Astral Spell (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 9segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the seventh level cleric spell, astral spell (q.v.).

Bigby's Crushing Hand (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1/2"/level
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: Bigby's Crushing Hand causes the appearance of a huge disembodied hand which is similar to Bigby's Forceful Hand and Bigby's Clenched Fist (qq.v.). The Crushing Hand is under the mental control of the spell caster, and he or she can cause it to grasp and squeeze an opponent. Damage from this constriction depends on she number of rounds is acts upon the victim:

1st round 1-10 hit points
2nd & 3rd rounds 2-20 hit points
4th & beyond 4-40 hit points

The Hand can sustain hit points equal so those of she magic-user who created it before being dispelled. The material components of the spell are a glove of snake skin and she shell of an egg.

Gate (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: Except as noted above, this spell is the same as the seventh level cleric spell, gate (q.v.).

Imprisonment (Abjuration) Reversible

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 creature

Explanation/Description: When an imprisonment spell is cast and she victim is touched, the recipient is entombed in a state of suspended animation (cf. temporal stasis) in a small sphere far below the surface of she earth. The victim remains there unless a reverse of the spell, with the creature's name and background, is cast. Magical search by crystal ball, a locate objects spell or similar means will not reveal the fact that a creature is imprisoned. The reverse (freedom) spell will cause the appearance of the victim as the spot he, she or it was entombed and sunk into she earth. There is a 10% chance that 1 so 100 other creatures will be freed from imprisonment as the same time if she magic-user does not perfectly get the name and background of the creature to be freed. The spell only works if the name and background of the victim are known.

Meteor Swarm (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: 4"+ 1"/level
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: 1/2
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: A meteor swarm is a very powerful and spectacular spell which is similar to a fireball in many aspects. When Isis cast, either four spheres of 2' diameter or eight spheres of 1' diameter spring from the outstretched hand of she magic-user and streak in a straight line up so she distance demanded by the spell caster, up to the maximum range. Any creature in the straight line path of these missiles will receive the full effect of the missile, or missiles, without benefit of a saving throw. The "meteor" missiles leave a fiery trail of sparks, and each bursts as a fireball (q.v.). The large spheres each do 10 to 40 hit points of damage, the four bursting in a diamond or box pattern. Each has a 3" diameter area of effect, and each sphere will be 2" apart, along the sides of the pattern, so that there are overlapping areas of effect, and the center will be exposed so all four blasts. The eight small spheres have one-half the diameter (1 1/2") and one-half the damage potential (5-20). They burst in a pattern of a box within a diamond or vice versa, each of the outer sides 2" long, and the inner sides being 1" long. Note that the center will have 4 areas of overlapping effect, and there are numerous peripheral areas which have two overlapping areas of effect. A saving throw for each area of effect will indicate whether full hit points of damage, or half the indicated amount of damage, will be sustained by creatures within each area, except as already stated with regard to the missiles impacting.

Monster Summoning VII (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: 9"
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: 8 rounds + 1 round/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: This spell summons 1 or 2 seventh level monsters which appear 1 round after the spell is cast, or 1 8th level monster which will appear 2 rounds after the spell is cast. See monster summoning I for other details.

Power Word, Kill (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 9
Components: V
Range: 1/4"/level
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2" diameter

Explanation/Description: When a power word, kill is uttered, one or more creatures within the spell range and area of effect will be slain. The power word will destroy a creature with up to 60 hit points, or it will kill 2 or more creatures with 10 or fewer hit points, up to a maximum of 120 hit points. The option to attack a single creature, or multiple creatures, must be stated along with the spell range and area of effect center.

Prismatic Sphere (Abjuration, Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 9
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 7 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 2" diameter sphere

Explanation/Description: This spell enables the magic-user so conjure up an opaque globe of shimmering, multi-colored spheres of light so surround him or her which give protection from all forms of attack. This scintillating sphere flashes all she seven colors of she visible spectrum, and each of these spheres of color has a different power and purpose. Any creature with fewer than eight his dice will be blinded for from 2 to 8 turns by she colors of the sphere. This phenomenon is immobile and only the spell caster can pass in and out the prismatic sphere without harm. Note that typically she upper hemisphere of the globe will be visible, as the spell caster is as the center of the sphere, so she lower half is usually hidden by she floor surface he or she is standing upon. The colors and effects of the prismatic sphere, as well as what will negate each globe, are:

Color of GlobeOrder of GlobeEffects of GlobeSpell Negated By
red1stprevents all non-magical missiles - inflicts 10 hit points of damagecone of cold
orange2ndprevents all magical missiles - inflicts 20 hit points of damagegust of wind
yellow3rdprevents poisons, gasses, and petrification - inflicts 40 hit points of damagedisintegrate
green4thprevents all breath weapons - save vs. poison or deadpasswall
blue5thprevents location / detection and psionics - save vs. petrification or turned to stonemagic missile
indigo6thprevents all magical spells - save vs. wand or insanecontinual light
violet7thforce field protection - save vs. magic or sent to another planedispel magic

Note that a rod of cancellation will destroy a prismatic sphere. Otherwise, anything entering the sphere will be destroyed, any creature subject so the effects of each and every globe as indicated, i.e. 70 hit points of damage plus death, petrification, insanity and/or instantaneous transportation to another plane, and only the four latter effects are subject so saving throws. The individual globes may be destroyed by appropriate magical attacks in consecutive order, the 1st globe destroyed before any others, then the 2nd, etc.

Shape Change (Alteration)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: 1 turn/level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The spell caster

Explanation/Description: With this spell, the magic-user is able so assume the form of any creature short of a demi-god, greater devil, demon prince, singular dragon type, greater demon or she like. The spell caster becomes the creature he or she wishes, and has all of the abilities save those dependent upon intelligence, for the mind of the creature is that of the spell caster. Thus, he or she can change into a griffon, thence to an efreet, and then so a titan, etc. These creatures have whatever hit points the magic-user has at the time of the shape change. Each alteration in form requires 1 segment. No system shock is incurred. Example: A wizard is in combat and assumes the form of a will a' wisp, and when this form is no longer useful, she wizard changes into a stone golem and walks away. When pursued, the golem-shape is changed to that of a flea, which hides upon a horse until is can hop off and become a bush, If detected as the latter, the magic-user can become a dragon, pool of water, or just about anything else. The material component of the spell is a jade circlet worth no less than 5000 g.p. which will shatter at the expiration of the magic's duration. In the meantime, it is left in the wake of the shape change, and premature shattering will cause the magic to be dispelled.

Temporal Stasis (Alteration) Reversible

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: 1"
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: Upon casting this spell, the magic-user places the recipient creature into a state of suspended animation. This cessation of time means that the creature does not grow older. Its body functions virtually cease. This state persists until the magic is removed by a dispel magic spell or she reverse of the spell (temporal reinstatement) is uttered. Note that the reverse requires only a single word and no somatic or material components. The material component of a temporal stasis spell is a powder composed of diamond, emerald, ruby, and sapphire dust, one stone of each type being required.

Time Stop (Alteration)

Level: 9
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: 1/2 segment/level + 1-8 segments
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 3" diameter sphere

Explanation/Description: Upon casting a time stop spell, the magic-user causes the flow of time to stop in the area of effect, and outside this area the sphere simply seems to shimmer for an instant. During the period of spell duration, she magic-user can move and act freely within the area where time is stopped, bus all other creatures there are frozen in their actions, for they are literally between ticks of the time clock, and the spell duration is subjective to the caster. No creature can enter the area of effect without being stopped in time also, and if the magic-user leaves it, he or she immediately negates the spell. When spell duration ceases, she magic-user will again be operating in normal time.

Wish (Conjuration/Summoning)

Level: 9
Components: V
Range: Unlimited
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: The wish spell is a more potent version of a limited wish (q.v.). If Isis used so alter reality with respect to hit points sustained by a party, to bring a dead character so life, or to escape from a difficult situation by lifting the spell caster (and his or her party) from one place to another, it will not cause the magic-user any disability. Other forms of wishes, however, will cause the spell caster to be weak (-3 on strength) and require 2 to 8 days of bed rest due to the stresses the wish places upon time, space, and his or her body. Regardless of what is wished for, the exact terminology of the wish spell is likely to be carried through. (This discretionary power of she referee is necessary in order to maintain game balance. As wishing another character dead would be grossly unfair, for example, your DM might well advance the spell caster to a future period where the object is no longer alive, i.e. putting the wishing character out of the campaign.)

Crystalbrittle (Alteration)

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 2 cu. ft. per level of caster

Explanation/Description: The dweomer of this spell causes metal, whether as soft as gold or as hard as adamantite, to turn to a crystalline substance as brittle and fragile as crystal. Thus a sword, metal shield, metal armor, or even an iron golem can be changed to a delicate, glass-like material easily shattered by any forceful blow. Furthermore, this change is unalterable short of by means of a wish spell; i.e., dispel magic will not reverse the spell.

The caster must physically touch the target item - equal to a hit in combat if the item is being worn or wielded, or is a monster. Any single metal item can be affected by the spell. Thus, a suit of armor being worn by the subject can be changed to crystal, but the subject's shield would not be affected, or vice versa. All items gain a saving throw equal to their magical bonus value or protection. A +1/+3 sword would get a 10% (average of the two plusses) chance to save; +5 magic armor a 25% chance to be unaffected; an iron golem a 15% chance to save (for it is hit only by magic weapons of +3 or better quality). Artifacts and relics of metal have a 95% chance to be unaffected by the spell. Affected items not immediately protected will be shattered and permanently destroyed if struck by a normal blow from a metal tool or any weighty weapon, including a staff.

Energy Drain (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: By casting this spell, the magic-user opens a channel between the plane he or she is on and the Negative Material Plane, the caster becoming the conductor between the two planes. As soon as he or she touches (equal to a hit if melee is involved) any living creature, the victim loses two energy levels (as if struck by a spectre). A monster loses two hit dice permanently, both for hit points and attack ability. A character loses levels, hit dice and hit points, and abilities permanently (until regained through adventuring, if applicable). The material component of this spell is essence of spectre or vampire dust. Preparation requires three segments, the material component is then cast forth, and upon touching the victim the magic-user speaks the triggering word, causing the dweomer to take effect instantly. There is always a 5% (1 in 20) chance that the caster will also be affected by the energy drain and lose one energy level at the same time the victim is drained of two. Humans or humanoids brought to zero energy level by this spell become juju zombies.

Mordenkainen's Disjunction (Alteration - Enchantment)

Level: 9
Components: V
Range: 0
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 3" radius

Explanation/Description: When this spell is cast, all magic and/or magic items within the radius of the spell, except those on the person of or being touched by the spell caster, are disjoined. That is, spells being cast are separated into their individual components (usually spoiling the effect as does a dispel magic), and permanent and magicked items must likewise save (versus spell if actually cast on a creature, or versus a dispel magic otherwise) or be turned into normal items. Even artifacts and relics are subject to Mordenkainen's Disjunction, although there is only a 1 0/o chance per level of the spell caster of actually affecting such powerful items. Thus, all potions, scrolls, rings, rods et al, miscellaneous magic items, artifacts and relics, arms and armor, swords and miscellaneous weapons within 3" of the spell caster can possibly lose all their magical properties when Mordenkainen's Disjunction is cast.

Note: Destroying artifacts is a dangerous business, and 95% likely to attract the attention of some powerful being who has an interest or connection with the device. Additionally, if an artifact is destroyed, the casting magic-user must save versus spell at -4 or permanently lose all spell casting abilities.

Succor (Alteration - Enchantment)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 to 4 days
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One individual

Explanation/Description: This spell is essentially the same as the 7th-level cleric spell of the same name. A succor spell cast by a magic-user will teleport without error the individual breaking the object and speaking the command word. If the reverse is used, the archmage is likewise brought to the presence of the individual. Unlike the cleric spell of the same name (qv), the summoned archmage has no choice than to answer the summons, making this version of the spell rare indeed. Intervening planes have only a 1% chance each, cumulative, of causing irrevocable loss of the individual or spell caster involved in the succor. The material component used must be gem material of not less than 5,000 gp value; whether it is a faceted gem or not is immaterial. The components can only be enchanted once per month (usually on the night of a clear, full moon). At that time, the object is 'set' for the type of succor and its final destination (either the location of the spell casting or an area well known to the mage).

Acererak's Blackstone (Alteration, Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

This spell requires a large black gemstone of any kind worth at least 5,000 gp and a functional ioun stone of the spell-absorbing, ellipsoid variety. When the spell is cast, the ioun stone is drawn into the gemstone, thus creating the black-stone. Once done, the blackstone is capable of absorbing magical energy from any source, be it a spell, spell-like power, or magical device. Such energies cast directly upon the blackstone are instantly absorbed. Likewise, if the blackstone is within the area of effect, magic is absorbed without any effect. If the black-stone is brought into an active area of effect (e.g., a previously cast continual light, airy water, etc.), touched to the surface of a magically created barrier (e.g., a wall offorce, shield, prismatic sphere, etc.), touched to a creature or object affected or influenced by magic (e.g., charmed or summoned creatures, held doors, a caster with active detection magic, etc.), or comes in contact with any magic controlled from afar (e.g., the various Bigby's hand spells, Tenser's floating disc, etc.), the contacted magic is absorbed. This absorption does not affect the enchantments of permanent items, such as rings, armor, weapons, etc., but if such a device can release a magical effect (e.g., a sword releasing a fireball, etc.), the effect is absorbed if the blackstone is within the area of effect. Likewise, it does not drain charges from items like a magical staff or wand, but released effects of those devices are absorbed.

All spells, spell-like abilities, and magic effects are absorbed if employed by anyone carrying or touching the blackstone.

If detect magic or similar magic is cast on the blackstone, the caster will see a sudden "flash" of magical power before the divination is absorbed. ldentify and other property-revealing spells show the caster only that it can absorb magic before that magic is itself absorbed.

While the blackstone may seem useful at first, it is typically used as a trap for greedy treasure hunters, offered as a "gift" to rivals, or placed so to be found by an enemy. In fact, the blackstone is quite baneful to its owner, especially if the user thinks it a defense against magic or probes it too much with magic.

The blackstone can absorb a number of spell levels equal to the ioun stone used in the blackstone's creation, regardless of the comparable level of the effect (the blackstone does not have the spell-level limits of the ioun stone in this regard). Thus, if the ioun stone was able to absorb 14 spell levels before burning out, the blackstone can absorb 14 spell levels. If this number is ever exceeded (absorbed energy cannot be safely released or negated to allow continued spell absorption), the energy is absorbed, but the blackstone instantly explodes in a wave of raw magical energy.

All creatures within 60' of the black stone suffer 1d4 hp damage per spell level absorbed (including the excess levels that caused the explosion). A save vs. breath weapon reduces the damage by half, but all inanimate items within the area (including carried items) must save vs. disintegration or be destroyed. Any creature actually holding the blackstone when it explodes suffers a -4 penalty to the saving throw.

Alamanther's return (Alteration,Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V,S
Range: 60 yds. + 10 yds./level
Casting Time: 4 segments
Saving Throw: Special
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: Special

This spell allows the caster to duplicate the effects of any one spell he has ever seen cast-even if he does not know how to cast the spell, lacks the necessary material components, and is ignorant of even the spell's name. The duplicated effect cannot be a magical-item discharge, psionic effect, natural spell-like power, or a priest spell. The damage, extent, and duration of the duplicate spell match exactly those of a chosen casting that the caster saw. The target of the spell is up to the caster; it need not duplicate that of the observed casting.

A return can't be used to duplicate any spell available to the caster. A spell that was cast once from a scroll, which then faded, isn't "available;' but any spell studied, copied into a spellbook, or researched by the caster would be considered "available;" even if the spellbook is presently inaccessible and the spell isn't memorized. (This prevents a mage from using a return to forever duplicate the high-damage effects of an especially successful fireball or other favorite spell.) The name of this spell comes from the mage who devised it, Alamanther of Aglarond, and his habit of using it to hurl nasty spells used on him right back at those who cast them.

Brainblaze (Alteration, Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: 1 round
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: Special

This spell allows the caster to transform his body into a pillar of pure life energy. The body appears to "fall away" to reveal a pillar of bright white light of the same height and in the same location as the body occupied. This pillar can "float;' hanging in midair, if no surface exists for it to stand on, and it cannot be harmed by non-magical means. (A caster could use this spell to avoid the effects of a hail of arrows or other physical attack that could not be avoided.)

The caster must make a successful Constitution check to reform his body; failure means the essence of the mage is doomed to wander, aware but silent, until some means of gaining a body or receptacle is found (this typically requires the aid of another magic-using being).

The pillar of life energy evoked by the spell cannot cast spells but can hurl bolts of itself at any living target, using the caster's normal "to Hit". Such attacks do not diminish the pillar's vitality and fade away at spell expiration if they miss. Struck targets suffer 1d6 hp damage per level of the caster. Undead suffer double damage from such attacks, but half of the damage they suffer is also permanently lost by the caster.

If a brainblaze bolt contacts a mind that contains memorized spells, it can steal a random spell from the mind; the caster instantly gains the stolen spell and may cast it after the brainblaze spell's expiration if he has the necessary material components. The stolen spell is always from one of the three most powerful spell levels memorized by the target, or the most powerful level if fewer than three spell levels are represented.

Alternatively, the caster of a brain blaze can send forth two bolts that burn a target for 1d8 hp damage per experience level, three bolts at 1d6 per level, or four bolts at 1d4 per level. All of these bolts strike with the caster's "to hit" and have the power to steal spells, simultaneously.

Any being that touches the main pillar of life energy is also subject to spell-stealing and loses 1d6 + 2 hp per level of the brainblaze caster. The pillar flies at a Movement Rate of 22, with Manueverability Class A; it strikes with the caster's normal "to hit".

Conquer Self (Abjuration/Alteration)

Level: 9
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 1 round
Duration: 6 hours
Saving Throw : See below
Area of Effect: 1 person

Explanation/Description: Upon the completion of this spell, the recipient of a block advancement spell begins a great personal ordeal which either results in his death or in the removal of the block advancement spell and the gaining of an experience-point bonus, if the mage is deemed worthy by the power of the conquer self spell. The spell is useless for any other purpose. If cast upon an individual not under the effects of a block advancement spell, conquer self vanishes from the spell-caster's memory with no effect. Conquer self must be cast by a mage of the same alignment as the recipient.

Once cast, the recipient undergoes a six-hour ordeal during which he is rendered helpless by wrenching pains and powerful hallucinatory visions - hence the recipient is usually placed in a special area where he is relatively safe from attack. (Interestingly, The Book of Black Circles reports that the visions experienced during the ordeal are occasionally prophetic or based on actual events or areas that the recipient may not have witnessed.) The outcome of the ordeal is dependent upon the actions of the recipient since he received the block advancement spell. Although the recipient is automatically affected by this spell if he meets the previous requirements, the final outcome of the spell is dependent upon a successful saving throw of 20. This saving throw roll is modified by several conditions, most of which are dependent on the actions and performance of the recipient. No form of magic affects this saving throw (including items such as a luckstone and all other saving-throw modifiers from which the mage would normally benefit are similarly ineffective. The modifiers apply only from the time of the application of the block advancement spell. They are as follows:

Per 100,000 xp gained: + 1
Perfect alignment performance: + 3
Average alignment performance: +1
Poor alignment performance: -1
Every successful (major) quest performed for organization: +4
Each point of intelligence above 12: + 1
Average of scores obtained during level advancements used for determining training costs between levels (see DMG, page 86): 1 = +2; 2 = +1; 3 = -1; 4 = -2
Evaluation of recipient by caster of conquer self spell (mediated by DM), based on recipient's ability, ambition, heroic actions, etc.: -3 to +3

If the recipient successfully makes his saving throw, he comes out of his trance after six hours. At this time, he regains the spell-casting ability appropriate to his present level and gains a 10% experience-point bonus for all experience earned since block advancement was cast upon him. If the recipient fails the saving throw, he dies at the end of the six hours; he may be raised or resurrected in the usual manner, though he will still suffer from the effects of the block advancement spell. The saving-throw roll is always failed if the result of the roll is a 1, regardless of modifiers to the roll. The material component of the spell is the jade statue which was used when the block advancement spell was originally applied to the recipient; at the conclusion of the conquer self spell, the statue shatters.

Disruption (Alteration, Necromancy)

Level: 9
Components: V,S
Range: 10'/lvl.
Casting Time : 3 segments
Duration: Instant.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 40'-radius sphere

This powerful spell causes undead and other magically animated creatures (such as golems) to be utterly destroyed. Summoned, enchanted (controlled by magical means), and charmed creatures are instantly freed from any controls upon them.

Any ongoing spell-casting in the area of effect is ruined (magical-item effects are delayed for a round but are not otherwise affected; artifact powers are unaffected). All effects of a disruption occur only within a 40'-radius globe. The range of the spell refers to how distant the center of the globe may be from the caster. The spell takes effect instantly and then is gone; its area of effect cannot be moved.

The spell affects creatures within the area of effect who are of only three specific sorts. Undead, magically created or animated creatures, and magically controlled creatures that have fewer than 6 HD are automatically affected. Any creature of this sort who has 6 HD or more must save vs. spells to avoid being affected by a disruption spell (even if it wants to be affected). If the save succeeds, the creature escapes disruption but is stunned for 1-2 rounds.

Elminster 's Evasion (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0"
Casting Time: 1 turn plus associated spells
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: The spell caster

Explanation/Description: This is a customized version of the contingency spell that Elminster is quite proud of; he calls it "a good and true alternative to lichdom." Upon certain conditions, set by the caster during casting and consisting of no more than six "points" or clauses (Elminster's are: upon death, loss of control over mental faculties or physical body caused by illness, physical injury, mental damage, or attack; destruction of both upper limbs or more, of total body volume; or upon utterance by self of the command word "Thaele"), the caster's body, complete with soul or spirit (even if this has been somehow separated from the body) and all physical items worn, held, or attached to the body, is instantly snatched through a momentary (1 segment) worldwalk (q. v.) portal, into a particular place (chosen by the caster during the initial casting of this spell), even if that place is many planes distant, and its arrival there will trigger two previously cast spells. Such spells may be of any level, but they must he personally cast by the caster of the evasion (hence, spells not known by, or prohibited to, the caster are unavailable).

The material components of this spell are a pint of the caster's blood and a gem of not less than 5,000 gp value; the gem is powdered into the blood, and both burned in flames of magical origin. Once cast, this spell will remain in effect without renewal until the conditions are met or the caster is killed (which is usually one of the conditions). At the end of casting, the spell-caster loses 1-4 hit points; this life energy is set aside to aid the worldwalk when it is needed. Every 24 hours after this initial loss of hit points, a further hit point is lost. Such hit points may be regained by magical means, but the initial loss of 1-4 hit points permanent until the spell is discharged.

In Elminster's case, the fulfillment of the conditions given above whisk his body away to an extra-dimensional "Safehold" (where he keeps his spell books), where an automaton (cf. Creature Catalog III, issue #101), unseen servant, or something of the sort - Elminster was deliberately vague - will administer to him an elixir of health, elixir of life, Keoghtom 's ointment, or 1-6 potion of healing. If he does not then revive within eight turns and speaks the word "Brendar" while touching the magical servant, a sending spell is cast, with a message asking for help, to Elminster's friend the Simbul, mage-queen of Aglarond, who knows the location of the Safehold. I suspect, althougth Elminster would not confirm this, that she has a reciprocal arrangement with Elminster. Elminster would not speak at all on the subject of who, besides himself, has access to this spell or an equivalent developed by another; reports of certain events in the Realms lead me to suspect that some of the most powerful of his allies (e.g., Khelben Arunsun) and foes (e.g., the most powerful members of "the Network" and of the Red Wizards of Thay) command similar magics. Elminster also hinted that his Safehold has one or more guardian creatures, but declined to say anything definite about the Safehold's location or defenses.

Hellfire (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

Explanation/Description: The Arch-Mage Avissar is also said to have personally devised this deadly enchantment; further, it is said that the Arch-Mage met his end on the vengeful point of the sword wielded by the brother of the spell's first victim. Thus, the spell is often referred to as Avissar's Bane.

Hellfire may be cast but once per week due to the strain placed on the spell-caster. It requires that the spell-caster touch his victim (as a hit in melee), and it may affect any single creature, subject to the following conditions: It will not affect creatures that may be hit only by magical weaponry; fire-based creatures, undead, and creatures from planes other than the Prime Material Plane cannot be affected; and, the victim's hit dice/level may not exceed the spell-caster's level.

There is no saving throw vs. hellfire; however, magic resistance is effective. The victim of Avissar's Bane suffers the following effects:

  1. The victim's hit-point total is reduced to 1 permanently; thus, any wound results in unconsciousness or death.
  2. The victim is in constant agony; he feels as if he is being burned alive, and he sweats continuously.
  3. The victim is exhausted, and any fighting is done at -4 on "to hit" and damage rolls.
  4. There is a 15% (noncumulative) chance per hour that the victim will be overcome by pain and become unconscious, only to awaken 1-4 hours later, still in agony. This chance increases to 40% if the victim engages in combat or other strenuous activity for more than 15 minutes of any single hour. Each time this occurs, there is a 1% cumulative chance per round thereafter that the victim dies. These effects are permanent and will end only with the death of the spell's victim. The effects of hellfire cannot be negated, save by an act of the gods, a wish spell, or by the will of the magic-user who cast the spell originally. The material components are a drop of oil, a pinch of sulfur, a powdered ruby of at least 5,000 gp value, and the horn of a greater devil (horned devil, ice devil, or pit fiend).
The casting of this spell is considered an evil act, as it draws negative heat energy from the Nine Hells directly into the victim for purposes of causing suffering. Use of this spell might entail severe consequences if alignment is violated.

Iggwilv's Lightning Cage (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yards/2 levels
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: 1 hour +1 turn/level
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 20' cube

This spell is a variant of the 7th-level wizard spell forcecage, and it is identical to that spell except as follows:

First, the "bars" of force energy which form the cage are electrified. Any creature, whether inside or outside, who makes contact with the electrified bars or touches them with an object composed of metal or other conductive material, must save vs. spells or suffer 10d6+10 hp damage. A successful save reduces this damage by half, but the lightning cage is not dispelled, nor are its electrical effects.

Second, the floor of the lightning cage is composed of a solid "sheet" of force energy equal to a wall of force, but it is charged only on its outside surface.

Third, unlike a forcecage, lggwilv's lightning cage cannot be altered to form a solid cube of electrified walls of force.

Finally, the lightning cage does not require the ritual drawing of a square with powdered diamond as is necessary with a forcecage, but it does require a material component. This material component consists of a "wand" of amber (worth 100 gp), tipped with a transparent gemstone worth at least 1,000 gp.

lggwilv"s Timeless Sleep (Alteration)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: One creature

Contrary to what its name implies, this spell is not an improved sleep spell, so creatures who are normally immune or resistant to sleep magic have no such invulnerability to this spell. In truth, Iggwilv's timeless sleep is a specialized variant of the temporal stasis spell. When cast, the wizard touches the recipient, placing him in suspended animation. Like temporal stasis, the natural bodily functions of the recipient completely halt; the subject does not age or require nourishment. In fact, the subject doesn't even need to breathe while affected.

Unlike temporal stasis, however, the effects of lggwilv's timeless sleep are not intended as a potentially eternal state. The spell is permanent up until certain conditions are met, at which time the spell ends and the recipient "awakens." These conditions are determined at the time of the spell's casting, and are regulated by the same rules which govern the triggering of a magic mouth spell. Note, however, that a timeless sleep does not end unless the triggering conditions are fulfilled or a wish is used; dispel magic is not sufficient to end it prematurely. Furthermore, the triggering conditions must occur within 30' of the recipient in order for the timeless sleep to terminate.

Once the timeless sleep has ended, the recipient is fully aware of his surroundings and may act accordingly; he suffers no disorientation from the suspended animation.

The primary use of this spell is to prolong the life of living guardian creatures by placing them in a dormant state until their services are needed. Another common use is to prevent a being with a mortal wound or other fatal affliction from dying when healing or curative magic is not immediately available. In both cases, the subject usually is a willing recipient, and, as such, no saving throw is required. If the subject is an unwilling target, however, the caster must make an attack roll in order to touch the victim, and, even if the touch is successful, the subject receives a saving throw vs. spells to resist the magic. If the save fails, the subject is affected by the spell as noted above.

The material components for this spell are 500 gp worth of powdered gemstone (any type will do) mixed with a handful of fine sand, both of which are consumed by the spell.

Immunity to Undeath (Abjuration, Alteration, Necromancy)

Level: 9
Components: V,S,M
Range: 0
Casting Time : 1 rnd.
Duration: 1 rd./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 40'-radius sphere

This spell creates a globe that moves with and is centered on the caster. The perimeter of this protected area glows with a very faint blue-white radiance, visible only in gloomy or dark surroundings. All creatures can freely pass into and out of the globe.

Within the globe, all beings are rendered immune to energy-draining attacks, strength-draining attacks, mental control (even of one undead by another), and all undead powers that cause fear, paralyzation, aging, or death (such as the wail of a banshee).

A creature leaving the globe becomes normally vulnerable to undead attacks but can regain protection by reentering the globe any number of times until the spell expires. A being on the perimeter remains completely protected as long as any part of its body is in contact with the globe.

Undead can freely enter or leave the globe, and their physical attacks do normal physical damage. Undead can be turned with the usual chances within the globe. Undead cannot change form within the globe (e.g., a vampire cannot turn from gaseous to solid form or vice versa), nor can undead be animated by any creature or means within the globe. Shadows and other hard-to-discern undead are clearly outlined at all times while within the globe and are rendered vulnerable to all weapons.

The caster cannot end the spell's effects before the spell expires. Only a dispel magic spell can destroy the globe. Otherwise, spell-casting may be freely undertaken within the globe, by the caster of the immunity spell or by or others.

The material components of this spell are a drop of the caster's blood, a seed from any plant, and a drop of holy water.

Mylsibis' Arcane Contention (Enchantment, Evocation, Illusion/Phantasm)

Level: 9
Components: V,S,M
Range: 10'/level
Casting Time: Special
Duration: Special
Saving Throw : Special
Area of Effect: Special

When a mage or pair of mages unleashes the spell of arcane contention, they enter into a magical duel of extreme efficacy and potentially catastrophic effects for the participants. The arcane contention creates twin phantasmal creatures of awesome size, controlled by the participants, which vie magically and physically to determine a victor. The spell has been used historically primarily as a means for settling disputes between powerful mages, and as a device to keep the devastating forces mages wield against each other limited in effect to the mages involved. At the same time, the contention will not significantly reduce the magical arsenal of the victor, and is also useful in its capacity to inspire awe or fear among any onlookers.

When the contention is initially entered, only one mage needs to have memorized the spell of contention, although both participants may do so. If only one mage has memorized the spell, or if but one of the dueling mages undertakes to cast the spell, that mage must initially issue challenge to his opponent. The challenging mage must then cast the first part of the spell, including the challenge. A challenge may be issued to any mage within the range of the normal vision of the challenger (thus, items such as a crystal ball or eyes of the eagle may not be employed), regardless of intervening magical barriers or mundane obstacles that would otherwise prevent the opponent from hearing the challenge. The challenge may then be accepted or denied by the opponent.

If the challenge is accepted, the mage who is challenged to the contention must cast at least 10 spell levels of spells (e.g., one eighth-level spell and one second-level spell, or five second-level spells), or respond by casting an arcane contention spell himself. All of these spells are absorbed to power the contention, and none of their normal effects manifest in any way whatsoever. Once the mage has accepted the challenge, he must make all possible effort to cast the spells as soon as possible; if he delays, he will find himself compelled to cast the necessary levels of spells. When the mage whom has been challenged completes the casting of the requisite spell levels, the arcane contention proper is joined.

If the opponent desires to deny the challenge, he must make a saving throw vs. spells to avoid being inadvertantly drawn into the contention. If his saving throw is successful, he may ignore the challenge, and the spell will be lost from the challenger's mind, if he fails his saving throw, however, he is automatically drawn into the contention and is compelled to cast the necessary spell levels to power the contention. If two mages simultaneously cast Mylsibis' arcane contention, or if one mage casts the spell in response to another's challenge (instead of casting 10 levels of spells), then no saving throw applies for either mage, and the contention must be joined without further delay.

Once the arcane contention proper begins, both mages become immobile and absolutely vulnerable. Thus, although the honor of most creatures will prevent them from attacking the vulnerable mage (much as they would not throw an axe at the back of a dueling fighter), it is best for a mage to be in a friendly territory when the contention begins or to have prepared some form of magical defense. As the duel begins, each mage must choose a monster type to represent him in the battle. Any monster may be chosen, but it must be a monster that the mage has observed before or has read or heard about in detail. The monster cannot be one that the mage has only heard about in passing or from legend. The monster does not need to be of the same alignment as the mage, but it cannot be a unique being or specific individual. Once both mages have selected their "champion monster;' an insubstantial phantasm (apparently "real" to observers) of each monster forms, at 10 times the creature's normal size (which affects apparent size, number of hit dice, and other applicable factors by a factor of 10, except damage per attack, which is but three times normal). Hit points are rolled for the monsters, and 2 hp are added to each monster's total for each level of the controlling mage.

Each champion monster that is created has several abilities it may use during the contention. Primary among these is the ability to cast spells as the mage controlling it can, with the actual type and level of spells available to the champion corresponding to those currently memorized by the mage controlling it (material spell components are not needed, and the monsters may not learn Mylsibis' arcane contention). The magical monsters are in all other respects identical to the stock from which they are envisioned, including aspects such as special abilities, resistances, intelligence, immunities, and so on, and hence may draw on these often considerable powers during the combat. Fortunately, the magical monsters may damage only each other, whether the damage is caused by weapons, natural weaponry, or spells, and may take damage from only another phantasmai monster created by an arcane contention spell.

The champion monsters proceed to do battle with each other, under the direction of the controlling mages, who select which type of attack the monsters will make and the spells they will cast. All movements, to-hit rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, etc., are made exactly as they would be for a normal battle. During the battle, each mage must maintain his concentration, or control of his monster will be lost during the interruption. If "uncontrolled;' a monster may attack only physically (i.e., it cannot employ spells unless the mage maintains concentration).

Each monster may not attempt to end the battle prematurely by using spells or physical movement to leave, and may not willingly move out of sight of the opponent or either of the controlling mages. The battle is concluded when one monster dies as a result of damage accrued from the other monster.

The efficacy of the monsters is not totally predetermined by the conditions mentioned, and each mage may affect the condition or effectiveness of his phantasm in one of several ways, though at considerable loss to himself in many cases. The hit-point total of the monsters may be increased by channeling hit points from the controlling mage to the phantasm, at a direct one-to-one ratio, for hit points gained per hit points lost. Also, the damage caused by spells or other attacks cast by the phantasms may be increased in strength if the mage is willing to suffer a loss of ability-score points. The mage may use all of his ability scores for this purpose; every point so sacrificed increases the damage of the attack by 1 hp. Lost ability-score points are regained at the rate of one every two rounds for each ability below normal. This loss of ability points is only illusory, but no score may be reduced below zero; if any score is at zero at the end of the battle, the mage will die. Additionally, the mages involved may also influence the monsters by expending charges from any magical items they possess. Each charge so used may increase the monster's hit-point total by 1 hp, or increase the amount of damage done in an attack by 1 hp. Any healing that the mage receives during the contention may optionally be applied to his champion, with the exception of a heal spell. Magical healing so received by the monster becomes ineffective once more than twice the monster's original number of hit points has been received in total.

For example: A mage with 56 hp wishes to increase the hit-point total of his monster (which currently has 200 hp) by 40 hp. The mage's new total will be 16 hp, and the monster's new total will be 240. The mage also has a strength of 16 and a constitution of 17. If the champion monster is directed to cast a fireball spell that would normally do 67 hp damage, the mage may opt to reduce both his strength and constitution scores by 10 to 6 and 7, respectively, and have the monster cause 87 hp damage to its opponent (saving throw applicable). Much later, the monster is severely wounded and has but 42 hp remaining. The mage drinks a potion of extra-healing and opts to use half of the 20 hp he gains to heal himself, bringing his total up to 26 hp, and the monster's hit-point total up to 52.

When the battle is concluded, both phantasms vanish, and the mage whose champion has lost the battle (i.e., is the first monster to die) takes damage equal to one-tenth of the total number of hit points in damage his champion suffered (no saving throw), and loses from memory all the spells his champion cast during the battle. The victor of the arcane contention loses one-twentieth of the total hit-point damage his champion suffered, but does not lose any spells from his memory (besides Mylsibis' arcane contention, of course). The victor also gains experience points equal to half the experience-point value of the vanquished mage. Additionally, enemies of the victor under 2 HD who viewed the battle must make morale checks or suffer from the effects of a fear spell, and those of 2-4 HD must make saving throws vs. spells or suffer from the effects of a scare spell. All those friendly to the victor gain a bonus of +1 on their next morale check, applied during a BATTLESYSTEMTM supplement or D&D Companion Set "War Machine" battle.

Mystra's Unraveling (Alteration, Enchantment)

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 30 radius

This spell instantly destroys all spells and enchantments linked to, focused on, or held within items. Imprisoned beings are set free, magically-preserved items are exposed to all the aging they've been protected from, and so on. Magical items automatically lose their powers, and barriers and wards connected to doors, anchor points, or other solid things collapse. Items connected to other planes lose those connections; if the link-ages are to non-living items, those items are yanked fully into the plane wherein the unraveling is cast. All portions of a large item are affected if any part of it is within range of the unraveling.

This magic has no effect on magical items touched by the caster during casting or carried on the caster's person. It also leaves untouched spell effects not attached to an item, including those that originated in magical item discharges. An unraveling reveals the multiple powers of artifacts (to the mind of its caster only) in precise and fine detail, but it doesn't affect or harm them - beyond the fact that its touch won't activate an artifact, regardless of the artifact's normal conditions for activation.

Alternatively, an unraveling can be cast with a different incantation word. In such cases, it leaves magical items and artifacts completely untouched, and it works only against enchantments. It can affect such magics regardless of their age and origin, even if they are quiescent, awaiting later activation, within an area or a being. Such an unraveling successfully destroys multiple linked enchantments without triggering their magics, penetrates all known barriers (including prismatic effects and antimagic shells), and is roughly the equivalent of four dispel magic spells.


Level: 9
Components: V,S
Range: 1 "/level
Casting Time: 5 rounds
Duration: 1 round/level
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: 50 square feet

Explanation/Description: Portal is essentially a giant teleport wIthout error spell. but, instead of just affecting the magic-user himself and what he carries, a huge portal is created tht may be shaped in any fashion that is desires so long as the square footage does not exceed fifty. Up to one individual per level of the caster may step through the portal and be teleported without error (as per the spell) to any location on the Prime Material Plane provided that he can fit through the portal. Parts of objects cannot be teleported; the whole object must pass through the surface of the portal or it will not be affected. If the portal is created under someone's feet, then that target will go all through the portal and be teleported to whatever location. The only way that this might even possibly be avoided would be if the target had some sort of levitation or flying magic that would keep him from falling through. Treat teleportation to other planes as is done for teleport without error.

The location to which teleportation will occur may be changed at the expense of one teleport. For example, a 20th level magic-user who casts portal wants to send his henchmen to three different locations. Teleportation is location A if free because it is established during the casting of the spell, but teleportation from A to B and from B to C each cost a teleport. Therefore, a maximum of 18 henchmen would be sent to these locations before the portal becomes useless or disappears.

Power word, liquefy

Level: 9
Components: V
Range: 5 yds./2 lvls.
Casting Time: 1 segment
Duration: Perm.
Saving Throw: Neg.
Area of Effect: 10'-radius

Upon casting this powerful spell, one or more creatures in the affected area are instantly turned to water if they fail saves vs. spells. The spell affects creatures of any type as per power word, kill, and it liquefies one creature with up to 60 hp, or two or more with 10 or fewer hp, up to a maximum of 120 hp. The option to liquefy one or more creatures, the spell range, and area of effect must all be stated before casting. The current hit points of all creatures are also used in calculations.

If the spell is cast underwater, the volume of all creatures liquefied causes no displacement and the liquid disperses in following rounds. The estimated volume of all creatures acts as normal fluid, possibly filling dungeon areas, soaking into the ground, running downhill, or filling empty containers nearby (fountains or pools). Creatures affected are forever slain and, unlike the power word, kill spell, cannot be restored except by a wish or an act of the gods.

Rift (reversible)

Level: 9
Components: V,S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 1 round
Duration: varies
Saving Throw: none
Area of Effect: special

Explanation/Description: Through use of the rift spell, a magic-user is able to open a large gateway between the Prime Material Plane and the Plane of Magic. Pure energy from the Plane of Magic (that energy with which magic-users and illusionists shape their spells) then seeps into the Prime Material Plane. These forces are so potent that they destroy whatever they come into contact with, no saving throw. it takes massive amounts of concentration to control these forces, but the forces are so powerful in their own right that they will remain on the Prime Material for 1 round per level of the caster after concentration ends. The forces snake forth from the gateway in the form of a growing, tendrilled cloud, it moves in the direction of the caster's choice at a rate of 6"/round. However, there is a 1% cumulative chance per round that control over the forces will be lost. Always subtract the level of the caster from this chance. The percent chance of loss of control can never exceed 100- the level of the caster. When control is lost, the forces move at 12"/turn in a randomly determined direction for a number of rounds equal to the level of the caster.

The spell is reversible. Block cuts off all connections with the Plane of Magic within a circle of 1" radius. This circle expands by +1" radius per round of concentration. Block prohibits magic-users or illusionists within the blocked area from drawing energy from the Plane of Magic. Therefore, no spells may be cast within this area. The range of the reverse is five feet per level. Again, the spell lasts for 1 round/level after concentration ends and there is a cumulative 1% per level of spell attempted within the blocked area that the block will collapse from the strain placed upon it. Also, the caster's level is always subtracted from this chance. If loss of control results, a violent explosion will take place. The explosion will cause three points of damage per spell level which had been blocked (or half that with a save). Note that spells already in effect and/or magic items in the area will still operate despite the block spell. This has given rise to some magic-users casting anti-magic shell around themselves before using rift in the event that an explosion does take place.

Skycastle (Apportation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 castle

Casting this spell on a castle or other building gives the castle the ability to fly, controlled by the caster's mental command. Although relatively slow (Movement Rate 30) and clumsy (maneuverability class E), the skycastle has a tremendous carrying capacity and can travel even when the caster is asleep, as it can maintain a particular course and speed unattended.

Siege engines and the like affect the skycastle normally, but do not remove the dweomer until the skycastle has been breached on all four sides. A successful dispel magic removes the spell, however. In both cases, the dweomer is so large and diffuse that it does not end immediatly. When negated, the spell takes time to drain, according to the following schedule:

on round 1 the skycastle stops in mid-flight; on rounds 2-5 it sinks earthward at 10' per round; rounds 6-9 it drops earthward at 100' per round; and from round 10 on it plummets earthward. Plummeting more than 200' destroys the skycastle and kills everyone within. If in doubt, assess falling damage versus the inhabitants normally, plus saving throws vs. death magic for those in danger of death from massive damage, as per the DMG.

Deliberately dropping the skycastle on a soft target such as a cottage or a living creature crushes the target. Dropping it on a hard target damages both structures equally.

To cast the spell, the mage must have an absolutely clear mental image of the skycastle-equal to that gained by overseeing its construction or walking every inch of it for at least one month. Reading a map or blueprints is not sufficient.

The material component of this spell is a beautifully appointed couch or sofa (1,000 gp minimum), which must be occupied by the caster for the entire turn. A new couch must be purchased for each casting.

Tempestcone (Alteration, Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V,S
Range: 0
Casting Time: 9 segments
Duration: 1 rd. per level
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: One creature

This spell creates a shadowy, upright cone of force surrounding the caster or one creature touched by the caster. The cone comes to a point a few feet above the recipient's head, and extends to the floor (or, if the caster is flying, falling, or otherwise removed from a solid surface, to just below the lowest part of the caster's body). The tempestcone moves with the caster, and seems to be a faintly-shrieking, tumultuous chaos of whirling winds and shadowy clouds (hence its name). Its only effect is to "drink" all magic coming into contact with it (including magical-item charges and spells cast by the caster it is protecting), and transforms them into magic missiles.

The caster is unharmed by the whirling cone of winds (and is unaffected by all incoming spell effects); the magic missiles created by a tempestcone whirl around the cone until hurled unerringly at targets within 140' by the being enveloped by the cone. The protected creature can hurl the missiles even if it isn't a spell-caster; a mental command is all that is needed. The missiles are identical in all respects to a magic missile spell.

A tempestcone creates two magic missiles per spell level absorbed, each doing 1d4 + 1 hp damage and flying unerringly at MV Fl 24 (MC: A). If the projectiles pass more than 140' from the cone, or are unused when the spell expires, they fade away harmlessly. Magical-item discharges for which no spell equivalent exists are considered sixth level for purposes of generating magic missiles.

Tobian's Ultimate Circle (Abjuration)

Level: 9
Components: V, S, M
Range: 0
Casting Time: 9 rounds
Duration: 1 turn/lvl
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 2'-diameter circle per level

This spell is the final word in defensive magic: completely invulnerable to those against whom it is cast, yet cannot be used to protect an attacker.

To set the spell, the caster makes a circle using gold dust-at least 500 gp worth per caster's level. While being cast, the wizard decides whether the circle protects against the inside or the outside. If inside, nothing within the lines can escape or attack through the barrier until the spell expires or the circle is broken. If set to protect against the outside, whatever is within the lines is absolutely invulnerable to every conceivable attack.

In all cases, any force or attack brought to bear against the invulnerable side of the circle is reflected back against the initiator of the force. However, if a creature on the protected side moves or attacks through the barrier, willingly or not, the spell is broken.

The above rule has one exception: the caster of the circle can open the circle for an instant to teleportation or planar travel- just long enough to trap someone inside or bring someone across into the protected side. This is the only way a creature can pass through the wall without being reflected back or breaking the spell. The caster can make the circle permanent by casting a permanency spell, though it can still be broken by someone walking through the opposite side. Legends tell of an archmage who did just this, and put a second circle around the first, with the invulnerable side out, thus trapping an enemy inside forever.

Tsunami (Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V, S
Range: Special
Casting Time: 1 turn
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

When this spell is cast, an underwater earthquake is generated that in turn creates a gigantic wave. The wave is high, fast-moving, and is most destructive when it washes over a shoreline, swamping everything in its path as it roars inland. Tsunami can be cast anywhere but is dangerous to the caster unless cast at sea in deep waters. The first effect of this spell is identical to the earthquake spell, centered beneath the sea wizard's feet and spreading in a line in the direction he wishes the tsunami to follow. If cast in deep waters, the vessel tosses and heaves a bit, but does not endanger anyone. In water less than 50 yards deep, a sailing proficiency check is required for the ship's master and crew to maintain control of their vessel amid the suddenly heaving waves.

A tsunami is most effective when cast approximately 1/2 - 1 mile offshore. At that range it is ruinous along a 1-mile broad beachfront, devastating structures along the shore where it hits and destroying everything for 1/2 mile inland. The next 1/4 mile inland suffers heavy flooding. Saving throws vs. spells are required for persons caught in the 1/2 mile danger zone to escape with their lives, or for structures to survive the giant wave. Within the 1/4 mile flood zone, roll d8 to determine how much damage is done to buildings, and allow persons to try to swim or run to safety.

If the tsunami is triggered closer to shore, it attacks half as much beachfront (1/2 mile broad); if triggered farther out to sea, it hits 2-3 miles of beachfront. In either of these instances, however, the tsunami has either dissipated some of its violence, or not had enough room to develop heavy wave action. In such cases, there is no 1/2 mile danger zone along the coast. Waters rush only 1/4 mile inland; flood damage and human endangerment are treated as in the 1/4 mile inland zone described above.

Tymessul's Cerulean Traverse (Alteration/Enchantment)

Level: 9
Components: V,S,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 3 rounds
Duration: 1 day/lvl.
Saving Throw : None
Area of Effect: The caster plus special

When a mage invokes this powerful enchantment, he enables himself and a limited number of companions to journey through space and across planar boundaries. The caster may affect one companion for every six levels he possesses, in addition to himself (all fractions rounded down). For example, a 23rd-level mage could cast the spell upon himself and three companions.

Each recipient of the spell must hold hands with the caster for the entire time that the spell is being cast, or be a part of a circle that includes the recipients and the caster. Any interruption of the circle will ruin the spell. Once the dweomer is cast, the individuals affected by the spell may separate, though the recipients must rejoin in a circle if they wish to cross any planar boundaries. Although there is no saving throw against a cerulean traverse, it will not work on an unwilling or unconscious subject; if this is tried, the entire spell will be ruined for all involved.

The prime function of the traverse is to allow the mage and his companions to move to other planes, as if they had passed through a small, personalized gate. Each planar boundary that is crossed, through the power of the traverse, must be crossed by all the subjects of the spell in unison. Concentration must also be maintained for one round while the planar boundary is crossed. Each planar boundary so crossed reduces the duration of the spell by one day. Furthermore, while under the influence of this spell, no person may cross a planar boundary by any means other than the traverse, including wish, gate, a well of the worlds, or even through the presence of an artifact.

This spell grants certain lesser powers that may be utilized by the recipients, with no need to stay in a circle. These actions include the ability to fly, as per the mage spell fly and the ability to enter into gaseous form at will (along with all equipment) and move thus at three times the normal movement rate. A person in gaseous form is extremely hard to damage, not being subject to most magical attack forms and virtually all physical attacks, but may not cross a magic circle or anti-magic shell.

The use of this spell in no way guarantees the safety of its users once they reach their destination, and will in no way protect them from any damage they may take during their journey or while they are on a foreign plane. The material components of the spell are a circular platinum chain large enough for all who are to be affected by the spell to grasp, which must cost a minimum of 10,000 gp for each person the spell-caster wishes to enchant, and at least 1,000 gp of powdered emerald for each subject, to be sprinkled in a circle enclosing the subjects. The chain is not consumed by the spell, but the powdered emerald is.

Tymessul's Planar Pacifier (Alteration/Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V,M
Range: Touch
Casting Time : 1 per object
Duration: 1 wk./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: 1 object per 6 levels of the caster

The casting of a planar pacifier by a mage enables some types of magical items to operate normally while being used on a foreign plane. The magical items a planar pacifier may affect include only those items that have "pluses" -e.g., swords, shields, armor, rings and cloaks of protection (but not bracers of defense), luck-stones, and so on. The protection extends across one planar boundary for every three levels of the mage casting the spell. While the objects so enchanted remain within this limit, they operate at their normal strength. Thus, a shield +4 taken to the first layer of the Nine Hells is still +4 in strength. However, once the object becomes farther removed than this from its plane of origin, it will lose one "plus" for each additional plane it crosses, over and above the limit imposed by the level of the caster. Thus, if an 18th-level wizard were to protect a sword +4, the sword would remain + 4 on the Astral plane and on the first five layers of the Nine Hells; on the sixth layer, it would be reduced to + 3; on the seventh, + 2; the eighth, + 1; and if taken to the ninth layer, it would lose all magical power as long as it remains there.

The spell-caster loses 1 hp for each item he protects with a planar pacifier, investing this hit point as a bit of energy from the Prime Material plane which surrounds the object and simulates Prime Material plane conditions for the object. Furthermore, the mage may protect only half as many items as he has constitution points (even if he casts the pacifier multiple times). The mage may regain his lost hit points simply by touching the enspelled items within one day of the end of the dweomer. If the magic is dispelled or otherwise removed from the item (e.g., by means of Mordenkainen's disjunction or a rod of cancellation), the hit points are permanently lost and may be regained only by means of a wish. The pacifier cannot be removed by dispel magic, but more powerful magicks may dispel it.

Magical items from other planes may be protected in a similar manner, but only if the caster comes from the same plane as the item to be protected, or is able to expend a wish to enhance the pacifier's power (which will also make the pacifier permanent). In any case, the spell will work only if cast while on the item's plane of origin. The material components of this spell are a drop of the caster's blood and 5,000 gp worth of powdered diamond for each item to be protected. Both substances are consumed when the spell is cast.

Windwar (Invocation/Evocation)

Level: 9
Components: V,S
Range: 0
Casting Time : 9 segments
Duration: 1 trn. +3 rnds./lvl.
Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 1-mile-radius sphere

This spell brings forth a powerful tempest of thunder, lightning, wind, and rain that may damage multiple targets in aerial combat with the caster. The primary effect of the spell is its turbulent winds.

Winds continually buffet and whip all targets in the area of effect, tossing them through the air in various random directions. In order to simulate the swirling of wind in the area of effect, roll 1d8 for the compass direction (1 = N, 2 = NE, 3 = E, etc.) and 1d6 x 10 for the distance in yards that each target is flung through the air. However, the effects of the winds on all aerial targets are variable according to the victims sizes.

Small targets of 2 HD or less take 2-16 hp damage per round and are hurled twice the usual distance; attacking, defending, and normal movement are impossible. Man-sized targets are buffeted as per normal rules, taking 1-8 hp damage per round, but otherwise move at half-speed and attack at -4 to hit. Larger-than-man-sized creatures have their movement reduced by one-third, but they aren't buffeted about and take no damage; larger beasts are unaffected. Creatures composed of air (air elementals, aerial servants, etc.) are also completely unaffected by the winds created by the spell. The DM may deem that other creatures with considerable power over the air are likewise totally unaffected. Spells that generate gaseous effects, such as cloudkill, are immediately disrupted by casting windwar.

Lightning also strikes out at selected living targets in the area of effect: 1d4 single lightning bolts affect randomly selected targets every 1d6 rounds as per the spell lightning bolt. The bolts do 3d6 hp damage to one target each, and a saving throw for half damage is applicable. Targets should be selected randomly by the DM.

In addition, thunderclaps sound every time the lightning bolts strike. All targets in the air must save vs. paralyzation or be stunned for one round by the deafening thunder. Those affected are stunned and unable to act for the round. Flying creatures with less than 8 HD also must make a second save vs. paralyzation to remain aloft, otherwise plummeting to earth.

The heavy, swirling rains in the area also reduce visibility to one-half but cause no damage, except to those creatures affected by water. (As a general rule, such creatures take 1d6 hp damage per round in the area of effect.)

The caster must be airborne for the spell to work, and it will cease to function if its area of effect ever contacts the ground. The caster himself is never affected by the spell, save for the reduction in visibility, and any mount he may be riding is likewise unaffected. The spell follows the caster wherever he flies and continues to affect all other targets in the area regardless of his wishes.

Worldwalk (Alteration)

Level: 9
Components: VS,(M)
Range: 3"
Casting Time: 3 segments
Duration: Special
Saving Throw: None
Area of Effect: Special

Explanation/Description: By means of this spell, an ultra-dimensional connection is temporarily created between the plane of existence the caster is on and another, chosen by the caster. This portal, similar to a gate, resembles a circular, shimmering disc of force, floating on edge just above the ground up to 3" distant from the caster, located as he or she wills. The portal can be placed against solid material (such as walls), and will function normally, or may be cast in mid-air, so that it is reachable only by creatures able to levitate or fly. If a specific location is not chosen by the caster, the portal will always appear in front of the caster in the direction the latter is facing, 1" distant, so that it can easily be stepped through.

The portal will last for up to 1 turn per level of the caster, unless the latter causes it to vanish (which can be done at will), but while the portal is in existence, creatures can pass through it freely from both sides. If a portal is dispelled (by dispel magic or upon the will of the caster) while a creature is traversing it, that creature will be flung into the uppermost plane of Limbo. The caster need not concentrate on the portal to maintain its existence. After casting, the subsequent absence, death, or mental disability (such as unconsciousness, feeblemindedness, etc.) of the caster will not affect the portal. The portal has a diameter of 2", and any creature able to pass within its confines can use it. Creatures able to assume or revert to a smaller form (such as a magic-user employing polymorph self) will be forced into that form by the portal's nature if (and only if) they cannot pass through it otherwise; creatures too large to pass through the portal are simply left behind; the portal has no effect on them. A creature takes 1 segment to traverse a portal (not including any time taken to approach it); thus, a maximum of ten creatures can pass through a portal in a given round (if they are lined up and ready at the beginning of the round). Missiles and other objects not borne directly by a creature will not pass through a portal; they will be deposited at random in Limbo (see above).

The plane reached by a portal may be one known to (and visualized during casting by) the spell-caster, or an unknown plane from which the caster has solid physical material of any size (which must be touched or grasped when the spell is cast; this becomes a material component of the spell, but is not consumed, and may be carried through the portal if it will fit, without causing the portal to vanish), or at random. Note that any spell components carried by a magic-user are likely to have come from his or her own plane of existence. A portal may also be created to reach a random (unknown) plane.

There is a possibility of error in the destination reached by the portal, of 100% if the caster is of first level, 95% if of second level, and so on, decreasing by 5% per level. A wrong direction is more likely (60%) to be another (parallel) Prime Material Plane, rather than other sorts of planes of existence. A portal's destination cannot be changed, once it is created. If a word walk is cast to reach a plane merely heard of, or one fullfilling certain imagined conditions (i.e., "where magic does not work"), the destination is 10% (+ 1% per level of the caster) likely to be such a plane (if one exists); the destination will otherwise be at random. (In Elminster's case, many planes are initially reached via research from written records, encountered inter-planar travelers, and a few by random exploration.)

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This page and its contents are presented solely for the purpose of the RPG game events conducted by a private group. Any references to people or places is explicitly within the context of these RPG games and has no connection to any other similarly named source.

Bob Senkewicz / Howell, New Jersey /