July 17, 2021

CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik, Kozmo
MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
JonVictor, Crush
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 17 thru 947 / 5 / 18

Town Business

Kozmo stopped by the Egyptian church in Midway to offer transport services should there be a desire to send or receive anything from the city of Egypt far to the East when he makes the trip. The elders thanked him for the offer and would get back as soon as they could.

Those were no Ogres….

The party set out now heading south west towards Erinara. The majority of the party would stay at the bottom of the gulleys with the cart while Tyrade, Addie and Yosh rode on horseback along the ridges to scout the area. Yosh would communicate back to Crush using long distance signaling. As the afternoon wore on and as they weaved along the hills and dales of the terrain a rider was spotted approaching. Mei came to a position to call out an wave the rider forward but he stopped a bit off from the group, who realized the situation might look a tad suspicious to the rider. They made a less threatening approach with just a few members to talk. Mei exchanged some words as he explained the party was on his land. He asked them to move on. Asking directions to clarify their path to Erinara, the rider gave them help and watched as the moved along.

They moved along at a reasonable pace and were able to travel until a place was found away from any homesteads where they could camp for the night. Watches were set up and they settled in. But it was not a quiet night. On watch, a pack of wolves crept upon the group undetected. Ruurik was the first to see the danger as two wolves surprised him with their attacks. Two more charged on towards Grogg. Both were bit and the encounter begun. Most of the party were asleep around their camp fire and were not awakened by the call from Ruurik. Myla moved forward casting an Improved Phantasmal Force at the wolves projecting the illusion of a wind, rain and lightning storm which affected one immediately as it fell in front of Ruurik without apparent cause.

The wolves moved in as a pack, Grogg was bit again by the two that attacked him. The second round of Myla’s illusion struck, this time killing one of the wolves. The pack leader moved in on the sleeping party and honed in on Addie as she was waking but it took a wrong step twisting, hurting itself as it lunged in. Addie used her Speak With Animals to communicate with the leader, commanding it to “Stand down.” The wolf responded “I never talk to my dinner.” She followed up with her Animal Defiance skill to drive off the wolves and those near appeared to be affected but not all. A wolf on Grogg chomped down hard, getting him in the jaw making it difficult for him to speak and then slipped and fell on his follow up strike. Yosh was finally able to move in, cleaving on the pack leader with a tremendous blow. Their morale broken, the remainder of the wolves bolted in retreat. In the aftermath, Tyrade collected some wolf samples for magic components and they group settled back down planning to use their magical healing when the morning came.

They healed and took time to restore their prayers before setting out again. Off they went and it was not long before Tyrade noticed the horses beginning to act skittish. Addie used her skills to speak with the horses but all they could say was they smelled something they never had before. They continued along as cautiously as they could until the grass and random bushes along the hills exploded with a number of Ogres and Ogre like creatures that set upon them in a flash, charging in with their spears and naginatas.

Curly and Ruurik were struck by a charge, Books and Vic scored hits on their targets and Blargg hit his in the head, blinding him for the moment. Ruurik, in the seat of the wagon fired his crossbow in response and Mei was struck a severe blow causing her to step back from the engagement. Then Kenny and Agamemnon were finally able to cast Bless to cover the party. On the hillside, Yosh, Addie and Tyrade had come down some ways and decided to dismount and approach on foot. Seeing these party members approaching the apparent leader of the ogres turned and moved in on them unleashing a Cone of Cold on Yosh. He took the attack and avoided the brunt of the attack.

The battle raged on all around. Crush used his attack to sunder the spear of his opponent while Agamemnon was struck hard by a naginata attack and Grogg misswung with his axe inflicting a significant wound to himself. Fortunately, Books was able to gain a backstab and dropped the first Ogre. But more misfortune struck Ruurik as he slipped attempting to stand in the cart to fend off an attacker. It was now spell time for several members of the party. Addie unleashed a Hailstone spell, striking one with several stone strikes. Kenny used a Spiritual Whip from his perch on the cart. And Myla issued an Eyetrick on the leader to distract it. Mei tried an Untie on the equipment of one but it failed.

But the Ogres had magic in their repertoire as well. One of the Ogre Magi used a Sleep on Crush to remove him from the battle. Another unleashed one more Cone of Cold that struck several. Agamemnon, Kenny, Ruurik and one of his Ogre companions.

The melee continued. Andrya chopped down on one, dropping it. Yosh traded blows with the leader scoring a massive hit as Tyrade fired his bow from up on the hill issuing the killing blow on it. And Grogg was struck in the throat rendering him unable to speak. Having finished off their ogre, Books, Andrya and Blargg spun and rushed to defend Crush. Addie deemed it time to call in reinforcements casting a Summon Animal. The response was… interesting. Kenny was the first to spot the rustling through the grass over the top of the hill rise calling out “LIZARDS!” They came rushing down the slope, a slaughter of Iguanas, charging in a phalanx formation in to the fray.

With several of his companions down, the Ogre Magi in battle with Yosh and Agamemnon transformed in to Gaseous Form enraging Yosh who could now not cause damage using his axe. A different Ogre swung down missing badly causing his spear to rattle his nerves, losing strength. And yet another attempted to cast a spell on Blargg who was able to resist the effects. The spell having failed it tried to step back. Blargg responded with a strike that knocked it down. Now with a moment to breathe, Agamemnon used the opening to cast a Cure on himself. Mei, now behind the wall of defenders tried to pull Crush away from the ogre but for some reason he would not budge. In other areas of the fight Vic and Curly issued killing blows to their foes.

And then the situation turned in a bad direction as Kenny fell subject to a Charm spell from one of the Ogre Magi. He responded by attempting a Spiritual Whip against Ruurik but the spell failed. Sadly, no one could identify that Kenny was now not in control of himself.

It was now the Iguanas rush flowed in to the battle field. The foes they would have reached first had been vanquished so they continued through to Addie’s location. Ruurik, trading blows with an ogre and up and down on the cart with uneasy footing finally hacked down his foe. Tyrade slid to the side and loosed a Lightning Bolt at the Gaseous Form Ogre. The bolt shot through the shape and it immediately returned to normal form, dead. But Kenny had become the fly in the ointment as he cast Silence on Tyrade and then spurred the wagon horses to start running.

Addie attempted to control the horses in order to stop them but was unsuccessful. Agamemnon ran alongside the cart and nimbly jumped in while Yosh ran over to the horses leaping on the back of the lead horse. Yosh and Kenny struggled against each other for control and for the moment Kenny had it as Agamemnon tried to hit Kenny and fell in the cart. But a second attempt by both was more successful as Yosh was able to start pulling up the horses. Agamemnon’s second swipe connected but had no effect. replied with a Spiritual Whip on Agamemnon who answered with a Remove Curse that had no effect. Books had cast a Dispel Magic on Tyrade to remove the Silence spell enabling him to now catch up to and jumped in the back of the cart. He grabbed Kenny and pulled him back out of the seat as Agamemnon now tried a Hold Person which was finally successful. When the spell wore off, the had faded and Kenny was again in control of himself but the remaining few Ogres had fled the area.

Next time ...

Being in town has to be safer… right?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net