August 15, 2015

This Cave is Haunted...

CorkyRaifer, Indigo, Jerri, Marci, Furion
MacBooks, Cade, Tyrade, Ruurik, Justin
NPC'sTollemay, Mayor Farris, Parker, Meercon

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 4 / 23 thru 945 / 5 / 2

The group gathered in Tollemay’s lab figuring it was most likely the safest place to stay given that Indigo had survived the previous evening there. They discussed options and each had decided if they would try to stay awake or try to fall asleep and then settled in to a place to wait out the night. Jerri was still bound and tied as result of his previous actions and Jimmi stayed near to watch over his brother.

As they settled in a few of the group searched through the lab for anything useful. In one of the cabinets Books found 3 racks of 8 potion vials. Two racks appeared identical and the third had a variety of concoctions. They took them for later use. In another cabinet he found a small bag of electrum pieces and another of small gems in and amongst the myriad of alchemical and laboratory supplies. Books pocketed the gems and coins. As he continued to search he uncovered a secret panel that, when opened, revealed a small storage spot containing a small bag. After an extended investigation for some trap he eventually reached in and took the bag. Inside he found 2 rings that were revealed by a Detect Magic spell to be magical. Books also pocketed this bag. With the search completed they settled in for the night.

Outside, the 5 members that had successfully made it out of the mountain headed down to the staging area where the Gnomes waited for them. Cade took the lead and spoke with Mayor Farris informing him that not all their group had been able to get out. Options were discussed and plans made to leave a small contingent of Gnomish guards with the group to return back in to the mountain in the morning to search for other survivors. Cade pointed out the Glyph they had uncovered at the apex and entrance to the mountain which Farris had no idea was there. The suggestion was made that the glyph most likely had to be destroyed to remove the enchantment on the kingdom. Farris agreed. He gave orders for the ships waiting to take the citizens away south of the mountain to leave at first light and then for one ship to return as quickly as possible to pick up the forces left behind to scan after daybreak.

Back inside, the night passed slowly. Those trying to sleep had some issues doing so and those trying to stay awake had difficulty do that. Marci and Indigo, two of those trying to sleep but unable to, head a voice in their heads… “Prepare for my arrival.” Where the voice came from they did not know but they each saw a ripple in the waters that had no source to cause it. At that time several of the group seemed to loose control of their actions, behaving oddly. Jimmi for some strange reason cut loose the bonds used to tie Jerri who had been restrained to prevent a repeat of his crazy behavior.

Ruurik then spotted the ripples coming closer to the shore line causing him to let out a yell calling everyone to attention. A half man, half bat like creature emerged from the water in front of Ruurik and in one sweeping motion it swirled about the dwarf but whatever it was attempting to do to Ruurik failed. Marci, seeing this action, fired her bow and struck the creature. The group began to move in to position to face the threat. As Books maneuvered to attack he did not notice Jerri who for some reason swung an attack at the Halfling but missed. Seeing the attack, Jimmi asked Jerri “What are you DOING?” To which he explained he had to kill anyone here who stood against the creature. Indigo cast a Magic Missile. But instead of aiming for the creature the attack hit Ruurik. It became obvious there was some form of mind control in effect here and a confusing melee of friend and foe ensued.

The creature disappeared from in front of Ruurik and appeared next to Raifer. Thinking Raifer was going to attack the creature Jerri ran towards him to defend it. Books retreated quickly away and gathered a better view point of the action and a far better position where he cast a Bless on his allies in the front line and to launch bow attacks. Parker ran in towards Jerri, Raifer and the creature. The thing attacked Parker with a similar attack it used on Ruurik but once again it was unsuccessful.

At this point two other creatures appeared from the swirling mists outside the cave mouth and flew in. They were creatures Raifer remembered from long ago as Cthulhu minions called Mi-Go, something like a cross between a flying insect and a lobster. These flew in quickly at the party members near the shore line. Meercon was struck by the flailing pincers of one of the Mi-Go and instantly dropped his sword, his arm critically hit. Indigo used an Aganaver’s Scorcher on one of the Mi-Go, burning it. Stepping just to the side, Raifer loosed an arrow towards Ruurik who was engaged with a Mi-Go but the arrow hit Ruurik and not the creature. At that moment the master creature loosed a psionic attack on Ruurik but the distance weakened the attack just enough Ruurik was able to resist with the aid of Books Bless spell.

Marci moved in to Point Blank range and fired repeatedly at the flying Mi-Go, striking them several times with enormous force. One closed in on Marci to stop her missile attacks. It reached out with its pincers and hit both Marci and Ruurik. But this one was severely wounded and one last bow shot from Justin was just enough to drop the thing. Meercon used a potion of healing to restore function to his incapacitated arm and returned to the action. One last attack and the second creature was also dead.

Jerri moved in front of the master creature engaging Parker and attacked, but the swing missed. Seeing this attack Jimmi used his Psionic power of Mass Domination on Jerri implanting a suggestion to “protect me”. Parker struck back with a Remove Curse spell on Jerri which finally worked and cleared his head. Indigo, seeing Parker’s efforts, turned and fired a bow shot at her but dropped the weapon.

Ruurik continued to be the target of several of the mind controlled. Raifer fired arrow after arrow at him hitting with most of them. The small child that had been rescued by the group now had run in to the fray and circled behind him as well and he took a wild swing kick at the dwarf but missed. Adding to the misery, the main creature then teleported once again over to Ruurik attempting whatever main attack it had tried previously but Ruurik once again withstood the attempt. Parker moved to stop Raifer by using a Hold Person but Raifer shrugged off the attempt.

Seeing the tide turned against it the man-bat thing then disappeared, teleporting away retreating from the battle. With its departure the minds of the controlled cleared, except for Raifer who still appeared to be not in control of his actions. Ruurik charged the group leader attempting to take him to the ground but Raifer’s skills in this type of combat made it easy for him to rebuff the attack. But the encounter may have had the effect of clearing his head as Raifer finally emerged from the mind control. The battle and the confusion was ended.

Marci turned and saw the mist surrounding the cave entrance was dissipating and clearing. She could now see out to the open ocean. The team in the lab decided to stay put and on guard in case the thing returned.

Outside the mountain the guards also noticed the mist fade and leave. A team was assembled to go up and in to search for survivors. They started from the 5th teir and headed down looking. In the larger cavernous areas they would call out knowing they could never search everywhere. On the way down from level 5 to 7 they rescued 10 more Gnomes that had holed up in a secluded spot. On level 7 their calls were heard by several members of the group in the lab. But the lab occupants were not sure if this was yet another trick so they held fast and waited to see what was approaching. When Tyrade opened the lab door the relief was evident in all and they made haste to exit the mountain. Indigo took one last moment to gather up a number of the books and notes he had found detailing Tollemay’s work and stuffed them in to a bag hoping to return the documents to their owner.

They left the mountian and spent the night at the guard station. In the morning they spotted the fleet of boats leaving, heading south. As a group the re-entered the mountain and headed up the levels searching for more survivors of which they found 6 more. Now being safe, survivors retrieved, Jerri wanted to thank his rescuers. He asked the people going back in to find some food he could prepare in to a fine meal to express his appreciation. A few were happy oblige and retrieved a goodly amount of food, herbs, spices and alcohol to supply the chef. As they ate, the boat to take them away returned. They packed up their things, made for the transport and sailed away to the impromptu camp just south of the mountain.

Once there they searched for Tollemay to return his things. He was grateful for the books and notes. He was willing to identify they potions for the group which he called Food Sustenance potions. One dose of the potion would sustain a person for an entire day. The rack of oddly colored potions were all failed attempts at this formula. Books was ready to leave but Tollemay requested he return the rings. While Books initially denied knowing anything about them Tollemay made it clear he knew they were in the halfling’s possession. Apparently there was some form of Locate Object enchantment on them that allowed the Gnome to know exactly where they were. With this information Books returned the pouch holding the rings.

They moved on and spoke with the Mayor filling him in on all the details of the evening and the curse apparently in place. He agreed they needed to go to Sudalon to set things right. The Mayor would take his personal security detail with him and they would travel as soon as details could be worked out with the refugees. They left 2 days later and headed east making excellent time. As they crossed the mountain through the cart path pass with Sudalon now in sight the finally saw dwarven patrols between them and the city. One small patrol was headed towards them.

Next time ...

Mirror, Mirror... crack?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /