Shujkenja SPELLS 7th Level

Ancient Curse (Abjuration)

Level 7
Range: 0
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V
Coasting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

By means of this spell, the shukenja calls down a terrible and lasting curse upon those of evil ways. The spell can only be cast on those who have performed some great wickedness. The spell is granted to the shukenja directly by his deity and the intended victim must be known before the spell is taken. As such, the DM controls the use of this spell, deciding if the conditions have been met.

When granted, the shukenja is given the solemn responsibility of invoking the wrath of his deity upon the evildoer and his family in the form of a powerful curse. The shukenja player must decide the exact nature of the curse (with approval from the DM). Suggested curses include pestilence settling on the house of the evildoer, failure of the evildoer's crops every year that all his family and their descendants live out miserable, squalid lives, that a ghost or haunting of some type dwell in his home, that he shall have no sons to carry his name, or that his household be prone to devastating fires. Players and DMs can be creative in designing appropriate curses. When the spell is cast, the shukenja must be in the presence of the evildoer and must announce the curse clearly to him. Thereafter, the curse is in effect. Ancient curse is a long-term spell and its effects are seldom immediate. Rather, the curse develops over months and years and extends for centuries. The curse affects the evildoer and all those who descend from him.

Although an ancient curse has a long-lasting effect, it is not necessarily permanent. An atonement spell can lift the ancient curse, provided the atonement involves some action of great magnitude and is appropriate to the deed that resulted in the invoking of the ancient curse. lf the curse had been brought down on the head of a great tyrant, his descendants could atone for his actions by liberating the oppressed. A curse brought on by greed that destroyed a village could be lifted by devoting one's life to poverty and charity.

The material component for this spell is a tiny silver gong and the shukenja's holy symbol.

Astral Spell (Alteration)

Level 7
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V S
Coasting Time: 3 turns
Saving Throw None

The shukenja using the astral spell is able to project his or her body into the Aslral Plane. The physical body and its possessions are left behind on the Prime Material Plane, connected to the astral form by a silver cord. If this cord is severed, the shukenja is slain in both astral and material forms. Up to five people may accompany the shukenja in this travel, and these companions are dependent on the caster for a safe return. Using this spell the shukenja may enter the first levels of the Outer Planes, forming a body on that plane upon arrival. The astral spell lasts until the shukenja ends it, or the spell is terminated by outside means (dispel magic or destruction of the cleric's body). The astral form can travel throughout the Prime Material Plane, but cannot form a second body, and generally can be seen only by creatures on the astral plane.

Compel (Abjuration)

Level 7
Range: 6"
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V S, M
Coasting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw Neg.

By means of this spell, the shukenja attempts to correct the behavior of another by causing a change in his alignment. The shukenja points to the recipient of the spell and compels him to change his behavior. The victim is allowed a saving throw versus death. Those with fewer hit dice or levels than the shukenja have a -4 penalty applied to this roll. Those of equal through 150% more hit dice or levels have a normal saving throw. Those with greater than 150% have a +4 applied to the saving throw.

lf the save is successful, the spell has no effect. lf the save is failed, the alignment of the victim immediately becomes whatever the shukenja states. Accompanying this change of alignment is a change in the victim's behavior to match his new world-view. Thus a lawful evil NPC changed to lawful good alignment would immediately give up his evil ways, disassociate from his less than savory companions, and try to atone for his past misdeeds.

If the change is outside the alignments allowed by the character's current class, the character does not lose any of his abilities and can still advance in level in his chosen class. This is a special case, since the deity has seen fit to make the alteration through its shukenja servant. lt is quite likely however, that the character will use his abilities in a manner quite different from than normally intended. A ninja changed to good alignment would use his ninja powers against those seeking to cause evil or harm, often doing so without pay or reward.

The material components for this spell are the shukenja's holy symbol and a set of coarse white robes to be given to the victim once the spell has taken effect.

Divine Wind (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level 7
Range: 1 mile
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect: 1/2 sq. mile/level
Components: V S, M
Coasting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw None

This spell summons mighty hurricane-force winds at the shukenja's command. The force of these winds is such that small boats are automatically capsized, large ships are capsized 70% of the time, branches are ripped from trees, tree trunks are snapped 70% of the time, heavy articles are blown away, medium and lightweight articles are torn free from their fastenings, shacks are flattened 60% of the time, common wooden buildings are blown down 20% of the time, man-sized creatures are knocked to the ground 70% of the time, and are blown 10-40 feet 30% of the time (suffering 1d6 points of damage for every 10 feet bowled along). Flying creatures are blown backwards 50-100 feet. Reinforced buildings and stone buildings are relatively undamaged, generally suffering 1d4 points of structural damage. Boats on shore are cast about like matchsticks. Seas become raging tempests, deserts are shrouded in massive dust storms, and snowy regions are blinded by blizzards. Small fires blow out while large fires (the size of a building or more) erupt into raging conflagrations. Crops are75% ruined.

Creatures caught within the area of the divine wind suffer 1d10 points of damage for each full turn they are exposed to the weather. Creatures are reasonably safe within shelters, but they may be buried in sand or snow or swamped by crashing waves. When moving through the area affected by the spell, all movement rates are reduced to 1/4 normal. Attempting to fight under these conditions is nearly impossible and all creatures suffer a -8 on all to hit rolls. Missile weapons of all types are impossible to use. This includes attacks by breath weapons and the like. Characters standing next to each other have to shout to be heard. Flight, either natural or magical, is impossible.

The material component for this spell is a banner or flag, painted with the calligraphic character for wind, a moderate-sized drum and the shukenja's holy symbol.

Exaction (Evocation/Alteration)

Level 7
Range: 1"
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V, S, M
Coasting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw Special

The shukenja wielding this spell may confront a powerful being of similar alignment from another plane (excluding deities) and require a duty or service from it. The shukenja must offer the exacted being something of equal value in a fair trade, though this may be a favor done for the being earlier by another follower. The spell then acts as a quest spell until the service is performed. Upon completion of the service, the being is immediately transported back into the presence of the shukenja, where accounts are settled, either by cancelation of previous debts, or material reward, after which the being is free to return to its home plane. Failure to fulfill the promise results in the shukenja being subject to an exaction by the being, or its master and may result in the being attacking the shukenja. ln this case, the being is immune to all of the shukenja's spells. The material components of this spell are the shukenja's holy symbol, some substance from the creature's home plane, and knowledge of the being in question and the service required, the last of which is painted on a picture scroll and burned to seal the bargain.

Gate (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level 7
Range: 3"
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V S
Coasting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw None

This spell opens a portal to the plane of a desired, powerful, extra-planar being, and calls that being's attention to that portal, allowing it to step through the portal (or send an agent or minion). There is a 100% chance that something steps through the gate. The actions of the summoned being depend on the situation, returning to its own plane if the matter is trifling or places the being in great danger.

Holy (Unholy) Word (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level 7
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: 3" radius
Components: V
Coasting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw None

The utterance of the holy (unholy) word drives evil (good) creatures to their home planes, and affects all creatures of differing alignment within the area of effect as follows:

Creatures of less than 4 HD are slain outright. Creatures of 4 to 7 HD are paralyzed 1d4 turns. Creatures of 8 to 11 HD are stunned tor 2d4 rounds, slowed to half speed, and attack at -4. Creatures of 12 or more HD are deafened for 1d4 rounds, slowed to 3/4 speed, and attack at -2.

Quest (Enchantment/Charm)

Level 7
Range: 6”
Duration: Until fulfilled
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V S, M
Coasting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw Neg.

The shukenja casting this spell upon a creature requires it to perform a specific action or service and return with proof. Each day of purposeful delay results in a loss of 1 from the creature's saving throw, with this penalty remaining until the quest is discharged. A quest may only be removed by the casting cleric, one of the same faith of a higher level, a deity, or by successful completion of the task. The material component of this spell is the shukenja's holy symbol.

Reincarnate (Necromantic)

Level 7
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Person touched
Components: V, S, M
Coasting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw None

This spell allows the shukenja to instill the life force of a deceased individual to another form, and as such is used in situations where the body is long dead or the body is severely deteriorated or damaged. Unlike other versions of this spell, there is neither time limit nor body required to complete the spell. The spirit will inhabit one of the following types of bodies:

Restore Spirit (Necromantic)

Level 7
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V, S, M
Coasting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw Special

By means of this spell, the shukenja can return the spirit of another from its aimless wanderings to its proper body. The shukenja lays his hands upon the body, reconnecting the tie between the body and the spirit. A system shock roll is made for the character and, if successful, the lost spirit instantly returns to its body, restoring the character to whatever condition he was in the moment the spirit became lost. spirits can become lost in a number of ways, particularly through mishaps when using the possession and dream walk spells. The material component for this spell is a red robe.

Resurrection (Necromantic) Reversible

Level 7
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Person touched
Components: V S, M
Coasting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw None

The shukenja employing this spell is able to restore life and complete health to a dead body. The body may be dead up to 10 years per level of the shukenja, but must also be in a relatively complete form. The character being resurrected must be an honorable -creature, as the spell does not function on those of less than 50 honor. The spell's reverse, destruction, turns the victim to dust, and requires the shukenja to touch the victim. Components of both spells are the shukenja’s holy symbol, holy water and burning incense tapers. Casting this spell is so draining that the caster must rest in bed for one day for each level of experience of the figure brought back to life, and may cast no further spells during that time.

01-05 Bakemono
06-10 Bear
11-15 Boar, wild
16-20 Carp
21-25 Drake
26-30 Eagle
31-35 Faun
36-40 Fox
41-45 Goblin Rat
46-50 Hawk
51-55 Hengeyokai
56-60 Hsing-sing
61-65 Human
66-70 Korobokuru
71-75 Ogre
76-80 Ogre mage
81-85 Raccoon dog
86-90 Stag
91-95 Tiger
96-00 Water Buffalo

lf the character is reincarnated in a form that is a player character race, a new character is generated. The character has all the memories of his previous life, and is able to communicate with his comrades. The material components of this spell are the shukenja's holy symbol and some part of the deceased's body, or some article of clothing or item connected with the deceased.

Wind Walk (Alteration)

Level 7
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 turns/level
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V, S, M
Coasting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

This spell enables the shukenja to transform his body to a cloud-like mist, moving from 6 " to 60 " per round, for as long as the shukenja desires. up to the duration of the spell. The shukenja may in addition take two persons with him on the wind walk and, while visible, the individuals are 80% likely to be mistaken for clouds or fog if they are dressed in white. The material components of this spell are fire and holy water.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /