Shujkenja SPELLS 1st Level

Animal Companion (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1
Range: 1 mile radius
Duration: Special
Area of Effect One creature
Components V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw Neg.

Explanation/Description: This spell is only effective outdoors. When cast by the shukenja, it summons one normal woodland creature that is within a mile of the caster. The creature is allowed a saving throw versus spells. The DM determines the type of creature summoned, depending on terrain and level of the character. The creature's hit dice must be equal to or less than half the level of the caster. This beast is friendly toward the shukenja. lt remains with the him so long as he travels through the wilderness, but will not go more than 20 miles from its home. Upon entering any large encampment, village, or other settlement, the beast parts company with the shukenja. ln addition, mistreating the beast causes it to leave or even turn on the shukenja.

The spell does not provide telepathic or perfect communication with the beast, however it does understand the general meaning of spoken commands and gestures. The animal is still a wild beast and can be dangerous, especially misinterpreting common situations as threatening. If well-treated, the animal defends and serves the shukenja to the best of its ability and nature. Thus, a monkey would prefer harassment and tricks to outright combat, while a tiger would fearlessly spring into the midst of the shukenja's foes. Common animals summoned include monkeys, hawks, badgers, boars, bears, tigers, and serpents. The spell requires a piece of candy, sugar, or other tasty morsel for the creature summoned.

Augury (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect Caster
Components V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: The shukenja attempts to learn whether some action taken in the next three turns will be for good or ill. The base chance of success is 70% plus 1% per level of the caster. The DM decides the answer always stated in general terms. Precise details are never revealed through this spell. The material component is a set of straight willow sticks or carved bones.

Beneficence (Evocation)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 2 turns/level
Area of Effect 1 " radius/level
Components V
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: The beneficence spell surrounds the shukenja in an aura of mystical harmony and wisdom. All who see him recognize him as a holy man of virtue and kindness and many are predisposed to treat him in a friendly and respectful manner. The spell gives the shukenja a bonus of + 20% on encounter reaction rolls with most NPCs and creatures. Only those who are sworn enemies of the character, his race, his class, or what he represents are immune to the effects of the spell. Nor does the spell work on creatures who have no understanding of the shukenja's position or role. Thus, the spell is unable to affect the reactions of a den of tigers or a group of bandits waiting to waylay the unwary. lt can, however, affect the reactions of a group of peasants or a village of ninjas, provided the latter are not hired to harm the shukenja.

Beneficence does not deprive those affected of their free will and does not cause them to instantly follow the suggestions of the shukenja. Their reactions are improved for everyday dealings, not for very unusual events.

Bless (Conjuration/Summoning) Reversible

Level: 1
Duration: 6 rounds
Area of Effect 5" x 5"
Components V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell raises the to hit roll of friendly creatures by +1, provided they are not currently in combat. The reverse, curse, lowers the to hit roll of unfriendly creatures by -1.

Calm (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect One hit die of creatures/level
Components V, S, M
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw Neg.

Explanation/Description: By using this spell, the shukenja is able to soothe the minds of those affected by fear, temporary insanity, confusion, and other forms of mental distress. It cancels the effect on the recipient, restoring him to his normal mental state. The shukenja points at the recipient and utters a few holy scriptures, triggering the spell. However, the recipient, since his mental distress makes him an unwilling target, must make a saving throw versus spells, attempting to avoid the effect. lf the saving throw is successful, the spell has no effect. lf the save is failed, the character is calmed. The material component for this spell is a prayer wheel or a page of sutras.

Cure Light Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect Character touched
Components V S
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: Upon touching a damaged character, the shukenja heals 1-8 points of damage to the character, so long as he has a solid body and is still alive. The reverse, cause light wounds, inflicts 1-8 points of damage on the victim.

Deflection (Evocation) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Area of Effect One creature
Components V S
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw Special

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, the shukenja or any creature" within range is surrounded by a mystical shield, protecting him from missiles and blows. The enchanted creature is allowed a saving throw versus death against any attack for which a successful to hit roll is scored. lf the saving throw is successful, the creature takes no damage from missile weapons and half damage from melee attacks. Through the power of the spell, he has managed to nimbly sidestep the shot or deflect the blow of the attacker.

The reverse of this spell, attraction, can be cast on an unwilling opponent who is allowed a saving throw versus spells to avoid the effect. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the victim suffers 1 point of additional damage for every level of the caster when hit, unless a second successful saving throw versus death is made for that hit.

Detect Disease (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 1"
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect One hit die of creatures/level
Components V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell reveals whether a creature (or object) carries a disease, normal or magical. ln addition, there is a 10% chance per level of the caster that he is able to identify the exact type of disease. The material component for this spell is a bamboo wand with prayer-inscribed paper strips attached to it.

Detect Evil (Divination) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: 1 turn + 112 per level
Area of Effect 1" x 12" path
Components V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell detects evil, or good when reversed. Non-magical inanimate objects and unintelligent creatures do not radiate evil. The material component required is the shukenja's holy symbol.

Detect Harmony (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect 10 " sq./level
Components V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell gives the shukenja general information on the balances of forces-good, evil, lawful, or chaotic-in a given area. lt does not reveal the exact alignment or nature of anything in the area of effect, only the general proportions of each element. The DM must consult his information about the target to determine the answer. Answers are always vague-" there is more evil than good here," or "the lawful order of the universe is ascendant in this area."

When cast upon a living creature, the spell takes into account not only the creature's given alignment, but also the acts they have done, the actions they currently intend to do, and any other factors that may be at variance with their stated alignment. Thus, a lawful evil character noted for his occasional outbursts of compassion towards the helpless would be detected as being "faithful but in which the other forces are at struggle." The spell can also be cast on buildings and areas, in an attempt to learn whether there are powers at work in these places. A dwelling haunted by spirits would show the harmonies tending towards evil and destruction, while the cave of a noted holy hermit would give the opposite impression. The material component for this spell is a specially prepared scroll of sutras costing 5 ch'ien for the paper and inks.

Detect Magic (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: 1 turn
Components V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect 1 " x 3" path
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: The shukenja can detect magical radiations even through solid items. Stone walls 1 foot thick, metal 1/12 foot thick, and wood 3 feet thick will block the spell. The spell requires the shukenja's holy symbol.

Detect Poison (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect Special
Components V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: Using this spell, the shukenja can determine if an object has been poisoned or is poisonous. Only one item can be checked per round, and large areas may require several rounds. The spell requires a sprig of holly.

Divining Rod (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 6"
Duration: 1 round/level
Area of Effect Special
Components V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: With this spell the shukenja can attempt to locate common items or forces of nature that may be hidden from view. The material component for the spell is a wand cut from a ginkgo tree. The shukenja must state the particular item being searched for. Thereafter; the wand points in the direction of the item, pulling the caster along, provided the item is within the spell range. lf an impenetrable obstacle is reached (the ground, for example) the wand presses against it and stops. The shukenja must hold the wand with both hands for the spell to work. lf there is no item matching the description within the spell range, the wand does not react, although the shukenja can move about searching for the item. Common uses include locating water, buried treasure, and stolen goods.

Know History (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 12"
Duration: Instantaneous
Area of Effect One creature or object
Components V, S, M
Saving Throw Special

Explanation/Description: The know history spell, when cast, reveals the common name, background, lineage, and deeds of any item, creature, or place, should such possess any notable history at all. lt does not reveal secret identities, presence of magic, magical abilities, character alignment, etc. lf cast on a character, it would tell of his parents, what family he belongs to, and any famous deeds of his ancestors. When cast on an object, it reveals the specific name of the item (if it has one), any notable deeds it was used in, and the name of its maker. A katana could be revealed as the "cloud-cutting sword used by the great hero AkichaTanokura at the Batile of the Faltei Bridges, having been made for him by the master swordsmith Lei yung." When used to reveal a creature or item that is disguised or polymorphed, the target is allowed a saving throw versus spells. lf this is failed the spell operates normally. The spell has no effect on disguised or polymorphed items or places. When used on a creature, the caster must be able to see the creature in question. when used on an object, the caster must be able to handle the item. When used on a place, the caster must be standing within the grounds of the site. The material component of this spell is apair of carved bones.

Omen (Divination)

Level: 1
Range: 0
Duration: Special
Area of Effect Special
Components V
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell is used to forecast the general fortunes of some major undertaking and determine auspicious and inauspicious events. When the spell is cast, the shukenja calls upon a deity to grant him some sign regarding the proposed action. Although the physical aspect of casting takes very little time, the shukenja must remain in one place and observe the natural events around him for the entire casting time. At the end of this time, he sees some omen-a flight of birds, the appearance of an animal, the fall of a leaf , etc., that indicates the general fortunes of the undertaking planned.

This spell is commonly used before starting a journey, engaging in a major battle, or attempting some notable feat. The outcome of the spell is determined by two factors. First, the DM should consider the proposed action against information that only he knows. For example, the characters are about to leave a village to punish a group of bandits. The omen spell is cast to determine if this is an auspicious time to go. The DM knows that the village will be attacked by bandits that night, so the result would be an ill omen (since the characters would not encounter the bandits in the surrounding mountains). In situations where the DM has no information on which to base his judgment, 1d10 should be rolled and Table 63: Divination Results consulted.

However, omens are infrequent events and interpreting them is difficult. Due to the strain this spell places on the caster, it can only be used once per week.

Die Result Result
1-2 Ill omen - the characters should not undertake the task this day. lf this advice is ignored, all the characters will suffer a -1 on "to hit" and saving throw rolls for the rest of the day. Their chance for encounters will be doubled and a -10% reaction modifier is applied to all encounters.
3-4 Great danger exists - The chance for encounters is doubled for the day and a -10% reaction modifier applies to all encounters. Adversaries have a + 1 applied to their chance to hit.
5-7 Neutral omen - no special modifiers apply
8-9 Favorable omen - The characters will be able to travel half again their normal travelling rate that day. Opponents will have a -1 on their chance to hit the character's that day.
10 Auspicious omen - All the effects of a favorable omen apply. ln addition, the characters will gain a + 1 on all saving throws made that day.

Purify Food and Drink (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 1
Range: 3"
Duration: Permanent
Area of Effect 1-foot cube/level, within a 1 " sq.
Components V, S
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell makes rotten, spoiled, poisoned or contaminated food and water edible without harm. The reverse, putrefy food and drink, has the exact opposite effect.

Resist (Alteration)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 1 turn/level
Area of Effect One creature
Components V S, M
Casting Time: 1 round
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the shukenja to harden another against the pains and discomforts of heat, cold, fatigue, and hunger. Upon receiving the spell, the recipient is unaffected by normal heat or cold. He suffers 1 point less per die of damage from magical fires and magical cold (ice, cold rays, etc.). Fatigue is banished as if the character had slept for one hour for every level of the caster, although this does not allow spell casters to regain spells. The effects of hunger and starvation are delayed until the spell has expired. The material components of this spell are a piece of rice cake or dumpling, a scrap of cloth, a drop of water, and an owl's feather.

Snake Charm (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Components: V S
Area of Effect Special
Casting Time: 5 segments
Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: Casting this spell sets up a hypnotic pattern which causes one or more snakes to cease all activity except a semi-erect swaying posture. The duration of this spell is 3-6 turns if cast when the snakes are in a torpor, 1-3 turns if the snakes are active but not attacking, and 5-8 melee rounds if the snakes are angry or attacking. The shukenja's hit points are the total amount of hit points of snakes that may be affected by this spell, and may represent a single snake or many of them.

Trance (Divination)

Level: 1 Range: 0 Duration: 1 round/level Area of Effect 12" Components V S Casting Time: 1 round Saving Throw None

Explanation/Description: With this spell the shukenja places himself in a deep trance, during which he cannot move, speak or take any action. While in the trance, the shukenja is highly attuned to the powers and forces in the surrounding area. As such, the trance allows the character to discover whether any supernatural or magical effects are at work in the area. For each round the character remains in the trance, he feels the presence of any one lesser spirit, greater spirit, curse, permanent magical effect, or haunting, provided this is in the area of effect. He is able to determine the general type of thing contacted (natural spirit, evil haunting, etc), but cannot communicate with it in any way or gain any other information about it. For example, the party stops at a deserted temple for the night. The shukenja enters into a trance, hoping to learn if supernatural forces are at work here. From the trance he learns that an evil spirit is haunting the temple. So prepared, the party can ready appropriate defenses or leave.

Weapon Bless (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Area of Effect Special
Components V S, M
Casting Time: 1 turn
Saving Throw None
Area of Effect One weapon

Explanation/Description: With the weapon bless spell, the shukenja is able to prepare one weapon for combat against a particular foe. Upon casting the spell, he carefully writes on the weapon the identity of the foe and several sutras to give the weapon power. Although the exact name of the victim need not be known, the identity must be specific, identifying only a single character or creature. Sstating the weapon is to be used against "a kappa" is not sufficient. However, stating the weapon is to be used against "the kappa who lives in ch'i sheng's millpond" is a precise enough identification. Thereafter, that weapon is + 5 on the first to hit and damage roll against that particular foe. The weapon is considered a magical one for the purposes of striking creatures that can only be hit by magical weapons. The effects of the weapon bless are not additive with those of already magical weapons, i.e. if cast upon a + 2 weapon, the effect is still + 5, not + 7. Furthermore, if the weapon is used to strike another creature while the spell is in effect, the blade is wiped clean and the spell is lost. The material component for this spell is a writing brush and ink made from dragon's blood.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /