July 19, 2014

Breaking through the walls

CorkyRaifer, Jerri, Indigo, Furion, Marci
MacRuurik, Cade, Books, Justin, Tyrade
DebbieIlykia, Bekki, Jimmi
NPC'sSasha, Soon Tec, Armin, Hammer

Game Date (Y/M/D) : 945 / 4 / 13 thru 945 / 4 / 15

The group of four Halflings spent quite a bit of time with the reps from the SUGAR guild finding out everything they could share. How to use the magical coin imbued with a Magic Mouth was perhaps the most critical and an agreement to have some of the guild members watch their carts and equipment as they infiltrated the city led in by other guild members. With these details in place most of the group gathered for one last good night sleep. But a few felt like taking advantage of the goods and wares available in this caravan haven.

A specialist in martial weapons was in town, Soon Tec. He had wonderful and amazing specialty items and Raifer made a deal for the master crafted Yawara he has been trying to find for a long time. Even a master crafted Kapar was available. His prices were high but his quality was exquisite. Even Jerri was able to find a gourmet travel style cook set.

In the morning they set out heading west towards the forest making great time and seeing nothing but the natural flora and fauna. It took longer than they expected as the distance was longer than they remembered but eventually the party found and met up with the Halflings from SUGAR that would guide them in. And guide them they did to a fine hiding place a few miles away from the city walls that would be most difficult to find. There they slept for the night. The broke in to two groups to enter the city. The first would accompany SUGAR members to their hidden entrance and find their way to a safe house via Halfling tunnels. The second would use the Magic Mouth coins to gain entrance through the secret entrance around the far side of the city as the Halfling tunnels were just too small to accommodate human sized creatures.

The group heading to the far side ran in to very little and made their way just around dusk to the secret entrance. Using the special coins they were able to pass through the entrance unseen with little difficulty even though Meercon could not seem to get it to work at first. The four, with their guide, passed in and found their way to a safe house where they would wait until full cover of night to reconnect with the other members of the group.

The first group left later in the day as their trip to the SUGAR hidden entrance was much closer. But as they approached the city walls their Halfling guide suddenly hit the dirt and the rest of the party reacted similarly. Only Armin and Jimmi spotted what the guide did. An area of the city wall had clicked open and a dreaded Porcupine arrow launcher was pushed in to place. With most of the group ducked for cover the first volley only hit a few in the group and none for any serious damage except for Jimmi. With that volley faried the device was wheeled back and a squad of crossbow wielding dwarves rushed out to provide cover while it was reloaded.

From behind the tree he used as cover Hammer let loose a Bless spell to help the party and they moved up en masse to close ground on the dwarves. Bow and Crossbow shots flew from both sides. Justin and Tyrade scored excellent hits that led one dwarf to run back for cover. Several of the party were hit by bolts but they continued to move in. As the distance was reduced with one bold move Ruurik and Furion charged the Porcupine nest and breached the gap trying to prevent another launching. This was followed by yet another volley of bolts and arrows as the groups closed in.

Marci, Ilykia, Bekki and Tyrade all scored hits and three more of the dwarves fell back followed by Books who also attempted to breach the wall gap. But the device had now been reloaded and was pushed up ready for another firing. Inside the firing area Furion was now surrounded by 3 dwarves that had retreated from the open ground. He reacted by using a Sleep spell on two of his opponents and they fell to the ground while the third struck him with his axe. With that the Porcupine was fired. Several hits were scored and Jimmi, who was at the rear of the group, was felled. Fortunately the Halfling guide was not far away and he moved to assist preventing Jimmi from dying.

With the group now divided by the porcupine device, some inside, most outside, Justin and Cade charged up in an attempt to push the device away from the opening. Justin tripped on his way and Cade simply did not have enough mass to push it back on his own. But with the flow of the engagement changing one of the dwarves manning the device bolted to flee the scene. Books attempted to stop him with a Hold Person spell but it was ineffective. He made the corner of the corridor, turned it and was gone. A second tried the same move but Furion, who had previously dropped his weapon, took a punch swing at him. This dwarf had been badly damaged by arrows outside the walls and Furion’s puch was enough to stop him dead.

As the battle raged on Indigo asked the Halfling guide where the secret entrance they were trying to find was, maybe they could escape that way. But the guide informed them this entrance WAS the secret door and had apparently been compromised. The Halfling was not completely forlorn as he also thought the real secret door to the tunnels was probably still there and unfound by the dwarves.

The group pushed in further trying to finish the battle. Justin, his footing found once again tried to push on the device again. It did not push back but it did rock and knocked over one of the dwarves behind it. Ruurik was able to quickly dispatch this fallen enemy. Books was able to surmise the mechanics preventing all these attempts from moving the device. He found a locking bar and unhooked the wheel closest to him. One more push from the front sent it spinning on the axis of the other still locked wheel sending other dwarves sprawling. The hidden area was now accessible.

With this other dwarf now on the ground Ruurik extended an olive branch warning him to stay down so he did not have to kill him but the offer was met with a nasty insult as the dwarf scrambled back to his feet to reengage. Ruurik still tried to convince the guard he did not want to kill him and to please stop but he had no luck with his pleading. With that Hammer let loose a Hold Person on this last hold out and all the dwarven guards were now either dead, asleep or held aside from the one that had gotten away. They tied them up and began trying to figure out what to do with them. Ruurik’s dilemma was obvious as he made several attempts to convince these dwarven the group and Al-Alin was not evil and the truly did not mean them harm. But these guards would have none of it and began screaming as soon as their gags were removed. This forced the hand and eventually, as the group made its way down the real secret tunnel revealed by the Halfling guide, Ruurik uttered a few final prayers to the dwarven god and finished off the bound captives.

Next time ...

Well, we’re in, now what???

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey / senk@optonline.net