June 15, 2024

CorkyHalrfold, Lillianne, Raifer
MacKozmo, Cade, Rispin
MikeJade, Erik, SD
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)
NPC'sBen, McMurtry, Evelyn, Naomi, Thulis

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 9 / 21 thru 947 / 9 / 29

Now THAT’S a fire!

The plan was to head north east and turn due north when were south of Englehome. That was the plan. And it was working fine for five days as the party traversed the open rolling plains between the two forested area. As the travel got a little easier on the fifth day as they found the beginnings of a path headed in their planned direction. There were the start of some wheel ruts, evidence of draft animal tracks between them and what was some form of canine tracks outside of the ruts. Cord was able to identify all of this. He gave instructions to everyone how they would follow to ensure they did not disrupts the tracks or lose them.

But that night the adventure turned. As the night watches were ending a fire was spotted directly north. It wasn’t random and appeared to be some building, most likely a farm house, several miles away. The decision was made to rouse everyone and make every effort to get there as quickly as possible to offer what aid they could. Moving as quickly as they could and navigating the trail with some care in the dawn light a few of the party spotted what they identified as horsemen fleeing the area heading north. They travelled down the path passing sizable farm plots on either side. The caravan was pressed to move at a rapid pace and pulled up about 30 yards away from what was a rather large manor house. The cart was parked and the party prepared to render assistance, the fire blazing the front of the house.

The crew split up, spreading out to cover as much of the area s they could, calling out to see if there was anyone in the house that could hear them. Jade was sure she spotted through a window some light moving about in a room on the second floor. Eying the area she spotted the moving light a second time. Gwynn rushed to the front door casting Create Water dousing the doorway then using his hammer to push it open, looking about the burning room for any signs of life, calling out for any still within.

Lilli took a different approach riding her horse around the back of the house to scan in the direction of the riders they saw leave and to keep an eye out on the approach. Erik and Rennala spotted a water pump off to the side of the house. They ran for it and began the process of pumping water from the well in to the trough as they looked nearby for buckets, finding two. This began their process where Rennala pumped and Erik ran buckets to the house trying to beat back the fire around the entrance.

Cord and Hal circled around the side of the house. Finding a window to a room that was not on fire Cord broke the window with his scimitar as Hal crawled in to what was an office or library. Once in the room Hal evaluated the space and then moved to the door on the opposite wall and opened it. The door led to a wide hallway. A double door towards the front and the rear exit door at the back. Across the hall stood another door that led in to a large kitchen. He moved to the double door and checked it. The door handles were hot and he felt a shock as he touched it, leaving him feeling a bit sluggish. His next move was to cast a Warp Wood on the door hoping to crack it open. After the spell cracked the door at the lock he felt another shock and could distinctly feel himself moving slower. Knowing something was happening he tried his psychic Detect Magic but found nothing of any note aside from yet a third shock. He followed this up with a Hail Stone spell on the door which shredded the cracked door. He reached out with his power of ESP and received two thoughts, both pleas for help.

On the other side of the house Gwynn and Ben located another window. Gwynn tried to open it but found it locked. He asked Ben if he could break it and he obliged sending a chakram through the frame.

Jade made the decision to investigate the second floor and made for the wagon where she had her pack. The plan was to dig out her elven rope, tie it to a arrow, fire it through the window, embedding it in the wall or ceiling and then using the rope to ascend to the second floor. That would take a few precious moments to accomplish. Once she had her projectile prepared she positioned herself under the window and fired. The arrow glanced off the window but embedded in the eave above it. Not what she had intended but it would do. Checking the rope, she began to climb, making her way to the second floor window settling on the sill and kicked it in. She moved in to the room and checked out what was there, finding a bedroom, a door on the far wall and a floor that was getting hot. She raced to the door and opened it finding a hallway. Down the hall she ran calling out for anyone that might still be there, to no avail.

Hal now backed away from the door and saw a ball of light come out of the burning room that moved towards him. It came close, touched him and he felt that shock again. He was now in serious danger. But fortunately for Hal, Gwynn and Ben had made their way to the back of the house and were coming in the door as they saw the “light” attacking Hal. Feeling his body losing this battle Hal spoke to the light, pleading “Me and my friends can help you.” At that the light changed to a wispy ghost like humanoid form that reached out, touching him again causing yet another draining shock. With few options he pleaded “How can I help you?” A question answered by the same shocking response. Gwynn grabbed hold of the faltering Hal trying to pull him away from this ghostly figure, passing him off to Ben, but the spirit moved with them touching Hal yet again. Hal was now almost out of energy and unable to move. Gwynn attempted to evoke her holy powers and turn the spirit but it was not affected. And then the spirit reached out again and appeared to slip inside Hal’s body. More than a bit freaked out by this, Ben dropped Hal.

Now satisfied there were no approaching riders Lilli began scanning the area, spotting a few silos and a large barn. She rode around the side and shouted to Erik, pointing at the barn. Erik just raised his bucket and continued his efforts. With no help available, Lilli went to check the barn alone. She tied off her horse and went in. Her suspicions were of no need as she found a well appointed barn populated with all sorts of farm animals.

Cord was looking for a way up to the second floor to assist whoever was up there. The rope was not secure enough to support him so he turned to the roof over the porch but it gave way as he attempted to climb atop. Rennala and Erik continued their attempt to douse the fire but Erik was slowed as his bucked slipped from his hands. On the second floor Jade was checking all the rooms for any other potential victims finding the rooms were pretty much empty bunk house style sleeping quarters. Evaluating her situation, she cast a Compose Mind to calm herself and enable her to calmly evaluate her situation. She thought perhaps the fire was an illusion and tried to disbelieve but the fire remained. Lilli continued her search through the barn, now searching in the uninhabited hayloft.

Hal was now full of energy. He popped up and ran in to the library ignoring Gwynn and Ben. He leapt to a spot on the floor pushing aside a throw rug revealing a secret door. Opening it he called down in an accent that was not Hal’s coaxing two young girls to come out. Gwynn stepped up and also called down offering shelter to the children. The children were resistant to leave their hiding place. Gwynn spoke with “Hal” negotiating for the safety of the children in exchange for the safe return of Hal. With the expression of some family specifics the children, Evelyn and Naomi, emerged from the secret room. Out of the hole, they all ran from the burning building, Gwynn shouting out that everyone was now out. Now safe, Gwynn offered the children her waterskin which Naomi eagerly took and began to drink.

Back in the house, Jade was directing Erik and now Cord where to throw their buckets of water. It became clear to her they were not going to win this fight so she directed them to stop and leave the fire. Now it was her turn to exit the building. She looked for an egress but the only option she saw was through a window at the bottom of the stairs. Down she raced, getting burned as she broke through the window out of the house. And the last attempt to save house came from Rispin who finally completed getting the Flamedouse spell prepared. She ran to the front door and cast, shutting down about one third of the open flame. Seeing the effect, she stepped away knowing they could not fully fight the fire.

Now they had to deal with the spirit that was obviously in control of Hal. His name was Mr. McMurtry, owner of the home and farm, father of the two children. Cord was not pleased by this development having his co-pilot no longer in control of himself. He was able to tell them he was killed by the riders the party had seen leaving earlier. It was a gang of about a dozen. He wanted his children taken to safety and delivered to the orphanage in Midway. The party gathered up supplies from the pantry at the back of the house and set out heading north after the marauders that had killed McMurtry. They also called the herding dogs McMurtry had, having them run alongside the wagon. As the travelled, McMurtry dropped the information he had on the gang. They were part of a larger gang that was holed up well to the north. The leader of the raiders was Evander Zisko, brother of the larger gang leader, Zander Zisko. This changed the approach. In Cord’s judgment they were not going to be able to take on a dozen marauders given their situation. He veered the party west. They would cut across and approach Midway from the south.

The path cut back across the open rolling plains and met the woods. Rennala was from not far from here and knew the easiest path through, but it came with some risk. On the fourth day after veering west, while moving through the forest the party was interrupted by a group of wood elves dropping from the trees. Jade and Lilli were the first to spot them. Two dropped in from behind and two more in front. These elves made it clear the party was travelling through their lands and needed to pay for passage. Cord was once again…. not happy. He tried offering a small fee per person but the amount was not well received by their leader who identified himself as Thulis. Cord inquired who was the lord of the land and were told the name Lord Evanston. Cord was ready to start a fight but Lilli stepped in and used a bit of Diplomacy. She negotiated the price down from 250 gold to 150 for which they received a ‘passage coin’ from Thulis. The negotiation completed to their satisfaction, the elves left and the party moved on. Reaching the edge of the forrest.

And now.... another Halrfold original bardic tale..... maybe?

Next time ...

Heading for home as quick as possible…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net