September 13, 2014

Getting the band back together

CorkyRaifer, Indigo
MacCade, Books,Justin
DebbieJimmi, Booty, Ilykia
FelixGaran, Warrex, Alydra

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 4 / 15 thru 945 / 4 / 16

The group was split in tow but had made their way in to Sudalon and were secreted in the guild safe houses. Cade filled in the Halflings on all they had seen on their way here. The Halflings also had news for them. The three of their party members that had gone back to Al-Alin with the Dwarven Assassin prisoners were in town. How? No one knew but they got there the day before. SUGAR was able to reunite the split teams using a covered wagon to transport the humans in the group through town and over to the centralized safe house.

Having entered Sudalon the day before, Garan, Warrex and Alydra had noticed they were being followed. It took a while but Garan was able to identify them as Sudalon Secret Police, this was not good. They made their way to the Inn near the center of town on the courtyard of a large open air bazaar and set up watch. The spies stayed within sight and kept an eye on the Inn. In the morning Garan ventured out to the Dwarven church to say a few prayers. Much to his dismay he discovered he was still being followed. He returned to the Inn only to realize the spies had changed off and a new agent was now on his trail.

It was necessary to reunite the party with their friends in the Inn. A plan was developed to get to the Inn and escort them to a SUGAR secret passage where they would be out of sight and able to make plans on how to move forward. Parker, Books, Indigo and Ilykia made their way to the Bazaar and mingled in to the crowd keeping a watchful eye on the area. Raifer and Booty were to enter the Inn and attempt to make contact. Justin would follow them invisibly, cast on him by Indigo, as a trailer checking for anyone following them.

Into the market area they wandered and scoped out the scene. There were a few typical police and at least one secret policeman they were able to spot. Attempting to be inconspicuous they made their way through the mob and in to the bar area of Inn where they spotted Garan. Ordering a few drinks they went to a corner table to make contact. Garan sat in the booth behind them and they covertly whispered back and forth the situation. After a few minutes of this Raifer made a bold gesture of sorts and invited Garan to sit with them and the plans were shared far easier. Raifer shared there were party members in the market for help and a secret hideaway waiting off the square. Garan was to get the others from the room and meet come out to get lost in the crowd in about 10 to 15 minutes and they would provide cover to get them out.

While they conversed in the bar Justin attempted to get in to a better position to provide support. His main problem, it was a very crowded market place and the flow of people was erratic. As he tried to slip around and by a guard a person bumped in to him and tripped, falling to the ground. The cop went to assist but also tripped over Justin. Luck was with him though as neither of these people notices the invisible man or thought anything suspicious. Justin moved quickly away and worked his way around the square to a better location to keep an eye on the situation. He spotted one secret police who was conspicuously watching the window of the Inn where Garan, Warrex and Alydra were staying and moved to monitor him more closely.

Garan went upstairs while Raifer and Booty went to signal the team in the market. They wandered among the booths and waited. Eventually the three emerged from the Inn and stepped in to the mob where they split up. Garan and Alydra walking more directly to the location of the getaway and Warrex moving off away from them. At that moment the spy they knew was there pulled out a red handkerchief and waved it around a little before putting it back away in his pocket and began mirroring the movement of Garan and Alydra. With that, a second spy was spotted moving quickly through the crowd towards the three.

The support troops spotted this second spy as well as the additional traditional police forces in the square and decided to move in. Raifer noticed this and slyly moved to block his path and force him to go around. But the spy tried to move through and by Raifer who reacted as if it was an attempted robbery calling out “THIEF!” The crowd in the market reacted to this situation with surprise and awe. They all seemed to recognize this spy for what he was and once they gained their senses began to clear the area. The spy ordered Raifer to move away with an ultimatum delivered at the edge of his drawn battle axe and Raifer cooly backed away a bit allowing him to push past and move to engage Warrex. Warrex, oblivious to the spy kept moving and the spy attacked him, striking a blow with his axe which was treated with poison. Raifer, now behind this spy as he had moved past to get to Warrex, used his yawara to strike him down with a concussive blow. The attack was loud and forceful, ringing the helm of the spy like a bell and rendering him immediately unconscious. And the crowd once again reacted.

As the second spy moved in and the first almost in position to block access to the secret exit Justin made his move. He attempted to bull rush the spy to knock him down but the spy reacted quickly and used Justin’s movement to dodge and flip him. Apparently the spy was aware of Justin all along even though he was invisible. The spy then ordered Garan and Alydra to come along with him, they were under arrest. He motioned to two police in the market to come take them in to custody.

The support team made their move in to distract the other guards with Books using the crowd to his advantage by dodging and tumbling in to one of the police causing him to fall down in a pile. Indigo and Parker had moved around the back of the nearest building and positioned themselves to provide support. Indigo fired off a Magic Missile at the lead spy. Garan issued a Command spell at the spy ordering him to sleep but this had no effect. Parker fired off a Bless to aid the team. The guards had now made their way to Garan and were grappling him in to control, the Spy again ordered Garan to surrender to which Garan inexplicably replied “Undouche me!” No one was sure what he meant….

The melee continued. Indigo fired off another Magic Missile that fizzled. The guard tripped by Books stood and moved to get near the trouble but Books made use of the advantage and attacked slowing the guards progress. Garan made several attempts to shake free from the guards who now held him but was unsuccessful and they began to drag him away. Then, the primary spy pulled a wand from his cloak and activated it, firing off a flare in to the sky. With the alarm signal sent up Raifer ordered everyone to kill that spy.

Raifer moved to engage the spy with his yawara, Justin fired off bow shots and Warrex chopped at the spy with his two-handed sword. Books and the guard he stopped traded hits. Alydra, Warrex, Ilykia, Justin and Raifer all attacked this lead spy and eventually downed him. Raifer then moved to help Garan bull rushing the first off him and attacking the second guard with his yawara once again rendering him unconscious. Now with the situation completely out of hand all the guards still alive decided to flee the encounter.

The market now almost empty of other people, the guards either dead, unconscious or gone they moved to the secret exit to leave. Justin picked up the spy’s wand and Raifer grabbed for an amulet he could see on his body. But when he pulled it from the dead spy’s body the gem in the amulet burst. Not wanting to spend any more time in the open, they all retreated to the SUGAR secret exit and made their way through the tunnels to the safe location. Once there, SUGAR informed them the Gnomes in the castle had fled the town shortly after the fight had happened and headed out of the kingdom and towards the mountains.

They held a lengthy strategy meeting to determine their next steps. It was obvious the direct approach in to the castle was no longer an option if the gnomes were not there. They could follow them in to the mountains but this was dicey. They could pose as a supply caravan but this posed other issues. The decision was made to attempt to get to Gulfmoor and confront the gnomes on their own turf. They would try to pass through the mountains in a short direct path on foot if they could find one because to take the carts would cause them to have to loop around the mountain range losing valuable time. SUGAR agreed to provide whatever additional climbing gear they could and tend to the wagons left behind in the forest.

Next time ...

Is this a gnome I see before me?

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /