Shujkenja SPELLS 5th Level

Advice (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 5
Range: 1"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell allows the shukenja to give profound and thoughtful advice to any creature of at least low intelligence. The two must also share a common language. When cast, the victim is allowed a saving throw versus spell to avoid the effect. If this is failed, the shukenja can give the creature instructions in the form of advice. These can be instructions to do anything, including acts obviously foolish or self-destructive. The advised creature then does its best to obey the instructions. However, if the advice would place the creature in great peril or cause its death, the creature is allowed a second saving throw versus spell (with a + 4 on the die roll) just prior to committing the act. Should, for example, the shukenja give advice to go to a nearby cliff and jump off (and the creature cannot fly), the second saving throw would be allowed just before the creature took the fatal step. The spell does not in any way conceal the identity of who gave the advice, and bad advice can often cause trouble for the shukenja, should those who follow it survive.

Air Walk (Alteration)

Level: 5
Range: 0
Duration: 6 turn + l/level
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 segment
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature of up to giant size.

This spell enables the shukenja to tread upon air as if it were solid ground, moving at normal rate if remaining at the same altitude, slowing if ascending (as if walking up a hill), and speeding up if descending. The material components of this spell are the shukenja's holy symbol and a bit of thistledown.

Atonement (Abjuration)

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One person
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the shukenja to remove the onus of unwilling or unknown deeds from the subject, as well as remove the effects of magical alignment change. The subject of the spell should be truly repentant, or under the command of others to be repentive. The material components of this spell are the shukenja's symbol, prayer beads or prayer wheel, and burning incense.

Commune With Greater Spirit (Divination)

Level: 5
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None

This spell is similar to the commune with lesser spirit spell. The points of difference are that any type of spirit, including the shukenja's deity, can be contacted by this spell and the questions are limited to yes or no answers (although "maybe" and "l don't know" are also acceptable replies). The material component for this spell is an offering of appropriate type and value to the spirit contacted.

Cure Critical Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V S
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None

The shukenja casting this spell may lay his or her hands on a living subject to heal 6 to 27 (3d8 + 3) hit points of damage from wounds and other damage. lts reverse, cause light wounds, requires a successful touch to inflict 6-27 points damage.

Dispel Evil (Abjuration) Reversible

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V S M
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None

This spell causes summoned evil creatures (as well as monsters enchanted and caused to perform evil deeds) to return to their own plane. While the spell is in effect, all such creatures are at -7 to hit the spell caster. The spell's reverse, dispel good, has a similar effect on summoned and enchanted creatures of good alignment. The material components for this spell are the shukenja's holy symbol, a handful of salt, and incense.

Mental Strength (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw: None

This spell enables the shukenja to mentally fortify himself or others. The recipient of the spell gains a + 4 bonus to saving throws against spells and magical effects involving will force-illusions, enchantments, charms, hypnosis, suggestions, fear, possession, telepathic attacks, etc. ln addition, when struck by mental attacks that do not normally allow a saving throw (pacify, etc.), the recipient is allowed a saving throw of 17 or better to avoid the effects of the spell. The reverse of this spell, mental weakness, has the opposite effect-lowering the saving throw against mental attacks by -4.The victim must be touched, but no saving throw is allowed. The material component for this spell is the tail of a fox.

Possess (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 5
Range: 36"
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: One creature
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: Neg.

This spell is similar to the possess animal spell. Unlike possess animal, however this spell can be used to possess any type of natural animal or intelligent creature. When possessing a character, the shukenja does not gain any of the abilities of that character class (i.e. special abilities or spells). When released, the possessed creature does not have any memory of actions done during the possession or knowledge of who possessed it. The material components for this spell are a bowl or stick of incense and a figurine of the creature or character to be possessed.

Raise Dead (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 5
Range: 3"
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: One person
Components: V S
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special

A shukenja utilizing a raise dead spell can restore life to a dead body that has been dead up to as many days as the level of the shukenja. The spell can be used to raise any human, demi-human, or humanoid creature of at least low Intelligence. The individual being raised must make a system shock roll and, if successful, have full bed rest for one day for each day the character was dead. The spell's reverse, slay living, allows the target a saving throw versus spell which, if successful, still subjects the target to 3-17 points of damage.

Remember (Divination) Reversible

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect: Creature touched
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: Special

This spell can be used for two purposes. The first allows the shukenja to restore memories lost by amnesia, possession, forget, or other events that might cause a loss of memory. The spell instantly restores all lost memories of the character. The second form of the spell restores limited knowledge to the character of previous lives. This use is more difficult and requires the recipient of the spell to make a successful saving throw vs death to take effect. lf successful, the character gains some limited memories of his previous life as a different person (or possibly even as an animal). The main use of this version is to gain information about events in the distant past. These may reveal reasons for the character's current fortunes or information about places and items long since forgotten. This is used most often when the DM has created an adventure where such information is hidden from the characters. Thus, if the player characters discover an incomplete ancient legend describing some great treasure or past event. The remember spell can be used in an attempt to learn more information. The DM must decide if any useful information can be gained from this spell.

The reverse of this spell, forget past, causes the victim to lose knowledge of recent events. For every level of the shukenja, one day's worth of memories is lost, starting with the most recent. The victim does not forget spells memorized, however. The victim is allowed a saving throw versus spell to avoid the effects of this spell. The material component for all forms of this spell is a metal mirror.

Strength (Alteration)

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 6 turns/level
Area of Effect: Person touched
Components: V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw: None

Use of this spell increases the strength of the character by a number of points that depend on the character's class:

Samurai, sohei, kensai, bushi, & barbarians gain 1d8 points
Shukenja and yakuza gain 1d6 points
Wu Jen and monks gain 1d4 points
Ninja gain Strength as their other class.

samurai, kensai, bushi, and barbarians gain strength in 10% increments upon reaching 18 strength. The material component of this spell is a piece of fur of a strong animal such as a bull or ape.

True Seeing (Divination) Reversible

Level: 5
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect: 12" sight range
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 8 segments
Saving Throw: None

The shukenja using this spell sees all things as they truly are, including secret doors, displaced beings, and invisible, ethereal, and astral persons and things. lllusions are pierced, and polymorphed, altered, and magicked things appear as they should be. Alignments may be determined. The spell's reverse, false seeing, causes the person affected to see the reverse of the truth. Both spells require an ointment that must be aged for 1d6 months, the ointment for true seeing is made of rare powdered mushrooms, saffron, and fat, while the reverse contains oil, poppy dust, and mare's sweat.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /