Antipathy/Sympathy (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 6 turns
Duration: 12 turns/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell allows the magic-user to set up certain vibrations which will tend to either repel or attract a specific type of living, intelligent creature or characters of a particular alignment. The magic-user must decide which effect is desired with regard so what creature or alignment type before beginning the dweomercraefting, for the components of each application differ. The spell cannot be cast upon living creatures.

Antipathy: This dweomer causes the affected creature or alignment type to feel an overpowering urge so leave she area or not touch the affected item. If a saving throw versus magic is successful, the creature may stay/touch the item, but the creature will feel very uncomfortable, and a persistent itching will cause it to suffer the loss of 1 pains of dexterity per round the area or item is remained in or touched, subject to a maximum of 4 points. Failure to save versus magic forces the creature/alignment type to abandon the magicked area or item, shunning is permanently and never willingly enter/touch it until the spell is removed or expires. The material component for ihis application of she spell is a lump of alum soaked in vinegar.

Sympathy: By casting the sympathy application of the spell, the magic-user can cause a particular type of creature or alignment of character to feel elated and pleased to be in an area or with the prospect of touching or possessing an object or item. The desire to stay in the area or touch/possess the magicked object/item will be overpowering, and unless a saving throw versus magic is made, the creature or character will stay or refuse to release the object. If the saving throw is successful, the creature or character is released from the enchantment, but a subsequent saving throw must be made from 1-6 turns later, and if this one fails, the affected creature will return to the area or object. The material components of this spell are 1,000 g.p. worth of crushed pearls and a drop of honey.

Note that the particular kind of creature to be affected must be named specifically, i.e. red dragons, hill giants, wererats, lammasu, catoblepas, vampires, etc. Likewise, the specific alignment type for characters must be named, i.e. chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful neutral, neutral, etc.

If this spell is cast upon an area, a 10' per side cube can be magicked per level of experience of she magic-user. If an object or item is magicked, only that single thing can be enchanted, but affected creatures/characters save versus the magic thereon at -2.

Bigby's Clenched Fist (Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: Bigby's Clenched Fist spell brings forth a huge, disembodied hand which is balled into a fist. This magical member is under the mental control of the spell caster, and he or she can cause is so strike an opponent each round. No other spell costing or magical activity may be undertaken for the duration of the spell. The Clenched Fist never misses, but the effectiveness of its blow varies from round to round.

Die RollResult
1-12glancing blow - 1 to 6 hit points
13-16solid punch - 2 to 12 hit points
17-19hard punch - 3 to 18 hit points and opponent is stunned next round
20crushing blow - 4 to 24 hit points and opponent is stunned for next 3 rounds
Note: Any stunned opponent allows the magic-user to add +4 to his or her die roll so determine how well the fist strikes, as the opponent is not capable of dodging or defending against she attack effectively. (This spell can be used with any of the other Hand spells of the Archmage Bigby.) The material component of this spell is a leather glove and a small device consisting of four rings joined so as so form a slightly curved line, with an "I" upon which the bottoms of the rings rest, she whole fashioned of an alloyed metal of copper and zinc. The Fist is destroyed by damage equal to she hit points of its caster being inflicted upon it.

Clone (Necromantic)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell creates a duplicate of a person. This clone is in all respects the duplicate of the individual, complete to the level of experience, memories, etc. However, the duplicate is the person, so that if the original and a duplicate exist at the same time, each knows of the other's existence; and the original person and the clone will each desire to do away with the other, for such an alter-ego is unbearable to both. If one cannot destroy the other, one (95%) will go insane (75% likely to be the clone) and destroy itself, or possibly (5%) both will become mad and commit suicide. These probabilities will occur within 1 week of the dual existence. The material component of the spell is a small piece of the flesh of the person to be duplicated. Note that the clone will become the person as he or she existed at the time at which the flesh was taken, and all subsequent knowledge, experience, etc. will be totally unknown to the clone. Also, the clone will be a physical duplicate, and possessions of she original are another matter entirely. Note that a clone takes from 2-8 months to grow, and only after that time is dual existence established.

Glassteel (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Object touched

Explanation/Description: The glassteel spell turns crystal or glass into a transparent substance which has the tensile strength and unbreakability of actual steel. Only a relatively small volume of material can be affected, a maximum weight of 10 pounds per level of experience of she spell caster, and is must form one whole object. The material components of this spell area small piece of glass and a small piece of steel.

Incendiary Cloud (Alteration-Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 4 rounds + 1-6 rounds
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: An incendiary cloud spell exactly resembles the smoke effects of a pyrotechnics spell (q.v.), except that its minimum dimensions area cloud of 10' height by 20' length and breadth. This dense vapor cloud billows forth, and on the 3rd round of its existence it begins to flame, causing 1/2 hit point per level of the magic-user who cast it. On the 4th round it does 1 his point of damage per level of the caster, and on the 5th round it again drops to 1/2 h.p. of damage per level of the magic-user as its flames burn out. Any successive rounds of existence are simply harmless smoke which obscures vision within its confines. Creatures within she cloud need make only 1 saving throw if it is successful, but if they foil the first, they roll again on the 4th and 5th rounds (if necessary) to attempt to reduce damage sustained by one-half. In order to cast this spell the magic-user must have an available fire source (just as with a pyrotechnics spell), scrapings from beneath a dung pile, and a pinch of dust.

Mass Charm (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 8
Components: V
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: A mass charm spell affects either persons or monsters just as a charm person spell or a charm monster spell (qq.v.) does. The mass charm, however, will affect a number of creatures whose combined levels of experience and/or hit dice does not exceed twice the level of experience of the spell caster. All affected creatures must be within the spell range and within a maximum area of 3" by 3". Note that the creatures' saving throws are unaffected by the number of recipients (cf. charm person and charm monster), but all target creatures are subject to a penalty of -2 on the saving throw because of the efficiency and power of a mass charm spell.

Maze (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 8
Components: V, S
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: An extra-dimensional space is brought into being upon utterance of a maze spell. The recipient will wonder in the shifting labyrinth of force planes for a period of time which is totally dependent upon its intelligence. (Note: Minotaurs are not affected by this spell.)

Intelligence of Mazed CreatureTime Trapped in Maze
under 32 to 8 turns
3 to 51 to 4 turns
6 to 85 to 20 rounds
9 to 114 to 16 rounds
12 to 143 to 12 rounds
15 to 172 to 8 rounds
18 and up1 to 4 rounds

Mind Blank (Abjuration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: When the very powerful mind blank spell is cost, the recipient is totally protected from all devices and/or spells which detect, influence, or read emotions and/or thoughts. Protection includes augury, charm, command, confusion, divination, empathy (all forms), ESP, fear, feeblemind, mass suggestion, phantasmal killer, possession, rulership, soul trapping, suggestion, and telepathy. Cloaking protection also extends so prevention of discovery or information gathering by crystal balls or other scrying devices, clairaudience, clairvoyance, communing, contacting other planes, or wish-related methods (wishing, limited wish, alter reality). Of course, exceedingly powerful deities would be able to penetrate the spell's powers. Note that this spell also protects from psionic-related detection and/or influence such as domination (or moss domination), hypnosis, invisibility (the psionic sort is mind related), and precognition, plus those powers which are already covered as spells.

Monster Summoning VI (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: 7 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1 or 2 sixth level monsters, the creature(s) appearing in 1 to 3 rounds. See monster summoning I for other details.

Otto's Irresistible Dance (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 8
Components: V
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 5 segments
Duration: 2-5 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: When Otto's Irresistible Dance is placed upon creature, she spell causes the recipient so begin dancing, feet shuffling and tapping. This dance makes it impossible for the victim to do anything other than caper and prance, this cavorting lowering the armor class of the creature by -4, making saving throws impossible, and negating any consideration of a shield. Note that the creature must be touched -possibly as if melee combat were taking place and she spell caster were striking so do damage.

Permanency (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: Special
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell affects the duration of certain other spells, making the duration permanent. The spells upon which a personal permanency will be effective are:

comprehend languagesprotection from evil
detect evilprotection from normal missiles
detect invisibilityread magic
detect magictongues
infravisionunseen servant
The magic-user costs the desired spell and then follows with the permanency spell. Each permanency spell lowers the magic-user's constitution by 1 point. The magic-user cannot cast these spells upon other creatures. In addition to personal use, the permanency spell can be used to make the following object/creature or area effect spells lasting:
enlargeprismatic sphere
fearstinking cloud
gust of windwall of fire
invisibilitywall of force
magic mouthweb

The former application of permanency can be dispelled only by a magic-user of greater level than the spell caster was when he or she initially cost it. The permanency application to other spells allows it to be cast simultaneously with any of the latter when no living creature is the target, but the permanency can be dispelled normally, and thus the entire spell negated.

Polymorph Any Object (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Variable
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell changes one object (living or otherwise) into another. When used as a polymorph other or stone to flesh, simply treat the spell as a more powerful version, with saving throws made at -4 on the die. When is is cast in order to change other objects, the duration of the spell will depend on how radically removed she original was from its magicked state, as well as how different in size. This will be determined by your Dungeon Master by comparing:

kingdom - animal, vegetable, mineral
class - mammals, bipeds, fungi, metals, spheres, etc.
relationship - twig is so tree, sand is to beach, etc.
size - smaller, equal, larger
shape - comparative resemblance of the original to the polymorphed state
intelligence - particularly with regard to a change in which the end product is more intelligent

Change in kingdom makes the spell work for hours or turns, i.e. hours if one removed, turns if two removed. Other changes likewise affect spell duration. Thus, changing a lion so an androsphinx would be permanent, but turning a turnip so a purple worm would be a change of only hours duration; turning a tusk into an elephant would be permanent, but turning o twig into a sword would be only a change of several turns duration. All polymorphed objects radiate a strong magic, and if a dispel magic spoil is used upon them, they will return so their natural form. Note that a stone to flesh, or its reverse, will affect objects under this spell. The material components of this spell are mercury, gum arabic, and smoke. N.B.: System shock applies to living creatures, as do the restrictions noted regarding polymorph others and stone to flesh (qq.v.).

Power Word, Blind (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 8
Components: V
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 3" diameter

Explanation/Description: When a power word, blind is cast, one or more creatures within spell range and area of effect will become temporarily sightless. The spell affects up so 100 hit points of creatures, but she duration is dependent upon how many hit points of creatures are affected. If 50 or less points are affected, blindness lasts for 2 to 5 (d4+ 1) turns, if 51 or more his points of creatures are affected, the spell duration is but 2 to 5 rounds. Note that she spell caster must indicate which creatures he or she desires so affect with the spell, noting one as target center, prior to determining results. Creatures with over 100 hit points are not affected. Blindness can be removed by cure blindness or dispel magic.

Serten's Spell Immunity (Abjuration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round/recipient
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature(s) touched

Explanation/Description: By use of this spell the magic-user is able so confer virtual immunity so certain spells and magical attack forms upon those he or she touches and magicks. For every 4 levels of experience of the magic-user, 1 creature can be protected by the Serten's Spell Immunity spell, but the duration of the protection is similarly disbursed upon these additional figures. (Example: A 16th level magic-user can cast the dweomer upon 1 creature and is will lost 16 turns, or he or she can place it upon 2 creatures for on 8 turn duration, or upon 4 creatures for but 4 turns duration.) The protection gives a bonus to saving throws as follows:

Beguiling, Charm, Suggestion +9
Command, Domination, Fear, Hold, Scare +7
Geas, Quest +5

The material component of this spell is a diamond which must be crushed and sprinkled over the spell recipients, and each such creature must also have in its possession a diamond of any size, intact and carried on its person.

Symbol (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: A symbol spell causes the creation of magical runes which affect creatures which pass over, touch, read, or pass through a portal upon which she symbol is inscribed. Upon casting the spell, the magic-user inscribes the symbol upon whatever surface he or she desires. Likewise, the spell caster is able to place the symbol of his or her choice, using any one of the following:

Death - One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 80 are slain.

Discord - All creatures are affected and immediately fall so loudly bickering and arguing; furthermore, there is a 50% probability that creatures of different alignment will attack each other. The bickering lasts for 5-20 rounds; she fighting for 2-8 rounds.

Fear - This symbol operates as an extra-strong fear spell, causing all creatures so save vs. the spell as -4 on the die or panic and flee as if affected by a fear spell (q.v.).

Hopelessness - All creatures are affected and must turn back in dejection unless they save versus magic. Affected creatures will submit to she demands of any opponent, i.e. surrender, get out, etc.; the hopelessness lasts for 3 to 12 (3d4) turns, and during this period it is 25% probable that affected creatures will take no action during any round, and 25% likely that those taking action will turn back or retire from battle, as applicable.

Insanity - One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 120 will became insane and remain so, acting as if a confusion spell (q.v.) had been placed upon them until a heal, restoration, or wish spell is used to remove she madness.

Pain - All creatures ore affected, having wracking pains shooting through their bodies, which causes them to have -2 on dexterity and -4 on attack dice for from 2-20 turns.

Sleep - All creatures under 8+1 hit dice will immediately fall into a catatonic slumber and cannot be awakened for 5 to16 (d12 + 4) turns.

Stunning - One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 160 will be stunned and reeling for 3-12 (3d4) rounds, dropping anything is or they hold in manipulative members.

The type of symbol cannot be recognized without is being read and thus activating its effects. The material components of this spell are powdered block opal and diamond dust worth not less than 5000 g.p. each.

Trap The Soul (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: Special + 1 segment
Duration: Permanent until broken
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the magic jar, except that the trap the soul spell forces the subject creature's life force (and its material body, if any) into a special prison magicked by the spell caster. The subject of she spell must be seen by the caster, and the magic-user must know the subject's true name as well when the final word is uttered. Preparatory to she actual costing of the trap the soul, she magic-user must prepare the soul prison, a gem of 1,000 g.p. value for every hit die or level of experience she creature whose soul is to be trapped possesses, i.e. it requires a gem of 10,000 g.p. value to trap a 10 hit dice (or 10th level) creature by placing an enchant an item spell upon is and then placing a maze spell into the gem, thereby farming the prison for the soul to be trapped. There are 2 manners in which the soul of the victim can be imprisoned. The final word of the spell can be spoken when the creature is within spell range, bus this entitles is so exercise its magic resistance (if any) and a saving throw versus magic as well, and if the latter is successful, the gem shatters. The second method of soul trapping is far more insidious, for is tricks she victim into accepting a trigger object inscribed with the final spell word which will automatically place the creature's soul into the trap. If this method is used, it will be necessary to name the triggering item when the prison gem is magicked. A sympathy spell may be placed on the trigger item. As soon as the subject creature picks up or accepts the trigger item, its soul is automatically transferred so the gem. The gem prison will hold she soul trapped until time indefinite, or until it is broken and the soul is released, allowing the material body to reform. If the creature trapped is a powerful creature from another plane (and this could actually mean a character trapped by some inhabitant of another plane of existence when the character is not on the Prime Material Plane), is can be required so perform a service immediately upon being freed. Otherwise, the creature can go totally free once the gem imprisoning it is broken.

Binding (Enchantment - Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: A binding spell enables the caster to capture a creature from the lower planes. The subject must already be confined by some form of restraining diagram. The duration of the spell depends upon the form of the binding and the level of the caster(s), as well as the length of time the spell is actually uttered. The components vary according to the form of the dweomer, but include: a continuous chanting utterance read from the scroll or book page giving the spell; gestures appropriate to the form of binding; and materials such as miniature chains of special metal (iron for demonkind, silver for diabolical creatures, nickel for the minions of Hades, etc.), soporific herbs of the rarest sort, a diamond or corundum gem of great size (1,000 gp value per hit die of the subject creature), and a vellum depiction or carved statuette of the subject to be captured.

A saving throw is not applicable as long as the experience level(s) of the caster(s) is (are) at least twice as great as the hit dice of the subject. In a case where the foregoing does not hold, then the subject

gains a saving throw versus spell, modified by the form of binding being attempted and the relative ratio of level(s) of experience of the caster(s) to the subject creatures hit dice. For purposes of determining this number, the level of the principal caster is augmented by one-third of the level of experience of each assistant magic-user of 9th or higher level, and an additional level is gained for each assistant of 4th to 8th level. No more than six other magic-users can assist with a binding spell. The various forms of binding are these:

Chaining: The subject is confined by restraints which generate an antipathy affecting all creatures who approach the subject, except the caster Duration is as long as one year per level of the caster(s). The subject of this form of binding (as well as of slumber and bound slumber; see below), remains within the restraining diagram.

Slumber: Brings a comatose sleep upon the subject for a duration of up to one year per level of the caster(s).

Bound Slumber A combination of chaining and slumber which lasts for up to one month per level of the caster(s).

Hedged Prison: The subject is transported to or otherwise brought within a confined area from which it may not wander by any means until freed. The dweomer remains until the magical hedge is somehow broken.

Metamorphosis: Causes the subject to change to some noncorporeal form, save for its head or face. The binding is permanent until some prescribed act frees the subject.

Minimus Containment: The subject is shrunk to a height of one inch or even less and held within the hedged prison of some gem or similar object. The subject of a minimus containment, metamorphosis, or hedged prison radiates a very faint aura of magic.

The saving throw, if applicable, is made at the normal level for the chaining form of the spell. Slumber allows the subject a +1, bound slumber a +2, hedged prison a +3, metamorphosis a +4, and minimus containment a +5 on the save. However, if the subject is initially weakened by magical means such as dolor or torment spells, the saving throw is subject to an adjustment or-i for the former spell, -2 for the latter spell, and -4 for both in successive combination. A successful saving throw enables the subject to burst its bonds and do as it pleases.

A binding spell can be renewed in the case of the first three forms of the dweomer, for the subject does not have the opportunity to break the bonds. After one year the subject gains a normal saving throw versus spell. Whenever it is successful, the binding spell is broken and the subject creature is free. (If anything has caused a weakening of the chaining or slumber, such as attempts to contact the subject or magically touch it, a normal saving throw applies to the renewal of the spell.)

Demand (Evocation - Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 8
Components: V S
Range: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: This spell is essentially the same as a sending spell. Demand differs from sending in that the spell caster may phrase his or her message so as to contain a suggestion spell and if the subject fails to make its saving throw versus spell, it will do its best to carry out the suggestion contained in the message of the demand. Of course, if the message is relatively impossible or incongruous according to the circumstances which exist for the subject at the time the demand comes, the message is understood but no saving throw is necessary and the suggestion is ineffective. The material components of the spell are a pair of cylinders, each open at one end, connected by a thin piece of copper wire and some small part of the subject creature - a hair, bit of nail, etc.

Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere (Evocation - Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 2'
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 1' diameter sphere per level of caster

Explanation/Description: This spell is exactly the same as the 4th-level magic-user spell, Otiluke's Resilient Sphere, with the addition that the interior of the globe is virtually weightless; i.e., anything contained within it weighs only1/16 of its normal weight. Any subject weighing up to 5,000 pounds can be telekinetically lifted in the sphere by the caster. Range of control extends to a maximum distance of 1" per level of the caster after the sphere has actually succeeded in encapsulating a subject or subjects. Note that even if more than 5,000 pounds of weight is englobed, the essential weight is but 1/16 of actual, so the orb can be rolled without exceptional effort. Because of the reduced weight, rapid motion or falling within the field of the sphere is relatively harmless to the object therein, although it can be disastrous should the globe disappear when the subject inside is high above a hard surface. In addition to the material components for the resilient sphere, the caster must have a pair of small bar magnets to effectuate this spell.

Sink (Enchantment - Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V S
Range: 1/level
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature or one object of I cu. "per level of caster

Explanation/Description: When the magic-user casts a sink spell, he or she must chant the spell for 4 segments without interruption. At that juncture, the subject creature or object will become rooted to the spot unless a saving throw versus spell (with respect to a creature) or a saving throw versus disintegration (for an object with magical properties) is successful. (Note: "Magical properties' include those of magic items as listed in the Dungeon Masters Guide, those of items enchanted or otherwise of magical origin, and those of items with protection-type spells or with permanent magical properties or similar spells upon them.) Items of a non-magical nature are not entitled to a saving throw. The subject will also become of the same density as the surface upon which it stands at this juncture if its saving throw was not successful.

The spell caster now has the option of ceasing his or her spell and leaving the subject as it is, in which case the spell will lose its dweomer in 4 turns, and the subject will return to normal. If the magic-user proceeds with the spell, the subject will begin to slowly sink into the ground. On the 5th segment the subject will sink to one-quarter of its height, on the 6th another quarter, on the 7th another, and on the 8th segment it will be totally sunken into the ground.

Airball (Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10'-diam. sphere

When this spell is cast, a boulder-sized sphere of air under incredible pressure is created within a 100' radius of the caster. If cast in the air, the ball (which weighs about 5 lbs.) immediately falls toward the ground. If it has fallen 20' or more, the ball breaks into eight separate blasts of wind upon striking the ground, each equal to a gust of wind spell in all respects (winds of 30 MPH) and each blowing in one of eight compass directions from the point of impact (N, NE, E, etc.). In addition, the winds stir up all local dust and dirt for 1d4 rounds, limiting all vision to 10' in their areas of effect (if the airball lands on water, the spray blast has the same effect).

The ball is a stormy blue in color and cannot be moved, if it fails to burst, once it touches the ground. The ball is stationary and permanent until broken. The sphere is AC 6; any damage will penetrate its sensitive surface and set it off, although touching or pushing on it won't do so.

The material component for this spell is an open area of air from which to draw the compressed air for the sphere. The minimum area of air necessary is one million cubic feet (an area 100' X 100' X 100'). Note that a vacuum is not created by the casting of this spell.

Avissar's Flaming Weapon (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: See below
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One weapon

Explanation/Description: The Arch-Mage Avissar himself created a spell which can cause any nonmagical, hand-held, bladed weapon to perform with the powers of a sword, +1 flame tongue (as per the weapon in the Dungeon Masters Guide, page 165). Thus, the weapon temporarily gains a +1 enchantment and has a + 2 bonus vs. regenerating creatures, +3 vs. cold-using, inflammable, or avian creatures, and +4 vs. undead. A weapon so enchanted sheds light upon command, and its flame easily ignites oil, burns webs, and sets fire to parchment, paper, dry wood, etc. The magic-user may cast this spell on another's weapon as easily as on his own. The material component is a ruby of at least 1,000 gp value, which vanishes upon expiration of the spell's duration. If cast upon weapons other than swords (i.e., cutlasses, daggers, knives, etc.), the base damage of the weapon is retained, and the magical bonuses are simply added to it.

Backshift (Alteration, Necromancy)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 30 yards
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature

This spell forces its target (who must be visible to the caster when casting begins) back into previous body shapes the target has assumed. If it is cast on a creature that has never changed its shape, the spell is wasted. Purely illusionary disguises, and minor changes to the nature of a target's body such as in growing and aging, do not count as changes in shape.

The backshift spell forces its target back into the last three body shapes it has assumed that weren't the target's own. If the target has taken fewer than three shapes since birth, the spell displays all forms it has taken. The target creature appears into these shapes in reverse chronological order (that is, the most recently taken form first) for one round each. If there are fewer than three shapes available, the spell cycles through them, never including the form the creature was using when first struck by the backshift.

There is no saving throw against this initial part of the backshift and this spell can force creatures into shapes not adapted for survival in the current surroundings (such as aquatic forms, on dry land). Target activities, such as spell-casting and weapon use, may be hampered or aided by the forms taken (dropping weapons is common), but the backshift spell itself doesn't prohibit them.

At the end of the third round, the victim of a backshift is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If the save succeeds, the spell ends, and the creature is instantly returned to the form it had at first contact with the spell.

If the save fails, the caster of the spell can freely choose any one of the four forms (the initial one and the three forced 'returns') as the target creature's new form. As the magic expires, it puts the target creature into the chosen form. This change is permanent unless altered by later magics, though the chosen form isn't the creature's 'true' form, a simple dispel magic causes the creature to revert to its true form.

Once a backshift has been cast, its caster is free to undertake other activities during later rounds (while its victim is undergoing the spell effects). The death of the caster frees the target from the backshift immediately, but movement out of spell range does not.

The material components of a backshift are a strand of spiderweb, a whole, raw egg, and a fragment of shell from an egg that has hatched. Both the whole egg and the shell fragment may come from any egg-laying creature, and they need not both be from the same individual or even species.

This spell was originally developed to unmask individuals who employed shape-changing magics to conceal their identities when they openly carried out crimes. For safety reasons, a backshift spell is usually memorized by at least one senior participant prior to any 'twenty transformations' game.

Blackstaff (Alteration, Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time : 1 round
Duration: 1 rd./lvl.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

This is the famous spell that gave its creator, the archinage Khelben Arunsun of Waterdeep, his nickname. The magic causes any nonmagical staff, club, piece of wood, or pole arm held by the caster to shimmer with a black, crawling radiance.

A blackstaff weapon has the following properties:

-It can never harm the caster or any other beings touching the staff during the casting of the spell.
-It strikes as a + 4 magical weapon to hit (no damage bonus).
-Its touch drains 1 hp automatically (the target gets a saving throw vs. death magic to avoid having this loss being permanent, unrecoverable except by use of a wish), plus 1d8 hp normal damage, regardless of the weapon's size and shape.
-Its touch acts as a dispel magic spell (at the caster's level) on all magical barriers, weapons, or effects, at all times; the wielder cannot turn this power on and off.
-Its touch causes mental damage, as follows:

01-45Target unaffected
46-65Target confused (as per the wizard spell confusion) for 1d4 rounds
66-75Targt stunned (as per a symbol of stunning) for 1-3 rounds
76-85Target affected by fear (as per the spell) for 1-2 rounds
86-95Target affected by repulsion
96-00Target affected by feeblemind

-Its touch causes any spell-casting being to forget one memorized spell or be unable to use one natural spell-like power for two rounds (if a choice exists, determine which spell or ability at random; save vs. paralyzation to avoid this effect entirely).
-Its touch causes beings possessing psionic skills or wild talents to be psionically "scrambled" (unable to use any powers except defenses) for 1d4 rounds.
-It absorbs magic cast upon it, without consequence, and is apparently unaffected by any magic except a wish, which can negate it.

The blackstaff may be wielded by any creature able to use a pole arm who can withstand (or is immune to) its effects. A blackstaff will prevent spell-casting by any being who is contact with it during a given round. It can therefore be used to ruin enemy spell-casting with a successful attack. (It cannot be easily thrown and resists telekinesis and similar movements as it does almost all other magic.) At the spell's expiration, the material component (the staff) is instantly and completely consumed.

Block Advancement (Abjuration/Charm)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 1 turn
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw : Neg.
Area of Effect: 1 person

Explanation/Description: When a block advancement spell is successfully cast upon an individual, it instantly strips him of the ability to advance in levels of spell-casting ability until the recipient successfully survives the ordeal induced by a conquer seff spell (q.v., as follows). The spell affects only a single magic-user of no less than 5th level, no greater than 15th level, and of an alignment identical to the caster. Block advancement cannot be removed otherwise except by the use of a wish spell.

The recipient of the spell is allowed a saving throw vs. spells (which is forfeited by a willing subject), and the spell does not come into effect if the saving throw is successful. Because the spell was designed to stop the advancement of any magic-user deemed not worthy of power until such time as he proved himself worthy, the original researcher of the spell (most likely a member of the Black Circle) assumed that the recipient would be willing to receive the spell (the alternative was death). However, if the spell is applied to an unwilling subject and he makes a successful saving throw, he suffers damage in hit points equal to twice the number of levels possessed by the caster but is otherwise unaffected.

Once block advancement comes into effect, the recipient cannot learn any new spells (though he may record new spells in his spell books) nor may he cast any spells of a level above the highest level that he was able to use before being blocked. He may, however, gain more spells of the levels he currently possesses. Thus, if cast upon a 5th-level mage, block advancement would prohibit the mage from casting fourth-level spells until the spell was removed (but would not stop him from gaining additional third-level spells). A block advancement spell does not prevent a mage from gaining experience points while it remains in effect, nor does it prohibit the mage from gaining new weapon and nonweapon proficiencies and additional hit points when enough experience is gained to advance in level. Advancement in levels occurs as it normally would. Thus, the net effect of the spell is only to limit a mage to his current level of spell-casting ability. Once the spell is removed, the recipient immediately gains all of the normal spell-casting abilities appropriate to his level.

The material component of the spell is a small jade statue of the recipient of the spell, upon which a feeblemind spell has been cast prior to the casting of the block advancement spell. The statue is not consumed by the spell, but may only be used for one person. Once the black advancement spell has been removed from the recipient, the statue shatters.

Body Sympathy (Necromantic)

Level: 8
Components: V, S
Range: Special
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This is a "description" spell cast by a magic-user at an enemy (who must be within sight of the magic-user and concentrated upon, or if not within view, visualized by the caster, who must speak the target being's true name (see truename spell, Unearthed Arcana) during the casting. It links the magic user and his chosen victim (who must save vs. spell at -4 to avoid the spell's effects), so that whatever happens to the magic-user's body (i.e. drowning, burning, whipping, wounding, strangulation, charming, or feeblemindedness, insanity, unconsciousness, etc.) happens to the victim; if the caster dies, so too does the victim. This is not similar to the ESP spell (neither being gains any hint of the other's thoughts), nor does it make the victim mimic the movements and speech of the caster. It is a two-way link; damage occurring separately to the victim (or curative spells applied to the victim!) will also occur to the body of the caster. Once cast, the spell operates regardless of the caster's wishes or lack of concentration - he or she cannot willingly break the link before expiration of the spell, and can engage in other spell casting or activities without ending the body sympathy The link will work across any distance and despite magical protections such as anti-magic shell, prismatic sphere or lesser barriers, but will not work from one plane to another (so if either caster or victim plane shift, become astral, or employ oil of etherealness or another such item, the link is instantly broken). Movement of target or spellcaster within a given plane will not affect the link, regardless of distances moved, speed of travel, or how often movement occurs. This spell is sometimes called "Death Link" by sages in the Realms.

Bone Blade (Alteration, Evocation, Necromancy)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: 1 rd./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

From a normal bladed weapon and a bone from any source (both consumed in the casting), this magic creates a temporary but very effective weapon. The bone blade thus created can be wielded by any being normally able to wield edged weapons. It is identical in size, weight, and damage to the bladed weapon that served as a material component of the spell.

The bone blade does normal damage with the following exceptions: It is unbreakable until it crumbles into dust at the spell's expiration, counts as a" + 0" magical weapon for attack purposes, and deals damage against undead as a sword of wounding. Any wounds it causes cannot be healed by regeneration or magical means short of a limited wish spell. Normal rest and time cure the wounds caused by a bone blade. Until such wounds are bandaged or one turn passes, the victim loses one additional hit point per round, per wound, over and above the initial damage (e.g., a being hit for 4 hp damage suffers one additional hit point on the following round, the round thereafter, and so on).

Against undead, a bone blade does double normal damage. If the undead fails to save vs. death magic (it must save only at the first contact with a particular bone blade, not at each strike), it is instantly blasted out of existence.

Burn path (Necromancy/Abjuration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: See below
Area of Effect: 1 wizard

This powerful destructive magic destroys all knowledge a mage has of one path chosen by the caster. The spells and formulas are all instantly forgotten, memorized spells vanish from the victim's mind, and all spells on that path must be relearned as if the victim never knew them.

The spell's effect cannot be reversed, but if the target's saving throw succeeds, the path is merely sealed as per a seal path spell. The spell cannot be reflected.

The material component is a thin sheet of beaten gold inscribed with the formula for the spell that serves as the path's starting point; this special scroll costs no less than 3,000 gp. The scroll is magically consumed in the casting.

Change Form (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 8 segments
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Recipient

Explanation/Description When the change form spell is evoked, the caster begins a process which will eventually end with the complete metamorphosis of the recipient into an entirely new creature. The change induced by the spell is total in every respect and occurs regardless of the size of the recipient and the size of the creature chosen by the caster.

An initial saving throw vs. polymorph is allowed to negate the effects of change form, but if this is failed, only a wish can stop the transformation. Furthermore, a wish can only stop the process, not reverse it, once the physical phase of the transformation is complete. A second wish can be used to reverse the process so that the victim will return to normal at the same rate as the initial change occurs. A third wish speeds up the rate of "backward change" so that it takes but one day. The ultimate form of the recipient is chosen by the caster but cannot have more hit dice than the recipient presently possesses and must be a native of the Prime Material plane (thus demons, undead, devils, elemental creatures, and other unique entities are not possible choices).

Immediately after the spell is completed, all characteristics of the target, including ability scores, alignment, form, armor class, hit dice, etc., move one place toward those of the end creature; for every 10 days following the spell's casting, they change one further position. Size is altered at the rate of 1" and 10 lbs. of gain or loss per day. For example, an 8th-level fighter who began to change form into a pech would immediately gain a natural armor class of nine; 10 days later he gains AC 8; 20 days later he gains AC 7; and 40 days after that, AC 3. During this time, the fighter would have lost four of his hit dice, become neutral good, and otherwise assumed the appearance, size, form, and general characteristics of an average pech. The DM must arbitrate these changes as he sees fit.

When all mundane statistics have conformed to those of the new form, the recipient loses all class abilities he possessed previously. Thus, if we assume that our fighter's change is complete on the 70th day, he then loses his fighting ability and now attacks as a 4-HD monster. One week after this phase of the transformation is complete, the subject loses all previous memories (except for rudimentary facts about himself, such as his name, place of birth, and so forth) and other functions associated with his previous form such as racial abilities. Instead, he gains all the special abilities (such as magic resistance, special attacks, special defenses, etc.) of his new form, becoming in every respect a member of his new race. However, in some cases, even the change form spell is not totally efficacious in this respect, as memories and other mental functions, such as intelligence and psionics, may be retained in the being's new form if the new form is basically the same as the old form (e.g., humanoid to humanoid, avian to avian, etc.).

Once the metamorphosis is complete, the recipient grows and ages normally, as would any other member of his new race. He is able to use all natural abilities of his new form, such as flight and other special movements, as if he were born to them, though he may not be able to speak the language of his new form.

The material component of the spell is a vial of acid, in which at least 5,000 gp worth of powdered moonstone has been dissolved during a full moon. The vial must be broken upon the recipient within one round of the completion of the spell. The acid will cause no damage to the recipient of the spell, unless he successfully makes his saving throw, in which case he takes 2-8 hp damage.

Deathshroud (Necromantic)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 1 creature/2 levels of the caster

By casting this spell, the wizard draws upon the Negative Material plane and surrounds himself with a shroud of negative power. While the spell-caster suffers no ill effects from this magical energy, it may have dire consequences for anyone who comes into contact with him.

To activate the deadly power of this spell, the wizard must touch his victim by successfully rolling an attack roll against his target. Any creature touched must immediately make a saving throw versus death magic with a -4 penalty. If the roll is successful, the victim is unharmed. If the save is failed, a black haze will form about the victim, draining 20% of his current hit points each round until the unlucky individual dies at the end of the fifth round. The deathshroud also protects the wizard; anyone who touches the spell-caster or attempts to strike him with any hand-held object or weapon must make a saving throw versus death magic at normal chances or be affected by the death-shroud in the same manner.

The following spells remove the death-shroud from an affected individual: cure critical wounds, heal, limited wish, wish, or a successful dispel magic spell. As a last possibility, if the afflicted individual is somehow able to reach the Positive Material plane within five rounds, the negative energy of the spell will be destroyed and the victim will be saved. Once a being has successfully saved against the effects of a particular deathshroud, that being cannot be affected again during that spell's duration.

The deathshroud remains in effect until the wizard has attacked or been attacked by a number of creatures equal to one-half of his level (round down), or the spell's duration of two rounds per level of the wizard has elapsed. creatures from the Outer Planes and undead beings are not affected by this spell; if an undead creature is attacked with a deathshroud, it immediately gains 1HD and the wizard must save against death magic or suffer the effects of the spell himself.

In order to cast this spell, the spell-caster must have the following material components available: a mixture of crushed black opal and diamond (worth 5,000 gp), dust from either a vampire or lich, and a piece of smoky quartz.

Deep delve (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time : 2 rnds.
Duration: 4d6 hrs. + 1 hr./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 15 '-radius sphere

Use of this spell causes major changes in the underwater environment around the caster and his companions. Through these changes, traveling and fighting conditions underwater are improved for all in the area of effect. The spell first creates the same conditions provided by a water breathing spell, except that everyone in the spell's area is affected individually for the spell's duration. Additionally, underwater movement, vision, and combat abilities are all better than normal (see below).

The spell further empowers the caster to propel the sphere through the water at a movement rate of 24. Characters may continue to move within the sphere, but may not leave its confines while it is moving or they may risk being left behind to drown (see below). The sphere's movement never causes turbulence of any kind or any significant displacement of water outside the sphere. It otherwise leaves all free-floating creatures and objects undisturbed. The power to move the sphere may never be used to harm other creatures, and its area cannot contact any part of the ocean floor (including coral reefs or ship wrecks), or it will cease to move entirely until the caster levitates the sphere above such surfaces. The full concentration of the caster is required to move the sphere, but it will float if concentration is broken. Concentration for the purpose of movement may be broken and resumed as often as desired during the duration of the spell.

Vision inside the sphere is also improved according to available light and depth. The spell enhances available natural light and doubles normal visual range, as outlined in the rules for underwater vision (DMG, page 79). For instance, vision at a depth of 30' in a freshwater lake is normally reduced to only 30'; deep delve increases visual range to 60' in this case. Of course, the spell is ineffective at depths dominated by total darkness. The spell does, however, make the lighting of torches, lanterns, candles, and other standard light sources possible underwater. The normal effective range and burning time for fiery light sources are reduced by half. Each torch or lantern lit reduces the duration of available air in the sphere by 5% per light source (round down).

Lastly, the spell reduces the disadvantages of standard underwater combat by one-half (+ 2 to initiative, -2 attack penalties). Spells are still restricted by the normal rules of underwater combat.

Leaving the spells' area of effect immediately ends all benefits the spell provided.

The material components for this spell are a reed or piece of straw, a conch shell, a sliver of wood from a sunken ship, and two eyes from any sea creature. The components are mixed in the shell, and only it may be reused.

Endless Slumber (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 8
Components: V,S, M
Range: Touch or special
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One object or creature

This powerful enchantment places its victim in a permanent, unbreakable sleep. While sleeping, the victim remains in a state of suspended animation, requiring no air, food, or water. Victims of this spell do not age, but they always dream.

Endless slumber must be cast either directly on the victim by touch, or else cast on an object that delivers the spell to its target. If cast on an unwilling, mobile victim, the caster must make a successful attack roll. If the attack roll falls, the spell is lost.

If the spell is cast on an object, the victim must devour the object (such as a fruit), be wounded by it (a dagger or arrow), or wear it (as a medallion or ring). Each method of delivering the spell has its own advantages. If cast on food, the spell dissipates if the object is not eaten within one day of the enchantment. If cast on a weapon, the enchantment falls after the first failed attack. If cast on a decorative object, the enchantment fails when the token is removed from the sleeper.

Dispel magic or limited wish spells do not affect this enchantment, but a wish spell cancels it. Otherwise, the only means of waking the victim of an endless slumber spell is a single strict-but-possible condition chosen by the caster upon completing the spell. The most famous conditions include the sleeper's return to the place of his birth, a solar eclipse, the death of an immortal dragon, or even the fall of a great empire.

The material components of this spell are an entire, perfect blue lotus flower and a pure chunk of amber.

Exchange (Necromantic/Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Two creatures

Explanation/Description: This spell is similar to the empath spell, except that it allows the caster to transfer a hit-point disability (of up to 2 hp/level of the caster) between any two creatures, excluding the caster. The magic-user must be able to grasp both the creature with the disability and the creature about to receive the disability without having to make to-hit rolls, so the two beings involved must either be willing to undergo the spell or else be sleeping or unconscious. The recipient of the disability is entitled to a saving throw vs. spells if unwilling. If the recipient's saving throw succeeds, the exchange is incomplete and nothing further happens.

If the recipient fails the saving throw, the disability passes through the magic-user, inflicting him for an instant. If such a wound would normally place the magic-user below zero hit points, it immediately does so, and the spell ceases; the creature that first bore the hit-point loss is healed, and the recipient is unharmed.

The material components for the spell are the same as the empath spell, except for a ruby (worth at least 5,000 gp), which is shattered as the disability passes through the caster.

Great shout (Evocation)

Level 8

Components: V, M
Range: Self
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 2" by 9" cone

Explanation/Description: The unleashing of a great shout instantly drains the caster of 2-8 (2d4) hit points, which can be regained by rest and curative magic; a system shock survival roll must also be made. The caster releases a wave of sound of stunning force akin to a horn of blasting: 18 structural points of damage dealt in a 1 '-wide, 8'-long path - sufficient to smash a drawbridge, split a boulder, or flatten a normal cottage. All creatures in the cone of sound must save vs. magic; those saving are stunned into inactivity for 1 round and deaftned for 2 rounds. Those failing the save are deafened for 4 rounds, stunned for 2, and suffer 1-10 hit points of physical damage. All magical and non-magical items in the "narrow path" described above must save vs. crushing blow or be destroyed. Creatures in the "narrow path" take double (2-20) damage if they fail to save, and 1-10 plus 2 rounds of stunning and 4 of deafness) if they successfully save. The material component for this spell is some minor item upon which a dweomer has been cast (or failing that, a scroll or magical item), which is held by the caster and consumed by the spell in the casting. Artifacts cannot be used to power a great shout.

Laruin's Blinding Blizzard (Alteration, Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 2 rounds
Duration: 2-6 hours
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2-5 mile radius

This variant of the control weather spell allows the caster to more reliably bring about chilly, snowy weather, for it summons magical cold through a temporary conduit connected to the elemental plane of ice.

In the first half-hour black and gray clouds begin forming and the temperature drops by 50F per turn. The winds, meanwhile, start picking up within 3 turns of casting the spell, increasing from a strong breeze in the first hour to a gale by the second hour. Snow begins to fall within 1 turn of the spell's casting, very light at first, but increasing to a blinding fury at the end of the second hour (1' of snow drops to the ground per hour).

Creatures caught within the blizzard's 2-5 mile radius can move at -6 their normal rate at best, will have their vision limited to 10' in front of them, and must either have very thick clothing or be impervious to the cold or else suffer a -1 penalty to attack and damage rolls as well as 1-2 hp cold damage per turn (Those with padded armor, hide, and heavy armors with AC values of 4 and below suffer 1-2 hp damage every other turn, but the attack penalties remain). NPC's without adequate protection must make Morale checks before attempting to enter the blizzard's area of effect. The caster, meanwhile, is protected from the blizzard's effects in a 15' radius, his vision unhampered, and can move through the snow at his normal movement rate (these benefits also accrue to his companions, if they're within the 15' radius). The blizzard begins to lessen only during the last half-hour of the spell, and if the conditions were already favorable then the snow continues (lightly) for another 2-3 hours. Lastly, there is a 10% chance per hour that an ice elemental or some other cold creature is encountered (choose from the list of creatures found under the summon ice mephits spell, or roll on the Arctic Encounters table). The material component of Laruin's blinding blizzard is a ring of silver enclosed around a piece of smoky white quartz.

Lightning storm (Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 40 yds. + 10 yds./level
Casting Time: 9 segments
Saving Throw: 1/2
Duration: 1 round
Area of Effect: 70-diameter sphere

This spell creates electrical discharges within a spherical area. Bolts of lightning leap repeatedly about within this area, regardless of the presence or location of metal, water, or other conductors. All beings within this area take 6d12 points of damage (unless immune to electrical damage), and all items must make a saving throw against electricity. The magic prevents lightning from travelling along conductive paths out of spell range; a man in full armor and a bather in a moat, both just outside the spell's area of effect, will be unharmed.

The caster of a lightning storm is unharmed by the spell (even if he stands in the center of the storm) or by any other electrical attacks or effects during the spell's duration. The material components include a shard of glass, a scrap of fur, a piece of silver, and a flint.

Mass Teleport Without Error (Apportation)

Level: 8
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 1 turn
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Up to 12 people

This spell is similar to the mass teleport spell. The caster transports himself and up to 11 companions to any known location in his home plane with no chance of error.

Like teleport without error, travel to other planes is possible, but only to locations that the caster has previously studied carefully. No matter how careful this perusal was, there is a chance for mishap when traveling to another plane. Accordingly, the caster must roll for accuracy.

Again, breaking the circle before the end of the turn disrupts the spell.

Mine the Earthspark (Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V, S
Range: See below
Casting Time: 2-5 rounds
Duration: 1 day per level
Saving Throw: See below
Area of Effect: Caster

This rare spell shows obvious dwarven influences; indeed, it can be cast only in the dwarven tongue. It leads a rhabdomancer toward scarce areas underground where magical power is held deep within the earth. Some sages may call such deposits Nodes or Sarsens, and they can be magically tracked down via the lines of power and emanations radiating from them. The dwarves have another name for them: Hordask Thar'dik, or Seat of the Earthspark.

Should the rhabdomancer finally arrive at such a site and the spell duration has not expired, he may seek to draw out some of the vast arcane energy of the sarsen through his dowsing rod and into his person. This is dangerous, as a mortal shell was not built to contain such power. The wizard must make an immediate system shock roll to survive tapping the Earthspark. Failure means death, as the body is blackened from the vast power drawn.

Should the roll be successful, the benefits are many. The rhabdomancer's Strength and Constitution instantly are increased to 18. Any wounds the caster may have suffered are healed, scars vanish, and even lost fingers, toes, ears, or eyes are regenerated. The rhabdomancer seems to seethe with an unnatural power that can cause awe or fear (depending upon the character's actions) in any individual or creature below 4th level or four Hit Dice.

Because the Earthspark is connected with the energies of the elemental plane of earth, all spells cast by the rhabdomancer that deal with earth, dirt, or stone have double the normal area of effect and duration. Also, creatures from that plane will not attack the caster, either out of respect or fear (if an opposing alignment), except in self-defense. Any attempt to petrify the caster ends in failure. The power of the Earthspark remains with the rhabdomancer for a number of days equal to his level halved. No benefits are gained if this spell is intoned again before the benefits of first casting expire. Some dwarven scholars have suggested that continued exposure to the Earthspark corrupts a man, turning him miserly and mean-spirited. This may be true, for obviously, the location of any sarsen is a prize much sought after by high-level rhabdomancers, and such mages jealously guard the site with traps and even creatures, hoping to protect their claim from other rhabdomancers seeking power.

Raise Vessel (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 8
Components: V,S
Range: 20'
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: 1 hour per level
Saving Throw: Negates
Area of effect: One vessel

This spell causes one sunken vessel to be raised intact to the surface of the sea. If a vessel is sinking or only partially submerged it is raised and held afloat by the power of this spell as well. The reversal of this spell, sink vessel (the effect of which is permanent), causes the recipient vessel to sink below the waves in 2d4 rounds. The ship's captain is allowed a save vs. spell to avoid this effect.

Spell Engine (Abjuration/Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Sphere about castei; of 1 "radius per level

Explanation/Description: This rare and powerful magic does not come into operation until another spell is cast within its area of effect. When that occurs, a huge, shining wheel or vertical disc of glowing white light will instantly appear (some inches above any ground or floor that was there at the time of casting, or is there at the time of activation) where the caster stood while casting the engine (even if that spellcasting occurred centuries before). It will begin to turn, with a gentle rushing noise, and will absorb the energy of all spells cast within its area of effect - so that they are wasted and do not work, but serve instead to power the turning wheel. The wheel does nothing except turn, light up an area, and benefit magic-user and illusionists with a curious side-effect: Its sound and energies aid magical concentration, and spell memorizing times for spelleasters who study within its area of effect are halved. Once activated, an engine will not disappear until dispelled; if resrved for magical energy, it will merely turn more and more slowly, and gradually grind down, until it hangs motionless, transient and ghostly.

spell engine can't be dispelled by dispel magic (which it '1 absorb), nor affected by normal weapons (which pass through it as though it does not exist). A wish, limited wish, or alter reality spell, proper. worded, will destroy it, as will contact with a magical item or artitact - which causes a magical explosion doing 1-20 points of damage to all within 1,' (1-8 to those from 1 " + to 2" away), and destroys a magical item; an artifact must make a saving throw. If such an artifact is not destroyed, there is a 75% chance that it will be shifted (with or without any creature wielding it) into another plane of existence.

Magic mouths, glyphs, symbols, and protective circles or other runic magics will not be affected by a spell engine; thus, a doorway can be guarded by a symbol, and spell engine cast in front of the doorway wil prevent the symbol from being dispelled. Detect magic will reveal the presence and shape of an unactivated spell engine; the wheel is typically 12' in diameter and 2' thick, standing upright on edge, although it will grow marginally larger if charged by many spells and the surroundings permit such growth (its area of effect remaining unchanged). It is often cast in a narrow passageway before a door. Until activated, the wheel of a spell engine has no physical existence and cannot be touched. A disintegrate spell will have no effect on an unactivated spell engine, but it will destroy an activated spell engine, with an explosion identical in effect to that caused by contact between a spell engine and a magic item or artifact. Note that a spell engine's area of effect extends through rock and void alike in a perfect sphere; it cannot be easily avoided by use of a passwall, dig, or phase door. Living creatures not possessing magic item can pass through the area of effect of an active spell engine without effect; it does not "drain" spells from minds. Inactive spell engines cannot be contacted by a living creature, magic item, or artifact, and thus cannot be so activated; nor will the presence of a functioning spell, psionic effect, or magic item function activate a spell engine - it is only the actual casting of a spell that activates the engine.

The material components for this spell are a small disc of fine, polished ivory, bone, shell, or marble; a drop of water or one of the caster's tears; and a gem (any type) of at least 1,000 gp value.


Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: Sight
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Sphere 1" radius/level

Explanation/Description: This megalithic spell opens a portal between the Prime Material Plane and the Earth Elemental Plane. It also binds into service one full sized earth elemental for the spell's duration. When cast, the magic-user desiginates any spot on the Prime Material Plane within sight (normal, clairvoyance, crystal ball, and sight via familiar are all allowed) where a small gate will be created. On the earth side of the gate, a large earth elemental will immediately begin a flow of stone through the gate into the Prime Material Plane. The flow of rock creates an ever expanding sphere of rock centered at the gateway. Note that if the gateway is above the ground, the sphere will appear to hover. As the elemental continues feeding stone through the gate, the sphere will expand until it reaches its maximum volume. Since a constant rate of stone volume is fed into the sphere, the radius of the sphere will grow rapidly at first, and then drop off as the sphere gets larger. Any obstades in the path of expansion will be moved out of the way: walls crushed, trees splintered, earth gouged, water displaced, etc. When the sphere completes its growth, it will sink into the ground causing an earthquake (as per the seventh level cleric spell) except that the ground will not crack open. The sphere sinks into the earth with a great tremor.

The sphere spell is often used to destroy fortifications or war ships. The only way to halt the expanding sphere is with a wish spell or by travelling to the Plane of Earth and destroying the elemental feeding the sphere. A limited wish will temporarily halt the sphere.

The duration is 6 turns. The size of the sphere at any given round can be calculated as follows: Find the total volume of the final sphere using Volume = 4.2 x (Radius cubed). Divide the maximum volume by 60 (lasts 60 rounds) to get the rate that stone flows into the sphere per round. Multiplying this rate times the number of rounds the sphere has been growing since the time in question to get the current volume. Current radius cube root of (current volume/4.2).

Storm (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10 miles
Casting Time : 1 turn
Duration: 1 hr./lvl.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 2-mile radius

By casting this spell, the mage causes a horrendous thunderstorm to break in any vicinity he so chooses. After the casting of the spell, it takes one turn for the clouds to gather, regardless of the current weather conditions. Another turn after this the storm breaks, and rain pounds down with lightning bolts striking all over the area of effect at random.

The caster may direct one of these bolts every five rounds, at the cost of shortening the spell's duration by one hour each. The caster may direct only as many lightning bolts (directed bolts are treated as the third-level spell,) as he has levels minus two, so that a 20th-level mage could direct a total of eighteen bolts, shortening the spell's duration to only two hours (at one bolt every five rounds, it would take a minimum of one and a half hours direct all eighteen lightning bolts.) A bolt may never be directed by the mage if doing so would negate the hour of duration in which the attempt is made. For instance, if a 16th-level wizard cast a storm spell and let it rage for fifteen hours without directing any bolts, he could not direct one in the last hour of the spell as that bolt would negate the hour of the spell that was already taking place. These bolts cause damage as a 6d6 lightning bolt (save for one-half damage,) and strike in a 5' diameter column (striking a maximum of four closely huddled man-sized creatures.) This spell is extremely useful in assaulting towers, castles, and other fortified structures.

The caster must concentrate for the entire duration, and any disturbance during this time will negate the storm, causing the rains to cease and the clouds to disperse in one turn. This spell also may be cast through a crystal ball. The rains of the storm falls at the rate of 1/2" per hour. The material component of this spell is a used (previously stricken) lightning rod, which the caster hurls at the sky to cause the clouds to gather. The rod will fly straight up into the clouds, where it will be consumed in a brilliant lightning flash.


Level: 8
Components: V,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 Segments
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

When cast, the Magic-User teleports (instantly) the figure touched. He can teleport up to 1000 gp weight plus 1000 gp weight per level above 13th (16th level MU can teleport up to 4000 gp weight). The drawback is that a foe (foe = unwilling target) will be teleported to the safest destination for that figure, with NO error. It is not possible to use this to teleport a figure into a solid object to kill them. A willing target can be teleported to a destination of choice. As with the 5th level Teleport, the caster's knowledge of the destination is critical (see table below). For every percentage out of the ON TARGET range, the figure will miss by 1". If teleported in to a solid object, the figure dies instantly.

Caster's Knowledge of TargetHighOn Target Low
Very Familiar01-0304-9899-00
Studied Carefully01-0506-9798-00
Seen Casually01-1011-9495-00
Viewed Once01-2021-8990-00
Never Seen01-4041-7980-00

Temporal Freedom (Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 day/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One being

This spell confers immunity to aging upon the caster or another being touched during casting. This includes immunity to magical aging, such as that caused by a haste spell or by a reversing potion of longevity aging due to monster powers, such as those of a ghost.

It also provides protection against all spells that affect the passage of time near the protected being, such as Phezult's sleep of ages, temporal stasis, and time stop. Spells that affect only the recipient's internal metabolism (such as haste and slow) aren't impaired by a temporal freedom spell.

A being within the confines of a time stop who is protected by temporal freedom, for example, remains free to hear, see, and act--but could pretend to be frozen until the caster of the timestop drew near, turned away, or left himself open to attack. Temporal freedom is unaffected if the protected being uses additional magic.

The material component is a pinch of bone dust.

Undead Servants (Necromantic, Alteration)

Level: 8
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10 yards
Casting Time : Special
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

When a wizard casts this spell, he imbues animated skeletons and zombies with limited intelligence. The spell gives these undead the ability to speak, in order to answer questions, respond to certain situations, shout warnings if under attack, or make introductions. This spell affects a maximum of one skeleton or zombie per experience level, though the exact number of undead affected depends upon the number of tasks that each servant is to perform. For example, a 30th-level wizard could affect 30 undead creatures, with each being able to perform one task-or he could create one undead servant that could perform 30 different tasks. A task can be as simple as opening a door when visitors arrive or as complex as cooking a specific dish, each task taking no more than an hour to perform. The tasks are short routines that are performed either daily, when a certain situation arises, or when the proper commands are given. The undead servants are of low intelligence for the purpose of determining what they know or how they will react, but they are still treated as if they were non-intelligent for the purposes of combat (so they are still immune to spells of fear, charm, hold, sleep, etc.). Thus, while they can talk and perform tasks that require thinking, these skeletal servants still retain their natural defenses and immunities.

It takes one turn for this spell to affect each creature. Once the spell is cast, the servants need no monitoring except for any commands required to start the performance of specific tasks. The material components are human bone fragments and a dragon's brain.

Waterspout (ConjurationlSummoning)

Level: 8
Components: V, S
Range: 100 yds+10/lvl
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 1 turn + 1/lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10 yd. radius

When this spell is cast, a tornado forms at the surface of the water. The resulting waterspout is 10' high for every level of the caster. If the spell-caster wishes, the waterspout can be shorter than this maximum, decreasing in increments of 10'. The waterspout travels wherever the caster directs it at a speed of 12, up to the maximum range of the spell. It attacks as a monster with as many Hit Dice as the caster's level. If the waterspout objects on sea or in the air, it inflicts 1 HD of damage for every 10' of height that it has. A waterspout is not affected by dispel magic, but can be countered by wind elementals or other winds of magical origin (like summon wind), blowing in a direction counter to the waterspout's rotation. Each level of the opposing wind reduces the waterspout by 10'; thus, a 210' waterspout could be completely countered by seven gust of wind or three summon wind spells.

Winter Flames (Evocation)

Level: 8
Components: V, S, M
Range: 20'
Casting Time: 8 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Winter flames produces white and blue-hued flames that look and act similar to normal fire; however, winter flames radiate intense cold instead of heat and they burn only metals. Metal is as vulnerable to winter flames as paper is to normal flames. Upon casting, the wizard points his finger at a particular metal object, and the flames shoot toward it. The item has saving throw of 17 (modified by bonuses in the case of magical items) to resist the flames. If successful, the item fails to ignite. If the saving throw is unsuccessful, the item quickly ignites with milky winter flames and is consumed in one round leaving nothing but ashes behind. Magically enhanced metals receive an extra round for each plus they have before being consumed. If winter flames come in contact with other metals, they spread and continue to cause damage just like a normal fire.

Though nothing but metal can be ignited by winter flames, the intensity of the cold can still cause damage to exposed flesh. Exposure to winter flames should be treated just as exposure to normal fire, except that the damage incurred is due to cold rather than heat. (Each round of exposure causes 1d8 hp damage to the flesh that is in contact with the winter flames.)

Winter flames can be extinguished in the same manner as normal flames, but care should be taken to avoid contact with exposed flesh or other metals.

The material component is a pinch of ash.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /