Animal Summoning I (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 4"/level
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the druid calls up so eight animals of whatever sort the druid names when the summoning is made, if such type are within spell range. These animals can have no more than four hit dice each. The animals summoned will aid the druid by whatever means they possess, staying until a fight is aver, a specific mission is finished, the druid is safe, he or she sends them away, etc. The druid may try three times to summon three different sorts of animals, i.e. suppose that wild dogs are first summoned to no avail, then hawks are unsuccessfully called, and finally the druid calls for wild horses which may or may not be within summoning range. Your referee will determine probabilities if the presence of a summoned animal type is not known. Other than various sorts of giant animals, fantastic animals or monsters cannot be summoned by this spell, i.e. no chimerae, dragons, gorgons, manticores, etc.

Call Woodland Beings (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 12" + 1"/level
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell the druid is able to summon certain woodland creatures so his or her location. Naturally, this spell will only work outdoors, but not necessarily only in wooded areas. The druid begins the incantation, and the spell must be continued uninterrupted until some called creature appears or 2 turns have elapsed. (The verbalization and somatic gesturing are easy, so this is not particularly exhausting to the spell caster.) Only 1 type of the following sorts of beings can be summoned by the spell, and they will come only if they are within the range of the call:

2-8 brownies1-4 satyrs
1-4 centaurs1-6 sprites
1-4dryads1 treant
1-8 pixies1 unicorn

(Your referee will consult his outdoor map or base the probability of any such creature being within spell range upon the nature of the area the druid is in at she time of spell casting.)

The creature(s) called by the spell are entitled to a saving throw versus magic (at -4) to avoid the summons. Any woodland being answering the coil will be favorably disposed to the spell caster and give whatever aid it is capable of. However, if the caller or members of the caller's party are of evil alignment, the creatures are entitled to another saving throw versus magic (this time at +4) when they come within 1" of the druid or other evil character with him or her, and these beings will seek immediately to escape if the saving throw is successful. In any event, if the druid requests that the summoned creatures engage in combat on behalf of the druid, they are required to make a loyalty reaction score based on the druid's charisma and whatever dealings he or she has had with the called creature(s). The material components of this spell are a pine cone and 8 holly berries.

Control Temperature, 10' Radius (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 4 turns + 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 20' diameter sphere

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast by the druid, the temperature surrounding the druid can be altered by 9 degrees Fahrenheit per level of experience of the spell caster, either upwards or downwards. Thus, a 10th level druid could raise the surrounding temperature from 1 to 90 degrees, or lower it by from 1 to 90 degrees. The spell lasts for a number of turns equal to 4 plus the level of experience of the druid, i.e. when cast by a 10th level druid the spell persists for 14 turns.

Cure Serious Wounds (Necromantic) Reversible

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: creature touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is the same as the 4th level cleric cure serious wounds spell (q.v.), with the exception of the fact that the spell requires the use of any sort of mistletoe.

Dispel Magic (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 4" cube

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the 3rd level cleric dispel magic spell (q.v.).

Hallucinatory Forest (Illusion/Phantasm) Reversible

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 4" square/level

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell the druid causes the appearance of an hallucinatory forest so come into existence. The illusionary forest appears to be perfectly natural and is indistinguishable from a real forest. Other druids - as well as such creatures as centaurs, dryads, green dragons, nymphs, satyrs, and treants - will recognize the forest for what it is. All other creatures will believe it is there, and movement and order of march will be affected accordingly. The hallucinatory forest will remain until it is magically dispelled by a reverse of the spell or a dispel magic. The area shape is either rectangular or square, in general, at least 4" deep, and in whatever location the druid casting the spell desires. The forest can be of less than maximum area if the druid wishes. One of its edges will appear up to B" away from the druid, according to the desire of the spell caster.

Hold Plant (Enchantment/Charm)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 8"
Casting Time: 6segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The hold plant spell affects vegetable matter as follows: 1) it causes ambulatory vegetation to cease moving; 2) it prevents vegetable matter from entwining, grasping, closing, or growing; 3) it prevents vegetable matter from making any sound or movement which is not caused by wind. The spell effects apply to all forms of vegetation, including parasitic and fungoid types, and those magically animated or otherwise magically empowered. Is affects such monsters as green slime, molds of any sort, shambling mounds, shriekers, treants, etc. The duration of a hold plant spell is 1 melee round per level of experience of the druid casting the spell. It affects from 1504 plants - or from 4 to 16 square yards of small ground growth such as grass or mold, If but one plant (or 4 square yards) is chosen as the target for the spell by the druid, the saving throw of the plant (or area of plant growth) is made at a -4 on the die; if two plants (or B square yards) are the target, saving throws are at -2; if three plants (or 12 square yards) are the target, saving throws are at -1; and if the maximum of 4 plants (or 16 square yards of area) are the target, saving throws are normal.

Plant Door (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The plant door spell opens a magical portal or passageway through trees, undergrowth, thickets, or any similar growth -even growth of a magical nature. The plant door is open only so she druid who cast the spell, druids of a higher level, or dryads. The door even enables the druid to enter into a solid tree trunk and remain hidden there until the spell ends. If the tree is cut down or burned, she druid must leave before the tree falls or is consumed, or else he or she is killed also. The duration of the spell is 1 turn per level of experience of the druid costing it. If she druid opts so stay within an oak, the spell lasts 9 times longer, if an ash tree is lasts 3 times as long. The path created by the spell is up to 4' wide, 8' high and 1 2'/level of experience af the druid long.

Produce Fire (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 4"
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 12' square

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell she druid causes a common-type fire of up to 12' per side in area boundary. While it lasts but a single round, the fire produced by the spell will cause 1-4 hit points of damage on creatures within its area; and is will ignite combustible materials such as clash, oil, paper, parchment, wood and the like so as to cause continued burning. The reverse, quench fire will extinguish any normal fire (coals, oil, tallow, wax, wood, etc.) within the area of effect.

Protection From Lightning (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Creature touched

Explanation/Description: This spell is exactly the same as the 3rd level protection from fire spell (q.v.) except that it applies to electrical/lightning attacks.

Repel insects (Abjuration-Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 10' radius of the spell caster

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast the druid creates an invisible barrier so all sorts of insects, and normal sorts will not approach within 10' of the druid while the spell is in effect, although any giant insects with 2 or more hit dice will do so if they make a saving throw versus magic, and even those which do so will sustain 1-6 hit points of damage from the passing of the magical barrier. Note that the spell does not in any way affect arachnids, myriapods, and similar creatures - it affects only true insects. The material components of the repel insects spell are mistletoe and one of the following: several crushed marigold flowers, a whole crushed leek, 7 crushed stinging nettle leaves or a small lump of resin from a camphor tree.

Speak With Plants (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: 2 rounds/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 8" diameter circle

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, and that she material component is that typically druidic (mistletoe, et al.), the spell is the some as the 4th level cleric spell speak with plants.

Bear Hug (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round/2 levels
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Self

Explanation/Description: As a bear can crush a victim in its arms, this spell allows the druid to make a crushing attack. Once the spell is cast, the druid may attempt to grab a target, with normal "to hit" chances as if using a weapon. A grabbed target takes 2-16 hp damage from crushing in that round and every round thereafter unless the spell ends, the druid is killed, or the bear hug is broken. To break free of a bear hug, a victim must roll his bend bars/ lift gates strength ability; one such attempt is allowed each round, but the victim always takes damage before being able to break free in a round. While in a bear hug, a victim may make attacks at -2 to hit against the druid, If a druid is hugging a target while under the influence of a viper's bite spell (see below), he may attack the target with the bite at + 2 to hit. Bear fur is the required component.

Briartangle (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1 "/level (distance from caster to chosen spell focus)
Casting Time: 6 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: A briartangle spell causes living shrubbery or undergrowth of any type to be instantly changed to densely tangled briars of the thorniest sort, growing to 6' in height and increasing in horizontal volume to a 1" circular radius, plus 1" additional radius for every 2 levels of experience of the caster (thus, a 2nd-level druid would cause a briartangle of 2" radius). The briars can be readily forced through, but will snag and halt missiles, thrown objects, or flying creatures within their confines; all creatures trapped within a briartangle when it forms, or those that enter it thereafter, will suffer 3-6 points of piercing and scratching damage per round, or portion thereof, that they remain in contact with the spell. Beings clad in banded, scale, or plate mail have all damage thus done lessened to 1-3 points per round. This also applies to creatures made of rock or with skin of comparable hardness, but creatures with lesser armor, such as chain, take full damage, with or without a shield. In all cases, a successful save vs. spells equals half damage. Spell casting requiring a somatic component is impossible within a briartangle, and cloth raiment and items must save vs. acid once per round (or portion thereof) that they are within the briartangle's confines or be rent and torn. A briartangle will vanish instantly if the caster so wills, but otherwise exists for 1 round per experience level of the caster, the plants afterwards reverting to their former state.

The material components of the spell are living plants of any type (which are transformed into the briartangle), mistletoe, a thorn from any plant, and a bud, petal, or leaf from a briar (wild rose). Fire will destroy a briartangle in a round, but creatures within it take 2-12 hit points of fiery damage (no saving throw). The area where a briartangle was cast radiates a faint dweomer for 2-6 turns after the spell has expired, and can be used to confuse creatures following a pass without trace trail by detecting a dweomer.

Ceremony: Summer (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: Special
Casting Time: Dusk to dawn
Duration: 1 year
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Druid's charge

Explanation/Description: The Summer Festival of Lugnasad begins with the all-night vigil of Midsummer, the shortest night of the year. On the night of the first full moon following Midsummer, great fairs are opened. This is the time of year when everything is in full flower. During this time, all persons involved in the ceremony wear garlands, which are later offered as sacrifices, beginning on Midsummer's Eve. This is the night when druids gather their mistletoe for the coming year. As stated in the Players Handbook, each druid must gather his own mistletoe on this night for his spells to work at full potency during the next year. If the druid cannot cast this spell for himself, he must gather with other druids who will lead the ceremony or the mistletoe he gathers will be nothing more than lesser mistletoe, even if gathered according to the prescribed form. Lesser mistle toe, borrowed mistletoe, holly, and oak leaves can be used in spell-casting, though all spell ranges, durations, and areas of effect will be adversely affected. The penalty for neglecting this festival is obviously the druid's loss of spell potency throughout the coming year - a penalty which can provide dire consequences for those who depend on the druid's spell abilities.

Decompose (Necromantic)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 1/2 "/level
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw: None or Neg.
Area of Effect: 1500gp wt. maximum

Explanation/Description: This spell causes organic material to turn into humus or compost instantly. Up to 1,500 gp weight of material (150 lbs.) can be affected. Living matter is not affected by this spell, although a corpse (even a fresh one) would be. Magical items composed from organic materials (e.g., a wooden spear +1) must make a saving throw vs. disintegration. Nonmagical items of organic composition (doors, rugs, etc.) receive no saving throw. Decomposed creatures can be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated as usual (after all, the body is there; it's just a clump of carpet sweepings). Undead creatures which rely on corporeal forms are also affected, though they do receive a saving throw vs. death magic.

Effervescence (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 12"
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, the caster can cause up to 1,000 cubic feet of liquid/level to bubble, froth, foam, and fizz like an agitated, carbonated soft drink. This means that for every level of experience the druid has, he gains an additional 1,000 cubic feet of area of effect. For example, at 2nd level, a druid would be able to effervesce 2,000 cubic feet of liquid, and at 3rd level, the amount would be 3,000 cubic feet of liquid. Small objects up to 10 gp weight in the effervesced liquid will be drawn to the surface by this spell. The reverse of this spell, calm, causes an effect similar to that of pouring oil on troubled waters: All liquids in the area of effect become calm - even rapids on a river or water in a boiling kettle.

Lion's Claws (Alteration)

Level: 3
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Self

Explanation/Description: The casting of this spell causes the druid's hands to temporarily develop short, thick claws, like those of a catlike carnivore. This allows the druid to make two attacks per round, doing 2-5 hp damage per set of claws, and allowing attacks against monsters struck only by magical weapons. The druid is still able to manipulate objects while this spell is in effect and can cast spells as well. Scrapings from the claws of a carnivore, preferably a feline one, are required.

Oxen Strength (Alteration)

Level: 3
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time : 3 segments
Duration: 1 hour + 1 turn/level
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Self

Explanation/Description: After casting this spell, the druid temporarily gains a + 1 to his strength score per level the druid possesses. Every 10% increment on the exceptional strength chart is considered to be a point of strength. The maximum strength that can be so gained is 18/00. Additionally, the druid gains an innate toughness that prevents muscle strain or physical injury from his exertions; thus, his unarmored armor class drops to 8, the equivalent of toughened leather. The component required is a bit of fur from a strong herbivore, such as an ox or buffalo.

Rainbow (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 6"
Casting Time: 2 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell is very useful in crossing dangerous places; a rainbow evoked by a druid can be used to span fissures, rivers, and so on. The rainbow springs into being, forming a multi-colored arch of light 5' wide, which can support any amount of weight, and will last as long as the druid maintains his concentration upon it (or until the spell duration elapses). A span up to 300' may be bridged by the rainbow, but the apex of the arch will be one-fifth the length of the span (60' in the case of a 300' span) in height. Ceilings may not permit the desired length, in which case the spell will simply not function. Note also that the rainbow makes upright travel across it easy, regardless of the steepness of ascent or descent; also, since there are no parapets, it is possible to fall or be thrown off of the rainbow.

Seeking Sword (Evocation)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 30'
Casting Time : 7 segments
Duration: 2 rds./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

This spell brings into being a shimmering blade of force that appears as a sword of any description the caster desires. The sword forms in mid-air and is animated by the will of the caster (who need not ever touch it), flashing about as it attacks.

The blade is silent (maneuverability class A) and fast (able to catch a quickling), although it cannot move beyond spell range from the caster. The blade can strike four times per round, doing 2-8 hp damage with each successful hit.

Although it has no attack bonuses, a seeking sword is considered a + 4 magical weapon for determining what sorts of beings it can strike. It can strike nonliving objects and can be wielded dexterously enough to lift latches, slide bolts open or shut, turn pages of books, and so on. The caster may freely move the sword from target to target unless physical or magical barriers (such as a wall of force) is in the way, but the caster must concentrate on the blade to maintain its existence and to direct it (other spell-casting is impossible).

A seeking sword moves with strength enough to parry and hold back another blade wielded by a strong human or humanoid. It can be used to shatter glass objects, spike open doors, puncture sacks, or search for unseen opponents by sweeping through apparently empty spaces or across windowsills and thresholds.

The material components are a drop of mercury and a human hair.

Smoke Ghost (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"/level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of a pinch of dust and mistletoe, cast into an existing fire or cloud of smoke (of magical or natural origin), a druid can affect smoke drawing it into a wraith-like cowled form which will fly or glide, drifting up to 14" per round in the direction he or she wishes The smoke ghost is not a living creature or sentient force, and cannot wear clothing, carry things, or be made to speak. It is merely an apparition with one attack ability: it can envelop an opponent and suffocate it with thick, choking smoke and ash. This causes 1 hp of damage per round the victim is within the ghost (the druid can cause the smoke ghost to move with an opponent) and blinds the victim so that all attacks are at -2 to hit, spelleasting and even normal speech are impossible for the victim (violent retching and coughing will occur when these are tried). The victim will be rendered unconscious through suffocation in 4-9 (1d6 + 3) successive rounds of envelopment.

A successful saving throw vs. the ghost (one, against breath weapon, must be made each time a creature is enveloped, even if the same creature has escaped from within the ghost once or several times before) causes the victim's attacks to be only at -1, damage to be -1 hp only at the end of each two successive rounds of envelopment (no damage for lesser time periods, or fractions) and means suffocation will occur only at the end of 9 successive rounds of envelopment. Beings who have thus saved vs. a ghost can manage to utter item command words, power words, or cast some other spells and cantrips that require only a single spoken word; doing so usually wracks them with uncontrollable coughing fits for the following round. A smoke ghost is a cloud of thick, billowing grey smoke approximately 9' high by 2' in diameter, and cannot achieve a greater stable volume, but its precise form is variable, in accordance with the caster's wishes. A smoke ghost can rsse up into the air 1" per level of the druid, or be made to sink to the ground, flowing along the earth like some sort of living blanket, and can swoop and maneuver through cracks and crevices precisely as the druid wills. It can shift into a globe-form or wall-form in 1-4 segments. A druid who cannot see his or her smoke ghost cannot direct it, nor can a druid whose concentration is turned elsewhere (i.e., in casting another spell) do so. In both cases, the smoke ghost will hang motionless until it is dispelled or the spell expires (a ghost that reaches the casters maximum range will also stop and remain in place until disappearing, or until directed elsewhere by the caster. The caster can will the ghost to disappear into nothingness at any time (which will take 1-6 segments). It can also be destroyed by a gust of wind, dispel magic, or strong natural winds.

Thorn spray (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, a druid can cause barbs, spikes, thorns, or spines, either naturally growing or magically created (i.e., by use of a spike growth, wall of thorns, or briartangle spell), to spring with force from his or her hand, or from bushes or resting places (which must be within 1" of the druid), and serve as missiles. The thorns will do 1 hit point of damage each, and can fly up to 12" away, within the round of casting, striking as many targets as the druid wishes and the spell allows for (see below). The druid may direct the thorns in any combination at any living or non-living (i.e. a scroll, lantern, or wineskin) target(s) that he or she can see. The thorns strike only if a successful "to hit" roll is made (at + 4) for each, as though they were directly wielded by the druid (i.e., no range penalties apply).

Sleep-venomed wooden darts are sometimes carried by druids who use this spell often. The missiles of a thorn spray twist and turn in flight to follow moving targets and avoid obstructions, and are fast enough to catch most birds on the wing (moving approximately 120 yards/segment). A maximum of 4 thorns per experience level of the druid can be animated by means of this spell. This spell will work underwater, but the thorns roll to hit at normal "to hit" odds, and the range is lessened to 9".

Warp Stone or Metal (Alteration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 1 "/lvl.
Casting Time: 4 segments
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: Stone or metal objects up to 5 lbs. weight per level of the druid may be warped and made useless by this spell. Any number of objects may be warped as long as the total weight does not exceed 5 lbs. per level of the druid; these items must also fail a saving throw (see the DMG page 80; magical items gain bonuses as noted therein). Creatures in warping metallic armor take damage equal to the armor-class value subtracted from 10; thus, AC 2 does 8 hp damage if warped. Warped armor is useless. Locks may be warped open or permanently closed with this spell; this is also true of doors with metal hinges or bands. The material component is a small piece of iron ore that can be crumbled by hand.

Weather Dome (Abjuration)

Level: 4
Components: V,S,M
Range: 4"
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: 1 turn/IvI.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30'-radius dome

Explanation/Description: This spell brings into being an invisible barrier against the elements over one person or object upon which it is cast. The dome moves with that person or object. Inside the dome, the temperature is comfortable and the ground is dry. The dome repels most effects of nature, such as rain, snow, hail, sleet, frost, high winds, desert heat, and extreme cold. These effects must be natural and not magical (i.e., a cone of cold still affects those inside). This spell does not keep out natural catastrophes such as rock slides or sea waves, but does protect against tornados, hurricanes, and typhoons. The material components are a tent-shaped leaf and a t,000.gp or greater. value diamond, which are destroyed in the casting of the spell.

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /