July 1, 2023

CorkyHalrfold, Lillianne
MacCord, Rispin, Kozmo
MikeJade, Erik
JonGwyn, Rennala
AndieAngel, Hachi (in absence)
NPC'sBen, Samir Ramshit, Rabbu, Assan, Uncle Leopuld

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 6 / 3 thru 947 / 6 / 5

Time to Scooby Do this stuff…

Murder was afoot and Uncle Leopuld was in jail. It was their job to prove he did not do it and find the real culprit. But there were other tasks to be handled. One of them was the identification of what the glowing rocks were and getting a replacement for the broken wagon wheel. Those tasks tended to, the group headed for the church. Their goal, to scan the congregation and perhaps talk to the man they previously spoke with who had not so nice things to say about Assan. During this effort they met the local police detective assigned to the case, Rabbu. Gwynn used his diplomatic skills to obtain a copy of the police report detailing the current findings. The report was thin, the evidence blatantly circumstantial, and the only statement came from Samir who had found the body. But it was all they had to go on. Rabbu was happy to have their help but warned them to be careful.

The next task they set themselves was to split up. The men investigating the church and members, the women off to help the people Assan had been working for in his charity efforts. The ladies obtained directions to the assignment, finding it in the most affluent section of town. But first they headed for Assan’s home. Their goal to provide comfort for his family. After meeting his wife they found her very receptive to their offer. Cooking, cleaning, playing with the kids all fell in to their area of assistance. This let her tend to their loom, something she claimed was the best one ever made enabling her and Assan to make incredible rugs. With his passing she now had no time to work on such things and their assistance gave her a chance to complete work to earn the house income.

At the church the men found the guy who spoke ill of Assan. Erik was sure to make eye contact with him during services. Halrfold used his ESP to read his thoughts finding the man completely overwhelmed and freaked out by Erik. Mingling around the grounds Cord tuned his ear to the random conversations, eventually hearing one about Samir, the groundskeeper that found the body, expressing concern for the man. They made note to look for him but found he was off that day but would be back the next.

Looking to find other sources of clues they spoke with the cleaning crew to find out where they could go locally for a drink and maybe some odd chatter. To their surprise the establishments were decidedly segregated along gender lines. They were also told there had been an obvious increase in traffic through town of outsiders. Foreigners. Adventurers. People not normally traveling through. They made their way to a local bar only to be a sore thumb amongst the crowd. Not welcomed warmly Halrfold broke out his lute and began to play. His music had charms to soothe the savage breast. The crowd changing their attitude towards the outsiders from resentment to indifference. There wasn’t much to uncover there but the lay of the land and the population offered general insights.

At the end of the day everyone returned to their hotel to share what had been uncovered and hopefully devise a plan for the next day. The women would move on to the affluent home Assan had been working in and the men would look for Samir to speak with him.

The ladies found their way to the home and were greeted by the house man servant. He graciously guided them to the area of the home Assan had been working and provided them as much assistance as anyone could have hoped for. They were able to repair the floor and window with little trouble. What they didn’t find was any more clues regarding the murder.

As opposed to the men. They found Samir was notthere and assumed to be ill. They inquired as to his residence and paid a visit only to find no one home. Peering through a window the place revealed no signs of recent activity. Reaching for others in the area they tried the neighbors finding one next door that was good friends with Samir. He had a way to get in to the home and offered to help out of concern for the man. He entered through the rear of the home and opened the door for them. Now a search was begun. No sign of recent activity could be found in the living and kitchen area. The search moved to the second floor. Halrfold found a robe in his closet matching the one detailed in the police report. This one had blood stains still on it and was missing the section of robe found at the murder site. Gwynn spotted scratches on the floor by a wardrobe. They pulled the furniture away from the wall and found to their horror a set of White Ninja robes.

Rabbu needed to know what they found and they sent for him. When he returned they filled him in on what they had found making sure the neighbor was there to corroborate every detail of their findings. The fear was palpable as they gave Rabbu a breakdown of what they knew about this organization. was dumbstruck as they informed him anyone could be a plant or a double agent for this group and that Uncle Leopuld may be the only person he could fully trust since they had tried to frame him. Now they returned to the church and clean up loose ends only to be told Samir had finally come to work and was in Leopuld’s quarters tending to his duties.

The men raced for the quarters. Opening the doors and entering they found ‘Samir’ in front of the wardrobe, another ‘Samir’, lifeless, being stuffed in to it. The men moved in questioning the man who, after realizing he had been discovered, dropped his impersonation. “There you are” was Cord’s proclamation and the men moved to engage the target. Gwynn broke out a Spiritual Whip as the ‘Samir’ whipped a volley of Shuriken striking Rabbu and Gwynn. The weapon obviously coated with some poison. Halrfold stepped up and let loose a Psionic Blast. The effect cause the impostor to drop the sword he wielded and ran for the corner of the room, pulling a sconce lever trying to open a secret door to escape. But he has been wounded severely. The group moved in quickly, catching up and providing Erik and Cord a chance to jump him, dragging him in to a hand to hand pile. Cord struck with his dagger and the imposter went limp. Appearing to be dead.

Halrfold closed the secret door to keep him from getting away should he be playing possum. The picked up the body and securely tied it up. They then found the other body to be the real Samir.

Case closed.

And now.... another PAIR of Halrfold original bardic tales.....


Samir and Assan's time has come and gone.
Here but, now has gone.
Everyone fears the White Ninja.
Even the wind, the sun, and the rain.

We are not like they are.
Come on Egypt, Don't fear the Ninja.
We know they're trying to take your land.
Don't fear the Ninja.
We'll split up and lend a hand.

When the door was opened, we had appeared.
The candles blew, and then disappeared.
The curtains flew, and then he appeared.
Cord saying, "There you are!"

We are not like they are.
Come on Egypt, Don't fear the Ninja.
We know they're trying to take your land.
Don't fear the Ninja.
We'll help Rabbu and lend a hand.
La, la la, la la
La, la la, la la.


Every breath you take.
Every move you make.
Every prayer you make
Every step you make
Erik will be watching you.

Every single day,
Every time you pray
Every word you say
Every night you stay
Erik will be watching you!

Oh, can't you see?
You belong to me
How your poor heart must ache
With every step you take
Erik the Ginger is watching you!

Next time ...

Some calm town stuff… WOW… and maybe a little pick up elsewhere…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net