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New Spells for 1st Edition

This is the list of new spells created for my campaign by type and level

  1. Acid to Water (MU-6)
  2. Capture Image (MU-1)
  3. Carson's Break Weapon (MU-3)
  4. Carson's Drop Weapon (MU-2)
  5. Deform (CL/DR-3)
  6. Double Barrell Magic Missile (MU-4)
  7. Freya's Healing Hand (HE-3)
  8. Minerva's Irritating Itch (CL-3)
  9. Natural Armor (MU-1)
  10. Percy's Perilous Plunge (ILL-4)
  11. Raistlin's Rear Guard (MU-2)
  12. SD's Acid Ball I (MU-4)
  13. SD's Acid Ball II (MU-5)
  14. SD's Improved Armor II (MU-2)
  15. Sid's Itemized Delivery (MU-3)
  16. Sidnaceous's Super Duper Stopper (MU-1)
  17. Spiritual Whip (CL-1)
  18. Talking Crystal (MU-4)
  19. Teleport Other (MU-8)
  20. Thermal Shelter (MU-4)



Level:		1
Range:		0
Duration:	2 rounds/level
Area of Effect:	Caster
Components:	V,S
Casting Time:	1 segment
Saving Throw:	Special

When this spell is cast, the caster must state the specific MELEE weapon type to be effected (i.e. Fist, Short Sword, Trident). The magic-user becomes invulnerable to all weapons of the above type specified for the duration of the spell. All weapons are enti9tled to a Save vs. Spells. Magical items are entitled to a bonus equal to the highest weapon bonus (i.e. a +1/+3 vs. Regeneration Long Sword wielder saves at +3). This spell cannot be combined by casting it twice so one person is immune to multiple weapon types. The somatic component is the mage shielding his face with his hands and the verbal component has him state the weapon type.

CARSON'S DROP WEAPON (Enchantment) Reversible


Level:		2
Range:		1"/Level
Duration:	Special
Area of Effect:	1 Hand held object
Components:	V,S
Casting Time:	1 segment
Saving Throw:	Neg.

When this spell is cast, the magic-user causes a hand-held item of the creature/character he points to, to slip from his//her hand and fall at his/her feet. Duration is 1 segment. Saving throw vs. Magic is on the object, not the creature/character and is only possible if the object is magical. Saving throw bonuses are equal to the items' magic and +1 for each additional magical property. The spell has the effect of a rolled 2 'to hit'.

The reverse of the spell gives immunity to this spell for a duration of 2 rounds/level of the caster. Also, a rolled 2 'to hit' becomes just a miss and the weapon does not drop (if cats on the weapon). If the creature/character is carrying more than 1 item, the caster must choose the item he wishes to attack.

Either form can be used in conjunction with Permanency. If Drop Weapon is used, any figure hit with the weapon must make a Save vs. Magic or drop their weapon (random determination if multiple objects are held). This save is by the person, not the object. The reverse makes the weapon impossible to drop by accident.



Level:		2
Range:		0
Duration:	Special
Area of Effect:	Caster
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	2 Turns
Saving Throw:	Special

This spell protects the caster from back stabs/rear attacks. When an assailant attempts a back stab or surprise rear attack, a loud booming voice says "BEWARE" and a flash of light equivalent to full daylight goes off like a flashbulb at the attacker.

The attacker must Save vs. Spells. If successful, he may attack at -2 to hit due to the flash (and the attack is treated as a front attack with regards to bonuses for that round only). All surprise is lost and multiple damage from a backstab is lost. If the save is failed, the attacker is STUNNED and will take twice the normal time to perform ANY action. He is also at a -8 to hit for the duration of the round.

The spell duration is permanent until discharged or cancelled by the caster. The material component is a piece of oiled cloth and a small wooden dagger. The items are consumed in flame when the spell is cast.

CARSON'S BREAK WEAPON (Enchantment/Alteration) Reversible


Level:		3
Range:		1"/Level
Duration:	Special
Area of Effect:	1 Hand held object
Components:	V,S
Casting Time:	2 segments
Saving Throw:	Special

When this spell is cast, the magic-user causes 1 weapon or shield to break. Saving throw vs. Magic on the object is identical to Drop Weapon. If broken, all magic on the item is lost. If a saving throw is made, the object drops from the hand of the figure (if it was being carried in hand). Duration is 1 segment. Non-magical items are not entitled to a saving throw.

The reverse of the spell gives immunity to the spell as well as having the effect of any 'to hit' roll of 1 becomes a 2 and the weapon is just dropped, not broken. Either form can be cast in conjunction with Permanency. For Break Weapon, any figure struck will make a Save vs. Magic (as with Drop Weapon) or its weapon will break. The reverse will make a weapon/item immune to breaking.



Level:		3
Range:		1"/level
Duration:	Instantaneous
Area of Effect:	Special
Components:	V
Casting Time:	3 Segments
Saving Throw:	Special

When this spell is used, the magic-user instantly transports any item or items under or equal to 10 lbs/level and not in possession of another individual (i.e. armour being worn or staff being held). Distance is not a factor, but inter-planar travel is not possible with use of this spell. Any item in the possession of another receives a saving throw vs. Magic equal to that of the possessor. If the item is held or fastened to the figure, the item is given a +4 to the saving throw. Any magical item is given an additional +5 to the saving throw (unless the item's bonus is greater). Furthermore, a modifier of +/-1 is given for the difference of levels between the caster and target.

The only limitations are the aforementioned size and weight restrictions. The probability of teleporting is equal to the 5th level Magic-User spell Teleport. The results of any errors are equal as well.



Level:		4
Range:		3" + 1"/level
Duration:	Instantaneous
Area of Effect:	Special
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	4 Segments
Saving Throw:	None

This spell is a variation of the 1st level spell. It behaves in a similar fashion except as noted here. 2 missiles are generated per 2 levels of the caster. The caster must have BOTH hands free to cast the spell as missiles alternate shooting from each hand. If either hand is not free, the spell acts as a normal 1st level Magic Missile spell. All missiles MUST be expended at the time of casting, no holding of shots is possible. The missile will shoot forth, disregarding all intervening obstacles and strike its target, as long as it can "find" a clear path to the target and the caster can see the target. The caster may "spray" the shots to attack multiple targets, but one missile is lost (shot into) per hex separating the targets (as machine gun fire).

Damage is d4+1 per missile. The material component of the spell is 1 ounce of lead and is lost when the spell is cast.

SD'S ACID BALL I (Evocation)


Level:		4
Range:		See Below
Duration:	Instantaneous
Area of Effect:	See Below
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	3 segments
Saving Throw:	1/2

Upon uttering this spell and hurling a flask of acid, the magic-user causes the flask to break and all creatures within 1/2" take full damage (d6+1/level). All creatures and items must make a Save vs. Magic for half damage (like Fireball). All creatures within 1" take 3/4 damage, within 1 1/2" take 1/2 damage and within 2" take 1/4 damage (saving throw for 1/2 damage applicable in all cases). Range of the spell is equal to the strength of the wizard (a strength 12 wizard can hurl the flask 12"). Note that the wizard himself must throw the flask, he can not have a stronger friend do this for him. Note that about 1/2 oz. of acid is needed and can be natural or synthetic of any corrosive type. Note that damage may be altered slightly due to the type of acid (at DM's discretion). Note that metals save at a minus due to the chemical nature of metals and acids.



Level:		4
Range:		Touch
Duration:	1 turn/level
Area of Effect:	1"
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	1 hour
Saving Throw:	None

Upon casting this spell upon a gem, the gem will give another person (wizards and non-wizards) the ability to talk to the wizard who cast the spell. The gem must be at least 1000 gp in value. The person can communicate with the caster anywhere on the same plane as the caster. The gem disappears at the end of the conversation. The gem can "hear" within 1" of the location of itself, allowing multiple speakers to communicate with the caster. The spell is initiated by speaking the casting wizards name directly into the gem.

If the wizard should die before the gem is used, the gem will explode causing 1d6/level of the wizard at the time of casting to all within 1".

SD'S ACID BALL II (Evocation)


Level:		5
Range:		See Below
Duration:	Instantaneous
Area of Effect:	See Below
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	4 segments
Saving Throw:	1/2

Spell is identical to Acid Ball I except that damage is d8+1/level.

ACID TO WATER (Alteration) Reversible


Level:		6
Range:		1"/Level
Duration:	Permanent
Area of Effect:	1 liter per level
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	6 segments
Saving Throw:	Special

This spell turns any sort of acid into water. If the acid is not natural to the caster's plane or is magical in nature, a Save vs. Magic is applicable at +3. The reverse of the spell turns water into acid (type is chosen by the caster, more corrosive types are more difficult to create). Salt water can be changed but is entitled to a saving throw at +3. The water or acid must be at least partially visible. Material components are a drop of water and a pinch of baking soda. A drop of any form of acid and a pinch of baking soda are used for the reverse.



Level:		8
Range:		Touch
Duration:	Instantaneous
Area of Effect:	Special
Components:	V,M
Casting Time:	6 Segments
Saving Throw:	None

When cast, the Magic-User teleports (instantly) the figure touched. He can teleport up to 1000 gp weight plus 1000 gp weight per level above 13th (16th level MU can teleport up to 4000 gp weight). The drawback is that a foe (foe = unwilling target) will be teleported to the safest destination for that figure, with NO error. It is not possible to use this to teleport a figure into a solid object to kill them. A willing target can be teleported to a destination of choice. As with the 5th level Teleport, the caster's knowledge of the destination is critical (see table below). For every percentage out of the ON TARGET range, the figure will miss by 1". If teleported in to a solid object, the figure dies instantly.

	of Target		High	On Target	Low
	Very Familiar		01-03	04-98		99-00
	Studied Carefully	01-05	06-97		98-00
	Seen Casually		01-10	11-94		95-00
	Viewed Once		01-20	21-89		90-00
	Never Seen		01-40	41-79		80-00



Level:		4
Range:		2"/Level
Duration:	Special
Area of Effect:	Special
Components:	V,M
Casting Time:	4 segments
Saving Throw:	Neg.

By means of this spell, the caster is able to create an illusory pit to open under the victim(s). The caster may create a pit of 5'/level in depth. He may alter the pit to any form involving a fall in to a "pit". The victim will actually trip and fall taking 1d6 for every 10' of the pit depth. The caster may opt to forfeit half the distance for the addition of spikes at the bottom of the pit. This will increase that damage to 1d8+1 per 10' + 2d10. He may further adjust the pit to place "poison" on the spikes by again halving the distance. Damage is now 1d10+2 per 10' + 4d10. He may also reduce the distance by 5' for each additional target effected by the spell. Spell components are a gem of at least 50GP value for the basic spell. Add a bit of powdered iron for "spikes". Add a drop of poison for the addition of "poison". All items are dropped while casting the spell and disappear after the spell. Save vs. Magic will negate the effects.



Level:		1
Range:		8"
Duration:	Special
Area of Effect:	1 target
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	1 Segment
Saving Throw:	None and Special

By evoking this spell, a cleric creates a magical whip (that does not require the whip weapon talent to use). The weapon is useable once, as the spell Magic Missile, but can be employed to either attack or grab. If the attempt to cast the spell would normally result in a failure, the spell will have its' effects materialize but the spell will attack randomly at whatever is in the spell range. The cleric will be unaware that control of the spell is no longer his/hers and can actually be the spells' random target. When used in an attack, the whip does 1d4 + 1. Damage increases by 1d4 + 1 for every other level of the caster (ie. 2d4 + 2 at 3rd, 3d4 + 3 at 5th...). To cast this spell the cleric needs an 8 inch strip of blessed leather which does not disappear after the spell is cast. At 5th level the cleric may attempt to use the whip to perform a grab or entangle. The caster utters the word "grab" or "entangle" at the time of casting. A target may attempt to dodge the whip by rolling a save (percentage) against its Dexterity minus the spell casters level (ie. Cleric of 7th level against a target with Dexterity 18 would yield as follows: 18 - 7 = 11. 11 * 5 = 55%). If the target is a Thief-Acrobat, its evade percentage is added to the saving throw. A roll of 5% or less will always result in a save and of 96% or more, a failure. In this application, if a successful grab is made, the whip lasts until dispelled.

DEFORM (Necromantic) Reversible


Level:		3
Range:		Touch
Duration:	Special
Area of Effect:	Creature Touched
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	3 segments
Saving Throw:	1/2 (and special)

By means of this spell, the caster causes the figure touched to have their Comeliness score reduced by 1/2 (round up in favor of target). This effect is permanent and reversible only by means of a Restoration (q.v.). The target figure is allowed a Save vs. Spells at -4 against the effects. If the first save is successful, then the attribute score is reduced by 1/4 the total (round up in favor of target). Success on the first save also means that the effects of the spell can be reversed by means of a Remove Curse (q.v.). The effect of this spell causes any figure so altered to incur a morale check (at +20%) as per DMG pg. 67, to continue their current course of action. If failed, the figure will abandon all purpose and retreat to what he/she would consider a safe place.



Level:		3
Range:		1"/level
Duration:	1 Round/level
Area of Effect:	1 Person
Components:	V,S,M
Casting Time:	3 Segments
Saving Throw:	Neg.

When this spell is cast on a figure the affected recipient starts to feel discomfort in their groin area. The discomfort begins immediately if the save is failed. These factors will affect the saving throw: Cleanliness of the figure (modifier of +1 to -3 ---> meticulously clean to utterly uncleanly). If the save is failed, the figure loses ALL Dexterity bonuses immediately, movement is reduced to 1/3 normal and the figure may only attack 1/2 of the normal rate (ie. 1 attack per 2 rounds for non-fighter types). Components for the spell are pubic hair, a pinch of sulphur and a pinch of phosphorous. The items are rubbed together in both hands at the time of casting and disappear after the spell completes.

Capture Image (Alteration)

Level: 		    1
Components: 	V, S, M
Range: 		    1" + 1"/level
Casting Time: 	1 segment
Duration: 	    Permanent
Saving Throw: 	None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: When Capture Image is cast, a portion of the wizards current 'field of view' (i.e. whatever the wizard is looking at) is captured and imprinted on a solid non-magical surface of his/her choosing. Please note that once the spell is cast there is no magic aura or protection on the target surface. For example, if an image is captured to a parchment and the parchment burns the image is lost.

The verbal component of the spell is the word 'click'.

The somatic component : the wizard uses thumb and forefinger to square up the target surface. Next the wizard again uses thumb and forefinger to square up the imagine in front of his/her eyes. Note that the size of the target surface and the imagine in front of the wizard do not have to be the same size. If effect, the wizard can 'zoom' the image retaining the detail of the image upon the target surface.

The material component of the spell is a 50 gp sapphire, 50 gp ruby, 5 gp pyrite (fools gold). The duration of these items is dependent on the level of the caster. 1 Capture Image spell per level of the caster. Thus an 11th level wizard gets 11 Capture Images spells from the same sapphire/ruby/pyrite before being completely consumed. Each casting consumes a small portion of each material component.

The target surface can be virtually anything solid (i.e. no liquid or gas). Parchment/Leather/Canvas/Stone/Wood all make fine surfaces to accommodate the captured image.

Flat surfaces are preferred so that the image is not distorted however this is not a requirement. If the image is captured to an uneven surface, the final appearance of the image will be as though a thin sheet of parchment were draped over the surface; following whatever contours exist in the target surface. Note that if the target surface is the skin of an animal/person/humanoid that the image will fade usually within weeks (varying on the type of creature of course). In other words : no permanent tattoos.

Natural Armor (Enchantment)

Level: 		    1
Components: 	V, S, M
Range: 		    Touch
Casting Time: 	1 round
Duration: 	    1 day
Saving Throw: 	None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: When cast, the recipients skin toughens which gives him/her a +1 to their armor class. This bonus increases an additional +1 for every 2 caster levels after first (ie.. +2 at 3rd level, +3 at 5th, etc..) with a maximum bonus of +5 at 9th level. Natural Armor does not slow or hinder movement, adds no weight or encumbrance, nor does it prevent spell casting. If cast on a person wearing armor this spell has no effect. Also, this spell will not work in conjunction with protective magic devices other then a ring of protection. The material component of the spell is a piece of ironwood which is not consumed during the casting.

Thermal Shelter: (Evocation-Alteration)

Level:          4 
Components:     V, S, M
Range:          0 
Casting Time:   1 turn
Duration:       2 rounds + 1 round/level of caster
Saving Throw:   None
Area of Effect: 1 hex

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell on a Ruby/Sapphire (see below) a 1 hex protective orb is formed that provides protection from hot/cold. Depending on the material component, the spell has different effects :

A) For protection against heat based attacks a 500 g.p. Ruby is the material component of the spell. Heat-based attacks will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained.
B) For protection against cold based attacks a 500 g.p. Sapphire is the material component of the spell. Cold-based attacks will be saved against at +2 on the dice, and either half normal damage or no damage will be sustained.

Please note that the spell emanates from the gem, not the creature holding it. So (for example) creature A could invoke the spell and hand it to creature B who would now benefit for the duration of the spell.

Also note that during the duration of the spell the gem shrinks in size until it is consumed at the end. If spell is terminated prematurely, the gem is consumed instantly.

To activate the spell the holder of the gem must perform either of these 2 actions :

(1) For protection against heat based attacks ..... a hand waving motion similar to a southern belle fanning herself on a hot summer day with gem in hand (paw/tentacle whatever)
(2) For protection against cold based attacks ..... cupping your hands (paws/tentacles) and blowing into your hands (while holding the gem) similar to warming up hands on a cold winter day.

Freya’s Healing Hand (Conjuration)

Level: 3
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell conjures a spectral, floating hand at a point the healer chooses within range. The hand lasts for the duration or until you dismiss it. You can use the hand to manipulate an object, open an unlocked door or container, stow or retrieve an item from an open container, or pour the contents out of a vial, etc…. The spell also allows the healer to cast “Touch Range” spells thru the hand. These spells can only be healing/cure spells or spells that remove a detrimental effect (Sleep, Paralysis, Charm, etc...).

The hand can’t attack, activate magic items, or carry more than 5 pounds. If the healer moves more than 3” from the hand, it follows the healer to stay within range. It takes the shortest route to do so. The healer need not concentrate to keep the spell active and may cast other spells, wield a weapon or perform other activities. This spell is the domain of healers in service to Freya. The material component of the spell is a leather glove blessed by a cleric of Freya. The glove is not consumed during the casting.

SD's Improved Armor II (Conjuration)

Level: 2
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One Creature

Explanation/Description: There are actually several Improved Armor spells - one for each level 2 - 9. Acts identically to the 1st level spell Armor except that the base armor class is 9 - spell level.

In other words :

Spell LevelArmor Class

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net