out the 20 doses they requested in to a jug for them to take and sent them on their way.

They set up for the night in the wagons, ready to leave at first light. But the night was not as quiet as they would have hoped. Blargg and Cord spotted some dark robed figures sneaking around the town, darting from building to building some 80 or 90 feet away. After a few moments of trying to identify what they were Blargg blurted out a yell asking what they were doing causing the two figured to jump back and further away from them. They party was awakened by the shout. Jade spotted a few lights appearing in windows in the area and one man emerged from his home telling them to shut up and cast a Silence spell around the dwarf. Jade used her Diplomacy to speak with the man to smooth out the incident. She found out these were the town security patrols and should be ignored by everyone. This was how they handled the odd creatures they were finding in the areas. They left at first light and crossed the Wasteland. The potion seemed to help most of the group but Taern, Jade and Gil were all a little ill as they emerged from the area.

They approached Nard from the north intending to cross the near shallow river. During the evening approaching horses were heard and the group was awakened to prepare for the encounter. As they neared the horses could be heard to pick up speed. On they charged revealing 4 human types on horseback charging with their lances at the ready. A Continual Light coin was brought out as they closed in to illuminate the immediate area.

Jade was first to attack and strike one of the horsemen as the charge attacks whiffed. Leonard loosed a Bless to help the party. The bow shots flew, Gil, Jade and Cord all striking. Taern was the first victim of a lance and the wound was severe. Kale struck one with her sword as it passed and Leonard loosed a Spiritual Whip. The first attacked was dropped by a pin point shot from Jade that knocked the rider off his mount followed by the second one falling from her next shot. Kale chose to Detect Evil on the remaining riders and found they were definitely evil. Gil’s next shot felled the third rider. Leonard hit the last with his whip, Blargg with his axe, Jade with a bow shot and Cord finished him off.

The battle over they searched the bodies finding some cash, a map of the area with a marking of what seemed to be a patrol path that matched their route and a crest of the kingdom of Sud on each of their clothes. They took them all and moved on to Nard, entering town the next day. The town made Intertown look luxurious. Jade attempted to speak with an older man as they entered town but got an odd reaction and the man quickly walked away. Using information provided by SD they eventually found the Drumstick residence. A very humble home of incredibly modest means. But the family would not open their door until Jade and the party were able to properly identify themselves as actually knowing SD. When they did the family hurried them inside and shut the door.

The Drumsticks explained that Sud had claimed rulership over Nard an essentially enslaved the citizens to work in support of their kingdom. The decision was made to get the family out as soon as possible. The wagons were brought around the back of the house and the family assisted in loading anything and everything they would want to take with them. But there was one problem. Two of the brothers were still out in the fields and would not be home until after dark. So they made as ready to leave as they could. The family knew there would be trouble soon as other families shuttered their homes and lights were doused leaving theirs the only source in the area.

It did not take long for the trouble to arrive. From the front of the house a voice called out to them to come out and drop their weapons. With them they held the two brothers at sword point. The group carefully walked around the building keeping together to allow for a more concentrated attack. As they turned the corner Leonard cast Bless and the group leaped in to action, their first priority getting the two brothers free. But their first moves were not good. Blargg attempted a Command spell but it failed, Kale stepped in to one but dropped her sword and was then hit by the leader of the enemy group dropping her to the ground with a brutally severe wound. But then Jade put an arrow through one of the 6 guards accompanying the leader and Blargg scored a huge hit on the leader staggering but not dropping him. Gil was struck by one of the guards with a deep gash from a sword. The two brothers were now at the mercy of the brutal guards who began poking them with their swords. Leonard cast a Protection from Evil on Blargg to help protect him from the enemy leader.

Cord and Jade let fly arrows dropping a two more guards as Gil and Blargg were struck by arrows as well. Taern scored a critical shot dropping the last of the guards surrounding the brothers. Kale struck a critical on the leader causing him to fall as Leonard had moved in behind him to cast a heal on Kale. But the leader stood up and attacked Kale again undoing all the healing Leonard had just done, but she was still up. Blargg attacked but lost grip on his axe, dropping and breaking it. As Kale and Taern attacked and hit the leader. Cord finished off the last guard with a brilliant bow shot as Taern was struck with a devastating gash from the leaders axe. The finishing blow came from Gil’s bow that put an arrow deep in to the chest of the leader, ending the battle.

They scoured the bodies, collected the cash they were carrying and Blargg claimed the Axe the leader was using. They loaded the family on to the wagons and headed out of town in the opposite direction. This added some time to their trip but made for safer travel. They returned to Midway 24 days after they had departed.

Next time ...

This Caravan is a neat thing, what else do they have?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /