June 19, 2021

CorkyGrogg, Kenny, Andrya
MacBooks, Tyrade, Ruurik
MikeBlargg, Yosh, Agamemnon
JonVictor, Crush
AndieMyla, Addie, Mei
NPC'sCurly, Ryuku, Phan Lo

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 947 / 5 / 16 thru 947 / 5 / 17

Town Business

Helena reached out to Sgt Markham to keep in touch regarding any investigation in to the recovered Gem stone. There was no update as yet.

Schematics of the new Wagon designed by Kozmo have been scanned and sent to the group for review as needed.

No Room at the Inn

Now in Okinoto and having replenished lost gear the party went in search of lodging. They had no intention of staying long but needed a place to sleep for a day or two. They deferred to Mei to find a safe establishment. Mei’s plan was to avoid any inn she knew was connected to the families. The best one she knew of was on the main central arena of Okinoto. The city was large and far more densely constructed than others while still retaining the organic arrangement of buildings. It was also an example of the terrain to be found in the open area this side of the river. The land had significant elevation changes. The terrain was comprised of many hills and valleys where buildings and homes were constructed to include the variety of terrain. The central hub of the city was called the arena and offered a large open central area ringed by the primary businesses and services.

Mei led them to the main hotel on the arena. It was a large inn with a slender front on the arena but a significant structure built leading away. Lodgings including boarding for the horses and a secure location for their cart were arranged for the night. Those details completed Books led a small group including Mei, Kenny, Agamemnon and Vic out to search for potential trade partners for the Midway Winery. Mei led them to what she knew was the best, highest social profile, unconnected establishment. The Golden Wok. They arrived and asked the hostess if they could speak with the owner or manager about some business. They sat and waited. It was only about half an hour before an ornately attired man emerged to discuss their proposal.

Ryuku was every bit attuned to the formal, honorable, respectful traditions and mannerisms. Mei led the group by example and tried to represent them in a way that would be viewed positively. Ryuku was rather cold and aloof as they opened the discussion but his reaction to the wines, something rather scarce in this region, warmed the relationship dramatically. An agreement was reached, sample bottle were left with Ryuku as a starter, arrangements were made to visit the next morning to see how the customers reacted and word would be sent back to Midway for a representative group to come and conduct formal negotiations.

Meanwhile, Grogg, Blargg and Crush ventured out on their own in to the city in search of a bath house. They followed their noses and spotted a sign that looked like it should be a bath house and went in. After a brief wait they were treated to a bath service unlike any other they had ever experienced. Blargg left smelling of honeysuckle and rose. Grogg was unaccustomed to the feeling of the fresh air against his clean skin and Crush had never known he could get so clean.

The day’s events concluded they settled in to their rented common room. Blargg set a Wyvern Watch on the entry door and Crush slept against the wall next to the door to protect the entry. Precautions taken the group found sleep quickly. But sleep would not last the night. A number of the party were awakened by the sounds of loud voices down the hall coming from the lobby of the inn. Agamemnon tried to cast a Tongues spell but it failed. Fortunately Mei was able to hear the argument and was able to make out there were people shouting with the desk clerk looking for her. Hearing this, she devised a plan and set to putting on a disguise. Vic offered his skill to help.

Now disguised, Mei left the room followed immediately by Tyrade and headed down the hallway to “complain about the noise’. The bulk of the team had a choice. Follow them to the lobby or begin dressing in their armor. Some chose the armor, most did not or had been sleeping in it. As they made it to the lobby and Mei began her complaint Tyrade was sure to voice a loud enough comment to let everyone know there were 4 assailants in the lobby. One by the door, one working over the clerk, one standing beside him and the last right by the hallway entrance where they entered the lobby. Her complaints begun, the nearest thug tried to grab Mei but missed…several times. Having seen him try to grab Mei, Tyrade attacked, striking the thug with his sword beginning the battle.

Books cast Prayer to support the crew, Grogg raced out of the room heading away down the other corridors looking for alternate ways out. Tyrade and Yosh executed a swap of places getting Yosh in to an engaged position so he could attack. Now free to act Tyrade fired off a Magic Missile scoring a significant blow to the thug. In response, the thug struck Yosh with an unarmed blow that stunned him with the force imparted. Yosh replied with a swing of his axe that split the man from crown to crotch. One thug downed.

Agamemnon joined the combat with a Bless spell, effectively doubling the effect of the Prayer cast by Books. Seeing the trouble getting worse the lead thug in the room called out for more assistance and three of the four milling about outside charged in. The last was involved in a wordless exchange of humor with Grogg who had found his way outside via the window at the end of the corridor. Reacting to this, Mei yelled at the thug who had jumped on top of the counter in an attempt to warn Yosh and give the group an idea of what was happening. Kenny released a Spiritual Hammer smashing a second thug, now leaving 5 in the room.

With a few of the bottle neck enemies now out of the way Yosh maneuvered in to a better position where he could engage three of them. The fourth used shuriken stars and hit Yosh with throw after throw. Tyrade fired off a Magic Missile at the leader and Books loosed his Spiritual Hammer as Agamemnon was struck with another hammer like fist attack. Crush dispatched one of the thugs with his axe as Yosh stood tall taking more hits from them as the leader jumped off and behind the counter directly engaging Tyrade. To his surprise Tyrade let loose an Aganaver’s Scorcher. The leader reacted by trying to take Tyrade in to hand to hand but was rebuffed, the fire continued to burn and Kenny finished him with a Spiritual Whip. And finally, Yosh took one hit too many and was knocked down. Agamemnon fired off a Hold Person aimed at 2 thugs, holding one and removing him from the combat. The battle had now turned as Yosh got up and finished off another. Andrya worked her way around the combat to issue the coup de grace on the held thug. The sumo thug trtied to get control of his area by grabbing Books, but was unable to. Agamemnon continued his Hammer attacks, getting another kill.

Outsider, Grogg now alone with one thug, changed tactics and started to attack. He traded blows with the thug but their fight was cut short as they called it off and shouted for all to cut and run. The thugs still alive raced for the door and left the area as quickly as possible leaving the party and the hotel behind.

The encounter now over, Kenny and Blargg and Agamemnon began to cast heals to get the wounded back to a healthier state. The desk clerk, emerging from his place of hiding behind the desk, offered help with a place to dump the dead bodies in his lobby. A quick discussion among the group and the decision was made to leave as quickly as possible. Those still in the common room that had not made it in to the fray were asked to gather up all the belongings to speed their departure. Mei, taking a moment, wrote a note of anger telling off the family and crafted an origami creature with it, leaving it with the clerk with instructions to give it to the ‘family’ members that might come after this encounter.

At this time Mei discovered a fellow student of her teacher, Phan Lo, was there. She came to tell Mei she needed to redirect her path to Anpuru to find their master. He was there in hiding but could be found there if she was looking for him. Everything calmed down, the group settled all expenses and issues with the desk clerk, thanked him for his discretion, scanned their rented room picking up anything they may have missed and headed out towards the south west exit from the town. They tried to make quicker time but the terrain slowed them down. Eventually Mei led the group down one of the lesser travelled paths hoping to avoid any followers. They were successful as the sun began to rise until they got close to the outskirts of the city where they spotted a few suspicious characters just hanging about. She led them back to the main road only to find a few more there. They made directly for them to leave town.

The three tuffs tried to block the way but the group charged head on. When Mei got close enough she used a Smokepuff to blind one of them. The three stumbled back out of the way allowing the party to pass. As they all passed they could see one of the tuffs pull out a note pad as he took some notes. Mei took the moment to throw a Kunei at his feet toward him off. Agamemnon passed close enough to the note taker to cast a Know Alignment on him revealing he was Chaotic Evil. He picked up the Kunei as he passed. As they left town Books directed them on a Northerly path hoping to give them a false impression as to their destination. They travelled this way until lunch time where they stopped to rest. Books used this opportunity to use a Talking Crystal to communicate with SD filling him in on everything that has happened to date.

Next time ...

Families are fun…

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net