September 19, 2015

Let's finish it...

CorkyRaifer, Marci, Furion, Indigo
MacCade, Justin, Tyrade, Books, Ruurik
DebbieBooty, Jimmi
FelixGaran, Warrex, Alydra
NPC'sMayor Farris, Sudalon Cpl. Banks, Sudalon Church Elder, Sudalon Col., King and Queen of Sudalon, Impostor Mayor Farris, Parker, Sasha, King Al-ALin, Meercon

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 5 / 2 thru 945 / 5 / 3

The dwarven patrol down in the valley below spotted the party easily and headed in their direction. The group decided they needed some security issues handled before they met the patrol and decided on a few pass phrases just in case there was a mix up when they met the impostor Mayor. Farris was told he should treat this as a diplomatic mission to see the King. As the patrol of three dwarves approached they flagged the party to stop. As they approached, Garan used a Detect Evil to scan the guards just in case but they were not evil. When they stopped, the group the leader, a corporal, spoke directly to Farris and asked quizzically “Aren’t you in town?”

Garan and the Mayor spoke with the patrol, Garan attempting to convince the guards of the ruse taking place right then in the King’s castle. That this was in fact the real Mayor of Gulfmoor and the figure with the King was indeed an impostor. Unable to accomplish this task Garan called the remainder of the party to assist in telling the tale. It may have been their luck or curse the dwarf corporal was quite intelligent and was at least willing to discuss the situation and probed for a ay they could prove their claim. Raifer brought up the medallion and the implication of it. He told the corporal it was a device used to control minds and identify supporters of these evil creatures. He asked if the corporal had ever seen them on the Mayor, which he confirmed he had.

With no other thoughts on how to convince him Raifer offered the party to surrender to him. The corporal, named Banks, agreed but requested everyone disarm themselves and place their weapons in the wagon they came in and follow him in. There was some consternation over this but eventually everyone agreed. They would follow as his prisoners. Additionally he sent one of his other guards to run ahead to the Dwarven Church in town to fetch someone from there that could verify Garan’s authenticity which would convince him the story had merit. On the way, Cade decided to talk up Banks and tell him all sorts of tales about their mission and the events of what they found in Gulfmoor. Banks listened and soaked it in not revealing any belief or doubt. During the 2 hour walk to the castle gates Cade told the entire tale detailing all their events from the point they arrived at Gulfmoor until their meeting with Banks.

When they arrived at the gate the church Elder was there to meet them. He chose to question Garan on matters that occurred early in his church learnings, events that were quite embarrassing, as a way to verify the dwarf as authentic. When Garan reluctantly answered the Elder enthusiastically confirmed Garan’s identity stating the reply was both correct and the manner in which he did reply was wholly consistent with Garan’s personality. Cpl. Banks was now convinced they were not necessarily enemies. Banks now convinced Raifer let him know the secret password codes they set up previously so Banks would also be able to identify the genuine Mayor should the need arise. It was decided Garan should stay with and guard Farris at all times as they went ahead. Cade suggested the guards should round up any other Gnomes in the kingdom to ferret out the real Gnomes from impostor creatures. Banks agreed and sent word to order their Delta Squad on to the job.

They made haste to the Palace and were met there by the Colonel they had encountered in the wilds but had gotten away. A tense and rude conversation ensued but eventually the Colonel agreed to allow them to enter the Palace to see the King. He ordered their weapons sheathed and to follow him. At the entrance to the King’s greeting chamber they waited at the entry as they were announced. In the room were the King and Queen, their 2 children, a number of dwarven and gnomish guards and, on the dais next to the King, the impostor Mayor Farris. The Colonel approached and spoke briefly with the King and then waved the group in to the chamber. As the entire party was in the large room the Colonel changed before their eyes to the same man-bat creature they fought in Gulfmoor that had escaped. And at the same time the doors to the chamber slammed shut trapping the party inside. The Bat like creature, a Night Gaunt, appeared next to Warrex and attempted some form of attack that Warrex shrugged off. Warrex returned the favor and scored a massive gash on the creature. The Gnomish guards moved to attack the party while the Dwarven guards were confused at the goings on. Alydra fired a bow shot at the fake Mayor but the shot deflected away. Marci, from point blank range, fired at and knocked down one of the Gnomes. Garan and Parker attempted Bless spells, but both fizzled. Raifer moved up and took one of the Gnome guards in to hand to hand. They rolled around for a few moment until a failed attempt to attack by Raifer inflicted damage on himself.

The enemies closed ground on each other looking for position. The Night Gaunt now attacked Warrex with its spiked tail, striking him, freezing him in place and injecting poison to the barbarian. Furion and Booty responded with a pinpoint arrows scoring critical hits on the Night Gaunt as Cade was struck by one of the Gnome guards only to find their weapons were also coated with poison. Justin fired scoring a critical hit and was able to kill the first of the Gnomes. It was then the Impostor Mayor fired off a fireball in to the midst of the party engulfing five members, wounding them badly, but none were felled.

Jimmi and Parker attempted another pair of Bless spells and were successful in covering the entire patry. At that, the Night Gaunt, now reeling a bit from the several hard hits on it, blinked to behind the king amid the dwarven guards who had recovered their senses and had moved to protect the Royal family. But the Gaunt used his special attack and was able to gain mind control over one of the Dwarven guards who now turned on the other Dwarves and began fighting for the Gaunt. The Impostor Mayor ominously moved towards the King’s children. Spotting this move, Books cast a Silence 15’ radius on the impostor hoping to shut down his ability to use verbal spells.

Bow shots rained all around from the party striking and weakening the Gnome guards. Indigo moved in and fired off a Magic Missile on the Gaunt who immediately then grabbed the King and disappeared. The fake Mayor also attempted something but there was no immediate result seen. Moments later the King reappeared but the Gaunt was now next to the fake Mayor. By now, Parker had moved to Warrex and was successful in casting a Remove Paralysis on him, returning him to the battle. Indigo attempted a Magic Missile at them but it misfired. Jerri had now gained position behind the Gaunt, with surprise and a backstab he scored a deep slash and the Gaunt dissipated in a cloud poof, killed.

A bow shot from Tyrade and a gash from Booty dropped the second and third of the Gnome guards. With the forces dwindling the Impostor Mayor grabbed the King’s children, cast a spell and they disappeared. As this happened Garan evoked a Dust Devil to use on the remaining guards. Cpl Banks moved in to help the King. With a shake, a shudder and a few choice shouted words the King was finally able to shake off the fog blanketing his mind and recognize the situation for what it was. The King now in control of himself, Raifer slowed the attack and offered the option of surrender to the remaining Gnome guards. The two still alive gladly accepted the offer and ceased their attacks and the mind controlled Dwarven guard quickly regained control of his own senses as well and stopped his actions.

The Impostor was now revealed, the Night Gaunt posing as the Colonel was destroyed but the King’s children were taken. The King stated he knew where they were being taken. Back to Gulfmoor to be used in a ceremonial ritual as a sacrifice. They had to move fast now. They were hurting but had no time to waste as the impostor was most likely able to Teleport back to the location for his foul deeds. The party performed a few heals there on the spot to regain their strength. Raifer used his final Talking Crystal to speak with King Al-Alin. He communicated the full details of what they had seen, done and accomplished. He brought in the King of Sudalon and apologies were expressed for what has gone on. The King would send orders to have his forces stop their intended attack which Al-Alin knew to be no more than a day or two away. Full disclosure of the sordid tale was given to help stop the impending war. That communication completed, the party gathered up their materials and redistributed some of the scrolls, potions and supplies. Garan, Alydra and Warrex were to stay behind in Sudalon to protect the Royal family and Garan was to work with the church of the realm to root out the real gnomes from the fake ones in town as well as heal those they could help. The rest of the party would be assisted by wizards of Sudalon to teleport them close enough to Gulfmoor to allow them to save the children and stop their sacrifice.

The Wizards were able to transport the group to about a mile away from the base of Gulfmoor and the ramp that wound up the mountain side to the top entrance of the kingdom. It was now early evening, the sun was down but there was still some light. In the distance they could see the familiar swirling miasma above the top of the mountain but it had not dropped down to engulf the entire kingdom as it had in the past. A marching order was organized and the thieves were placed up front to search for traps on the way. The way was clear until Raifer spotted a trip wire of some sort. It was difficult to see in the faded light and no one else could spot it. Sasha attempted to disarm it based on Raifer’s finding but was unable to do so. They deiced to try to bypass it based on Raifer’s directions. Cade was unsuccessful and stepped directly on the trip but it did not trigger. The trigger now clear to everyone they followed it back to a large rock structure that should fall, but had not. Everyone else skipped around and past leaving Cade behind. He decided he would try to dodge away from the trap as it fell. He leaped away as the boulders dropped and beautifully dodged in to the only spot that would allow them to bounce and roll past him leaving him unscathed. They continued up the path and made their way to the top. As they neared the apex they reshuffled their order putting the warriors up front set to charge in. Raifer and Cade used Invisibility potions with the hope of being able to sneak in and release the kids unnoticed. Parker issued a Bless to the entire group and off they charged.

The group charged up the final few feet of the ramp and on to the crest of the mount. Laid out before them they saw a ritual underway. Approximately 10 of the fish-men looking things, Deep Ones, were stationed around a pentagram, one of them reading from a book. Inside the pentagram was a cage containing the two children. Raifer and Cade made their way around the outside hoping to use their invisibility to their advantage but they were unaware of the trap laid out in the area where the group had to cross on to the plateau. A trap triggered shooting spikes up at them as they crossed, striking Raifer but not revealing his invisible self. Not knowing where exactly this was triggered the group charged in several of the party members triggering a trap attack and were also struck by these spikes. Fortunately not everyone triggered the trap. As they charged in the ritual was reaching a culmination, each of the Deep Ones standing at a brazier thrust their hand holding a fish in to the fire. The reader executing the ritual raised the book he held aloft, shouting out a call of unintelligible words containing far too many consonants to be understood. As he finished his shout a clap of thunder rang out, fire, smoke and lightning arced down from the miasma cloud above and struck on the altar before him. As the effects cleared a huge, at least 20 foot tall, 4 armed, vertical mouthed creature appeared before him. It was a Gug.

Bow strings were pulled, arrows flied in all directions some striking their target. The Deep Ones moved up to engage the party and Sasha was struck a serious claw slash and discovered those claws also had poison. Tyrade chose to fire at the Gug and hit his mark only to find somehow the attack caused damage to himself as well. The Gug ignored the arrows and instead turned and moved to directly cut off the invisible Raifer and Cade. Apparently he could see them. The Gug raised his foot and stomped at Cade who at the last moment was able to execute a brilliant dodge evade to avoid the crushing blow. He attempted to back away from the creature but it followed with a smack by one of the clawed hands. Raifer took a moment to back away from the thing but it followed him. Jimmi let loose a Magic Missile and Furion an Icy Missile at the Gug and both hit the monster. The Gug then turned on Raifer, leaned forward and bit him with the oddly vertically aligned mouth. The bite went deep in to Raifer and he could feel life force being drained from his body. His fighter skills reduced by 2 levels.

Indigo and Tyrade let loose an Aganaver’s Scorcher at several of the Deep Ones and scored excellent hits. Furion loosed an arrow that scored a critical piercing shot on a Deep One and it fell dead. Parker evoked a Spiritual Hammer and began attacking as well. The Scorchers were doing their work and burned down a second creature. But a wave of poison covered claws slashed through the armor of many in the group causing deep wounds slowing the attack.

Indigo changed tactics and attacked the ritual leader firing a Magic Missile at it. Jimmi and Jerri fired at the Gug using Magic Missile and a sling respectively, both scoring hits. But again almost every wound inflicted on the Gug caused some backlash damage at the original attacker. Sasha, now backed off from engaged combat turned to her sling and shot a critical hit on a Deep One followed by Cpl Banks slashing deeply in to the same creature. The Gug reached out at Raifer with all four of its claws and hit him three time dealing grievous damage on the leader. Indigo reached for a Magic Missile scroll and evoked it at the Gug. Marci maneuvered in to Point Blank range and dropped another of the creatures followed by a shot from Sasha’s sling that did the same.

Meercon had eluded the Deep Ones and moved to the cage holding the children. He took a hack at the lock but only put a small chink in it. A second swing with his sword and the lock shattered off the cage. As his blow clanged off the lock the Gug turned and swiped with his claws at Meercon striking several times and felling the Ranger. With a clean line of sight, Furion evoked another Aganaver’s Scorcher, this time at the ritual leader causing severe damage on the thing. A few moments later the leader was dead from the burning effects of the spell. At that time Parker cast some spell that had no immediate, obvious result. But she turned and charged at two of the Deep Ones, screaming ominous threats at them and waving her arms around. As she approached them the effect was now clear. The creatures were struck by Fear. They turned, disengaged from their opponents and ran. The spell was a Cloak of Fear. Ruurik took advantage of the moment, striking one running in fear and killing it. Justin too took careful aim with a bow shot and killed another.

Raifer, now severely wounded, disengaged from the Gug, hoping to get some healing to survive a little longer and guzzled down a healing potion. As he backed away the Gug took one more swipe at him but missed. Parker, was now running about the entire area trying to Fear as many as she could. She reached another causing it to flee but it did not get far as she and Books struck the creature as it ran and it fell. In all she would use this spell to good effect on 4 different Deep Ones removing them from the battle. Those that were not directly killed by the party ran towards and leaped off the edge of the cliff hoping to hit the water far below. It was not known if they ever made it that for or if they survived.

Justin moved about the plateau and found another target for his bow, killing it with one well placed shot. Furion aided his brother with a bow shot, killing one that Tyrade had been unable to finish off. Tyrade took the opening and turned firing a Magic Missile at the Gug. But the Gug now turned and took a devastating slash at Cpl Banks, who fell in a lifeless heap. Jerri, who was too close to it, tried to disengage but the Gug found him with another claw slash. The Gug found Ruurik in his range and loosed another stomp. This time the foot found its target dealing a crushing blow to the dwarf. But he was not down and he returned the attack with his axe cutting deep in to the Gug’s flesh. Books moved in to Meercon and cast a Cure Light in an attempt to revive him. Fortunately he was not as bad as it looked and the spell revived the ranger.

There was only one more Deep Ones to contend with. All the others had been killed or feared off the cliff side. Only the Gug remained. Jimmi cast a Bless to cover as many as he could as the effects of the earlier Bless from Parker had long since elapsed. The Gug moved about looking for targets. Many of the party tried to evade the massive attacks as they looked for openings. The Gug appeared to be staggering but most of the spells available to the party had been spent. Books got too close and tried to evade only to be clawed by the Gug. Tyrade and Raifer each fired one more arrow at the thing, both striking. It staggered, twisted and then fell. But it was not dead. As it fell to the ground it landed and a cloud of smoke exploded from it as the creature disappeared. But in its place were two human looking creatures lying on the ground where the creature should have been.

Indigo wasted no time and cast Aganaver’s Scorcher from his spell book, taking the risk of losing the page, at one of the figures and hitting it and killing the last remaining Deep One. Books moved to the cage and cast a Protection from Evil 10’ radius from a scroll on the children in the cage. Raifer fired an arrow at one of the humans and Jerri let loose a sling shot but they both deflected away. It appeared this one had some form of protection from missiles or attacks by some spell. Furion let loose another Icy Missile at the same one and it struck. Ruurik turned to the other human creature and slashed with his axe. He scored what he thought to be a deep gash in the being but no wound was evident.

Meercon chugged down a healing potion to return some health and get back in the fight. Books cast a Hold Person at the second figure but it had no effect. The second figure then changed shape from the human form to a gaseous form, swirling about the other human. Justin, who had moved to engage the first figure, scored a deep gash with his sword as the enemy evoked a spell that caused a fireball explosion outward from his position and engulfing several members of the group. The explosion was too much for the already severely wounded Justin and Booty. They fell, their bodies charred beyond recovery. Indigo used his book one last time to evoke an Aganaver’s Scorcher at the remaining figure, striking it. It dropped and was dead. With its partner dead, the mist form creature floated away out towards the water. As it left an unearthly screech was heard followed by a rumble and a crack from the ground under their feet. The unholy glyph in the rock formation broke.

Next time ...

Cleaning up the mess and where to now….?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /