August 10, 2024

CorkyHalrfold, Lillianne, Furion
MacCord, Rispin, Tyrade
MikeJade, Erik, SD, Patrick O'Furniture
JonGwyn, Rennala, Crush
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)
NPC'sBen, Meercon, McMurtry, Evelyn, Naomi, Petrus, Alvin

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 9 / 29 thru 947 / 10 / 6

Catch that pigeon…

Having cleared from the forest, the party headed west making for Daedelus. But early in the morning ride a small camp was spotted on the horizon. Not wanting to get mistaken for something or involved with some travelers the decision was made to veer off and give room. When they saw activity they changed direction and headed towards it. As they approached they could see there were two figures. One was excitedly cleaning the camp and preparing their mount to leave. The second appeared either wounded or bound showing signs of difficulty attempting to move around. It was then Lilli was able to make out the snake design on the armor of the standing figure. Seeing this she spurred on her horse and charged. Jade was caught off guard and followed a little behind. Rennala trotted back to the wagon to inform them what was seen and turned to join the other two women.

Lilli drew her sword and charged in for an attack. The figure finally helped his companion on the horse and pulled a spear from the saddle mount, setting against the attack. Both attacks missed requiring Lilli to pull up and turn her horse to reengage. Rennala pulled up short and drew her bow as Jade closed in. The figure tried to mount the horse but failed and was greeted by a bow shot from Rennala. Lilli moved in and attempted to use Diplomacy to stop the confrontation but the figure was not swayed and poked Jade with his spear. Rennala answered with another arrow.

Now Jade tried to use her skills to deescalate. The figure demanded they sheath their weapons and he would as well. But Rennala was not having any of this. Seeing her still armed the figure turned and launched the spear, striking Rennala who had no other choice but to fire back causing the target to fall to the ground just as Cord was pulling the wagon to a halt. Halrfold (or rather Alden) dismounted the wagon and raced to the site, kicking the downed target in the stomach. Gwynn and Jade helped the wounded figure down from the horse and provided a little healing to stabilize him.

Halrfold picked up and grabbed the man by the head. The downed figure responded to Halrfold by reaching up a grabbing his groin, threatening to squeeze and burst them. Cord approached and pulled his sword as his threat. A strong squeeze happened followed by another arrow from Rennala and an attempt by Hal to twist the head that once failed he pushed the target away. By this time questioning of the other figure had begun. His name was Petrus, his companion was Alvin. Given the apparent cooperation of Petrus who had been offered his freedom, Cord shot Alvin, killing him. Oddly, after the body of Alvin was downed Cord saw the head turn to him and speak, something no one else saw or heard. They interrogated Petrus who filed in much of the picture. He was part of Evander’s crew, did not know a lot, was looking for work and got hired, did not have much info about the base but knew they were ‘collecting kids’ for slave operations. Alden was killed because he fought their raid attempt. He had been wounded in the forest by the elven raiders, several of the crew were killed, Alvin was left behind to help get him back as the remaining 6 made their way back in advance heading for the Midway pass rather than going around the mountain. For his cooperation Petrus was healed, provided supplies and allowed to go on his way, but they took his horse.

The party headed for Daedelus and made it there by the end of the day. Cord knew the town well enough to find a decent place to stay for the night. Halrfold/McMurtry asked around with some of the people he had known if there was word of the marauders, finding out they had passed by the town a day or so back. The children were escorted by the women on the group on a small shopping excursion to gather up some clothes, personal supplies and a toy or two. It would take about 6 more days for the party to make it to Midway. Meanwhile, Cord broke out his last Talking Crystal to fill SD in on all the details. With this information SD set about gathering up a special watch for travelers matching the description and a response team to address and capture them if possible. The response team was comprised of Furion, Tyrade, Patrick O’Furniture, Crush and Meercon. SD ordered the front gates closed and all travelers in the pass stopped and checked before allowing them to pass.

Now on alert, the regular watches in the pass kept a watchful eye as the response team holed up in the guard hose at the front gate. Later in the second day word was received from the southern post reporting a group of travelers matching the description had entered the pass, stopping in a nook somewhere between mile markers 2 and 3, some 3 or 4 miles south of Midway. The Guard post Major would send reinforcements along as quickly as possible aloing with a paddy wagon. Out went the response team, some on foot, some on horse. It took about an hour to get there and the sun was just going down making it harder to get a clear sight of the suspicious group. They could see their fire and that they had set up a small camp. As they approached Patrick called forward and they responded it was clear to pass them by. He asked a few polite questions about the suspected group they were trying to find but they denied any knowledge. He told them they kinda looked like the guys they were hunting but the denials continued until the response team charged in. Then one last figure appeared from behind their horses and merely said “Do it.”

The fight began. Tyrade cast a Sleep spell trying to catch a few of them but it had no effect. Furion cast Invisibility on himself and went looking for a good target. In response the leader also disappeared. Meercon was the first to be engaged and they traded swings, both missing. Crush stepped in to one as it charged in with a spear and was surrounded by another. Tyrade assisted him casting a Drop Weapon on the figure with the spear. But the other figure slashed in to Crush as Meercon was also struck. The pack leader reappeared as he used his dagger on Tyrade, the blade obviously coated with poison just as Tyrade was finishing off the first of the pack. After the attack he disappeared again. Furion loosed a Magic Missile on the figure engaged with Crush as he also scored a hit. The leader did not wait long to make another appearance, apparently having issue with Tyrade and his dual wielded Elven Thin Blades, poking him again with his poisoned blade.

It was then Crush took one blow too many and dropped, rendered unconscious. Furion fumbled his bow and Tyrade dropped one of his Thin Blades but still managed to drop the second figure with his second blade. Patrick finshed off a third and continued his barrage. Furion scored hits with his sword and Tyrade attempted to break the weapon of one but was unsuccessful. Patrick now changed his methods, dropping his bow and charging at the one in combat with Meercon, taking him in to a hand to hand scuffle. Furion threatened the last standing target who quickly surrendered. Patrick and his foe scrambled around for a few before Patrick finally knocked him out. Furion bound his foe and wanted to send a magic Flare but the spell failed. As they were completing these tasks they spotted one horse, riderless, break from the pack. Figuring it was the leader they moved to stop him but he had moved too stealthily and quickly and was out of range in a flash.

The confrontation completed they gathered up the horses and their prisoners as the reinforcements and paddy wagon arrived and then headed back to town. The prisoners were placed in the jail and interrogations begun. The first prisoner was not cooperative and received a bit of a cold window torture treatment. The second was more willing to talk, filling in much of what they wanted to know except where the secret camp of the Zisko’s was located.

And now.... another Halrfold original bardic tale..... maybe?

Next time ...

Zander, Evander, who cares, kill ‘em both…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /