July 22, 2023

CorkyHalrfold, Lillianne, Raifer,Grogg, Kenny, Andrya, Jerri
MacCord, Rispin, Kozmo, Dagnell, Ruurik, Books, Tyrade, Cade
MikeJade, Erik, SD, John Z, Blargg, Agamemnon. Yosh
JonGwyn, Rennala, Crush, Vic (in absence)
AndieAngel, Hachi, Mei, Myla, Addie (in absence)
NPC'sShin Liu, Masako, Levarco, Zisker Zander, Tollemay, Scurio, Tao, Ngyuun, Etienne, Jen Ling, Ben, Curly, Sasha

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 6 / 3 thru 947 / 6 / 6

So much to catch up on…

Travel, training and counter espionage across three cities spanning the breadth of the continent all in one day… and not one die roll in anger.

Egypt :

Jade ran around town handling a number of ‘personal issues’ she shared with no one, not even her attendant Lilli. Who found herself a trainer to learn her new Expert Horsemanship skills. Halrfold made arrangements for his Bardic training learning new Illusionist spells and then off to learn martial arts at the feet on Shin Liu. Cord and Rispin also found a teacher to advance their skills. The most relevant impactful update was the Talking Crystal session between Cord and SD. All of the events in Egypt and their trip to get there were shared to fill in details of current events, including the White Ninja developments.

Sudalon :

Here is where the western trip parted ways. Some folks were headed back to Unundu to check in on Masako and deliver to her hands the Talking Crystals SD provided. Grogg, Blargg, Books, Vic and Curly would be taking that trip. Returning to Midway via wagon caravan (using the wagon they now had) would be Agamemnon, Yosh, Kenny, Adrya, Mei, Myla, Addie and Crush. Ruurik planned to stay in town, handle some personal business, drink a few dwarven ales and wait for the crew to return from Unundu. Details of the lost wagon were noted to provide to SD and Raifer. Levarco was the name of the head thief they ran in to, Zisko Zander was the name of his boss, as far as they knew. What they did not know was where they were based, were they affiliated with anyone like the White Ninja, and how big their operation was. What they knew was where they were ambushed and the size of the forces used to waylay them on their trip and that these brigands knew they were coming and what they had. Cade, operating his new bar in Sudalon, passed along word to check in on Sasha and Jerri. Tyrade returned to Midway with SD and filled Raifer in on all the details of the trip. He updated SD on the two potential restaurants in the Northwest area that were interested in his wine… The Golden Wok in Okinoto and the Perfect Rose in Unundu. They had also obtained trade permits to allow the trafficking of these goods.

Midway :

Kozmo had received a disturbing letter, detailing issues with his uncle and offering to make them go away if he agreed to sign a deal giving a piece of GDA and a profit payment for protection. After consulting with John Z he reached out to SD, with whom he shared a rather terse exchange. But a little fence mending and the two were working together to hopefully set a trap. They called in Raifer too for his perspective and alert him to the situation. Kozmo requested Tollemay depart the store, which he resisted. But after a verbal dressing down by Kozmo he cleaned his lab, locked it and disappeared, a fact they checked using a Knock to open the door and Detect Invisible to make sure he was gone. The location secured, Kozmo hung the white banner in the window as he had been instructed. It took the rest of the day but as the business day ended a well dressed man entered GDA. He presented a contract and his business card. His name was Scurio, a lawyer, representing the Northwest Passage Corp. Kozmo reviewed the contract which had no mention of the details to be provided regarding the security of his family. He rejected the offer requesting the guarantee and written confirmation of no recurrence. Off the lawyer went, nothing signed. SD requested a return to his home where they consulted Tao Ngyun. He confirmed the patterns as White Ninja methods. They discussed ideas as to how to stop them and settled on gathering all the business owners in Midway in hopes of getting everyone on board to resist the underhanded efforts. SD paid a visit to Etienne, Mayor of Midway. Plans were hashed out to contact all the business owners to set up a conference. It would be held at SD’s, a Chamber of Commerce could be established to form a basis of communicating such intrusions. As a last precaution, SD spoke to the priests at his church to have some clerics available with Detect Lie to ensure there was no subterfuge in the meeting.

Other odds and ends : Kozmo begins research on the spell VANISH., John Z begins research on the potion Silver Sheen. Dagnell, a Sudalon dwarf, began his travel from Al-Alin to Midway hoping to find a Thieve’s Guild to join. Jen Ling is just about ready to begin selling the d8 damage arrows patterned after the ‘Oriental arrows’ she had been given. The last piece of her puzzle was the ability to mass produce them.

Next time ...

Way out west… or is it the east?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net