Accuracy (Enchantment/Charm) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 1"
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 1 missile/level
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Using this spell, the wu jen can temporarily enchant missiles, both normal and magical, to improve the chance of hitting distant targets. Missiles that can be so enchanted include all items that can be discharged or thrown by a normal man-sized creature. A bundle of arrows could be so enchanted, but the bolt fired by a ballista could not. Likewise, a Stone thrown by a giant is not affected by this spell nor could the boulder thrown by a character wearing a girdle of giant strength be affected. Upon casting the spell, the missile is enchanted and glows faintly, making it easy to distinguish from normal missiles. For the duration of the spell, all range categories for the missile are double their normal range. Thus, an arrow fired from a daikyu (great bow) would have ranges of 14 " (short), 29 " (medium), and 42, (long) instead of the normal 7 ", 14” , and 21 ". This improves the accuracy of the missile since the range modifiers may be less than those that would normally apply. The enchantment remains on the missile until the duration ends and it is possible that a missile fired at an opponent could be fired back, if it can be easily found.

The reverse of this spell, Inaccuracy, is cast upon a creature, not a missile. For the duration of the spell, all missiles fired at that creature are treated as if the target were one range category farther away than it actually is. Short range becomes medium range, medium range becomes long range, and long range targets are considered out of range.

The material components for the spell are brush and ink, which an used to write a mystical character on each missile so enchanted. A thick piece of ground glass is required for the reverse of this spell.

Animate Wood (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the wu jen is able to cause wooden items to move and bend. lt has its greatest effect when cast upon living plants, although it can be used on all types of wooden items. When cast, the spell gives the wood suppleness and motion, possibly allowing the item to move, grasp, entangle, etc. However, this movement is slow and somewhat stiff and thus animated objects always strike last in combat situations. The spell does not change the form of the item. An arrow is still single shaft, although it can wriggle and move like a snake. Likewise, it does not give fixed items the ability to move about. Thus, a tree cannot be animated to walk since it is rooted in one spot. However, animated items can be ordered to attack as a 0 level human and causing damage comparable to a weapon of the same size and type. An arrow could strike like a snake causing damage as an arrow, while a tree branch can club and thrash, causing damage as a club. The DM must determine the exact range of damage possible for the animated item.

Also, the item has an armor class from 10 to 5, based on the size, solidity, and maneuverability of the object. An animated stand of bamboo would have an armor class of 10 because it does not move and is easily cut. A cypress tree could easily have an armor class of 5 because it is quite large and difficult to damage. Furthermore, the item possesses hit points (0 hit points indicates the item has been chopped into pieces). As a guideline, each object possesses 1d10 hit points for every 10 feet of height or square yard of area. A spear shaft has 1d10 points while an arrow has 1 or 2 at most. A tall tree has 100 to 200 hit points if it is quite massive.

The amount of material that can be animated depends on if it is living or not. A single plant of living wood (five feet tall or less) can be animated for every level of the caster. For non-living wood, a piece roughly the size of two arrows can be animated for every level of the caster. lf the material is magical (an arrow +1), a saving throw vs. spell is allowed. lf successful the animation attempt has been resisted.

The material component for this spell is a mixture of powdered cinnabar and ground Peach Pit.

Chameleon (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell alters the coloration of the recipient to match that of the surrounding background. When moving through areas where the background changes gradually (such as stepping from the edge of a forest into a green field), the coloration changes automatically. When the background changes abruptly (from forest to gray stone wall), one round is required to effect the change in coloration. The coloration allows the character to blend in with his surroundings, making him difficult to spot and attack. At ranges greater than 10 ", the chameleoned character cannot be spotted (although he can be seen if pointed out by another standing closer). At closer ranges, the character is treated as if he had a 20% chance to hide in shadows, although he is not required to remain still. In addition, characters who can hide in shadows gain a bonus of 20% to their normal chance of success if they remain still. Missile weapons suffer a -4 penalty on their chances to hit a chameleoned character. The material component for this spell is the shed skin of a small lizard.

Cloud Ladder (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 1-4 rounds + 1/level
Area of Effect: 1 " per level
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Using this spell, the wu jen can mold and shape ordinary smoke into a misty ladder. The material component for the spell is a large fire of green wood. Reaching into the smoke, the wu jen casts the spell while shaping the ladder. Up to 1 " of cloud ladder can be shaped per level of the caster. The ladder weighs virtually nothing and one person can easily handle a cloud ladder of any length. Furthermore, the ladder is always steady and rigid; it need not be supported or leaned against an object. The wu jen simply places it in the desired position and climbs. The ladder can only be used by the wu jen and one other creature per level of experience of the caster as designated by the wu jen. The ladder remains in place until the duration of the spell expires or until the wu jen wills it to vanish. At the end of the spell's duration, the wu jen has the option to cast an additional cloud ladder spell on the ladder previously created, maintaining its form for an additional duration.

Comprehend Languages (Alteration) Reversible

Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One written object or speaking creature
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the wu jen to understand non-magical writing or the language of a creature the wu jen touches, although it does not give the wu jen the ability to speak or write the language. The reverse, confuse languages, prevents comprehension or cancels a comprehend languages spell. The material components for both spells are a pinch of soot and a few grains of salt.

Detect Magic (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: 1" path, 6" long
Components: V S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Except as otherwise noted, this spell is similar to the shukenja spell of the same name. There is a 10% chance per level that the wu jen can determine the type of magic involved.

Drowsy Insects (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1
Range: 6"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1/2" sq. /level
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: This spell summons a small cloud of stinging and biting insects anywhere desired within the spell range. These insects swarm around all those in the area of effect, unless they are protected by fire, cold, or smoke. Although the stings and bites cause no damage and are hardly felt, all those swarmed must make a saving throw vs. poison. lf the save is successful, the spell has no effect on that creature. lf the saving throw is failed, the creature instantly falls into a light slumber and remains asleep tor 2d6 rounds unless awakened. The victim wakes up when shaken, struck, or otherwise disturbed. Loud noises such as fighting have a 50% chance of awakening the character and actions such as shouting in his ear certainly will. The material component for this spell is a live honeybee or stinging insect.

Elemental Burst (Conjuration)

Level: 1
Range: 6"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1" diameter
Components: V S
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: ½

Explanation/Description: Upon uttering a twisted phrase of great potency, the wu jen indicates the target point within the range of the spell. The target point must be an item composed of one of the five elements-wood, fire, water, stone, or air. The element then releases the magical energy within it in a sudden burst. Wood and stone items throw off sharp slivers in all directions out to the radius of the spell. All within the area of effect must make a successful saving throw vs. spell or suffer 1d8 points of damage. The damage is halved if the saving throw is made. Fire shoots off glowing sparks, causing 1d4 points of damage and a successful saving throw vs. spell results in no damage. The sparks have a 5% chance of igniting flammable objects in the area of effect. Water pushes out in a string wave, knocking down all who fail to make a saving throw vs. spell. Boats and vessels are unaffected by this wave. An air burst creates a concussive wave, stunning all in the area of effect for 1-2 rounds unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. ln no case does the spell noticeably affect the structure of the target item.

Fiery Eyes (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Caster only
Components: V S
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell causes the wu jen's eyes to glow with an unnatural fire. So lit, they project beams of bright light to a range of 3 feet, clearly illuminating the area as if lit by a lantern. By fixing his sight on one spot for 3 rounds, the wu jen can cause combustible materials to burst into small, flickering flames if desired. In addition, any creature looking at the wu jen must make a saving throw vs. spell. If the saving throw is failed, the creature hesitates for an instant, fascinated by the unearthly light. Creatures so affected automatically lose the initiative on the next combat round. Finally, if cast in conjunction with a hypnosis, hypnotic pattern, or mass suggestion spell, the victims suffer a -1 penalty to their saving throws if they are looking at the spellcaster. The wu jen can control the color of the light emitted from his eyes, ranging from a reddish glow to brilliant yellow.

Ghost Light (Conjuration)

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 1" square
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: With this spell, the wu jen summons a ghostly green radiance anywhere within the range of the spell. The light can be used to illuminate some object or can be shaped in any form within the limits of the area of effect. Furthermore, the caster can control the movement of the light. The ghost light could be formed in the shape of a man and then commanded to walk or fly, for example. The spell lasts as long as the caster continues to concentrate on it. Common superstition holds that various evil spirits radiate a light similar to that produced by ghost light. Intelligent creatures with low rating or less than 1 Hit Die must make a saving throw vs. spell upon seeing the ghost light. lf the saving throw is successful, the creature stands his ground, albeit nervously. Those who fail their saving throw panic, running their full movement rate away from the light for 1 round. lf they are unable to flee, they cower and attempt to hide. lf forced to fight under these conditions, they suffer a penalty of -2 on all attempts to hit. The material component for this spell is a piece of phosphorus.

Hail of Stone (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: 1/2" sq./level
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the wu jen summons a rain of stones in the area of effect, causing damage to creatures and objects within this area. A hit roll is made for every creature in the area of effect, at the caster's chance to hit. lf the hit is successful, the creature has been hit by one or more stones falling from the sky. The amount of damage caused is 1-3 points per level of caster. Any number of creatures can be struck by these stones if all are within the area of effect. The material component for this spell is a piece of jade worth at least 1 ch'ien which is thrown at the desired target.

Hold Portal (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 2"/level
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 80 square feet/level
Components: V
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell magically seals any one door, gate, or valve within the area of effect. Extradimensional creatures automatically shatter such held gates. Wu jen four experience levels or greater than the spell caster can open the door. A knock will negate the spell. The door can also be battered down.

Hypnotism (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: One to six creatures
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Neg.

Explanation/Description: This spell causes the target creatures that fail their saving throws to be susceptible to suggestion. The suggestion must be in a language the creature understands, and should not be obviously self-destructive.

Know History (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One creature or object
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is identical to the 1st level shukenja spell, know history.

Magic Missile (Evocation)

Level: 1
Range: 6" + 1"/level
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One or more creatures in 10 sq. ft. area
Casting Time: 1 segment
Components: V S
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The wu jen using this spell may cause a magical missile to leap from his or her fingertips and unerringly strike the target, inflicting 2-5 points of damage. These missiles can strike multiple targets in the same area of effect. The wu jen gains an additional missile for every 2 additional levels, gaining another missile at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, and so on.

Melt (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 1 cu yd of ice or 2 cu yd of snow/level of caster
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the casting wu jen to raise the temperature in a given area, causing ice and snow in the area of effect to melt for the duration of the spell. Creatures composed of para-elemental cold or from cold regions take 2 points of damage per level of the wu jen if subject to this spell, half that if a saving throw vs. spell is made. The material components of this spell are a few crystals of rock salt and a pinch of soot.

Message (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 6" + 1"/level
Duration: 5 segments + 1 segment/level
Area of Effect: 1/4" path
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the wu jen whispers a message and points at a target within range. The target hears the message and, if time remains, the target may reply. The material components of this spell are the wings of a moth.

Prestidigitation (Conjuration) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Caster only
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 3 segments
Saving Throw: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell heightens the manual dexterity of the wu jen and allows him to teleport small objects to different points on his body. The wu jen can pick pockets, cause small objects to disappear from his hand, and cause objects on his person to suddenly appear in his hand. When the wu jen attempts to pick pockets, the victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save is successful, the attempt is discovered and whatever relevant consequences apply. lf the victim fails the save, the wu jen successfully filches the item. Furthermore, with a quick pass of his hand, the wu jen can cause items small enough to fit in the palm of his hand to disappear and reappear elsewhere on his person (in a pocket, boot, other hand). This feat can also be used to bring items from elsewhere on his person into his hand. Again, the object must be small enough to easily fit in the palm of the hand. However, onlookers are allowed a saving throw vs. spell to notice the prestidigitation. All of these tricks take just seconds to perform and several can be done in the same round. Thus, the wu jen could pick up a rare gem, secretly transport the item to his hat, and replace it with a cheap substitute hidden in his pocket in a few seconds. The material component for this spell is a small drop of oil rubbed on the tips of the fingers.

The reverse of this spell, fumble-fingers, is cast upon a victim within 3”. Thereafter, for the duration of the spell, the victim must make a successful saving throw vs. spell to successfully perform any action requiring manual dexterity. The spell does not affect large actions, such as melee combat, but can cause an archer to fumble his arrow, a ninja to drop his thieves' tools, or a spellcaster to confuse his gestures in spell casting. The material component is a small amount of oil sprinkled at the victim.

Read Magic (Divination) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: By use of this spell the wu jen is able to read magical inscriptions and writing. This reading does not unleash the magic contained on scrolls, but activates a curse placed upon magical writing. Once read, the wu jen may read that magical inscription without need of the spell in the future. The material component of this spell is a clear crystal. The spell's reverse, unreadable magic, makes magical writing unreadable, even by magical means, until the spell wears off or is dispelled. The material components of the reverse are a pinch of dirt and a drop of water.

Secret Signs (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: Caster and one other
Components: Special
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a secret method of communication between the wu jen and one other intelligent creature. The creature to be communicated with is named when the spell is cast and must be within hearing and visual distance of the caster. By means of secret signs, the caster can communicate a complete thought of 25 words or less through a single gesture, utterance, or even the placement of an object. The message is understood by the creature regardless of language, although the interpretation of the message is another matter. The wu jen could, for example, wave his hand in the air transmitting the message, "Come see me when all are asleep," or place a scroll on the table in such a way to say, "Leave now and wait for me to contact you." Obviously, the recipient of the message must be able to see and hear the wu jen clearly for the spell to work. There is no specific component for this spell since the component is whatever method is used to send the message. Thus, this spell can be used even when the wu jen is bound and gagged. The secret signs spell cannot be used to trigger or deliver other spells of any type.

Shield (Evocation)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Area of Effect: Caster only
Components: V S
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell raises an invisible barrier in front of the wu jen, with the following effects: It negates all magic missile attacks; it provides Armor Class 2 protection from hand hurled missiles, Armor Class 3 vs. device-propelled missiles, and Armor Class 4 vs. all other attacks, and finally adds + 1 to all saving throws from attacks from the front.

Spider Climb (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The recipient of this spell may move on vertical and upside-down surfaces at 3" per round. The target of the spell must have bare hands and feet, and cannot handle objects of less than 50 gp weight without them adhering to the recipient (this alone makes spell-casting nearly impossible while engaged in a spider climb). The material components of this spell are a drop of bitumen and a live spider.

Still Water (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 1"/level
Duration: 5 rounds/level
Area of Effect: 10" sq./level
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the wu jen to calm even the most turbulent waters except those of tsunami force, rendering them placid and still for the duration of the spell. Upon casting the spell, all water in the area of effect becomes calm and settled-stormy oceans become smooth, raging rapids subside, flood waters flow calmly. The spell changes the rate of flow of the water and the force with which it moves to a gentle flow. Thus, the whirlpools and turbulence of a rapids become a gentle stream easily negotiated. The spell does not alter the amount of water passing through the area, only the force it carries. If cast on a water elemental or other creature from the Elemental Plane of Water (or a creature of watery substance), the target is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save is successful, the spell has no effect. If the saving throw is failed, the creature becomes incapable of directly hostile actions, although it can still cause harm indirectly. If such a becalmed creature is attacked, the spell effect is instantly negated. The material component for this spell is a tiny flask of whale oil.

The reverse of this spell, turbulence, increases the choppiness of water. Still water becomes white capped and choppy, white capped waves become strong waves capable of capsizing canoes and small boats. Stormy ocean water becomes huge mounting waves capable of swamping small ships. If cast upon water elementals or similar creatures, it makes them hostile and belligerent. The material component required is a small ornamental fan.

Swim (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: 3 rounds/level
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell gives the recipient the ability to swim with the ease of a fish. The character has a swimming rate of 12" and can carry his normal load of equipment with no difficulty. A normally outfitted character cannot drown while this spell is in effect. Excessive weight still causes the character to sink and drown normally, however. The spell does not impart the ability to breathe underwater. The reverse of this spell, sinking, reduces the swimming ability of the target by one class unless a successful saving throw vs. spell is made. Thus, natural swimming creatures are treated as land creatures trained in swimming, those with swimming proficiency are treated as characters without this ability, and those without swimming proficiency sink like stones. The material component for either spell is the scale of a goldfish.

Unseen Servant (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 6 turns + 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 3" radius of spell caster
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell summons a weak invisible force that may perform simple tasks, carrying up to a maximum of 20 pounds or pushing twice that amount across a smooth surface. This force cannot fight or be slain, but it may be affected by a dispel magic, or eliminated if it takes 6 points of magical damage. The material components are a piece of string and some wood.

Ventriloquism (Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 1
Range: 1"/level, maximum 6"
Duration: 2 rounds + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: One object
Components: V M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: The wu jen using this spell may cast his or her voice, as well as imitate sounds and other voices, over a distance. There is a 10% chance per Intelligence point over 12 that creatures listening are not fooled. The material component for this spell is a small bit of parchment.

Wall of Fog (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: 2-8 rounds + 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 2 cu in./level
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: Casting this spell creates a wall of misty vapors which reduces all sight, normal, infravision, or ultravision to 2 feet. The material component is a handful of sea salt.

Warp Wood (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: 1"/level
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: None

Explanation/Description: This spell causes wood to bend and warp. The area of effect is equal to 15 inches of 1 inch-diameter wood per level, which is approximately a hand axe handle or four crossbow bolts. The spell may be used against the boards of a ship or a bolted door, but if used on magical items or enchanted objects, it only succeeds if the caster is a higher level than the spell on the door or object, and then only has a 20% chance of success per level of difference. The material component of this spell is a green twig, which is bent as the spell is cast.

Water Protection (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1-3turns + 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: This spell protects the recipient from the dangers of drowning. lt also protects his equipment from water damage. The recipient gains the ability to breathe normally underwater for the duration of the spell. Furthermore, the character and the equipment he carries do not become wet. Torches held in hand can burn underwater and words can be spoken normally. The spell does not give the character the ability to swim and movement (including combat) underwater is still slowed by the resistance of the water. Potions cannot be drunk, since the liquid mixes with water upon opening, unless a special container has been previously prepared. Obviously, characters with this spell in effect cannot drown. The spell in no way affects the character's ability to breathe air normally. The material component for this spell is a small golden statuette of a fish held by the recipient.

Wizard Mark (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: 1 sq. ft.
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Explanation/Description: When casting this spell the wu jen may inscribe, visibly or invisibly, his personal symbol or mark and up to six additional characters on stone, metal, or softer substance without hurting the substance. A detect magic reveals an invisible wizard mark, as does detect invisible, and true sight. A read magic fully deciphers the message. The material components of this spell are 1 ch'ien worth of diamond dust and pigments for the mark.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /